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@Vit so I'm raiding and raiding, and haven't got a single item so far. Not one. Only gold and XP. Might as well not bother.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Have you claimed your honor yet? 7 items are guaranteed for 220 honor in Tartarum Swarm, plus another 90% chance of getting an eighth item, if I understand the mechanics right.
Ah. So I don't get items for individual battles? Stupid and unintuitive.
@RegDwightѬſ道 What, WMT UI is unintuitive? Stop the presses!
And TS was the very first raid I was done with. Not doing that one again.
@Robusto it's not just the UI. This time it's the mechanics.
Leveled to 82. Another brick in the wall.
@MattЭллен What's wrong with "no skin off my teeth"?
Also: this video is amusing:
@MrShinyandNew安宇 it's nonsense
@MattЭллен Do you not have the expression "by the skin of your teeth"?
"no skin off my nose" is quite the opposite of an exaggeration, whereas teeth skin is always an exaggeration because teeth have no skin
@MrShinyandNew安宇 that is unrelated
it does not mean the same thing
It's probably just a confusion of two sayings. "no skin off my back" (as I'm used to hearing it - but skin removal anywhere is typically painful, so body parts don't matter too much) and "by the skin of your teeth".
I'd hardly call it an American thing or even a thing.
I agree
@MrShinyandNew安宇 that's what the free dictionary says
3 hours ago, by Matt Эллен
I've been trying to ponder copulae some more and came across beest. So, is this a proper subjunctive sentence? "Thou beest a doctor were I a dog?"
3 hours ago, by Matt Эллен
@MattЭллен well, I mean, is it a proper subjunctive sentence in early modern English?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 i.e. the free dictionary says it is an Americanism
Of whom dost thou asketh?
of anyone
but no one was answering earlier
@MattЭллен Well, I don't live in america. But I've never heard it anywhere, not even on tv. That I can recall.
and no one gives such terrible answers
That sounds like you're saying we give such terrible answers, and you're surprised to find that.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 "Of whom dost thou ask" — not "asketh" ... You could say "Of whom asketh thou."
Like you're accusing us of gasp trolling.
@Robusto yeah I'm just making stuff up
le gasp! I would never
Annnnnnnnnyhoo, commute, laterz.
wheee! Robusto comes in and corrects MY archaic English, but not yours. IN YOUR FACE!
You stand corrected
I sit wrong.
I write wrongs
Jul 15 '11 at 19:15, by RegDwight
Writers is the new Wrongers.
I'm doing something fun today!
You know, I hope they keep this chat room alive forever, so that I can pop in in 20 years, make some kind of comment, and Reg can quote a witty reply that he wrote in 2010.
@KitFox what's that?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 you assume that I will be here in 20 years.
@MattЭллен Building a data warehouse!
Whee! Whee!
Whooo! Data whorehouses are the best
Well, ok, I've never actually built one
My littlest boy has taken to saying "Whee!" anytime he is happy. He sounds like the pig in that commercial.
By then this room will be filled with Thursagens and Thursagans. Everyone else will have been died by the Maya.
It's supercute.
...wait, did you say whorehouses?
sketches diagram
18 hours ago, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
Nonono, that would be Mr Whorny and New over there.
That's brilliant!
I know someone who is super good at data warehousing
@RegDwightѬſ道 You will be. you can't help it. Anyway by then you won't be able to leave your computer because it will be surrounded by MISB Lego kits. Your wife, not having seen you in a few years, will nevertheless continue to lob care packages of food over the top of the pile. In 2027 you will attempt burrow out by building a digging machine out of lego but that plan will fail when you find that the innermost boxes of Lego are all "Lego Friends" and thus useless for machinery.
she has done stuff with data cubes to, I believe
@RegDwightѬſ道 Who is that? He sounds like an upstanding fellow.
@MattЭллен Kinda got to.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 useless for machinery? My wife requested just the other day I build a pink excavator.
