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@ΜετάEd I can barely use the keyboard I can see in front of me (as is well documented) let alone a virtual one.
@tchrist Text services and input languages, Keyboard, United States-International
Alt 001, Alt 002, Alt 003, ... Alt125... aha! go it.
I thought he meant the Institutional Care and Use Committee.
@KitFox I have no idea what he meant.
@Mitch } Nah, that's just a bracket.
But that's what I was looking for...oh...it is on my kb already. clever! Kids these days know everything.
@KitFox ¿sʞɹɐɯ uʍopəpᴉsdn ɥɔᴉɥM
@tchrist Now you're just showing off.
Quotes and exclamation.
For Spanish.
That's only impressive if you did it with a right-to-left editor.
@KitFox What's your operating system?
actually...the other way around.
@ΜετάEd Win 7.
@KitFox On my keyboard it's AltGr+1.
@Mitch That's only right-to-left editor if you did it with impressive?
@ΜετάEd ... What's Gr?
@ΜετάEd Les bacons narval à minuit.
Which seems arbitrary but of course the regular exclamation mark is Shift+1 so it actually makes perfect sense.
@cornbreadninja minuit?
@ΜετάEd nuit mi?
@cornbreadninja Lesbians? Now with bacon? How could things be better?
            * Spanish, Asturian, Galician
            x (exclamation mark - 0021)
            = turned question mark
            * Spanish
            x (question mark - 003F)
            x (reversed question mark - 2E2E)
     ⸘  2E18        INVERTED INTERROBANG
        = gnaborretni
        x (interrobang - 203D)
        = punctus percontativus
        x (question mark - 003F)
@Robusto "Butter your bacon, boy!" --Homer Simpson
@KitFox AltGr is the right Alt button, also known as Alt Graph.
How could things be butter?
AltGr (also Alt Graph, Alt Graphic, Alt Graphics, Alt Grill, Alt Car or Alt Char) is a modifier key found on many computer keyboards and primarily used to type characters that are unusual for the locale of the keyboard layout, such as currency symbols and accented letters. On a typical IBM compatible PC keyboard, the AltGr key, when present, takes the place of the right-hand Alt key. In Mac OS X, the Option key has functions similar to the AltGr key. AltGr is used similarly to the Shift key: it is held down when another key is struck in order to obtain a character other than the one th...
Nope. I got nothing but smileys.
Let a smiley be your umbrella. :-)
@KitFox Windows 7 has to be told to use the US-International keyboard mapping in place of the default, US, mapping.
OK, let me try. brb
So balrogs.
Hmm. Now no joy.
@KitFox One path to it: Start, control panel, region and language, keyboards and languages, change keyboards, add, English (United States), Keyboard, United States-International
@KitFox Move outta Mudville?
Yeah. I did that.
In the same place you can for example add a Dvorak layout.
@ΜετάEd Êtes-vous un sorcier?
The left Alt still works, but the right Alt gives me nothing.
@KitFox Adding it just installs the new layout. Then you choose, on a window by window basis, what layout you want to use.
If I switch to US, the right Alt works again.
This is done from the Language Bar.
I know. That's what I'm doing.
I switched my keyboard to US-International. The right Alt doesn't do anything.
I switch it back, it works just like left Alt.
So there must be something else going on.
@Cerberus they're totally blue, shoot water from their mouths and are only 1 metre tall
GrAlt+1 doesn't type anything?
Maybe it needs mapping?
GrAlt+1 does nothing for me too
@MattЭллен Um blue upright dolphins?
@KitFox It should just work.
@Cerberus balrogs are dolphins?
@ΜετάEd OK. Well, let me try a reboot.
@MattЭллен with smoky wings
man, that Tolkien was an odd chap
@KitFox On Screen Keyboard ought to show the new mapping.
@MattЭллен Only if you have the correct keyboard mapping active.
I have UK international so I get things like ñ and ẅ and such, but altgr+1 gives me nada
Q: Is there a term that defines nostalgia for something you've never experienced?

BobOften I find I have a sense of nostalgia for things I've never actually experienced, in a way that rivals the same sort of feelings I have for things I have experienced. For example when listening to music that was big before one's own generation or seeing old black and white photos of how peop...

