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The Cirth of course were originally take from the Fuþork.
@tchrist see? it's practically mono-spaced already
It says: Tengwar Parmaite.
There are only three consonants in the first word, so only three glyphs.
Hi, you.
We meet again. Any luck with your extension?
No, the passwd email never got here. Or hasn’t gotten here. Something like that.
That's too bad.
I was being asked by @cornbreadninja what fonts I ended up using in the last book. @Cerberus thinks it’s all so easy, but is is anything but.
20 mins ago, by tchrist
The cover font is Adobe ITC Garamond. The text font is Linotype Birka, the heading font is Myriad Pro, and the code font is Ubuntu Mono, with the following fonts used as fallbacks to display unsupported glyphs:

• Adobe Song Std
• Arno Pro
• Free Mono
• Free Serif
• ST Heiti SC
• Symbola
Ten of ’em. And I restrained myself.
Heh. Very nice!
I was afraid of what their software might do with right-to-left text.
@tchrist you'd think that by now getting software to do font-related stuff would be straight-forward. It's not like alphabets have changed much over the years. Why isn't this a solved problem yet?
@JasperLoy I’m not your downvoter, but don’t you think his sample statement is unnatural English.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 It’s . . . complicated.
@tchrist Yes, but still an answerable question, so I answered.
I really hope the downvoter will comment.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 For one thing, they have, actually. Or at least, Unicode has grown.
But font tech has changed significantly. The OpenType revolution, and all.
Is the downvoter here? Confess!
@tchrist Sure, Unicode has changed a lot. But it's been around for years now. Why am I still having trouble with diacritics on latin letters in 2012?
Plus, well, they are using new tech.
Isn't that sad?
We had to hand-tweak various things. Putting an acute on an m, putting a circumflex on an l.
The new tech is not the sort of thing you use InDesign for.
It starts with DocBook, which is a form of SGML.
This goes through translation into various ebook format and into PDF for printing.
And it is very primitive compared to proper typesetting software.
Just mixing Latin and Greek was a royal pain to make look right.
syntax: From Greek σύνταξις, “with-arrangement”. How things (particularly symbols) are put together with each other.
God, you have no idea. This is a shit-for-font.
@tch I think I know why my answer is not right now. I can reinterpret what he originally wrote so that it makes sense.
I deleted my answer. I'll give one if the downvoter does not add one.
mojibake: When you speak one language and the computer thinks you’re speaking another. You’ll see odd translations when you send UTF‑8, for instance, but the computer thinks you sent Latin-1, showing all sorts of weird characters instead. The term is written 「文字化け」in Japanese and means “character rot”, an apt description. Pronounced [modʑibake] in standard IPA phonetics, or approximately “moh-jee-bah-keh”.
That one was to-die-for hard.
Which is ridiculous.
Another bugger: For example, a carriage return plus a line feed is a single grapheme but two characters, while a “ȫ” is a single grapheme but one, two, or even three characters, depending on normalization.
But yes, it was like going back to the days from before tex, before troff even.
No control of widows and orphans. Miserable mis-hyphenation. Insane page breaks. Swiss-cheese ty pog raph y.
Footnotes falling on the wrong pages.
Just stupid broken crap.
So why were they using this software if it was so wonderful?
No choice.
It's "how they do it" now.
And they're using the gold-plated Caddy of all such products, too: Antenna House.
It's still crap.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 It's so they can do ebooks.
Or so they claim.
Because not all ebook readers accept just simple PDF.
And you certainly don't want to give them a scan!!
But the print tech has gone back into pre-Gutenberg.
@tchrist You know Japanese?
No, it all looks like 文字化け to me. :)
Don't get me started on Japanese.
Robusto knows Japanese.
Antenna House is a Japanese company.
Their support for Asian issues is much better.
Or rather, they screw up on Western ones.
For example: hanging punctuation.
They only let you do it with Asian ones, not Western ones.
What is hanging punctuation?
It's when all the letters are in the same column at either side of the line. At least the end but sometimes also the beginning.
In fact that question just now even if I reinterpret it it does not sound right, so ah! Let someone else answer.
"Their support for Asian issues is much better
  or rather,  they  screw up on  Western  ones.
I think the downvoter should answer since he seems to know enough to downvote me.
It is nearly impossible to demo without real control.
@JasperLoy Please stop obsessing over it.
