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To think that you are almost twice my age!
Or thereabouts.
@simchona Here is another RSS, which updates immediately.
I'm going to use these on my phone.
2 hours later…
@all Hi, I am not certain of one phrase my wife likes to use :: students did not have many chances to be accepted. Is it okay to say that? Something tells me that I would change to "Students did not have a chance to be accepted". Thanks, SunnyBoy
It's fine to say "many chances" or "a chance" or "any chance" ... it all depends on what you mean.
Thanks, Robusto. I have simply never seen that phrase used either in a book/textbook or in spoken language
If there were some chances, but not a lot, it would be fine to say "many"; if there was only a single chance, then "a chance" would work.
I see. Could we compound, say, college acceptance to "a chance"?
For example : There are many colleges that I have applied to, however, I do not stand many chances of being accepted.
Of course I did not compound the number of applications into one as I suggested... hopefully my statement makes senses
Sounds like what you want to way is something like: "I applied to many colleges, but I do not stand much of a chance of being accepted."
Yes, much of a chance is no doubt what Sunny meant.
sunny / yesterday my life was filled with rain
sunny / you smiled at me and really really eased the pain
fires last round into chat's corpse
@cornbreadninja rolls body over. pokes maggoty sores with stick. roll body back
@JasperLoy: Dude...you're back!
@Mitch I was about to say hey dude!
hey dudes!
@Mitch nice imagery.
@mitch But Ashton and Demi divorced!
Dude... I am forward!
Does this sentence make sense to you?
> Study of properties of plans and exercises for women
3 mins ago, by Gigili
> Study of properties of plans and exercises for women
@Gigili One needs patience.
27 secs ago, by Gigili
3 mins ago, by Gigili
> Study of properties of plans and exercises for women
@Gigili It is not clear what is meant by that.
Is that correct @Mitch?
@Robusto grooves
There are different ways to parse it, and even if one decides on a way, the meanig is still not clear.
Oh I see you don't like my answer @gigili
So I think I won't answer you anymore.
Is that the whole sentence?
It is.
OK @gigili I will never answer you again because you don't trust me.
@Gigili That is a phrase, not a sentence.
I was about to go into the different interpretations of it.
@JasperLoy You didn't answer, you just asked a whole bunch of questions.
2 mins ago, by Jasper Loy
@Gigili It is not clear what is meant by that.
But I think I will save my breath now...
@Robusto Whatever it is, does it make sense to you?
_poking the maggots started the oozing_
_more images on the way_
@Gigili It makes sense as far as it goes, bu t it needs something more.
@JasperLoy so it didn't work out...maybe age made a difference, maybe not.
@Mitch Hmm, OK. I have been reading online about success stories where the age gap is 20 years...
I was about to give gigili a fantastic answer, but now she will never hear it.
@JasperLoy works mostly for older men and younger women simply by numbers. (number of examples)
And yet cougars have helped many a young man ...
@Gigili It is grammatical (with two parsings, so possibly ambiguous). But as to meaning, some of those don't go together naturally.
@Robusto Study of plans and exercises which are specific to women, to find out what's special about them or something.
Is this better:
"Study of (properties of plans) and (exercises for women)"
Is this a title?
"Study of properties of ((plans and exercises) for women)"
> Study of properties of exercises and sports activities for women
More grooving.
@Mitch Actually, more than two, so many...
@Mitch This one.
@Gigili That makes much more sense: "Study of properties of ((exercises and sports activities) for women)"
Thank you @Mitch.
I am pissed.
Thanks @JasperLoy.
It parses naturally as I parenthesized it.
@JasperLoy drunk or angry?
@Gigili OK, I will still try to answer you next time. But great minds give great answers that take long to type and long to understand.
Shit. @Gigili left before we could tell her that phrase is also a terrible not-so-secret code that is an epithet against the people who will most likely read it.
@Mitch No shitting in this chat!
@JasperLoy But great writers say in a few words what is immediately apprehended and enlightening.
@Robusto Exactly, so before I gave the details I already gave the summary which was too deep to fathom.
@corn Are your new year resolutions to be less gassy and sweeter, like pepsi is to coke?