I get nothing for altgr+1 either.
maybe if I had some tea and scones things would go my way...
Excellent idea.
I have guacamole.
@MattЭллен US-International has it. I can't say about UK-International.
yeah, it's called 'nostalgia by proxy', listed in DSM-IV and V with an ICD-9 (and 10) code as a debilitating disorder. Leads you to stay at home listening to parents 'LP's and 'records' on a 'turntable'
@ΜετάEd stupid windows. I think it works in Ubuntu
@MattЭллен You have UK international? Or UK?
@Cerberus If you come across one, best make friends with it quick.
@ΜετάEd uk international
@Mitch I fancy false nostalgia
@MattЭллен I see this which looks like a third party put it together. Is that where you got it?
@Mitch Nostalgia. "A sentimental longing for the past."
So yes. There is such a term. It's nostalgia.
@ΜετάEd ...that you yourself experienced?
Not necessarily.
Can be.
I never have enough downvotes and closevotes.
@ΜετάEd no, it comes with windows
@MattЭллен Ah.
Is there a term for when:
- you stick you hand in a blender, it's not on yet, but you slip and trying to hold yourself up, you are about to press the 'puree' setting.
- same, but it's a hand blender.
- same, but also you're blending a margarita
@Mitch Let's ask Rupert Holmes.
@Mitch GR, GR, GR.
@Mitch Yes.
@cornbreadninja OK.
Who's rupert holmes?
yes I like pina coladas / and gettin' caught in the rain
@ΜετάEd no. I said puree
I feel we are sadly underutilizing Close---General Reference.
argh...another song reference possibility.
Or maybe we are all just running out of closevotes.
@ΜετάEd How does one do that?
not enough time to change ....to... martini?
@Cerberus I suggest setting yourself on fire.
Kill some elves?
@ΜετάEd yeah...how can you run out of close votes?
@ΜετάEd Every time I try to close-vote, it asks me for a couplet. Slows me down.
@Mitch By unslackering.
But I'm incompatible with a balrog.
I was using the numpad. Code switching problem.
We're not in the same league.
Not the same mythological league, you know.
@Cerberus You're both hot.
@KitFox Ah.
@tchrist Thanks, but still.
Don't do that.
AltGr + [!1]
No flirting in chat.
@KitFox Mais pourquoi were you code-switching tu teclado?
What she says.
No “[n]o flirting in chat”.
@tchrist You can't use French on me. I'm from Maine. We speak Franglais all the time there.
@Cerberus You're both pyrogenetic critters. Or ignisomething-or-other.
Q: Is there a single word that can describe something that breathes/produces fire?

Roland TaylorI'm looking for a word that I can use to describe something that "breathes" (out) fire. If there is no such word, I can create it myself, much like Stephen King created Pyrokinesis. Is there such a word? To clarify: I am using the word as an adjective, and as part of a description in a document...

@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 wringwraiths?
¡Oh! I can make «guillemets» too! Neato.
Beware, though, of dead keys.
They take a little getting used to.
Dead keys!?! shudders
@tchrist Igniferous?
Yeah. You want a ç you type ' c. But that means that when you want ', you type ' '.
That is terribly ennoying.
Use AHK!
Your dead keys are: ' " ` ~ and ^.
I type c,, for ç.
And n~~ for ñ.
@ΜετάEd Oh, I see.
Convenient and easy to remember.
AHK was mean to my Windows install.
So I just need to tweak my keyboard shifter.
@Cerberus Pyropneumatic?
@ΜετάEd What happened?
AHK doesn't do anything by itself.
@tchrist I'm not sure I can live up to that.
@Cerberus I don't remember. Locked it up, or something. No, it does do something. It inserts itself into the pipeline for your keyboard input stream and fools with it. That's at a fairly low level, and if it is at all buggy whoops! there goes Windows.
@ΜετάEd Ehh that is odd. I have never ever heard of anything happen to other people.
Hundreds of thousands use AHK.
I'm making tea now if anyone wants some!
I have used it on many versions of Windows.
@MattЭллен Oh yes, please!
@MattЭллен I demand scones!
@Μετά Are you coming to Writers chat tomorrow?
If I'm spared, yes.
@Cerberus They're on there way
@ΜετάEd What else are you using that interferes with your keyboard?
And by "installation", do you mean you were unable to boot into Windows??
@Cerberus No. By my Windows install I mean my installed software (Windows).
So you mean it interfered with other programs?
@Cerberus Nothing I can think of. No, that's not true. PasswordSafe does autotyping.
@tchrist Flying balrogs?
You could set your AHK script to be inactive when certain windows are active.
@Cerberus I don't remember. I used AHK (rarely) on XP, so I installed it on Windows 7 when I first got Windows 7. And then I pulled it. It hung up, or screwed up somehow, I don't remember.
I hardly used it anyway.
I could try AHK again.
Perhaps your script was messed up, because it works fine on Win 7.
Try a fresh script if you do.
But then I'd want to define a compose sequence for every damned Unicode character.
I can give you my script for the common accents.
Including macrons.
Make sure you install AHK_L, though.
The best fork.
Unless your script is consistent with RFC 1345, no.
Works best with Unicode.
There's no point in my learning two sets of n-graphs.
I use RFC 1345 digraphs with vi already.
How do those work?
What do you type for ē, for example?
Q: Why is the word "Hell" in the word "Hello"?

