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@Robusto Till today, I am not sure what yuppies really mean.
I always imagine them to be puppies because it rhymes.
Yuppies => YUPpies => Young Urban Professionals => douchebags in expensive cars and clothes who think they're entitled to more of everything than you are.
I have a great story about The Day I Stuck It To A Yuppie Prick In A Mercedes. Remind me to tell it to you all sometime.
Ah, most of them are quite stupid I think.
I also have one about The Day I Stuck It To A Yuppie Prick In A BMW, but it's not quite as good.
You sure like to stick it into cars.
And why not?
Life is short. Might as well have fun.
Unless there is an afterlife.
Cars never get pregnant. Or talk while you're trying to watch football.
@WillHunting Better not have fun if there is an afterlife?
@WillHunting No afterlife. This is it.
@Robusto I think there are at least seven greatest minds working on just that as we speak.
Huey Lewis said it. It must be true.
@WillHunting Even the orthodox Christian position is better not be selfish if there is an afterlife. Nothing in there about not having fun.
@ΜετάEd I know I know, I think you know what I mean too.
When it comes time for me to shuffle off this mortal coil, I won't look back and regret all the times I made fun of pineapples in ELU chat. I'll only regret the things I held back — which were damned few and far between, as you'll attest.
@WillHunting hey.
@Robusto Hey, I heard you have a story about some guy in a car. What happened?
@Robusto You can call me pineapple all you want, I'm lovin' it!
@WillHunting I think people misunderstand one another about half the time, to a smaller or larger extent. So I doubt I know what you mean.
@ΜετάEd Ah never mind, not important.
@Robusto you sure don't hold back fine music.
@Robusto The things held back, sometimes those are the best ones.
@Mitch I think it is time for me to let it all out and settle scores with my enemies...
Except for poop.
Don't hold back on that.
Just a life lesson.
I give that to you for free.
(the life lesson, not the poop)
(for that, you'll have to pay)
@Mitch Jasper? Jasper will never hold back poop or telling us in excruciating detail all about his not holding back poop.
Guys, I am now trying to summon the courage to do some extremely important things...
@Mitch Well, it was some years ago when I lived in Chicago. I got hit by a car while on my bike, which damaged me a little and the bike a lot. So the next day as I was taking the bike to be repaired, I was limping my way across the street slowly and the red light changed while I was in the crosswalk. This yuppie asshole in a Mercedes whipped around the corner and nearly ran me over, stopping inches from me. Then he honked. more after break
@WillHunting Make sure it has nothing to do with the afterlife. We'll never know about it.
Enraged, I slammed my hand down on his hood, at which point he reached under his seat and brandished a kind of club at me. At this point I was around by the side of his car, and when I saw he was threatening me I saw red and just took my fist and smashed the bottom of it into his passenger-side window. The window gloriously shattered, into a thousand little diamonds that sprayed over him and his leather upholstery. more after break
@Robusto now that is class. You will limp but you will make sure your bike doesn't. Kudos to you.
His mouth dropped open and at that point I knew I had the psychological advantage, so I said, "Yeah, you want some of this? Come on, motherfucker!" And he started easing off on the brake, and edging forward, me still taunting him, until he just drove off. I left the field of battle victorious and feeling like there was some justice in the world.
@Robusto in addition to the poop advice (again free), bike helmets turn out to be, despite their coolness, totally useful. If you are over 18 you wonder why I bother telling you this (because it is obvious that helmets save lives). If under 18, you wonder why I'm even talking (because I am taking up precious oxygen). If you are 18, or a European, you've learned to smile nicely.
Mercedes or BMW? oh duh, mercedes.
@Robusto The most interesting story I heard from you.
@Robusto my jaw would drop, too, seeing how car glass only smashes like that in movies. Either you have an iron fist or Mercedes makes shit windows.
Now, I doubt that I could smash a car window like that again the same way, but that day, at that moment, it all came together.
@ЯegDwight Try hitting a side window with a crowbar and see what happens. Windshields don't shatter, but side windows do. It's actually a safety feature.
holy crap. breaking the window was that easy?
Hm. Now I need a car. And a crowbar.
In fact, next time you're in Manhattan, look at what's on the curb of the park side of Central Park West. It is positively paved with passenger-side window glass.
@Mitch I ain't saying it was easy, I'm saying I was so pissed I wasn't holding anything back.
@ЯegDwight I bet a tire iron would work too
@ЯegDwight Also, if you don't want to believe me, go right ahead. But it happened just like I said it did.
