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How much concrete did you pour? Think of that!
How much concrete did you pour? Think of that!
It's just a fact that America is a big, big greenhouse emissor, even much worse than Europe, which is bad enough.
Concrete is hideous.
It's just a fact that the Netherlands is a low country. Cope.
Concrete production is a huge energy consumer -and- producer of greenhouse gasses.
I know.
Go live somewhere else.
I forgot...I'm pretty sure it is not the chemical process of creating concrete from gravel
It seems weird that crushing the gravel into powder would be the primary problem for all that.
but I think that is indeed the case
I'm really surprised you don't agree America is a huge climate polluter.
It's a simple fact.
But next subject.
@tchrist The Vikings tried that. Not everyone was appreciative of that
@Cerberus Food!
or Gloves!
or ...
ok not that again
@Cerberus That is nothing that I have said. I said that it feels like you are deliberately bashing America. Lots of snooty Eurosnobs do that, we're used to it.
easy target
so big
It was just a little joke about climate change and Al Gore's hypocrisy.
so manty places to complain about
Know thyself.
@Cerberus Al Gore. That guy.
Yes, Gore is object of the joke, but rightfully so, I should think.
wait which joke?
@Mitch Arabic.
27 mins ago, by Cerberus
But, thanks to Al Gore's A/C units, the snow is almost gone.
I dont get it
I'm not even sure human climate change works in such a short period of time.
sorry about the punctuation
I'm eating a donut with the other
it's really good
Al Gore uses a ton of energy, causing a ton of greenhouse emissions, warming the global climate.
By flying around in big jets?
OMG that donut was good
Aren't you glad you got George Bush instead of that evil-doer Al Gore? Think of how the world would have been otherwise.
@tchrist History is made by great men.
@Mitch That's because only Man writes things down. Elephants don't.
No, I'm sure Bush was worse.
You presuppose that Al Gore is bad. Kinda over it. Please stop.
@Mitch Dumbo was a terrorist.
@tchrist I don't know if I'd go that far. Those ears though
@Cerberus Wait...what AC units?
@Mitch Well, I don't know what he did to consume so much energy, but in jokes Americans are usually assumed to be setting their A/C to freezing.
@Mitch It's just the standard Germanic bashing of the existence of air conditioning as a crime against the planet. Go live in New Orleans Louisiana or Houston Texas or Picayune Mississippi or Tucson Arizona or Bakersfield California for a summer without air conditioning. If you survive that, come back and we'll talk.
Hey, I love air conditioning.
Remember that you aren't even allowed to use ice cubes in Austria.
But, sure, it is standard bashing.
I feel like an illiterate in this country.
When the public transport is free, I still bought a ticket and inserted it into the date-registration machine on the bus because I cannot understand the words on the machine until someone on bus told me today the public transportation is free as shown on the machine.
when the clerk was out from their store, I still pushed the gate of the store, finding the gate cannot be pushed open. Then someone waiting nearby told me the note on the gate says:"Wait a minute."
@Bohemianrelativist Is it written in the Latin (Roman) script or in the Cyrillic script, or some other?
I remember feeling illiterate in Korea and Japan in ways I never felt in Europe even in countries whose languages I didn't know well.
when the supermarket put a notice in front of their store saying at 10 to 12 am only people over age 65 can enter to shop, I still tried to enter the supermarket, being stopped by the supermarket runner, who pointed me to the notice. But I cannot understand what the notice says.
Well, you probably ARE illiterate in that language, so this is not a surprising feeling for you to have.
@tchrist I don't usually notice what the note says if I cannot it at all.
I may not even notice there is a note there.
I think it's Latin, something like English.
Unless you live in a major metro area with lots of international visitors, it is normal to post things only in that region's language.
@Bohemianrelativist Oh less bad. But if it's Slavic you'll seldom find any words that look like something you would know the way you might in a Germanic speaking country or even in a Romance speaking one.
people in this country are so strange in that they always speak the language I don't know to me. I don't look like a westerner at all.
I'd be very lost in Czechia, for example, outside the national capital etc.
Or Poland.