jsgrooveWhy is the word "Hell" in the word "Hello" ? Why is it appropriate to say "Hell" when greeting somebody ?

This aggression will not stand, man.
Oh. That's one I never use; let me look.
(I set it to e-=- as a working version, which I was going to change later—but now I'm used to it.)
@Cerberus It's E hyphen.
Shift-E, then hyphen?
Of course you begin with whatever your compose key is.
I feel that no modifying keys is much more convenient.
What is a compose key?
So you might press Insert, E, -.
Your compose key is whatever key you decide should introduce a sequence.
That is much less convenient than simply typing e-=-, I must say.
I guess my =- at the end function as reverse compose keys.
I don't like it that way. It's so confusing when your input stream accidentally matches a pattern.
To make sure I never type ē by accident.
Well, e -=- is 100 % safe for me, so far.
I end abbreviations with qq.
Oxford English Dictionary = oedqq.
Out of curiosity, would e// be safe for you?
I imagine qq would be safe for anyone?
Hey @Matt, I've decided that you sound like Ferb. That's how I plan to hear all of your text from now on.
Who is that?
My lifping coufin?
@ΜετάEd wyes, wof wcourse.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Want me to fix that for you?
giggles, flexes muscles
heheh, it's ok.
@KitFox I shall find out what that means...
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Oh, OK. deflates
Ahhh my Easy Drag to Go plugin broke!!
@Aedia Help!
@KitFox lol. yes, that's what I sound like ;)
@MattЭллен He never says much more than a few words per episode.
Just like you!
So are you saying you don't sound like that?
Not at all!
It has Richard O'Brien in it!
@Cerberus not chinese users of QQ
@MattЭллен Not at all you don't or not at all you do?
@KitFox do your kids also love phineas and ferb?
@KitFox I do
@JSBձոգչ Yes. They know that I am a sucker for it too, so if their attempt to cajole TV fails, they almost invariably start in on P&F.
"Please, Mommy, could we watch Phineas and Ferb?"
my 2 year old loves it, but my 4 year old is disinterested
of course, the older one doesn't like television in general
i love it
@MattЭллен I never realized that. That's fantastic.
@MattЭллен We watched that one last night.
It is so freakin' clever.
"I'm a..." "A zookeeper?" "No, no, that's rather legitimizes it..."
@KitFox i just heard that line, and was just about to post it
@KitFox I lolled :D
And the way that Doofenschmirtz menaces the Tri-State Area! sets me in giggles every time.
Curse you, Perry the Platypus!
Right. I was doing something just now though.
looks busy
second click pick won't stick.
flick the hick and prick his crick
Erg. Why won't this datepicker arrow show up in IE9?
kicks dumb browser
@Cerberus I'd rather have a single press to prefix a sequence. So as I say I would probably try to remap Insert.
gaad noght
> However, these days, no one pays attention to such niceties, which means that everybody gets called whatever.
This made me laugh.
shh, shh children. Mommy's got a date with the Captain tonight.
Q: When do you use ‒, –, — or ―?

SvishIn the Windows character map, in the group General Punctuation, there are four different dashes: Figure Dash ‒ En Dash – Em Dash — Horizontal Bar ― Which is used for what really?

