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Sure he edited the question but it is still unclear.
@RegDwighт And I don't feel that is counter to sportsmanship. It is contingent.
@Cerberus We call being below the ground in Holland being all wet.
Ah, but we have these artifices called dykes.
Which badge?
Noöne gets wet.
@Cerberus No, you don’t. You have huts on chicken legs.
I thought everyone had that.
@Cerberus but we were discussing the Sportsmanship badge at that time. So I took your post to mean you'll only upvote competing answers if you have a comfortable lead.
@tchrist We do have terps, but they are Frisian, not Hollandish.
@kitfox Did you ask about CentOS long ago? Are you using it now?
@JasonBourne No and no.
@KitFox everyone thinks they deserve it but none are willing to give it out
I've given it out plenty in my day.
They suggested giving a backstabber badge for downvoting 100 competing answers in the math room.
@Cerberus If you say so, Baba.
I can think of one user who would get that badge on this site.
@KitFox Let me guess...
Erm it must be Kris?
Houses and other buildings built on mounds.
Quite cool.
No wet feet, as you can see in the picture.
Kris has 973 up and 614 down.
OMG huge pictures.
My Nokia 3310 can't handle it.
@MattЭллен has 78 competing answers on 65 questions.
I have 7727 up and 1284 down. I need to up more and down less.
Building a house on stilts is in no way effective or economical.
Избу́шка на ку́рьих но́жках — жилище персонажа русских сказок, Бабы-Яги, «Избушка, избушка! Стань к лесу задом, ко мне передом», «Повернись туды дворцом, сюды крыльцом», «Воротись, избушка, к лесу глазами, ко мне, молодцу, воротами»). История образа Возникновение образа Избушки на курьих ножках исторически связывается с деревянными срубами, которые в древности на Руси ставились на пеньки с обрубленными корнями, чтоб предохранить дерево от гниения. По смыслу сказочного повествования Избушка на курьих ножках преграждает герою путь к его волшебной цели и в то же время является единстве...
I think answers should have tags the same way questions do. I propose as the first of many useful tags.
That's what earth is for.
@RegDwighт so I can't even get the badge yet. dang nab it
Q: "et al" usage question migration

eykanalSomeone recently asked a question on Academia related to the usage of "et al" in a sentence. We closed it as off-topic, and we want to know whether it's fit for a migration to your site.

