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@Cerberus you around?
9 hours later…
Bah. Spent the entire morning merging whose-vs-that's-vs-whichs questions, and still not even halfway through.
Q: How can I pronounce "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm"?

John Isaiah Carmona qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmurbandictionary.com A phenomena that happens to a computer's keyboard when a human being is bored to death...Bored to death in a cube a human decides to type qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm (all the keyboard buttons in an orderly way) to a search engine to see what co...

Incorrectly. You can pronounce it incorrectly.
That was easy. Next!
here was I looking up the IPA explanation, and you're over there with a better answer
Faster, too.
faster, better, snarker
just went jogging again
agonizing, as predicted
that 14 mile wall people talk about - I get it after a few hundred metres
I have question about learning English language. I learn it with three teachers for three months.
I take one to two lesson per teacher per week.
Right now I think I want to learn with only one teacher.
Do you think it is a good idea?
Hard to tell, as we know nothing about the teachers.
OK I will tell you what I know about them.
The thing is, generally you should expose yourself to as many different speakers of the language as possible. That is how babies learn. On the other hand, as far as teachers go, too many cooks spoil the broth, because they tend not to converse with you freely, but to teach you strict sets of rules, each of them having a different one.
Teacher 1 is a certified teacher. I like her the most. She has a good knowledge about English language. I asked her lots of questions and she could answer all of them. She always tells me if I say incorrect sentence, use incorrect verb.
Teacher 2 is a high school teacher. She teaches vocabulary and idioms. I learn with her because I want to know more words. After a month I think I can learn new words by myself. :)
Teacher three is a retired teacher. She teaches pronunciation - phonic teacher.
Some of my former teachers told me I didn't need to learn phonics.
But I think it helps me a lot.
Right now I have trouble with some sound. Teacher 1 told me that she can teach phonics too.
I can't make up my mind, lol.
do you feel you are learning anything from your teachers?
Yes. I learned from all of them.
drop any you are not learning from
well, why do you want to drop any of them?
That's a good mix, but do you have to pay all three?
Yes I pay all of them.
You must be really determined.
Some of my friend suggest me to learn with one teacher.
That should be "Some of my friends suggested I should only have one teacher"
Do you think learning with phonics teacher is good idea? There are a few consonants I can't speak clearly.
suggest me is unlikely to ever be right, except in the imperative e.g. "Hey! Suggest me for the position!"
@Anonymous I don't know anything about phonics. How does it work?
She taught me how to pronounce each consonant sound such as a, v, l, r, z
how does she do that?
that sounds like elocution lessons
She taught me where to put my tongue, teeth and lip.
That's good. It's important to know these things in order to be well understood
it won't teach you how English works, but it will help you to be understood when you are talking
OK, so I will continue learn with phonic teacher.
What do you think about vocabulary and idioms teacher? I think I can learn new words and idioms from book. She taught me by gave me the definition and let me guess the word.
I am working on vocabulary books, read newspaper and picture dictionary. I think I got many new words from her but right now I feel like i can learn by myself.
If you think you can learn this from a book as well or better than the teacher can teach you then you don't need her. Maybe find a test you can take to rate your idiom knowledge. take it now, give up the teacher for a while and take it again, then go back to the teacher and learn with her for a while, then take the test again. you should be able to see what best improves your learning
Great suggestion!
I will do that :)
I have yet another question.
I read online newspaper and list all words that I don't know the definition. Then I look up in my dictionary. I do this for a month but I can't remember all of the word. Is this a good way to build my vocabulary?
yes. My brother and I did that as a children. We did the same as you, then our dad would get us to write out sentences with the new words in to prove we understood them.
Repetition is key.
I tried to write out the sentences with new words but I can't use some of them. I think I don't have a good understanding of that word.
You can try googling for that word to read it in other contexts.
Then you will have a much better understanding on how people actually use it.
You might discover other meanings of the word as well.
Again, this amounts to repetition.
Ahh, Thank you.
It's easy to forget a word you only saw once.
But seeing it over and over and over again will engrave it in your memory.
One of my teacher told me 20 words per week is a good number. Right now I read one article per day and get more than 50 words. I think one article should be good for two weeks.

Do you think 20 words per week is a good number?
