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Good night folks. Thanks for your help @tchrist
@tchrist i think we have them conflated under
@tchrist We're not at all super formal.
And, no, there is no actual dress code at my work.
Didn’t you say you don’t wear shorts?
I don't, but many Dutchmen do.
Even my brother, on occasion.
Well, then that is of course super-formal then.
What is?
That you do not wear shorts.
You prefer to dress formally always.
shorts is the sole criterion of formality?
i dislike this classification system
Do you consider short informal?
@JSBձոգչ It was weird because @Cerberus was complaining about the heat, but he refused to take his trousers off.
okay, well that is weird
So he let his sense of extremely strict formality get in the way of his comfort.
I do not find shorts comfortable.
Because you are not comfortable in informal clothes.
You have a different sense of the word comfort there.
so jeans are formal?
I do not find shorts uncomfortable either.
Most people deem jeans more formal than shorts. Do you not?
Perhaps so. Depends on the jeans. But jeans are not formal at all anyway, so...
Jeans are certainly more formal than shorts, as you have just said.
Why do you suffer in the heat, refusing to don shorts like any sane man, if not for vanity?
The central issue is your position on using objects that you find aesthetically pleasant.
Vanity it is, then.
@tchrist It may be vanity, but I do not find shorts particularly comfortable. I don't feel that they reduce the suffering at all.
@tchrist Is buying a beautiful table vanity?
Well, I should just give up.
You are unwilling to discuss what I see as the central issue.
That's fine.
It's bed time anyway.
You are unwilling to discuss what I see as the central issue.
Which is comfort.
Which is?
Function before vanity.
I have no trouble discussing comfort.
I offered my views on comfort earlier.
Your comfort is based on your eyes, not your skin, and your self-image that you present to the world around you.
And so you suffer needlessly.
Now you sound like @Vitaly.
I have no Russian.
And yet...
A bit of communism has infected you!
Without eyes, you would still be too hot.
We should all wear grey communist smocks!
But it would definitely help your vanity problem.
"Communism" is neither here nor there, and you know it full well.
Don't distract.
@tchrist I appreciate all the compliments, but it is really not necessary.
Well, I’ve not seen your picture yet, so I cannot judge.
As I said, don't distract.
I believe they call this wooing.
I'm not wearing a grey overall.
Does that make me vain?
Do you generally prefer things that are beautiful over things that are plain?
If so, why are clothes not included in this?
Neither am I. I have a color-matched pair of running shorts and extra-soft t-shirt on. Should I have not color-matched them?
O, vanity!
My clothes look just fine.
There is no such thing as bad weather.
Only wrong clothing.
You insist on suffering for your vanity.
I do not.
Well, I see we're not progressing beyond your mantras.
Were you dressed today as I am, you would have been a great deal less uncomfortable. Why did you choose discomfort?
Because it is less than the perceived injury to your vanity of letting people see your knees?
Or are you, um, bashful?
2 hours ago, by Cerberus
@tchrist Telling you what I am wearing right now would be indecent, so no.
And I'm still hot.
So if even that doesn't help...
You know you are not as hot wearing your sock as wearing your tuxedo.
@tchrist For the most part yes. But there are some shorts that might be considered more formal than some jeans. But also for the most part, jeans are pretty informal. It's not a total order.
Also, not informal is not the same as formal.
@Mitch Huh?
But everyone loves a man in a tuxedo, and only the Chili Peppers look good in a sock.
So there we have it.
It is a simple matter of physics.
Evaporative cooling is not possible when you hide your skin from the air.
You get all icky-sticky.
And of course, hot.
How could it be otherwise?
@tchrist there are monay things that are not informal, and yet not formal. Since we're talking about fashion, the best example is (nowadays) business casual, or golfing clothes.
@tchrist How dare you!
You don't even know what I look like.
Let’s put it this way: if you do look good in a sock, I promise that you’ll look even better without it.
Feel better now?
@tchrist I find that long trousers protect against the sun better, for one thing.
@tchrist Again, no need for compliments.
It's not going to happen.
Well, which do you want?
You yell at me both with and without sock.
Don’t be so bellicose.
I'm not yelling, I'm yelping.
@Cerberus You’ve lost your antecedent, I’m afraid. Or at least, I have.
I'm still curious whether you feel that beauty in clothing and the general appearance of a person is worth nothing at all, or just not much, or nothing under certain circumstances...