@JasperLoy you bet!
@Mitch I enjoyed watching Desperate Housewives.
But like I mentioned 9000 times, my favourite drama series is ...
The Wonder Years
What is she saying exactly?
"Helper's [something]"?
When she's enumerating?
Yeah, the second thing.
By the way, what do you think, are pronunciation questions on topic?
It is very localised, but I couldn't look it up anywhere.
Of course I could probably Google-fu it myself, but not everyone can. (I ask here because it is more enjoyable.)
She says "helper's high, and it's the feeling you have.."
Hmm yeah really think so? I was thinking it should be that, but what she said sounded nothing like that!
listening again
I seem to hear "Helper's thoa".
@JasperLoy Too deep to fathom or scarcely deep enough to wet my feet?
Perhaps the "t" sound is part of the background music.
@simchona This.
@Cerberus Nah, "helper's high" ... "and it makes you feel really good."
Do you clearly hear this, or do you think it just has to be this because it can't be anything else?
I suppose it is the only thing that makes sense.
@Cerberus I hear "hoah" and parse it as high.
Hmm yes, the "t" is indeed from the music.
At least I am glad you agree about the vowel.
High was the first thing I thought of, because of Runner's High, but I rejected it because neither consonant nor vowel seemed to match /hai/.
I'd even say it's more like h'ah, and high in a lot of American accents would be pronounced hah or haee, but this one is truncated by a sudden loud sound. Anyway, it's high, like I ought to be.
After my bedtime. Night!
It's high time, I suppose.
Good night!
@Robusto Yeah, I considered thought, but it didn't make sense, and the ending t was absent.
I am being a troll
Q: Stuff happen or stuff happens?

JoshIs it "bad stuff happens to good people", Or "bad stuff happen to good people"?

Please get rid of this one quickly, thanks.
@Mahnax Like delete it?
hell, I just answered the question.
@Noah I will be waiting for your Ark.
@JasperLoy Don't. I had a terrible dream. It's going to be the next Titanic.
@Noah Then it's a fake Ark.
@Noah Hi, I am also a troll.
@Mahnax This is very bad and should be downvoted.
@JasperLoy Indeed.
@Noah Sure. It's junk.
Hi, everyone. Are we all well?
I am. How are you?
I'm OK. Long day. My father and my son both came for lunch. I seem to have been frantically busy all day.
Today was a busy day for me as well, actually.
Yeah. I've been taking care of the house, went to work, picked up some sushi, went to a tea party, had to deal with a menace (read: Shih Tzu), etc.
You have shih tzui?
Yes, the family pet is a Shih Tzu/Havanese that acts like a bad Shih Tzu.
She knocked over four rubbish bins in the house and then ran out onto the road this morning.
Oh dear. How old is she?
I chased after her, barefoot, in the snow. It would have been comical if my feet hadn't been so cold.
She's three years old.
All hope is lost.
@Mahnax It does sound a little Pythonesque, to be sure.
@DavidWallace Heh, maybe just a little.
Tomorrow I'm working at a different Starbucks location. It will be interesting.
Closer to or further from your home?
Around 100m closer.
Per Google Maps, that is.
I see you have checked. Great. We don't have them particularly close together here.
They are very popular here.
My city contains one Starbucks. The Wellington CBD has three.
Tim Horton's is just as popular, though. Probably more so—it's cheap.
I have never heard of it. I guess we don't have it.
@DavidWallace How many people live in your city?
Tim Horton's is a Canadian coffee chain. There are a few in Northern USA, but the rest are in Canada.
It was 1995 when I was last in Canada.
Toronto, right?
Yes, you have a fine memory.
Heh, thank you.
And I didn't really have time to investigate coffee shops. It was not a holiday.
Hrrm. Back in '95, Toronto would have had a few.
The first Canadian Starbucks was in Vancouver, in '87.
Maybe I just wasn't paying too much attention. I didn't get out and see terribly much of Toronto.
On an unrelated note, my parents are making me go to church alone tomorrow. They are out of town with my brothers.
I'm… terribly excited.
Are they going to check whether you went?
I'm not sure. They might.
I certainly wouldn't put it past them. I'm going, at any rate.