It was 18 below zero FAHRENHEIT in Warsaw today. Coldish.
That's 28 below in Centigrade.
notes to self: bring gloves to Poland
ticket sellers in Warsaw railway station is very difficult to communicate.
I imagine. I have an aunt from there. Her brother, who also lives here, has NEVER learned any English at all after many decades.
they spoke English in a way very difficult to understand and cannot understand my English either, then asked me:"Do you know English?"
I know, it's awful. :) They have a very, very thick accent even when they do speak English. It is hard for me to understand.
Many do. My aunt's is perfectly fine, and I never have trouble understanding her English. But she has lived here since getting her PhD.
the police in railway station don't speak English, either.
They spoke a lot to me when I was there, but I couldn't understand them at all, just knowing they were blaming me because I left my luggage on chairs there to go to a nearby shop to buy breakfast.
@Bohemianrelativist They may be more concerned about possible bombs than possible theft.
I hadn't eaten since the previous morning, when I had eaten the provided meal on the plane, so I had been so hungry, but my luggage was too heavy to carry with me.
That's only when you first arrived, right? You haven't been flying around otherwise I hope.
@tchrist that's when I first arrived the city. The train arrived here at midnight, and I just slept in the railway station until the next morning because I didn't know if there was still bus to my dorm and how to go to.
@Bohemianrelativist Makes sense.
I could have arrived the city earlier if the ticket seller is easier to communicate and the direction on the train platform is written in English.
I hope you settle in better as time goes by.
@Robusto I have a (bad) dream: “I hereby issue a complete and unconditional pardon to all white men who voted in any previous Republican primary for any federal crimes committed before today.” :)
@tchrist Two more nights and a wake-up, and you won't have any more of those dreams.
@Robusto 40 very long hours
We can do it. We can tough it out.
closes eyes tight
pulls pillow around ears
thinks of more donuts
Every hour a day.
Every day a season.
every week...
a donut
choose your donuts wisely
Maybe he'll just have his family keep their pardons in their back pocket until federal charges are brought, then SURPRISE!
Nothing requires that his pardons be made public to be binding.
simehow that seems like they wouldn't hold up in court?
Ssssshhhhh. It's been four long years. It ends at noon on Wednesday. You can do this.
Sure they would, if they were issued while he was still President of these United States.
something like conflict of interest?
You don't understand. There is no such thing as a conflict of interest statute that binds the President.
There can't be.
Not without a constitutional change at least.
He can pardon his wife, his kids. Can't stop it.
He can pardon everybody. Still can't stop it.
It's a plenary power.
not himself though
The Founders thought that the recourse of impeachment would suffice to stop bad pardons.
but really? can't stop those other things? seems like there should always be an 'appeal' process
Absolutely not.
It's not possible.
@tchrist add that to the list of things that need to be fixed
If ER2 pardons somebody, there's no appeal either.
like maybe aides using a 'pocket' veto?
like they fail to submit it?
What, burning the document?
I don't think those types remain.
or shred
but yeah, anybody with a shred of ... something... have already abandoned ship
None of this is going through the office of the pardon attorney. He just makes it all up.
can't post on twitter
unfortunately this means that there needs to be a lot of amendments to the constitution that account for having an incompetent melevolent idiot in power.
@tchrist twitter posts of the president's had been ruled by some judge to be official pronouncements by the president at some point early on.
Warsaw is the capital but everything in railway stations are still not in English.
@Bohemianrelativist In Barcelona, the international trains had announcements in English but not the regional ones.
> The full extent of a president's power to pardon has not been fully resolved.

Pardons have been used for presumptive cases, such as when President Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon, who had not been charged with anything, over any possible crimes connected with the Watergate scandal,[6] but the Supreme Court has never considered the legal effectiveness of such pardons.[7]

There is disagreement about how the pardon power applies to cases involving obstructions of an impeachment.[8]

Also, the ability of a president to pardon themselves (self-pardon) has never been tested in the courts,
@Cerberus All of these things are because there's never been a ruling from the judiciary on them. So nobody can know for sure until then.
