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@Vitaly Haha, nice.
I still think some studies are OK.
But one has to read them cover to cover to be sure.
Can you recommend a P&P-style reference for determining what lexical category a word belongs to? (Specifically, the sightseeing in We went sightseeing.)
3 hours later…
@Cerberus Wow, it seems you have 76.5 messages in this room, amazing!
That makes you the most talkative person in this chat I guess.
I would check the dictinary. They denote different meanings and are used for different purposes. — Noah 4 hours ago
The confusion arises from not having proper punctuation's marks. — Noah 4 hours ago
Is this for real?
Probably jokes.
@DavidWallace No, they are for real, which is what makes it a joke.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Can you then tell me why some printers make it so hard to remove jammed paper? Only my mum can clear the jam for me.
Subjective and argumentative.
A: "Each" followed by "have"

DougvjThat is correct grammer. There are 3 forms of the word 'each' As a noun: Each has distinctly different... As an adjective: Each word has distinctly different... As an adverb: The words each have distinctly different... In this case, 'each' is an adverb signifying "apart",...

> That is correct grammer.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_law -- "For instance, the number of cities having a certain population size is found to vary as a power of the size of the population, and hence follows a power law." Does this implies approximation: number-of-cities ~ coeficient^size-of-population ?
I'm not really sure if I understand that correctly
No, that is the wrong approximation.
If the coefficient is > 1, then the higher the population, the higher the number of cities with that population. (So there are only a couple cities with 10 residents, but countless cities with tens of millions, which is obviously nonsense.) And if the coefficient is < 1, then the number of cities with any population is <1 (which is obvious nonsense as well).
Forget the equation, look at the graph. A picture is worth a thousand words.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 The graph is obvious and the example too if I look at the graph. I still don't understand the part "... to vary as a power of the size of the population ..." - what does the word "power" mean here?
@MartyIX Er, what has that got to do with English?
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Actually, that picture says nothing about powers. It just says green and yellow.
@MartyIX It's not your fault. I don't really get what it is saying. I think it is poorly written.
@ClarkKent Well, I know it is a little off topic here. Sorry for that.
@ClarkKent I'm glad I'm not alone :)
A power of X is X to some degree.
The second power of X is X².
So "a power of the size of the population" is population^something, not something^population.
ah, thanks!
Also, if one needs life lessons, one may come to this chat during "The hour of power".
Essentially that show is always on, you just need to look out for the lessons.
Jasper, you are even more confusing than Wikipedia.
Hello @ana! What brings you here today?
Анастасиия Анищенко. The two и's are unusual.
Could be a -siya as in -сья, though.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Wow, you have X-ray eyes. I can't see the Cyrillic in the username.
More like X-ray transliteration fingers.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 well, it is like this. maybe, because I am AnastasIia, not AnastAsia. But it is also the fault of the transliteration of our passport system in Ukraine: я is iia.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 it should be Anastasiya, but I was lazy to change my pass just because of an additional i in my name.
I've seen iou for ю countless times, but iia for я is news to me.
=) don#t know.. I have my pass since 5 years
At any rate I don't know too many Anastasias. Actually only two. My late grandma and that tsar chick.
@ClarkKent hello :) I was just wondering what people do discuss here :) besides, my English is not so good..
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 well, it is not made in Russia, or?
The original duchess was made in Russia I suppose.
The movie was made in America, I'd wager.
true. so they spell it as they are used to.
Вели́кая княжна́ Анастаси́я Никола́евна (Романова Анастасия Николаевна) (, Петергоф — в ночь с 16 на 17 июля 1918, Екатеринбург) — четвёртая дочь императора Николая II и Александры Фёдоровны. Расстреляна вместе с семьёй в доме Ипатьева. После её смерти около 30 женщин объявляли себя «чудом спасшейся великой княжной», но все рано или поздно были разоблачены как самозванки. Прославлена вместе с родителями, сёстрами и братом в соборе новомучеников Российских как страстотерпица на юбилейном Архиерейском соборе Русской православной церкви в августе 2000 года. Ранее, в 1981 году, они же были кан...