Really great picture of a terp.
Hah. That image actually only reminded me of that cabin the Wikipedia article is about. I only noticed the article uses the exact same image after it got inlined here.
@RegDwighт You're crazy.
huge image hosted not at imgur. omg. how could you. now you have stolen my identity
@KitFox I think this is a good question.
@MattЭллен How ’bout dem tailless kitties?
@tchrist Reminds me of Sai Baba, the cheat in India.
@tchrist Very Modest of you.
I’m left handed.
@tchrist Same here. Fools seldom differ.
@tchrist they terrorise the tourists and get right in the way during the motorbike racing season.
Umm you dropped something. Can you come pick these up please?
@Cerberus Is that Kit in the pic?
Who knows?
wait, I mean... I live in Oxford and have never heard of a manx cat
Oh I have to go.
@Cerberus Poof!
CU @Cerberus
@JasonBourne She is resting under the troll’s chin. Best be gone by nightfall.
@MattЭллен Hey, Matt, John Lawler says he can't access the blog. Is there a problem? I noticed the other day it seemed to be down.
let me check...
Is Matt in charge of the blog? Should he be given a ruby instead of a diamond?
@Robusto I can get to the public side and the admin side, so it seems fine at the moment.
Alas I can't log in to the blog, for some technical reason. — John Lawler 8 hours ago
@Robusto I found out who Hugh Jass is, you mentioned him that day.
So the Sportsmanship badge...@Reg are you figuring out who could get it? I feel like i must be eligible, but I don't really want to go count.
@Robusto Does he have permissions?
Have I been missing the Lawler at the blog meetings?
@kit Your new fox is very pretty.
Not that I go to those.
@JasonBourne Thanks. A friend gave it to me.
Barrie England has access. I don't think Lawler has asked to post
@KitFox I dunno. He would no doubt be a valuable contributor, so he ought to get them.
@KitFox I have changed the time to be 3pm GMT, so that only I can attend.
@Robusto I agree.
@MattЭллен It's on my consulting day, so I can't goof off.
Is Kristina Lopez related to Jennifer Lopez?
define related
Fumble Fingers seems to have fallen in love with her.
15 hours ago, by Shog9
I'm not convinced you can blame that on the Israelis
@MattЭллен I don't get it, but never mind.
@JasonBourne it's a non-sequitr, I thought you'd like it
@MattЭллен Ah!
@KitFox yeah I'm tallying stuff.
4 more committers to private beta for ELL!
I am so excited even though I am not joining!
Hmm, I perceive that someone is going for the Sportsmanship badge. Naming no names.
@RegDwighт Do multiple votes count, or only one per question?
@Robusto Hmm, I thought I was being transparent. But I'm concerned that I will trigger a script.
@Robusto Ah, you don't have it!
I think only one per question. Otherwise you could get Sportsmanship for one question alone.
8360 KitFox 217 122 91
Since apparently someone is often posting competing answers.
@KitFox You very well may.
217 answers, 122 competing on 91 questions.
Funniest thing I have read all morning:
@StoneyB - before we click on the link can you clarify which of tchrist's definitions you are explaining how to make ;-) — mgb 9 hours ago
Ah! It seems most people in this room don't have Sportsmanship Badge!
Déjà vu.
So I would need to upvote an answer on every question where I have +1 answer, and then do nine more.
Is that right?
I am so proud of myself for being a Sportsman.
Well, depends on your definition of "right".
Some might say it's not right to upvote crap.
Assuming that there are answers worthy of upvoting.
@KitFox Worthiness does not factor into the metric.
@tchrist I wasn't talking about the metric.
I wonder how close I am. A lot of the ones I have looked at, I've already upvoted a competing answer.
This needs help:
Q: When would I use "transience" vs "impermanence"?

Hanno FietzI was looking for the translation of the German word "Vergänglichkeit", and the most suitable candidates from the contexts I looked at seemed to be impermanence and transience. I found the following text samples via linguee.com where the two words are used in contexts comparable to mine. From th...