@MattЭллен I only have an electic iron.
@ЯegDwight eclectic
No. All you really have is irony.
@Mitch Twentysomething have the same attitude about geezers taking up air.
@Robusto I never said I didn't. Where do you even get that from.
@ЯegDwight or electric
@tchrist tha's what I meant.
stupid air breathing old people.
@Mitch Get off my lawn.
Air breathes old people? Interesting. I thought they breathed air.
Get off my laundry!
Well, turnabout's fair play.
Get off my lawn darts. You'll feel better.
@ΜετάEd standing on your lawn, old man, I'm preventing the grass from producing enough oxygen that would allow you to say that.
@matt It is the weekend again! Are you at home?
@tchrist do you have a screenshot of that? Or can you make one? Because surprise surprise, I'm getting flags to migrate the question right back to MSO.
@WillHunting I am
@Mitch Tell that to my little green tank, here.
@MattЭллен Can I ask if your father happens to be a user on math SE?
@WillHunting he is not
what makes you think so?
@MattЭллен OK, because there is a guy there who has a son and everything fits.
@WillHunting who is it?
@MattЭллен Ah, I guess better not to mention him explicitly!
@ЯegDwight No, I wish. I promise to make one next time it happens.
oh, fair enough
@tchrist K thanks. I was secretly hoping you wouldn't have one handy right now, because I can't be arsed editing that question accordingly on a Friday night.
They say that doing the same thing yields the same result. But that is not quite true. I do the same steps and sometimes my installation goes through and sometimes it does not.
There are many invisible factors at work.
So beware of these stupid rhetorical bullshit.
@WillHunting Invisible factors which ought to get the credit that they deserve.
Have we even had a single useful edit by Anonymous? Ever?
Many anonymous users submitted edits I rejected cos they changed meaning too much, like what JL did to me.
JL edited for JL. Amazing!
@ЯegDwight I don't know. I don't know how to flip through all the previous anon edit suggestions -- easily.
@WillHunting No religious talk in this chat.
Anyone has any idea why my desktop makes a huge sound every other time it reads a DVD ISO image? It can't be the fan inside right?
@ΜετάEd I have no come back for that. people with those seem so encumbered.
Heh heh heh. Now get the f——k off my lawn.
cough cough
@ΜετάEd Protip: just use fuq.
@WillHunting If I only cared to avoid automatic filtering, yes. But I like the look of the 2-em dash.
I grew up reading real books with real punctuation.
@ΜετάEd I learnt fuq recently in the other room. I thanked the guy who taught me.
@WillHunting Pro tip: Just use fuck. Say what you mean.
@carlo Hi, you have been quiet.
Q: Reviewer Stats/Editor Stats links now point to nowhere

ЯegDwightLinky. Screenshot: It used to be that these links would take me to a list of those people's reviews/edits. They no longer do. Both links point to /review-beta/suggested-edits/ProfileLink [sic, not a placeholder]. Same on SO (and I suppose all other sites), see for yourself e.g. here.

@ЯegDwight Linky sounds pretty gay.
@WillHunting Whatever you say, Willy.
@WillHunting In anticipation of your reading my post, I was adapting it to its audience.
@tchrist I just learnt the slang meaning of willy a few days ago.
@WillHunting Willy and Nilly are a couple.
Free Nilly!
@tchrist Now I must look up the other word.
Whoa Nelly.
Where's Wally?
@WillHunting Nilly is German for schlong.
@ЯegDwight Amazing!
@WillHunting Will you or nill you, you shall always be amazed.
@tchrist Yes, I am easily amazed as Robusto has observed.
Not always a bad thing.
This is amazing. There is a cooking show on TV with two chefs with Southern US accents. They are both saying "y'all" every 10 seconds or so. It's hysterical. Do people actually talk that way?
Q: How to use Quartz.net with ASP.NET

Chendur PandianI dont know how to use Quartz.dll in asp.net... Where to write the code for scheduling jobs to trigger mail every morning... Please if some body knows about it plz help me... EDIT: I found this HOW TO use Quartz.NET in PRO way? to be really useful.

@DavidWallace Yes, aedia likes to use y'all.
"Look at those beautiful potatoes y'all."
37 upvotes, 28 stars, 14k views, 3 years — and this is the shape they leave the question in? "I dont know how to use Quartz.dll in asp.net... Please if some body knows about it plz help me..."? For shame.