I had a European friend visit some years ago.
It was August.
He brought no shorts.
He died.
Well, he immediately saw the error of his ways.
Something about it being 114 talked him right out of his pants, I assure you.
I had another friend from the East Coast visit in July.
He brought no pants.
We were camping by timberline.
I expect you to provide proper four-legged shorts fit to American etiquette if I ever visit you.
It froze.
So did he.
There is no bad weather, only people who don’t know how to dress for it.
How unfortunate.
The lesson we can draw from this is that one should not go camping.
Yeah sure.
It never occurred to him that it could freeze in July, just as it never occurred to the European how fierce the desert sun truly is.
@tchrist I find that a personal a/c suit, while admittedly negating bad weather, somehow lacks other properties, like grace. Call me vain.
What the hell is a personal a/c suit?
The only thing someone would wear who would, according to you, know how to dress for 30 °C.
@tchrist A space suit attached to a cart carrying a generator and air conditioning unit.
If you think 86 is hot, you know nothing.
With a tube to conduct the cold air towards the wearer.
It’s been 20 degrees warmer than that here this past summer, and 30 degrees hotter if you hit the deserts.
So you wore pants because it is cold. That makes sense now.
Then why are you complaining?
Last time I was in Italy, it was 43 °C in the shade, 68 °C in the sun, according to the thermometre.
Dogs die in cars.
The sun temp was wrong.
People die in cars, too.
No, it was not.
Do you have a/c at home?
I could turn it on.
It is not on.
It was not hot today.
It was only in the 80s today.
The very thing you are bemoaning.
ugh. i hate heat. there's a reason i live in the frozen northland.
I strongly prefer freezing cold.
and dutchistan is barely frozen northland
yes. cold can be easily adapted to by simply wearing more clothes.
@Cerberus What would you know of cold?
but heat... you can take all of your clothes off and still be hot.
It doesn’t even get below zero very often where you live.
plus, no one minds if you walk around in a parka
but people mind if you walk around naked
plus there is sunburn, etc.
Evaporative cooling.
@JSBձոգչ Yes, although more clothes can be a bit of a hassle under certain extreme circumstances.
Wear what runners wear.
altogether, cold is just vastly superior to heat.
Cold will kill you without even trying.
With heat, you have to be an idiot to let it kill you.
@tchrist I remember cycling to school when it was -21 °C.
i fail to see how that's much different from heat
in any case, you have to be pretty dumb/unprepared to die of such things these days
@Cerberus As I said, you have no idea of cold either.
we are mostly talking about comfort
@JSBձոգչ Starks trump Lannisters!
Surely no one thinks that –6 is very cold at all.
F or C?
-6 C is balmy
I’m speaking English.
-6 F is at least attempting to be truly cold
Just to rile the poochy.
-6 °C is not so bad.
It gets down below –20 here, with wind chills beyond your imagination.
It’s been –25 with a 50mph wind.
And yes, that’s in the circular scale.
Move to an island.
Nope, quite pleasant, thank you.
wait, where are you that you have both freezing cold and extreme heat like that?
No bad weather.
we have cold here. it does occasionally get hot, but nothing like what you were talking about
ah. i lived in CO for many years
but i'm up in MN. overall, we're colder
Oh, the bad stuff is out on the Western Slope.
MN is cold and sticky.
@tchrist right, and i lived on the front range
I’m on the Front Range.
I remember one Thanksgiving when the high was –11F.
And we went up to Monarch to ski.
Idiots, us.
–20F plus wind is cold. You should have that in Minnesota.
And @Cerberus has no idea of it.
The nice thing about the mountains is you can always find something you want.
@tchrist we certainly do.
@tchrist Just wear an extra dog pelt.
If it is 105 down here, go up a mile.
i much prefer MN heat to CO heat. the heat in CO was dry and life-sapping
but it rarely got over 100F
I find MN’s humidity life-sapping.
We set all kinds of records this summer, ’tis true.
My problem with humidity is that my body overheats, because it cannot sweat to cool itself.
Just to drown.
Whereas here it is so dry that you don’t even need deodorant so long as you shower and put on clean clothes daily.
Just wear something else!
It's really that simple.
If your skin cannot evaporate, it doesn’t matter what you wear.
You have to let your skin evaporate the sweat off you.
It’s a simple matter of physics.
Oh, nonsense. There is no bad weather.
Just wear something appropriate.
Like a sock.
Weather is something else.
If necessary, you can walk at 5mph to implement an evaporative breeze.
And flap your limbs about.
What was Plato’s remark about featherless bipeds and plucked chickens?
Q: Is it wrong or unethical to ask questions using English produced by a translation tool?