If a president of the US can pardon himself, he is potentially every bit the despot that Putin is.
So it remains to be seen whether he can pardon himself or his family.
@Robusto Well, it's just not conscionable.
That last one is so ludicrous in content - the entire basis of the structure of the federal gov in the US constitution is against any branch being unsupervised.
@Cerberus His family he can.
I suspect the Supreme Court would not allow him to pardon himself, certainly not praesumptively.
@tchrist Perhaps not praesumptively.
"No man can be a judge in his own case" is not new, nor is it minor.
It is a basic axiom in any system of justice.
@tchrist there's millions of things that haven't been tested in court, many much more less frivolous than self-pardoning.
@Mitch By the way, I played you yesterday.
and pardoning your family is also crazy, just like any kind of nepotism is universally condemned
There were pasture cards you could draw, which were horses and cows. The cow had horns and a green background, just like you.
@Cerberus played me as like in a play, or played me like I was a sucker?
Both equally likely
In this case, the former.
Oh? So what characteristics did you ape? My prehensile tail? My astute cleverness? My Rh factor (positive!)?
@tchrist I have learnt basic Japanese but have forgotten most of them due to not having chance to use it, but Japan may make me not feel so illiterate.
What do they call the American Revolution in the UK schools?
> "Dear Melanie̶a, because today is St Euthymius’s Day I am hereby granting you a full pardon for all crimes against the United States in honor of your traditional Slovenian Eastern Orthodox upbringing."

"Dear Donald, but what did I do?"

"They haven't decided yet, but remember I have those pictures."

I also make a lot of dreams these days, a lot of which are scenarios related to what can happen in school, like not being able to find my classroom easily.
@Bohemianrelativist Eventually you will get dreams about classes you forgot you even signed up for.
This is normal. Common, even.
@tchrist goddamit
I have had anxiety dreams about not showing up for...
that actually happened.
just once though
by the way, some time ago when I was in my home country, I dreamt of being shopping in an American market with a lot of vendors.
The once and future dream, now on pandemic hold.
You don't need gloves at an American indoor mall!
@Mitch Eh you were just a resource to buy caravans and development cards with, sorry.
(you really need to get gloves)
@Cerberus Well, glad I could help? Without even trying?
I don't know what the people I gave you to did with you, though...
@Mitch Just masks.
recently I was really shopping in a cafe whose clerk can speak English.
Was that nice?
yes, it's difficult here to find people who can speak English well, even in a bank.
when I went to a bank, I saw no customer speaks English, so when it's my turn, I asked the staff: can I speak English? she said: No.
Was this a young person like yourself?
@Cerberus wait what do you mean 'caravans' and 'development cards'? Like a camping van?
@Mitch Those ones coming up from Central America in that big convoy that's about to break through the wall.
Lots and lots of fifth wheel trailers there.
even young people here don't know English well. On my way travelling here, I asked a lot of strangers direction, finding even young people don't know English well.
@Mitch You might call them 'wagons' instead. They are some of the plastic pieces you see on the board.
@Bohemianrelativist Oh? That's an interesting thing for me to learn. I did not know.
'Development cards' are bonus cards that can give you various perks.
@Cerberus I feel like you've gotten me in way over my head
@Mitch Oh, just look at the green card with the cow. That's all which is required of you.
@tchrist that's why I feel so difficult to arrive here. I need to ask a lot of people direction to find my way, because a lot of people just speak English in a way I don't understand.
@Cerberus green
@Cerberus OK. I'll keep my mouth shut and smile when I get to the checkpoint
@Mitch That always works well for people.
but to my surprise, at the second night I came here, a woman who begged me for money spoke English very well.
@Bohemianrelativist Doubtless motivated by her desire to reach more tourists. Prostitutes do the same.
@Mitch caravanner, caravett, caravanette, caravanserai, caramello
@tchrist but I don't know if she is a native; she said he has no money at all after encountering a couple of accidents and asked me to give her some cash to take a bus to go home.
@Bohemianrelativist poor girl
@Cerberus wait
are we talking about Settlers of Catan
breaker breaker one nine
@Mitch It is a different game in the Catan series.