What would be the consequences if they found out that you didn't go?
I really don't know.
It's been so long since I've needed to be punished for anything.
He put in his thumb and pulled out a plum, and said "what a good boy am I".
Sorry, not my place to ask that.
The second one, if any.
I've asked a few intrusive questions, I can surely answer that one!
My mum talked to me about religion the other night and I found her surprisingly more moderate than usual.
Did you tell her the truth?
You're obviously not 100% sure about atheism, otherwise you wouldn't have been asking so many questions about Islam.
She asked if I was comfortable with the beliefs I grew up with, and I said "not really".
Oh, good for you.
Did you tell her what specific difficulties you were having with them?
@DavidWallace I'm sorry, but that is not accurate.
Don't be sorry.
@DavidWallace A little bit. There were littler ones around.
Are they largely technical, doctrinal difficulties? Or difficulties with some of the broader concepts?
Well, I simply find many of the broader concepts unbelievable.
Yes, they can be pretty remarkable can't they!
Christianity seems to stress "God is love".
This is evidently not the case.
Umm, I have the utmost respect for Christianity, even if my past remarks have seemed contrary to this. It is a hard one to get one's head around though.
I spent years believing that stuff. Believe me, I'm familiar with the traditional (and some untraditional) "explanations".
Yes, but there are "explanations", and then there is stuff that you can pick up and actually believe. They're not necessarily the same thing.
I can respect the belief in the existence of a deity, and I can respect some of the New Testament's doctrine, but that is the extent of my respect for Christianity.
The Qur'an doesn't mention love very much. Only a little. But every chapter (except one, I think) describes God as "the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful". Which is kind of different.
Perhaps that is too harsh, but that is how I feel, heh.
@DavidWallace Interesting.
@Mahnax No, I can understand that.
Although one of the 99 names of Allah is al-Wadood, which means "the loving one".
I say "interesting" too much.
@Mahnax I agree with the latter half.
@Cerberus Some of the NT's doctrine?
Fair enough.
Some of that was actually an improvement over Roman and Greek traditions.
Well, you know.
For all you straight girls who are against gay marriage: you will regret it, as these lesbians will tell you, who are going to marry your boyfriends.
Interesting! ...
And ask forgiveness of your Lord and then repent to Him. Indeed, my Lord is Merciful and Affectionate. - Qur'an 11:90, Sahih International interpretation.
But ask forgiveness of your Lord, and turn unto Him (in repentance): For my Lord is indeed full of mercy and loving-kindness. - Qur'an 11:90, Yusuf Ali interpretation
These are actually funny lesbians! Who'd have thunk.
And some are pretty hawt too.
In a previous life, perhaps.
Or is that blasphemy?
I am glad that you have repented.
Hmm, Islam seems to be opposed to homosexuality as well.
Most old texts were.
Umm, anal intercourse is a sin. Being homosexual is not.
But modern believers are often more flexible.
You're quite vulgar for a Muslim!
As far as I recall. Of course, as I keep saying, I am NOT an Islamic scholar; you should NOT take my words for such things.
averts eyes
@Cerberus Really?
I can't believe people even contemplate the exact sexual acts of others.
It is absurd.
@Cerberus You're quite dishonest for an atheist.
Excuse me?
You can't believe that people contemplate the sexual acts of others?
The whole pornography industry is based on the contemplation of the sexual acts of others.
Not like this.
This is not porn.
Religious tracts about sexual acts by random strangers.
Quite vulgar.
How is a scripture that mentions sex vulgar?
It is!
Have you read Leviticus?
I would rather not. I know the Bible contains similar passages.
I do not personally recommend reading Leviticus.
Anal intercourse can lead to all sorts of harm. Surely any document that advises against it is actually helpful?
I can barely look at your line.
Travel by automobile can also lead to all sorts of harm. I would not call a document that advises against it helpful.
@Cerberus You are actually taking the piss, aren't you?
I am starting to have fleeting doubts.
I'm mostly serious.
I find explicit notions of sexuality in religious tracts absurd, and I am mostly quite prudish, but I can deal with that.
Because they are religious tracts? Or do explicit notions of sexuality anywhere offend you?