20 sounds reasonable
Steve Pinker had some data on this. I don't remember the numbers. Too bad.
It was basically, native speakers learn like 1 new word a day, every day.
But children learn like 1 new word per hour or something.
Again, I don't remember the exact numbers.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 This data? testyourvocab.com/blog.php (the New results for native speakers post)
Why the heck is it “Not found”?
Ah, now that I've scrolled down, there is one bit...
> Between the ages of 3 and roughly 16, our vocabulary explodes at an average rate of almost 4 new words a day (3.8, to be more exact). Then, between the ages of 16 and 50, our vocabulary growth is slower, but still fairly consistent: around 1 new word a day (0.85, to be precise).
23,000 words - that is a big number for me :)
Well yeah. Pinker did the same thing. He took the average vocabulary size, 40000 IIRC, and divided that by some age.
So he arrived at one word per day.
But the more interesting part was how much faster children learn.
Yes. I am old so if I learn 20 words per week then I will know 1,000 words in a year.
I have no idea where I even have that book. At home, I guess.
> Up to one year abroad brings the average student from around 7,000 to around 10,000 words. After that, every year abroad gives you around 850 more words, or around 2.35 per day.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 what is it called?
The Language Instinct.
Feb 18 '11 at 21:22, by Kosmonaut
I have that one too. I should have another read
although, mine's at home too
I think I may not reach my goal this year. My gold is to speak clear and proper English. After talked with you guys I think I need to know lots of words to reach my goal.
are you at university? could you take a year in an English speaking country, at a university there?
that would be a great way to learn
I am working. I also looking for a job in an English speaking country.
What do you think between learn English "90 minutes a day, two days per week" and "45 minutes a day, four days per week"?
I don't know. They both sound good
it would depend on your attention span. if you concentrate better in short bursts, then more, shorter lessons is better
If I may intrude in your conversation, I'd say that the more frequent the exposure to English (or any other language, for that matter... ) is, the better. In my opinion, intervals may be rather disturbing as far as fixing concepts and words is concerned.
I am beginner English learner. I don't understand "In my opinion, intervals may be rather disturbing as far as fixing concepts and words is concerned.". Please use easier word. :)
Sorry. What I mean is that if you don't practice regularly, you may forget things more rapidly. So, if you have the opportunity to speak English everyday, even though for a limited period of time (say, half an hour), I think you should do it, rather than speak for one hour every second day.
Ahh, I see.
Thank you :)
and the same is true for reading. It is more profitable to read a few pages every day than a lot more every now and then.
In any case, my compliments to you for the goodwill and the determination to learn the language. As someone said before, however, spending time in an English speaking country would do the trick.
I will find a way. I hope I get a job in an English speaking country. :)
Good luck with it. Goodbye.
Yes! The search function answered my question! It is possible not to ask a dupe.
OMG I am obsolete! poufff
Huzzah indeed!
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 well, only for this question. someone else is about to ask about a vs an
I was going to!
Tell someone else that he is about to be merged into vgv8, then.
@KitFox how arest thou, on this fine monday?
@MattЭллен OK. Today sucked slightly less than Friday.
That's good :) sucking less is a step in the right direction
The youngest one cried a little less and didn't hold on as tightly.
Also, he smiled and nodded when I said he might get to play with the frogs today.
The eldest was sad and on the verge of tears, but said he would give it a good try today.
oh dear. I thought he was enjoying himself!
He doesn't much like daycare, apparently because they have naptime.
oh. Does he not like napping?
Naptime sucks more than Friday.
But we talked to Miss Jo, and she said he has to stay on his nap mat, but he can read books or draw pictures if he wants.
So we brought nap stuff (Bouncy Man and a blanket) and books, so he can pick.
Naptime is when they take an hour of your life for nothing. As if childhood wasn't too short enough already.
He really doesn't need a nap anymore.
yeah. adults need naptime. kids have to have it, so that adults can too
Except the eldest is old enough to play video games or watch TV while Mommy rests.
So he can do that at home.
@KitFox self-babysitting! the best kind
The boys let us sleep until 7:55 yesterday.
Yeah, except I had Mommy Breakfast at 8.