It is somewhat similar to the original, but different.
you played me -and- you played me
And it.
did you win?
no shame in not
that game is hard to make things happen
@tchrist A convoy to DC?
Central American migrant caravans, also known as the Viacrucis del Migrante ("Migrant's Way of the Cross"), are migrant caravans that travel from Central America to the Mexico–United States border. The largest and best known of these were organized by Pueblo Sin Fronteras (Village Without Borders) that set off during Holy Week in early 2017 and 2018 from the Northern Triangle of Central America (NTCA), but such caravans of migrants began arriving several years earlier, and other unrelated caravans continued to arrive into late 2018. There is some disagreement as to whether the migrant caravans...
I know nothing of the white terrorists' convoys.
they take planes to the capital
they're no underclass
@Mitch Nah, second place.
Hopefully out of more than two
Surprisingly, yes.
We were three.
I was the only one who got the card Scourge of Rome twice.
is that a plague or just German invaders?
We're all invaders in the game.
oh fun
The ones that actually conquered the Western Empire.
@Mitch you meant hun
@tchrist TIL what that actually means. "when a trucker says this, he or she is asking permission to break into the conversation other truckers are having on their channel 19"
@Cerberus The Germans that didn't do it were kind of slackers
Those later conquered England.
@Cerberus Por supuesto
And they say white folk caint rap.
@tchrist classic
Breaker breaker EL&U chatroom
We got insurrgents in DC
Bloody Hell, the Armed Forces have arrived!
There's a convoy of truckers heading to DC from Texas
Confederate Memorial Day is known as Confederate Heroes' Day in Texas. It is held on January 19 each year.
Trekker convoy.
Star wannabe
@user85795 "Confederate Heroes" is a helluva mouthful up here in Yankivania, much too big for our mouths.
We usually just say "traitor".
They're just pissed that a black man gets a holyday.
How will The South ever rise again?
Plate tectonics.
Knights in White Satin.
that, and Gone With The Wind reruns
Sorry I meant Satan.
I thought they're mostly baptists?
Born agains
Didn't the King say that ol' Baptist he look better with his head on a platter?
Or maybe that was Jezebel.
Inaugural day is going to be biblical in stature.
@tchrist another classic
@user85795 2 Corinthians?
Perhaps, we'll see if the army rolls in the tanks.
@Mitch The old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
@tchrist I don't think he was talking about Ecclesiastes
Aug 21 '20 at 20:23, by Mitch
Jul 5 at 20:43, by Mitch
Apr 29 at 15:07, by Mitch
Mar 2 at 18:13, by Mitch
Dec 31 '18 at 22:48, by Mitch
Nov 9 at 14:20, by Mitch
Oct 18 at 14:11, by Mitch
Jun 1 at 19:04, by Mitch
May 17 '17 at 19:08, by Mitch
there's nothing new under the sun
@user85795 I think there are enough troops there to scare away the idiots for the inauguration.
@Mitch We will not boast beyond our limits?
dude I do not know the bible!
@Mitch Agreed. But, if they want to keep up will the Communists, who boasted zero Covid cases, they gotta up their game.
All my bible knowledge I picked up from bad tv fictional televangelists
@Mitch I repeat: Let no one take me for a fool.
@user85795 wha? (though I did first read that as 'toasted zero Covid' and wondered how that would taste).
@Gigili I added the final parenthesis just for you.
in other words, if it weren't for you I wouldn't have bothered
Oct 3 '20 at 15:23, by skullpatrol
and China's reply to the US is "what is wrong with you people? We officially have ZERO new cases of COVID-19 in our country"
And your president looks like this
> Monthly bolus doses of 60 000 IU of vitamin D did not reduce the overall risk of acute respiratory tract infection, but could slightly reduce the duration of symptoms in the general population. These findings suggest that routine vitamin D supplementation of a population that is largely vitamin D replete is unlikely to have a clinically relevant effect on acute respiratory tract infection.
@CowperKettle Unsurprised.
Why is Scarlett O'Hara a psychopath?