user1610734Is it wrong or unethical to ask questions in English using Google translator? What is the correct procedure to ask questions in the English language when you do not know the English language?

Uh oh. Something wicked this way comes.
You know why this heat sucks?
I can hear my neighbour's discussions with her clients.
Awfully late for clients, otherwise.
I just heard this, literally, in English, of course (both hookers and clients are usually foreigners):
> Client: I shaved it. Hooker: For me?
Called it.
I guess even this very room is more decent than they.
Only for the sake of a sock.
@tchrist Yes, your mind is always in the right places.
@tchrist But still.
Do you live on a street where you can hear people outside when they are about?
Or just cars?
I can hear people.
I’d rather hear people than cars, I guess.
But the hooker I hear from the kitchen window, at the back.
@tchrist You don't know what you're saying!
The only thing worse than yelling drunks are beer vats thrown out on the street.
Can't sleep through that.
So whereabouts do you live, puppy?
Do you live on a canal?
But my neighbour lady does. Well, she only works there.
Does the Damrak count?
Part of it, yes.
They still have water in some of it, then?
Have you been there?
Not lately.
I’ve been to Amsterdam like 4 or 6 times. I forget.
I imagine rent must be cheap(er) where you live.
Cheaper than where?
Red Light Districts are seldom high-rent districts.
Except by the hour.
Oh, but ours is.
Now I understand.
The city centre is all expensive.
You’re hot because you live on that hot street.
No, I'm just hot.
Oh, haha.
Nope, not in that street.
I hear that’s a pretty hot street.
peers around on map some more
I love just outside the red-light district, actually; my street is outside it, but the street at the back is in.
It doesn’t matter to me where you love.
Nor whom.
Or for that matter, what.
How very tolerant you are.
Well, I’m not involved.
If I were, it might.
You can even ask me for marital advice.
Can I?
I have the same qualifications as a Catholic priest has.
Do you?
To wit, none whatsoever.
No more having been myself married than most of them have.
I thought you at least had a secret wife someplace.
Like any decent priest.
Don’t count.
One in every port?
I’m a world traveller. These things happen.
Only the decent priests have secret wives.
Understandably so.
The indecent ones have secret boyfriends.
How is that indecent?
A proper priest needs a few young boys.
Because they’re Catholic.
For the altar, I know.
Provided it is set at just the right height.
Otherwise they won’t bend right.
Not everyone gets a kick out of danger, you know.
You aren’t going to trick me into thinking you’re gay, you know.
Most simply prefer the confession stool or stand or whatever it's called.
You’re just Dutch.
@tchrist What?
Where was I trying to do this?
The indecency remark.
I saw the girls you pulled up.
Can’t fool me now.
Pulled up?
Hey, I wasn't the priest here.
You get your pix elsewhere.
If you weren’t the priest, what does that make you?
From the monastery where you no doubt work...
Do I have to be anybody?
I don’t know. How do you feel about salty ducks?
Just kidding.
I believe this was something indecent, but lucky for you I forgot what.
There’s a search function.
Do I look like I want to know? Or, more importantly, do I look like I want to or can use the search function?
In any case, it's bed time.
Happy sweating.
If you were here, you would not need AC at so cool a temp.
Because our air is clean and dry.
I'm using my mobile a/c.
And we lose 30–40 degrees each night.
Which is remarkably useful.
Your cell has a little fan attached to it?
I just have the boys move around trays of ice.
That would work. Nice symposia you got there.
Yes, wine too.
Although I'm awfully sober now.
I always think of Gymnopédies.
From Satie.
Kalê nux!
night night night.
morning comes.
I know you do, as a priest.
My sun will be by for you soon.
He left me but a little while ago, bound in your direction.
Q: How to choose the phone case?

user25086Such as the title indicates, I have a iphone 4, rather the appearance of scratches, the choice of what kind of phone case is good? Thank you for your answer.

is gone
@tchrist Haha, .
1 hour later…
Q: Does ELU object to sb/sth for somebody/something?

FumbleFingersAs I write, there are 46 questions on main with the abbreviation "sb", and 43 with "sth". While the prevalence/desirability of these abbreviations was being discussed in comments to Can I say "acquire sb sth", the title was amended to spell out the words in full. I don't have a problem with the...

Yes, I object.
2 hours later…
Gord mornorng
According to English Translation and using rules i ask question about "Translation and non-English languages" can you describe what i say wrong? — Ishikawa Yoshi 2 hours ago
This is hilarious.
And you tell people to read the FAQ. They have read the FAQ.
but selectively
Dig this: don't we read everything selectively?
Thanks, I put on my best shirt!
It is understandable that he missed the break between the lists
Thanks to all the recent answer deletion, I've gained 7 reps! Monies for Nothing
3 hours later…
Q: What's the word for the property of being divisible by a particular number?

YatharthROCKExample: Since x is even (i.e., divisible by 2), its --word-- is true. Since y is odd, y's --word-- is false. The description suggests 'moddity', but there was another word for it... BTW, I don't know if I should've asked this on Math on SE, so sorry if this violates this site's FAQ (my...

There is no word that can fit into his examples.
He probably got the form of the sentences wrong.
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The sky.
@MattЭллен That's first person singular. Now conjugate!

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