The r and the s at the end should align, and the dot or comma or dash should hang in the right margin.
It's one downvote. Not a big deal.
Similarly, a leading quote should hang in the left margin.
This has to be done subtly.
Hanging punctuation or exdentation is a way of typesetting punctuation marks and bullet points, most commonly quotation marks and hyphens, so that they do not disrupt the ‘flow’ of a body of text or ‘break’ the margin of alignment. It is so called because the punctuation appears to ‘hang’ in the margin of the text, and is not incorporated into the block or column of text. It is commonly used when text is fully justified. The style was used by Gutenberg in the Gutenberg Bible, the first book printed in Europe. Very few desktop publishing applications allow for automatic hanging punctuat...
That's a leftish hang.
It looks nicer to right-hang your hyphens at the end of the line.
It's much subtler than that article presents, but that's the idea.
@Mahnax Oh well, I did not really say that much about it did I?
@JasperLoy I feel as though you have, but maybe I am just reading the same things over and over.
Jasper, where do you live?
@tchrist Singapore.
Ah that's right.
That makes you a native speaker . . . of Singaporean English, right?
@tchrist Well, I don't know.
Or did you learn it later in life?
I just use English mostly, that's all that's certain.
You know some Chinese, then?
I mean, some people don't consider that to be real English.
@tchrist Yes.
I don't know. There are people from India who really don't quite count.
They speak very very fast, and do the most bizarre things syntactically.
But I think any American or British can understand me perfectly, and also the other way round.
Than you’re doing better than a billion subcontinental Indians.
@tchrist Hmm, maybe a million.
They are not so numerous!
Oh, the Indians are.
But those who speak English are not.
Anyway since you brought it up, what we call Singlish here is like broken English. I can use that but I don't in formal situations.
Why would one wish to speak broken English if one can speak it unbroken?
Because Singlish is like part of the culture.
Like Ebonics?
I don't know about ebonics, but it's just natural to use Singlish in many situations, even talking to friends who can speak standard English.
So with friends I sort of vacillate between the two forms.
I guess you do what is appropriate for the in-group, or you aren’t part of it.
I just could never speak bad English no matter what. Too much personal identity wrapped up in being articulate.
Just imagine a bunch of Americans who moved to Britain later on. They can speak AmE and BrE but they might vacillate between the two as well.
But it didn’t work like that for me.
Where were you born, @tchrist?
However, one thing that did was speaking Spanglish with American friends when living in Spain.
@Mahnax In Beloit.
@mahnax Now I am obsessing over whether you are upset with me.
@JasperLoy No, I'm not upset with you. You needn't fret so!
@JasperLoy Are you getting enough sleep?
@tchrist Where is Beloit?
It's in Wisconsin.
Very good!
I was born in Grande Prairie, AB.
@tchrist I am, but I am not well. I have some conditions which I won't elaborate here.
Which is not.
I am sorry to hear that, Jasper.
@Mahnax AB= Alberta?
Yes, Jasper.
@JasperLoy Yep!
I love this font. I love it.
Thank you, @tchrist.
The two-letter–abbreviation namespace is shared/unique between the United States and the not-yet-United States.
Which one?
Yes, I like it very much, too.
I just need to tweak sizes here and there, and it will be perfect. I will do that a little later.
@tchrist Maybe I misread the transcript, but did you say you were female that day? I think you must have been joking.
His name is Tom…
I said I lived abroad for a year.
Which isn't the same as being one.
Oh, you.
Oh I misread then. Yeah I sort of looked you up, that perl thing.
"I spent my junior year abroad, but decided to switch back."
I only know that perl-tk is used for GUIs, like the TeXLive installer and manager.
I've never been female any day, actually.
It is, sometimes.
I've never even worn drag.
Once a friend and I were going to a Halloween Party (fancy-dress ball), and I dressed in a tux. He showed up as a French maid. When we got to the party, they said "oh good, the help have arrived."
I wonder why MiKTeX is still so popular when TL works on Windows as well.
@tchrist Nice.
When I am older, I hope to own several nice tuxedos.
@Mahnax Several?
I hate tuxedos!
My friend Larry has, or did have I dunno if they're gone, several remarkably colored ones.
@JasperLoy Oh yes. I like the idea of a tuxedo.
@Mahnax You should watch the movie with that name then.
He was in various orchestras, and got used to wearing them. He just wanted more color.
@JasperLoy I have.
Years ago, on a very small TV.
@tchrist You know Larry Trask the linguist?
I even remember where I watched it, and in which bodily position.