The idea that a priest would be handing the genitals of babies is the absurdest thing ever.
You think that sexuality and religion should be kept separate, is that it?
And yet they regularly cut off bits of baby genital. Religion makes me think of purity, white robes, serenity, nobility, contemplation.
Sorry, I am just completely baffled by your attitude.
I understand that this is normal, but it never ceases to amaze me.
Why is circumcision even a thing?
Yes, I have to confess that I am very confused by circumcision.
It's for purity, or cleanliness, I think.
@Mahnax Actually, it's not so much of a thing.
It is an ancient Semitic/Hamitic custom, I believe.
Yes, but… why?
Probably inherited from prehistorical times.
I'm not sure why.
With girls, I think it is sometimes seen as a means to prevent fornication and adultery.
With boys, there could be many explanations.
Perhaps overlapping.
Yes, FGM is supposed to prevent a woman from experiencing pleasure during intercourse, I believe.
What a disgusting notion.
Desert sand, preventing masturbation, an arbitrary custom...
Female Genital Mutilation.
Q: Why is circumcision required in islam?

MohammedI have read in many places that circumcision hasn't proven to be any helpful to health and no advantages to it have been found. Why are we required to have circumcision when we are born? Are there any ahadith regarding this ruling?

I find it completely absurd.
But such is human culture.
Most historians agree, by the way, that many customs never served any major practical purpose.
Much is just random.
Hah, I misread "adze" as "axe" in the second Bukhari quote on that page.
Some things that are now useless or even harmful were once useful, but not all.
It is very painful.
Why anyone would willingly mutilate the genitals of an infant, tradition or no tradition, is beyond me.
Seriously. It's a sickening practice.
And to me.
On a lighter note, same-sex marriage is now legal in Maine.
There are some nuances to all this.
Kit and JSB brought it up a while ago.
Cooled me down a bit.
What did they bring up that cooled you down?
A nuanced view of circumcision.
How maybe it wasn't so bad.
I don't remember exactly what they said.
It is bad, though.
I'm not supposed to agree.
With me, or them?
With you.
I came off as lacking a nuanced view.
I refuse to have a nuanced view on this matter. It is a disgusting practice, period. I do not care about "later health benefits" if they are achieved by inflicting large amounts of pain on an infant.
Mar 27 at 19:29, by Cerberus
@JSBᾶngs I suppose. But I consider it harm. You make an irreversible change to a child's body.
@Mahnax The health benefits are bogus.
@Cerberus I kind of guessed that they would be.
I should go to bed. I have work tomorrow and it's 2:11.
Bonne nuit.
Good night, everyone. Sorry if I offended anyone with my displays of fury! ;-)
Try not to think of you-know-what.
My dreams will be full of burning cities and pillars of salt, no doubt. Farewell, then.
@Mahnax Not in the slightest. I admit to being confused by the whole issue. I am not as certain as Cerberus that the health benefits are bogus.
Not all can be as certain as I.
This is not a problem.
And I must say that I do not know how I would react if one of the Islamic scholars who advises me in the ways of Islam were to insist that I become circumcised myself.
It is said to be a terrible ordeal for an adult.
Of course, scholars do not insist on such things; but one could easily point out that God thus commands, which would amount to the same thing.
And yet Ibrahim (PBUH) was circumcised at the age of 80.
tries to think of puppies and whales
Along with all the men who lived in his house.
Anything else.
Can we please stop talking about penises?
Thank you.
You're scaring the doggy.
It's not like there isn't enough porn on the Internet already.
My mother once used the word "sex".
Only once?
My brother and I were shocked.
You're not twins, right?
Yes, well, I can't think of any other time.
No, we are not twins.
We yelled at her, "Mum!!!".
With all six heads?
We're not twins.
Hah, five then.
I saw Les Mis yesterday. Eddie Redmayne is my new favorite.
Was it good?
Depends if you already like the musical. I thought it was good; reviews don't really agree.
It is rather famous, but somehow I've never seen it.
He's worth seeing. And the movie too.
Also noted.
I'm really enjoying the lesbians.
@Robusto will disapprove, but they are truly funny.

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