They misused *replete,* I think. But in truth, more Vit D won’t do much for the satiated. 1. Abundantly supplied; abounding: a stream replete with trout; an apartment replete with Empire furniture.
2. Filled to satiation; gorged.
From AHD.
@CowperKettle She probably wasn't, in part because that's a vague description seldom used by professionals in the field of mental health. Movies & Madness: Scarlett O'Hara thinks Histrionic Personality Disorder better fits the bill, but has other musings on Borderlines and such.
I have immediate family with a psych PhD who's more a researcher than a clinician, so I've had the lecture about throwing around casual terms like "sociopath" and "psychopath". They just aren't used except by common people lacking a background in dealing with or studying those with complex mental health issues. It's like with any other complex field misunderstood by outsiders.
3 hours later…
2 hours later…
@CowperKettle This one is creative, at least.
@tchrist So what would one use instead of "sociopath" and "psychopath"?
@Mitch It's efficient to recycle. And it saves electrons.
@Mitch I think everyone can agree that Scarlett has mental health issues, at least.
@Mitch I didn't know that, but it makes sense. What is a preferable alternative?
@Bohemianrelativist Where is "here"?
@tchrist How does cement, as used for plastering, compare?
I find myself doing a lot of plastering here.
Workers cleaning snow off the roofs
Looks like they don't wear protective gear, I mean the ropes.
Some workers die and get mangled each winter from falling off roofs.
1 hour later…
How much does a session with a psychiatrist cost in the UK, in terms of pounds/hour? A Skype session. I'd like to know.
2 hours later…
News report: Vladimir Putin plunged in the Epiphany pool. The President was in blue briefs.
Comment by Navalny Team: Vladimir Vladimirovich, now you can leave the briefs to yourself.
More closely: now there's no need to give back the briefs.
Navalny's latest investigation, recorded prior to his return to Russia in order to be released automatically after he returns.
This is Leonid Volkov, a politician from Yekaterinburg, my city.
He is the second man in Navalny's team.
He just wrote: ""A palace for Vladimir Putin. The story of the biggest bribe". Hi there, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Don't shit your pants now, you thief and murderer." (Volkov announces the publishing of the investigation)
I just love Leonid Volkov.
In my view, he is more intellectual than Navalny, and he has a better speaking talent.
I would vote for Volkov in there was a choice between them.
The topic of the investigation is Putin's luxurious palace which it took over USD 1.2 billion to build. The money came from Russia's state-owned companies.
An underground hockey rink. Nice, nice.
What's it with criminals. They always love exorbitant luxury.
The investigators say that they managed to dig up the full plans, down to the smallest electric socket, of Putin's palace.
"In order to create this video investigation, I had to learn AutoCAD. I don't want to ever launch it again".
> And of course. When we discovered how Putin's palace is funded, we learned that the same scheme, the same thief's cash fund, is used to fund these two gals. Gazprom's subsidiary gifted an elite flat to the mother of Ms. Kabayeva (left) and to the mother of Ms. Krivonogikh (right), right in the center of Moscow.
Krivonogikh is Putin's former lover, Kabayeva is his current mistress.
dealing with life is far more tedious than studying.It would be nice if I can sit here to study and food would be sent to me when I am hungry.
@CowperKettle Better speaking talents?
It is eloquent, in its own way...
Lèse-majesté ( or ), a French term meaning "to do wrong to majesty", is an offence against the dignity of a reigning sovereign or against a state. This behaviour was first classified as a criminal offence against the dignity of the Roman Republic of ancient Rome. In the Dominate, or Late Empire period, the emperors eliminated the republican trappings of their predecessors and began to equate the state with themselves. Although legally the princeps civitatis (his official title, meaning, roughly, 'first citizen') could never become a sovereign because the republic was never officially abolished...
What do you mean, "anymore"? :)
@Mitch blushes
In other words, no flirting in this chat.
@Robusto Thailand has notoriously strict lese-majeste laws
That French word lèse there has the same root as lesion, and involves injury. These are from the supine inflection of the Latin verb laedo / laedere meaning to harm physically or otherwise. Italian does have ledere in that sense, but Spanish does not. Law Scots used to use it but not lately.