Would Writers like this?
I think it is a dupe.
@simchona It's pretty well spelled out in many places on the web. Wikipedia has it, but there are other sources, too.
I explain this all the time.
Yes it is a dupe.
Can't search for punctuation, can you? Just search for en dash em dash etc.
@tchrist I saw your vote and finished it up. I forgot there's that canonical dupe lying around
You aren't allowed to say cock-up in polite company in America. Too many images of cocks out and dangling at full mast. I know you will find this silly, perhaps insane, but trust me: you will embarrass people if you do. — tchrist 1 hour ago
don't go off half-cocked. :P
That's a bunch of cock and bull
I dunno @tchrist, he is looking for a synonym for half ass.
We're missing a few dashes there.
I think cock up is par for the course.
Are there additional questions that cover those, or do we need to reopen it?
In fact he has accepted half-cocked and piss-poor. Or piss-pour, I forget.
Well, that's what you get for new answers on year old questions.
@KitFox we got taught dashes in school. For countries without proper schools, there's Wikipedia.
@RegDwightАΑA So we accept some dash questions and not others then?
I don't mind either way. I'm off to make dinner and drink rum.
@KitFox yo ho ho!
hickory daiquiri doc.
@KitFox no, we accept his rewording the question such that it asks about the horizontal bar only, or improving the older question accordingly.
@RegDwightАΑA Try piss-pore.
OMFG I just got my first Reversal badge.
On MSO, but still.
@RegDwightАΑA I've tried for that one. Almost had it a zillion times. The trick is to find something that's been seriously downvoted that you know you can give an answer to that people will kneejerk upvote.
The problem is that as soon as you get very far up there in your answer, other people will decide to pityvote the OP.
Which makes it hard to get.
Because if your answer is so good, how could the question be so bad?
At least that's what I think is happening.
The much bigger problem is that on any site other than SO, twenty votes is all but unattainable, in any direction.
Actually, my latest answer has been on the MultiCollider for ten hours, in the top spot. 14 votes so far.
@corn oh I know. That's not what I mean.
@RegDwightАΑA visits multicollider
It's probably down to the fifth spot now.
Nope, third actually.
Anyway. The only way to get any serious number of upvotes on Bicycles, say, is through money for jam.
But at that point @tchrist's observation kicks in.
I.e. the OP gets his share of the money. And the jam.
wishes for jamwiches
@RegDwightАΑA The founders don't want to create a two-tiered system of award levels. They want the other sites to grow to keep up. But since that obviously isn't happening, it creates these wastelands that nobody wants to bother with. It's a problem.
@cornbreadninja wishes for three Swiss witch-bitches, which wished to be switched Swiss witch-bitches, and wish to watch three Swiss Swatch watch switches. Which Swiss witch-bitch which wishes to be a switched Swiss witch-bitch wishes to watch which Swiss Swatch watch switch?
@tchrist bbbut betas have lower-rep privileges.
@Robusto Women are seldom bothered by being told their penis is too tiny.
@tchrist perhaps @Cerberus and @Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 are right and we should just allow all questions ever on this site. I see no other way to reach SO's levels, ever.
@cornbreadninja Yes, but that's different.
@tchrist are you implying that most women's penises are huge?
@RegDwightАΑA Big OH.
@tchrist 'why did you say that twice?' 'I didn't.'
@RegDwightАΑA damn.
@cornbreadninja is that your answer?
@RegDwightАΑA Only the best ones.
> Although the genitalia of the male spotted hyena is not unusual, that of the female closely resembles that of the male; the clitoris is shaped and positioned like a penis, and is capable of erection.
}} The spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta), also known as the laughing hyena or tiger wolf, its rounded ears, its less prominent mane, its spotted pelt, its more dual purposed dentition, its fewer nipples and the presence of a pseudo-penis in the female. It is the only mammalian species to lack an external vaginal opening. The spotted hyena is the most social of the Carnivora in that it has the largest group sizes and most complex social behaviours. Its social organisation is unlike that of any other Carnivore, bearing closer resemblance to that of cercopithecine primates (baboons and macaq...
@tchrist I thought all clitorises erected to some degree.
@RegDwightАΑA no, sir.
@cornbreadninja They don't call it the glans clitoridis for nothing. The point is that the she-hyena has, and in fact is, a big dick.

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