So I was a little late.
my kids sorta let us sleep. They didn't intentionally try to wake us up more than once, but they got up at 6:30 and basically fought for two hours. But then they napped from 11 to 2
It was awesome!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Sweet!
A little late to what?
@MattЭллен To Mommy Breakfast.
heheh it's funny when you start to rely on your kids as an alarm clock, and then they sometimes don't wake you, which is both awesome and then holy crap, we're late!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Exactly.
I thought, there's just no way I will sleep past 7.
What was I thinking when I wrote this code?
That taco salad will taste nice?
Probably. I must have written it on a Friday.
So my latest blog post, re: the Lego Millennium Falcon is up.
I have two pages, one for adding data and one for editing data, for each intervention, for a total of 12 pages. I'm thinking I can combine the adding and editing into a custom control and reduce the maintenance significantly.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 OMFG ENVY!
That looks awesome!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 nice! interesting comparison
forget that song we got it wrong that thesis has been rendered invalid...
... lets all go for Taco Salad!
Right! But I was writing code and prepping for a meeting!
Geezis, we have questions with 40000+ views already, and in fact at least one with 65000+ views.
Most of mine struggle to get to 1k.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Get your friends to click on them everyday.
Eugene said he is closing his ELU account, sad panda.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 See the meta question which he edited.
I just came here from there.
I thought he got nice answers. Including yours.
Well, maybe he will change his mind in a few days. Just let him let off some steam.
Hello, Mr.@RegDwightB8
@RobinHood What brings you here Robin Hood? Did you get pinged again by mistake?
Hello Mr Robin Hood.
@JasperLoy :D
Now there are Robusto, Robin Hood and also robjohn in SE chat.
It just my friend fragrance that bring me here.:)
@JasperLoy yeah, It was happened twice with me.
Hey, How are you? Reg
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 That post was some drama.
Well drama or not, I don't understand what its point is supposed to be.
He just keeps asking the same rhetorical question over and over again.
"Are brushoffs standard practice on ELU?"
Well sorry, that's a NARQ.
5 mins ago, by RobinHood
Hey, How are you? Reg
high-hats, on the other hand, are de rigueur! At least as far as I'm concerned.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Well, there is no brush off in the first place. QED.
@MattЭллен Are you giving me the high hat?
I don't have a hat.
Plasma...Electrons are free...Plasma...A fourth state of matter, not gas, not liquid, not solid!
I've got this song in my head.
@KitFox You think I'd bother giving you the high-hat?
@KitFox is good, yes?
@mitch I saw your meta question. It's something I often wonder myself, whether to leave a comment or to post an answer. I think if there is some nontrivial elaboration it should be posted as an answer.
@JasperLoy: it was a thought in my head so I said it.
You should see what I hold back.
Or rather, not.
No flirting in this chat.
@Mitch Are you the kid with his finger in the dyke, in Holland?
Thanks @Rob, I'm fine.
sorry, left you out.
@Mitch Er it's OK. You may keep your secrets!
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 No imagination in this chat.
emoticons are uncool , right? anyway...small chuckles all around.
@Matt: I laughed even though I don't get the 'dyke' reference (must be thinking too hard)
@Mitch dyke == dam
'dam' == ?
Jean-Claude van.
something in the news? or is CR2 hollandaise?
it holds water back
yes, that's me.
It's embarrassing but i need your help guys. I'm writing a short an apology email for my dad. Can ask you guys correcting the grammar please? :)
For him to someone else, or to your dad?
that should be "Can I ask you guys to help correcting the grammar, please?"
@Mitch to my dad
In principle, yes, but practically... a meeting calls...later!
@Mitch I was referring to the story of the little Dutch boy
Ok, never mind.
@Achu So mind or never mind? Wow, lately people have been coming to this room, asking questions, then saying never mind a few minutes later. Like I said before, there is power in this room. Just coming here solves the problem.
@JasperLoy it's seems that no one is willing to help me. that's all :)
I do wonder where you got that impression from.
@Achu Seems? You have not even posted your question. Oh man!
I already corrected your grammar, @Achu :D that was meant as a joke meaning "yes I'll help"
The power in this room is so great that people don't even understand others anymore.
to much interference from intermingling thought patterns
Ok, Thank you guys i misunderstanding you all b/c of your Silence. @Matt keep correcting this too :)
@Achu Silence just means there is nothing to say. Silence does not mean we are ignoring you or brushing you off. QED.
