The source doc itself discusses many problems with the data
I find the idea that 45% of Toronto is foreign-born a little surprising. but then again, on my street alone, out of 23 neighbours that I talk to, definitely 10 of them are foreign born.
I don't trust that my data won't get lost or my account disabled or books that I've bought retroactively un-bought. I don't like that they're hard to share.
@DavidWallace well, there is that. But I like having a wall of books to browse. I like the fact that if a book gets damaged it's like $10 to replace, but if an e-reader gets damaged it's way more.
And you can get used books. for cheap or for free.
Now, I've read lots of ebooks, and that was back in the old days when I had to do it on my PDA, and I loved having a library of books in my pocket. But those were all bootleg ebooks. What I'd like is if I could buy an ebook and print book at the same time and get the ebook on physical media that's resistant to decay. Like a CD.
@DavidWallace I think I've taken exactly one "bath" in the last decade. It's showers for me. I haven't found a suitable book for those.
I would like to have a shower with a wall that I can plug a flash drive into.
I guess there could be a base unit in a different room, so you could put your DVD or your flash drive or whatever in before you have your shower. The wall of the shower would then just have a basic UI, with, like "next page" and "previous page" buttons, and not much else.
Audiobooks are not a bad idea either. But again, I usually want to READ. So I'd want the audiobook to be included with the book/ebook combo. So that I could read, and when convenient, have the book read to me, then continue reading where I left off.
I should just hire an assistant, who can carry the books around and follow me everywhere, and read to me as needed.
As the discussions in chat show, many of us, especially who have been here from remote time, have become increasingly concerned at the prevalence of low quality questions. At first we stood by - hoping that we could get the low quality basic questions out of the way and grow into expert, high qua...
@Cerberus Your answer on Meta is precisely why I didn't want to merge the questions. I'm ambivalent either way on blacklisting LMGTFY, but I want the opinions kind of segregated