The batsman was stood on his crease
Wanting the bowling cease
he was getting quite hot
in a match fixing plot
hoping not to be caught by police
@tchrist What sort of help?
How are ELUers supposed to know the best translation for Vergänglichkeit, something he never defines?
So I have narrowed it down to 50 people now. At least one of them banned, at least one other one inactive.
@tchrist Well, depends on how you want to interpret his question. Rather than see it as translation, one can just elaborate on the difference between the two English words.
Technically, he didn't ask for a translation, but used the translation as context for his question on word choice.
@JasonBourne Not Constructive.
@tchrist It could be a great question on subtle differences rather than that.
@JasonBourne Guessing what the poster wants is hardly constructive.
Ugh. I'm tired of this already.
@KitFox It's OK, you can get the badge another day, no hurry.
@JasonBourne the problem is that the choice is all about translation. We can tell him how to choose between the two words in situation X, but not in his situation.
His situation is undefined.
@RegDwighт Dear R has provided an answer.
Though of course the question is more fleshed out than most questions we get.
@RegDwighт Which is why I answered generally. They are synonyms. End of story.
ah! so: "How do I choose between transience and impermanence when dividing by zero?"
@Robusto Yeah.
You forgot to say they are perfect synonyms, though.
You should have added "technically,", too.
Technically, they are perfect synonyms.
Now I need to answer to I can have a competing... sigh. I'm going to go get coffee.
@KitFox why do you care about a stupid badge all of a sudden? Just because Jasper mentioned it? Come on, he mentions fifty stupid stuffs a day.
@RegDwighт You're being kind. Surely the number is not that low.
@RegDwighт No, because you were doing stats.
@Robusto That's the highest number I know, though.
@RegDwighт Lies.
Nov 22 '12 at 15:45, by RegDwighт
Russia: OVER 9000, China: OVER 9000 times OVER 9000.
@RegDwighт Tru dat.
@Robusto how is that higher than 50?
it's over 9000
Do you mean high in the drug sense?
I mean high as in hello.
@Robusto I almost like “fugitive ephemerae” (not ephemerides), but that’s musty mumblespeak.
That's spelled OHAI.
Do you mean fugacious?
That, too.
You can use fugitive to mean fugacious, although I agree it is not the primary sense that springs to mind in today’s writers.
I can use fugitive to mean "orange elephant".
fugitive (adj): fleeing, esp from arrest or pursuit — not permanent; fleeting; transient — moving or roving about
> The fugitive visited a supermarket yesterday.
A fugitive is a fungal incentive.
That was no fugitive, it was merely a transient.
It was an orange elephant.
I saw it with my own eyes.
@dumb Why purple? Because it stimulates creativity?
that's not news. seeing it with someone else's eyes, that's news.
Daltonism International Speedway.
@JasonBourne I am not so cool at cognitive stuff. But I like purple.
@DumbCow I think purple is the ugliest colour.
that's just because it has a higher frequency than blue and you're jealous.
@JasonBourne Try spectral colors. They are better.
@MattЭллен That is just so wrong.
@tchrist oh you and your science.
you can prove anything even remotely true with facts
Violet has a higher frequency than blue. Purple is not spectral.
Red is lower in frequency.
@tchrist purple is violet
Purple is violent. Just look at a bruise.
@MattЭллен Reading Pravda again, eh?
Wah, I don't want to go to work today.
Purple is no more violet than pink is red. Everyone knows that pink is purple.
But pink is not violet. QED.
pink is red+white. everyone knows that
No, it is not.
It is red and blue, with a little green.
clearly you're not up on things
if I mix red and white, I get pink
Feathers may be down on things.
You do not “mix white”.
Pink is a desaturated purple.
don't let your son... etc
Depends on whether it is light or paint.
You desaturated by adding in the missing color.
@tchrist I mix white with red when necessary
Q: How to use the word "wagered"

JockXIn a game of slot machines, can you call a payline you bet on "a wagered payline"?

Whoa. This may be the most important question ever asked.
Since purple is red and blue, adding green whitens it.
The word mwahahaha appears in ODO.
@Robusto the dog waggered its tail when it was happy
@JasonBourne I’m a light-writer, not a mud-dauber.
@MattЭллен Except @Cerberus wags his heads, not his tails. He is a poor substitution for the randomness of a coin toss.
@MattЭллен White is not a spectral color. Speak in spectral colors only, please. Otherwise I’m just going to paint the ceiling beige and think of England.
I have 2 stars on the wall, amazing.
@JasonBourne The word troll was also added to ODO last year.
@tchrist you should speak in paint colours only, then at least you'd be able to make pink.
@DumbCow I am a troll.
@JasonBourne Mirabile visu, not.
@JasonBourne A troll does not simply say that they're a troll.
A troll is one who self-indulges in trolleries, I trow.
@Robusto and the answer is "You can call it Susan if you wish".
a troll would say (without the expletives deleted): "You stupid **** I'm a ******** troll and I just **** your mum in the ***"
That's not a troll, that's a customer.
hmmm. I do see the close comparison
I must say more random things to get more random stars.
not random, interesting
Jasper now has officially misunderstood everything. Congratulations, Jasper!
I now have another star. This is a miracle!
cc/oed everything
finds himself in the state of Botswana.
@JasonBourne YW.
I saw a very beautiful woman on ELL. Perhaps I should join...
Why do we always get all these Math.SE expats?
@JasonBourne lol
emigrants. This is the richer community ;)
@tchrist Wow, where?
@DumbCow What happened to your cow picture?
emigrant, emigrate, emigrated, emigrating, emigration, emigrational, emigrationist, emigrator, emigratory, émigré
I find it surprising that there should be more emigr- words than immigr- words.
Haha, I must tell Mitch about my new love...
Hello @trig. You are wearing the same tie.
@JasonBourne Hi.
I really will change that icon one day.
@TRiG Yes, I am excited to see your most recent pic...

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