Though some people's silence could mean they are ignoring you, you never know.
@Achu "OK, thank you guys! I misunderstood because of your silence." :D
WOW! nice...
Ok, here is what i'm wring for:
[deleted by request]
"what happened at the airport"
I don't mean that i asked appoloy that guard disrespecting you,
What does it mean?
and i don't want your disrespectness
Also what does that mean?
Yeah that's not clear to me, either.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 No slacker pings, pls.
@Achu - with "i don't want your disrespectness", are you trying to say that what you did was disrespectful to your dad?
@Achu What do you mean by apology the guard?
"I didn't mean to apologize to the guard who disrespected you, I just didn't want you to get into trouble of any kind."
@JasperLoy saying i'm sorry
@Robusto well guess whether it was on purpose or not. You have three tries.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 You were talking to RobinHood.
Yes, but typing "Robin" would only ping him.
It's a keyboard, not a shotgun. Bear that in mind.
My keyboard is a shotgun, what's with the second Amendment.
@Achu "I didn't want to disrespect you but it was the only choice I had to keep you out of trouble."
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 You don't have the Second Amendment in your country.
The keyboard was not produced in my country.
And yes, we don't have Amendments around here, we get things right the first time over.
@Achu "I told my apology to mom that day, by phone. I hope she told you that. Anyway, I'm really sorry!"
So we now have three competing versions for that one sentence alone. I'm opting out.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 no, mine's for the second sentence that has similar meaning
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Yeah, right.
@Robusto well I'll give you one thing, if you insist. The 2nd Amendment in particular did something wrong that you had previously done right the first time over.
Everyone happy?
@MattЭллен Oh, you mean 'dike.'
Deja vu all over again.
Dike vs. dyke is a hot topic in this room.
@KitFox lol. oops
oh, wait. they mean the same thing
Not so much.
Thank you guys it's a big help. THank you!!!
@KitFox yes, a lot
@Achu no trouble
Jun 9 '11 at 11:55, by RegDwight
(But my link does use the dike spelling.)
@MattЭллен Not where I come from.
Although that's what makes the little Dutch boy so funny.
But it is here that we have to stop. Last time we went on Kit had to thwack the entire room.
@KitFox Oh, well, I'm aware of the slang meaning as well
I totally forgot about my spinning dragon thwack.
Thank you again guys. Can i ask moderators to remove my original message from this chat room. can i flag?
Hm. Why would you want to do that?
If I delete the original I'd have to delete the corrections as well. That will leave gaps in the conversation that wouldn't be easy to fix.
b/c it's the full message and i don't want to see those under search engines results.
Well fair enough.
Except that in that case we should rather delete the end result, because that's the one you'll be using.
Go ahead, pronounce "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm” — I dare ya.
I just did. Three times in rapid succession.
I already did, twice!
I did it OVER 900 times before you even started.
but is beating your sock puppet really winning?
23 hours ago, by RegDwight ΒВBẞ8
Great, now I have that Bee Gees song stuck in my head.
@Robusto what, you're only giving it 10% these days?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 The slacker culture around here is rubbing off, what can I say?
Thank you very much!!!!
Do you see what happens Larry, when you flag messages in the Alps?
Hello mods from comprehensible rooms, nothing to see here, move along.
Have I mentioned how much I hate styling pages?
no. how much?
Seven, if I recall correctly.
Can i say "may be you didn't call b/c of you mad at me the thing that happen at the airport"?
@Achu "Maybe you haven't called because you are mad at me, because of what happened at the airport."
Great! thanks :)
maybe is one word in this context
I started typing that but had to stop at the second because because because is not a word you should use too often.
I put a comma in there!
Now tell me if you can spell cheater.
That is so not a valid spelling of "cheater".
"Maybe you haven't called because you are mad at me for what happened at the airport."
@KitFox We be stylin' alla time in here, baby.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Closer to OVER 9000.
@Achu what Kit say is a better option
@KitFox I had typed "for" the very second Matt posted the entire sentence, so I just took my ball and went home.
@Robusto I know. Why can't I work in a real place with people who have mad skillz.