Wiki sez, Peterhof.
yes, I have recently read this, I came back from S.-Petersburg two days ago :)
Peterhof is insanely gorgeous.
poor girl..
Peterhof is marvellous.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 I love it!
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 are u ukrainian?
People keep asking me that.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 and what do you answer?
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Every day of the week and twice on Tuesdays.
May 23 '11 at 11:23, by Third Idiot
@RegDwight Are you Ukrainian?
hohohohoho :)
I don't care
Reg delights in pointing out that everything that's ever said here has been said before.
Somewhere in the transcript I have a nice compilation of people wondering if I was Ukrainian, Bulgarian, French, German, Italian, Elton John, Sting, or HAL-9000.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 ))) yes, always same stuff: "how are you?", "where are you from?", "how is the weather there?" etc...
ok, now I should work a bit. Wish you to have a nice afternoon!
To directly answer your question, my knowledge of Ukrainian is limited to bits and pieces such as "треба було", "хлопець", "десять хвилин", "в першу чергу", and "жовто-блакитный".
I am probably more fluent in Turkish.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Yellow what?
Of Texas.
Good morning, Kit.
shakes fist
Oh oh, do I need to run away?
I don't know what it is with this workplace. It's like they think we ought to work in all conditions.
It's so cold in my office, it doesn't register on the thermostat.
Barefoot in the snow.
58 degrees or colder.
Two weeks ago (before they installed my AC) it was over 100 degrees.
Last year, I had a baby blanket and a woolly hat at work, just for such circumstances.
(The 58, not the 100).
No. Uh uh. I don't work like that.
I'm a union girl.
My employer is required to provide me with good working conditions, and appropriate temperature is one of them.
My building is very variable too. It has far too many windows and a stupid shape, so it's basically always the same temperature as the air outside.
I sat in here in the cold yesterday and ached all night. I'm not doing it again today.
And of course, it's winter here, even though it's still spring where you are. As per our conversation of three months ago.
Plus, I am all wound up and foaming at the mouth.
wipes away foam
Ow! That hurt!
feral grin
How do you remove duplicates from a column in Excel 2007? Quickly, or I will bite you again!
Are you allowed to sort it first?
89 naughty users.
@Cerberus This is why I like Free software. Stuff like that comes in the package. It doesn't cost money AND you can be reasonably sure that it's not spying on you.
@KitFox I don't know what that means. And I'm starting to fear being re-bitten.
@DavidWallace Oh, don't worry, I've already removed the duplicates.
To find that 89 of my users are naughty.
Oh, so I just wasn't quick enough.
@KitFox removed duplicate bites?
Hm, you haven't bitten me lately... that I know of
I was going to sort the column in question, insert two columns next to it. Put a formula in the first one that shows the value to the west if it's different from the value to the north-west, and blank otherwise. Then do a paste special into the other new column to just get the values. Sort by the third column and delete all the rows that go to the top.
But you've probably got a quicker way.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Ha! Bosnians have a similar expression for exactly the same reason. I'm amazed I didn't recognise it when you said it in Ukrainian.
I am cryptic like that.
Although I guess блакитный is different enough from plavi that I can be excused.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Cryptic like JLO.
@DavidWallace Select the column, select advanced filter, choose a new location and click the unique records only box.
See, I said you'd have a quicker way. Is "unique records only" new in 2007?
@KitFox Wow, I did not know they have this feature!
@DavidWallace Pretty sure.
Finally they were smart enough to implement this. They should have done it 9000 years ago.
No, they shouldn't have.
OK. Hey, I need to go to bed now. Pleasure being bitten by you, Kit. Good night all.
Too many people use Excel like it is a database as it is.
@DavidWallace Night!
@DavidWallace Night!
@KitFox Oh yeah, it's supposed to be a spreadsheet, not a database! Amazing!
I win for most number of good night pings on SE chat I think.
Q: How to go around Runtime.getRuntime() while writing JUnit?

unniI have a class where Runtime.getRuntime() is used for executing a script from command line and getting the result for further processing. But when I write JUnit for this class, I cannot find a way to mock/avoid this Runtime.getRuntime().exec() . I cannot use EasyMock or PowerMock or any other m...