"And y'all always want to remember y'all .... "
@DavidWallace um... yeah. But doing it repeatedly is a bit over the top.
"I'm going to chop the spinach y'all ... "
@WillHunting nill /nɪl/, v. I. intr. To be unwilling, not to will. ... 4. In the phrases nill he, will he; nilling, willing, etc. (Cf. will v.) In these and other cases where will and nill are contrasted, the former usually precedes: for examples see will v.
@tchrist I actually did not think it is a real word.
@DavidWallace sounds like they're trying real hard to sound 'authentically' Southern.
Could be undercover.
@ЯegDwight body care'z bout spelling u know -- they be programzerz not righters.
@WillHunting So I surmised.
ask them to count to ten on their fingers. That'll be the true test.
@tchrist they could have at least closed it. Which it belongs.
OK, the show seems to be called "Paula's best dishes". It's a middle-aged man and an oldish woman who might be his mother. She called him "son", but I don't know whether it was just an affectionate form of address. Research ensues.
@DavidWallace Gah! of course she uses that all the time.
Some programmers ask very simple questions on math. I wonder if it is possible to know so little math and do programming at the same time.
Paula Deen, and, umm ...
@ЯegDwight Has two deleta: this at 0 deleted by BoltClock♦ Mar 30 at 14:23, this at -1 deleted by Bill the Lizard♦ Jan 29 '11 at 13:34.
and I'm the 1000000th visitor this week.
Paula Dean is known for being Texan, a cooking show person with dishes that'll clog your arteries, and....
recently coming out that she was diagnsed with diabetes.
@WillHunting Grep LotR.
Questionable ironic hilarity ensues.
@DavidWallace Don't tell me...everybody is a bit 'roundish' on the show.
OK, I have never seen her before. Or heard her, obviously.
@ЯegDwight It's going to take bonus delete votes to banish.
@Mitch Yeah, they are.
@Mitch All ironic hilarity is questionable. If it ain't questionable, it ain't ironic.
Yeah she's authentic, but trying tosound authentic.
Ah yes, he just called her "Mama".
@Robusto well it's a Schadenfreude where the object needs medical attention.
@Rob If you close Reg's question, we can start it down the road to oblivion.
Son might be a term of endearment but Mama ain't.
@tchrist what about the road to 'Reversal'?
The producer must have talked to them during the break. Nobody has said "y'all" for about two minutes.
@tchrist actually the history says it was singlehandedly closed by CasperOne as NC, then reopened shortly thereafter, by himself. Smells of a shitstorm on meta I've missed.
@Mitch Yo mama ain't.
And Yo Yo Ma ain't either.
@DavidWallace yeah, if you use up your quota, you have to report to the 'committee'
"We're going to let these freeze for about three hours y'all"
@ЯegDwight I may remember that one. Haven't searched. As I said, he gets kicked around there.
"If they're frozen real hard y'all, you can run these under warm water"
@DavidWallace shit, nobody talks like that, off of TV.
@ЯegDwight No delete votes during all that time? Sigh.
Or maybe I can't see them while it is open.
Not sure individual delete votes show up in the history.
Only if it was actually deleted.
I bet someone said "oh I just love the way you talk, all the 'y'all's and 'reckon's and 'Ah do decleah's"
and she believed them.
Well, if someone would finish the bugger off, then I could look.
Oh thank goodness; a new programme has started. This chef has a lovely Welsh accent.
British programs are always begging to be programmed. "Program me," they say. Why is that?
I say in response, "You're already a program. Deal with it."
What the heck? I can't search meta with google? Tried site:meta.stackexchange.com and anything, and it give nada.
What a meta-disappointment.
That's not what I typed.
Yes, that is the site in question.
I typed meta.stackOVERFLOW.com
@DavidWallace Oh my God. Do they actually -talk- like that? like marbles in their mouths.
Try typing meta.stackUNDERTOW.com.
@Robusto I tried trying, but then I failed.
I don't think they actually have discussed the close/reopen: site:http://meta.stackoverflow.com How to use Quartz.net with ASP.NET
@ЯegDwight stop trying not to try.
I tried stopping but then I stopped.
Ok, enough of this. I'm relocating. See ya in like 90m.
Fine. Be like there.
@Mitch Well, obviously.
How could anyone not like Welsh accents?
You'd have to hate Richard Burton.
@DavidWallace 1. take a Welsh accent. 2. try not liking it 3. succeed 4. profit!