This is silly. I study biology for hours and yet I can remember my exact location during a movie four years ago.
I like Trask's Guide to Punctuation, but it is a bit not mainstream in some areas.
@JasperLoy No, Larry Wall the same.
@Mahnax I memorized the structure of the 20 amino acids when I was in school.
@Mahnax Give it thirty years. Time tears down all such gifts, usually before they can become vanities.
@JasperLoy Silly boy.
@Mahnax You sound like you are older than me!
@JasperLoy Perhaps I am.
@Mahnax Well we both know that is not true.
@JasperLoy You might know it, but I don't.
@Mahnax What?
You can just tell.
@tchrist Tell what?
Well, I think Mahnax is just joking with me.
@Mahnax You have an exuberance from being on the front side of the downslope.
@JasperLoy Indeed he is. What a jester that boy is.
@Mahnax Yeah jester jasper.
@tchrist Oh, thank you.
You’re welcome.
It’s refreshing.
Like a nice glass of iced tea.
I never thought I would ever become anything but the cheerful lively sort I was when I was young. Sometimes I still am, but sometimes I am . . . tired.
The world no longer seems infinite.
I have a feeling that as I age, I will become much more reserved.
Well, if you believe in an afterlife, it is infinite.
Reserved is British for repressed. :)
Yet much of the world is still infinite to me—there are so many things to learn.
As I said.
rubs eyes
In fact, the more I think about things, the more I think there is an afterlife.
If that helps you, Jasper, I do not think it hurts for you to think that.
@Mahnax Well, I said the world is no longer infinite for me. I was implying it still was for you.
@tchrist Oh, that's what you mean. I see.
You cannot see its end when you are your age — at least, I hope you cannot. But that too you will lose, the ability not to see the end.
Ick. I'm sorry.
Maudlin is my signal to get to bed.
I feel that while I can see the end, off in the distance, I can also see all of the paths branching off to the sides.
Oh, it's only 23:00? It feels later than that.
It's 1 pm here. Time for me to sleep too.
11pm is too late when you get up at 5am.
I've been burning the candle on both ends this week, and I'm worn out. Need to get a good night's rest.
In that case, I would suggest getting one.
Sage advice, I know.
Because after a week of five and a half to six hours sleep, it stacks up.
Yes, let's all sleep now. QED.
One night, ok. Two nights, maybe.
But all week, and blah.
@JasperLoy Nope, I'll be up awhile yet.
I used to stay up all night all the time.
Now I want to sleep.
@tchrist Er, with someone? :-)
I stayed up all night once or thrice on the last book.
I’m a resigned bachelor.
Which is very different that a confirmed bachelor.
Maybe I might write some books in future, I dunno.
Confirmed bachelor is codespeak for a gay guy, probably one who gets out and about — hence, laid — quite a bit.
A resigned bachelor is just a stay-at-home.
@tchrist I am like you I guess.
Even if there are no other obstacles, I don't think I will ever meet some girl of my type.
And what type of girl are you, Jasper?
The not-girl kind.
Well, the type that cannot be put into words. I consider myself not of this world.
Mahnax I just didn't read that in my own sentences, or wouldn't have walked into it unawares. I do that to people.
When they do it to me, I'm too tired.
All that matters is to find somebody who is compatible with you.
@tchrist Sorry, what are you referring to?
You know.
There are 9 zombies spying on us in this room.
Some whom you never ever hear from.
Some people leave their comp hibernating and never leave the room or shut down.
There was once someone was in here for like months.
I never shut it down, no.
Ok, I'm grabbing my kitty and taking him up to bed now. So it is truly good night.
OK, me too. Over and out!
2 hours later…
I'm afraid my pronunciation is alwrong.
2 hours later…
@tchrist I do that on all our sites. I cannot understand people who don't. It can be a pain in the ass, but if you're a webmaster, that's your frigging job.
1 hour later…
Why in the hell it took me 10 minutes to login? Any idea?
Is everyone asleep?
@RegDwightАΑA awake?
@Noah He is probably eating or showering or playing now. What's up?
at least you are alive @JasperLoy
Why do people shower everyday?
cant they just live without it?
Any urgent matters this morning?
I will be gone until tonight.
Don't break anything while I'm gone!
@KitFox did you win?
did you win?
@FrankScience come on, dude... am I gona get banned for this:)
@cornbreadninja nice story. so it's totally literal. without all the killing and stuff.
@KitFox don't say things like that...it can only be considered a challenge.
Hello @Mitch
@Noah she was one of the two elected moderator
@Jez yea
I thought so
Did she win?
no, @simchona did
Or is she gonna marry someone?
I voted for that lady :)
Is she gonna hire me as a right wing guy?
Q: What means "Bob" in online games