He/she repeated my answer as his/her own, accepted his/her own, then thanked me. Pah! Thanks for the rep points, unni!
@DavidWallace Welcome to SE.
@DavidWallace haha. And he could still delete his and accept yours. But he doesn't.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Welcome to SE.
@DavidWallace Well, I told him off for you.
If we downvote him too much, he'll get a badge out of it.
His formatting sucks, too.
So I noticed that in Chrome, many boxes I type in have a blue outline, but not in Firefox.
This leaves me wondering whether the blue is supposed to be there or not.
The blue is your focus indicator, I think.
Ah, so I guess Chrome has chosen to have it and Firefox not.
Q: Meaning of "modulo the fact"

Yola This proposal is the best so far, modulo the fact that parts of it need modification. What is the meaning of modulo the fact? Does it mean This proposal is the best so far, but note what parts of it still need to be modified.

How many of you have actually heard this usage?
I have, but I am not sure where. In fact, I use it myself too.
The remainder of the fact?
I guess it's not common, so I voted to reopen and now it's open.
hi everyone
i am trying to practice my english, do you think watching movies with english subtitles or sometimes without any subtitles would help me?
English movies with English subtitles? Maybe.
Depends on how good the subtitles are.
@JavascriptGeek Hearing and reading both help, by common sense.
i am not really comfortable with the british accent, so watching british movies without subtitles is a bit hard for me, but I haven 't faced any problem with american movies....
@JavascriptGeek For me it's not the accent that makes me not understand. It's just that speakers in movies don't always articulate the words, so they are unclear by default.
ok, I will try, but i wonder if I can learn proper english (and not just english) in that way.
I see
@JavascriptGeek Hahaha. No.
@JavascriptGeek If by proper English you mean standard English used in formal and academic circles, then no.
Nonetheless, it still helps in the learning process generally.
But you could learn some good English by watching movies.
Just pick refined films instead of action flicks.
It's also important to know English as it is used in the real world.
Will try.... Its a way that doesn 't need money and time :)
So use movies as a supplement, not the meat.
yes, but I can t speak english with my friends, unfortunately :P
@JavascriptGeek Hey, there are many online resources for learning English you know.
But i think it may be a way not to forget the basics I learned at school
yes, and there are also tutorials too, but many of them start from the basics that I have already revised... and I don t really have the time...
so watching english movies without or subtitles it s a very easy way
that watching them with greek subtitles, I mean
@JavascriptGeek Well, you need time to learn anything properly. And you need to learn the basics before flying.
i understand
The problem with subtitles is that they are often completely wrong.
how did you learned english?
@KitFox Often? Wow, those must be weird movies then. I wonder if they are NSFW.
at school?
@ClarkKent If you don't think subtitles are often wrong, you haven't been reading many subtitles.
Huh, the modulo question is open again? Why?
Because the world hates me.
I'm going home. Back later.
@KitFox Bye! Hope your back is OK!
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Because it is a very uncommon use, and wiktionary is not authoritative.
@ClarkKent it's very common in my neck of the woods.
And who cares if Wiktionary is authoritative. That's not the question.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Well, you are alone in the woods.
Certainly it contains thousands of things that are suboptimal or outright wrong. But that's beside the point.
But like I said I use it that way myself.
It is probably a spin-off from mathematical circles.
@ClarkKent "probably"? what else COULD it be?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Yeah, I guess I usually watch English movies with Chinese subtitles or Chinese movies with English subtitles!
@ClarkKent and you don't find hundreds of mistakes?
I have not really watched English movies with English subtitles.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Well, translation is not meant to be word for word. As long as the idea is conveyed so that the audience appreciates the movie, it is fine. I think I have come across only few mistakes, not many.
@ClarkKent I never said it had to be word-for-word. I mean actual mistakes. Like sentences that are grammatically incorrect. Or places where they use the wrong words entirely.
Heck, when I watched "Crimson Rivers" the English subtitles translated "63 meters" to "42 feet"
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Ah yes, but I notice only few, maybe because I am paying more attention to the movie instead.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 What? They threw in a conversion for free?
@ClarkKent an INCORRECT conversion
Let me tell you the funniest mistake I came across...
It was an English movie with Chinese subtitles. So the guy says "Honey,..." and the Chinese translation was the honey that we eat instead.
Sorry guys, but I have to close it again.
His quote is taken straight out of a dictionary.
Come on.
If that's not a NARQ, nothing is.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 OK sure. No need to be apologetic! But not everyone is as easy as me.
Well I should have checked earlier.
But I thought the Wiktionary link would suffice.

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