> Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine have discovered a blood biomarker that predicts kidney transplant rejection with a lead time of about eight months medicalxpress.com/news/…
There are a number of different sentences using 'impressed' and these other elements that are grammatical, but only two of the are passive/active pair.
Active: He impressed his boss with his performance. Passive: His boss is impressed by him.
'with his performance' is irrelevant to the active-passive transformation
'impressed as a verb can take a number of prepositional phrases.
I was impressed by his performance. I was impressed with his performance. I was impressed at his performance.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body, no whitespace in body, no whitespace in title, potentially bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in title, +2 more (397): hddddddddddddddddddddd ✏️ by SHAKABOOM on english.SE
@Mitch maybe. But your entire Congress seems to disagree, so who am I to say.
Anyway. The barber is not a third party in the situation. They are the first. And you don't pay them only after asking a third party to judge the job they've done of you.
"It is capable of detecting something as small as a house fly across the length of a football field." - This made me do a double-take when reading this article
@Cerberus Of course, you also have to take into account how many children point at you in the street and say, "Mommy, what did that man do to his hair?"
If you can tell me what twaddle is, I'd be much obliged.
@Robusto And what, pray tell, is the point of that? Is there some illegal crapgame in the backroom that the barber is fronting so he's there anyway? Are you paying him extra for showing up early? I NEED TO KNOW!