@MattЭллен *What Kit said
Oh, right, because then I couldn't just leave whenever I felt like it.
@KitFox I dunno. It really is better that way.
20 secs ago, by KitFox
Oh, right, because then I couldn't just leave whenever I felt like it.
@Matt Ok, thanks i will consider that :)
So, is Bee Gees an abbreviation of Baby Jesus or what?
There are two ways of not respecting the UI. The first way is simply not to respect it; the second is to think that any developer should be able to do it using tools like GWT or ASP.Net web controls — hey, it's just programming, right?
Makes me crazy.
I shuddered visibly when they told me (in the first week) "oh, we were hoping for a programmer who had a good eye for design."
Developers trying to make GUIs should be forced to use iPads made by lumberjacks.
"yeah, and I was hoping for an employer who knows the difference"
Can i can i add this before that one "I was expecting your call this long but you didn't call. i understand you are very busy with lots of things. or maybe....."
Maybe. One word.
For the rest, wait for Matt to answer.
@MattЭллен "I don't know. Do you want me to design the engine, or pick the materials for the seat cushion construction?"
Hey, @Reg: 15 more FP and you can retire.
@Achu "I was expecting your call for a long time, but I haven't heard from you." The rest is fine.
Q: Is it which or that?

BobCould you tell me when to use 'that' and when to use 'which'? For example, The word which/that I have chosen in this case is 'which' which/that may be the better word to use or merely be the subject of personal preference.

@Robusto I have a feeling that will take another week.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Barry Gibb?
Gah, stupid sockpuppet, here I was hoping the question would be nuked by Robusto, RegDwight, but no!
grrr Stupid design!
punches computer
@Robusto but at least we're in the top 60 again.
i must needs having moar coffee
@Robusto that would be Ree Geeb, not Bee Gees.
Rob is so serious today. Like, totally more serious today than not today. Why so serious today, Rob?
> First called the Rattlesnakes, later Wee Johnny Hayes & the Bluecats, they were introduced to radio DJ Bill Gates by racetrack promoter Bill Goode (who saw them perform at Brisbane's Speedway Circuit). Gates renamed them the "Bee Gees" after his and Goode's initials – thus the name was not specifically a reference to "Brothers Gibb", despite popular belief.[7]
And he won't stop.
Because serious, serious, serious. Also, I gotta go to the doc because I'm having fucking surgery in two weeks.
Die Geister, die ich rief...
@Robusto wow you're quitting the programming business to become a pornstar?
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Yes, of course. Isn't everyone?
Anyway, Doc now. Laters.
I dunno, I thought the business was dead, what's with the condom regulation.
Oh that reminds me that I have to ask for half of Friday off.
Wow, that's a weird sentence.
I think Kris is talking at himself now.
+1. Good point. — Kris 10 mins ago
it certainly seems that way
did a comment get deleted?
Q: How can I enquire about my working days for next week?

little lvI have got a casual job and I want to text my boss to ask about my working schedule. Should I say "When should I work next week?" "Which days do I need to work on?" or anything better and simple?

@MattЭллен No. First thing I checked.
only one close vote left folks! get it while it's hot
Wow, the reasons are all over the map.
I've picked yet a different one.
I picked too localised, but not constructive also makes sense
oh, yeah, off topic too
Writing advice. The sentences are too different, and he's asking for more different sentences still.
yeah. I saw it as proof reading. But I get bored having to explain that reason to people.
aargh. I can't get my head around this baseline correction algorithm. I need to figure out the first test. I can't even figure out what data goes in
Just use garbage. If it's garbage in, garbage out, your algorithm does at least something right.
good thinking
Commute. Laters.
Ai vill ulso cummewt
> Symantec found that the average number of security threats on religious sites was around 115, while adult sites only carried around 25 threats per site--a particularly notable discrepancy considering that there are vastly more pornographic sites than religious ones.
Why am I not surprised?
Religious sites aren't for adults?
On a formview, I have 8 elements. Should I use percentages to control the widths, or just fixed measures for some of them?
@KitFox Religions aren't for adults.
have you seen most of these religious sites? they're awful.
I try to avoid those things. I wouldn't want my son to accidentally find it in my browsing history.
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