duckduckI don't know if some of you are playing online games, but usually we can read some people saying "bob!" or "you are a bob". I also read some "Stop bobing me" or "you just got bobed" What does it mean exactly, I fail to understand. Thank you for your further help and answer. Regards,

The comment chain alone is hilarious.
@Robusto Your hilarity is my surreality.
I want to say duckduckgoose.
A: To "have someone's number"

Judson PewtherIn Revelation 13:18 (KJV) we read, "Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." These words are usually thought of as pointing to some specific man who fits into the prophecy in the previous verse...

When the Bible is your lens of the world, everything looks scriptural. Or nothing.
OK I just requested to delete 8 accounts but I will be keeping 3 including the ELU one.
It’s good to clean out the sock drawer now and then.
Well, I meant those that I don't use, not those that I use to do naughty things to others. I only have at most one account on each site.
@Avner Kashtan I cannot provide any more information about this because I cannot further assess in this opinion the extent to which this exemption applies to the on line games at issue. — Xavier Vidal Hernández 46 mins ago
I would like to be hilaried, @Rob. but first I have to know what language this is.
@RegDwightАΑA Clearly pineapple speech. But I also said that of the US judge.
It doesn't help that I am not familiar with this usage of "Bob" at all.
@JasperLoy yes you did.
@RegDwightАΑA Oh, someone also called me Spongebob before.
Bob’s your uncle.
Spongebob's not my uncle. Don't be silly.
So I have been called Spongebob and also Chicken Little, lol.
Of course not. If you’ve a Spongebobbed kid, then Bob’s his uncle.
@JasperLoy What about Spongelib and Chicken Bottle?
@RegDwightАΑA You are very creative! Have a cookie.
There is no Spooner.
2 days ago, by Matt Эллен
@JSBձոգչ I agree. because I am sleeping in tomorrow because I've booked holiday and I have friends from far places visiting
I was entertaining my guests
and sleeping
Sleeping entertains your guests?
@RegDwightАΑA nor me and Xavier isn't helping at all in anyone understanding
@tchrist when they are sleeping too, yes
@MattЭллен It’s his modus inoperandi.
Q: What is the meaning of the sentence below?

Shakiba r.abadiGrace under pressure is attractive, and reserves make it easy to be graceful.

Surprised that it is still open, given the current –6.
aye. It already has my vote.
Ah, you’re the other one then.
@RegDwightАΑA Nipping sandboxes en route to becoming stinky catboxes, eh?
Um, what?
Well, Chip isn’t very nice.
I really hate having to put a \x{200A} (read, \N{HAIR SPACE}) after every f that is immediately followed by a or " or or ', most especially the italic ones.
Why can browsers still not kern correctly? The font has kerning info in it: so fricking use that already!

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