@Robusto I'll let you know when he has a cooking show
for me, Scottish accents generally come across as unattractive
Oh, but she just used the word "kiwi" to mean the fruit. Big black mark.
and said "equally as happy" when she meant "equally happy."
Kiwi is a fruit
Sep 14 at 2:25, by Robusto
Kiwi is the brand name of a shoe polish, first made in Australia in 1906 and sold in almost 180 countries. Previously owned by the Sara Lee Corporation since 1984, it was sold in 2011 to SC Johnson. It is the dominant shoe polish in some countries, including the United Kingdom and the United States, where it has about two-thirds of the market. The polish was developed in Australia by William Ramsay who named it Kiwi after the flightless bird endemic to New Zealand, the home country of his wife, Annie Elizabeth Meek Ramsay. Its success in Australia expanded overseas when it was adopted...
So they make shoe polish out of bird fruit? I'm confused.
The Polish will turn anything into a shoe.
@Cerberus You actually use shoe polish?
@ЯegDwight Das ist Polnisches Wirtschaft, oder?
(All things ending in -schaft are feminine, BTW. With the obvious exception of Schaft, "shaft".)
Schaft doesn't end in schaft.
Tak is "thanks" in Danish.
@DavidWallace Touschäft.
"Make sure your cucumbers are sliced nice and thinly." - That can't be grammatical can it?
> I just wish once someone would call me "Sir" without adding, "you're making a scene." — Homer Simpson
@DavidWallace Nice and thin or nicely and thinly?
She means Nice the city.
She pronounced it like nice, not like Nice.
Nice (, ; Niçard [classical norm] or Nissa [nonstandard], or Nizza Marittima, , Latin: Nicaea) is the fifth most populous city in France, after Paris, Marseille, Lyon and Toulouse, with a population of 348,721 within its administrative limits on a land area of . The urban area of Nice extends beyond the administrative city limits with a population of about 1 million on an area of . Located on the south east coast of France on the Mediterranean Sea, Nice is the second-largest French city on the Mediterranean coast after Marseille. The city is called Nice la Belle (Nissa La Bella in N...
I thought Nice was only So-So.
I could live with "nicely and thin".
She's going to slice them nicely, and make thin slices.
@DavidWallace nobody likes to live with hideous and fat.
The twins will not mind.
I don't think you can slice something nice, or slice it thinly.
@DavidWallace you're being real pedantic
@DavidWallace what about quick and thinly?
Hmm, I think "quick" can sometimes be an adverb.
That's why I'm asking.
Like "kiss me, quick"
It can sometimes be a noun
"Kiss my quick"
But I don't know how to do anything thinly.
@DavidWallace To thinly go where no man has gone before
I should check the OED for examples of the use of thinly. Because I frankly can't think of one.
people smile thinly
To thinly go where no man has gone before.
@MattЭллен Ooh, good point.
Oh crap!
Jinx jinx jinx!
@DavidWallace The tomatoes were sliced thinly?
The tomatoes were sliced thin.
Hmm, finely chopped onion.
Thinly sliced potatoes.
Maybe I'm wrong.
@DavidWallace Sounds odd to me.
But it qualifies the end product - the tomatoes; not the process of slicing. So it has to be an adjective, not an adverb, right?
My tomatoes are sliced more thinly than Jane.
I have a hat that's the same as a tomato.
@DavidWallace Slicing thinly makes for thin slices.
@ЯegDwight more thinly to? that doesn't work for me
10 mins ago, by David Wallace
"Make sure your cucumbers are sliced nice and thinly." - That can't be grammatical can it?
OK, maybe it is grammatical.
anyway. you're all dirty stop outs. Good night!
Night, Matt.
@MattЭллен oh, that is your beef with that sentence?
Is that your beef with my cucumbers?
You can have my beef when you take if from my cold dead hand.
i'll take whether from your hand
I'll take unless.
I'll take my leave for today.
I'll take 19th century lit, for $800, please.
I suggest that we should not link to stackoverflow.com/a/1732454/876211 in cases like this. The only people who understand it are the people who already understand why parsing HTML with regexes is suboptimal. For a novice, it is meaningless. I could use some help adding content to htmlparsing.com where we can explain to novices in terms they understand why they shouldn't use regexes for HTML parsing. I've already got a lot of counterexamples: htmlparsing.com/regexes.htmlAndy Lester 8 hours ago
Hear hear! @tchrist.
Who wants to link to an answer with 27 downvotes anyway?

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