> 1757 Caledonian Mercury 11 Feb. — The Corporation of Baxters have dissented from the Assize Table of Bread.., judging Themselves lesed, and their Manufacture of fine Bread discredited thereby.
> 1901 Columbus Med. Jrnl. 25 99 The phagocytes accumulate at a lesed point and remove hurtful agents
For lesion itself, we find this tale:
> Origin: Of multiple origins. Partly a borrowing from French. Partly a borrowing from Latin. Etymon: French lesion.

Etymology: < (i) Anglo-Norman lesiun, lessiun, Anglo-Norman and Middle French lesion (French lésion ) damage, harm, physical injury (12th cent. in Old French), legal injury (13th cent.), flaw in a living organism (1314),

and (ii) its etymon classical Latin laesiōn-, laesiō injury, harm, hurt, in post-classical Latin also wound, wrong, damage, injustice (Vulgate), violation, breach, infringement (frequently from 12th cent. in British sources), intention to wound, malice (fr
Modern Spanish does have lesión; the referenced obsolete form mentioned in the OED entry above lisión is no longer spelled that way. My guess is that this spelling change was a scholarly "restoration" there by the Latinate.
A: Do you know any academic adverbs other than "therefore", "hence", "so", and "thus"?

ŘídícíHere are some to pick from: accordingly, basically, clearly, consequently, effectively, indeed, inevitably, necessarily, particularly, specifically, subsequently, ultimately.

What about this review (by another answerer) of my answer?
@Řídící I presume you are wondering why the reviewer holds that position?
@tchrist Indeed
It's because just listing off words isn't up to our site's standard as to what constitutes a proper answer.
@tchrist OK, granted. But the reviewer's answer isn't much different, is it?
@Řídící OH! I had not seen the conflict of interest there.
Never mind.
@Řídící I've never found a warm place in my heart for questions of that one's sort here.
It’s not as though lèse-majesté is just French for a rent-a-king. :)
@tchrist I felt obliged to echo the "It's not just for breakfast anymore" trope.
Oh, how weird. In Spanish the noun turba has two meanings, one like English and the other like Latin. It can mean the same thing as English turf, and there it has the same ultimate Germanic origin via a French import. But it can also mean mean "mob" the way it does in Latin. I don't know whether in Portuguese it can ever have the Germanic sense though.
I discovered this when background checking a potential coinage of turbocratic for when "the churn" rules things through mob disturbances.
I used to think turban partook of the same roots, but apparently not.
A turban is just a tulip hat. :)
(same Persian etymon)
@tchrist An "onionhead hat" in another's parlance.
@CowperKettle Holy crap. That's a fortress. Are those guns on the roof?
25 hours, 11 minutes and counting ...
Hard to tell at that distance. Maybe they're just really weird TV antenna.
@Robusto ?
@FaheemMitha Till Biden gets sworn in.
@Robusto Ok. Though I think you are focusing too much on a single person. I don't think celestial choirs will burst into song when he leaves. Nor will the world suddenly become an oasis of peace and harmony.
@Robusto Every hour a day.
@FaheemMitha Maybe not for you. My mileage will vary.
If anyone happens to have read "In The Days of the Comet", at the end the world does in fact become a oasis of peace and harmony. And very nice it would be. If it could happen outside the pages of fiction, I mean.
@FaheemMitha I think I read his whole opus when I was 12 or 13, something like that.
@FaheemMitha I'm aware that there are other problems, and that those problems will continue and perhaps even worsen. But when you have appendicitis the same situation applies. Once the appendix is removed you can go on to deal with the rest of the problems much more easily.
@tchrist I wasn't suggesting it was a stellar work of fiction. Decidedly not.
One of his more forgettable works, I think.
I mean memory escapes me.
I still liked the ending, though.
There's a first world war sort of trenches warfare going on, and everyone throws down their arms, exclaims how insane this all is, and walks away. And of course, it is insane. That's the point.
@tchrist Ok.
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