@RegDwightѬſ道 but it won't actually excavate, not enough anyway, to dig you out of your self-made lego tomb.
@KitFox I see
this is why I've never built one
I don't know the first thing about it
Oh, it's really fun.
Flattening stuff and denormalizing things.
It's like Play-Doh time for data structures.
My little pinchpot table for the sales data.
sounds crazy
Wow speaking of Mr. Whorny and New, i really did get lots of rep yesterday from that answer. How is it that that shitty question, with two downvotes, closed once, re-opened by the grace of Reg, now in danger of closing again, gets me SEVEN upvotes, when I have much better answers on much better questions that get me SQUAT.
It's like when you spend hours building the perfect metropolis in SimCity, then you rain down hellfire and brimstone, and send a tornado and Godzilla to destroy it all.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 You need to post links to your good answers in here, and also make some edits that bring them to the top of the pile again.
@KitFox oh! that kind of awesome :D
It makes me a little giddy.
@KitFox yeah, maybe I should go on an editing spree, just to finally beat 10k
@MrShinyandNew安宇 the crucial part is my involvement. I am awesome, duh.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Some people have been known to do that, including shameless vulpids.
Feb 16 '11 at 13:30, by RegDwight
But I think that Ex-user is spot on anyhow: it all evens out in the end. You take your time to compose a thorough answer, you get 2 upvotes. You post a half-assed joke, you get 20. In the end, you still have 22 upvotes, whether you would prefer them to be the other way round or not.
What's the upper limit for an unsigned integer again?
@RegDwightѬſ道 It evens out if I don't play by the "rules".
if it's a 32 bit integer
@KitFox what kind of integer
@RegDwightѬſ道 oh, that kind. The answer is OVER 9000.
@KitFox 4294967295
I always sign my integers, dot their Is and cross their Ts.
Why can I never remember that?
because it's a silly looking number
@KitFox just think "4 billion"
I should be able to remember 2^32 though.
@KitFox I'll ask you again tomorrow.
And yet, every time, it's "oh yeah! duh."
debates whether to use int or bigint
just remember it's 100000000000000000000000000000000 in base 2
I did have to count the 0s twice
2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024
2k 4k 8k 16k 32k 64k 128k 256k 512k 1M
2M 4M 8M 16M 32M 64M 128M 256M 512M 1B
2B 4B
Everything must be counted twice in base 2.
Hey @Matt, can you tell me what percentage of the questions is about biases when you try to be a stranger?
@MattЭллен shouldn't the upper limit be 11111111111111111111111111111111?
@Vitaly oh. I don't know. sorry
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I knew I'd do that
it's 31 1s
integer overflow!
it's 32 1s
unsigned, right?
32 1s would give you 2^33 - 1
@MattЭллен um... really?
whereas the upper limit of a 32bit number is 2^32 -1
@MrShinyandNew安宇 um, no
arg I hate maths
@MattЭллен the upper limit of an unsigned 32 bit number is 32 1s
the lower limit is 32 zeros
it's 1 followed by 31 1s
No, it's 16 1s followed by 16 ones
come on, byte ordering! sheesh
what are you, some kind of big-endian bigot?
Look what I have started.
Now we're on to O notation.
Oh! notation
or is that something else?
My O is bigger than his O, for all values of N
I don't thik I'm ever going to experience your O
Now, now, I didn't say anything about big O notation.
Nothing to get Oprah worked up about here.
Phantom of the Oprah?
No, that's the phantom of the rappra.
that was a silly cartoon. big robots though, so thumbs up!
@RegDwightѬſ道 no! it's Big O
I need a big O.
@MattЭллен Last time I met Bushwick Bill he looked exactly like that.
Ghost in the Texaco.
Q: "my best" vs "my level best"

nibhaIs there any difference between these two sentences? which one is correct while speaking ? I will do my best. Or I will do my level best.

I want iterate over a list of structures and take from each structure property a and property b and put them into a 1D array that ends up as [a1, b1, a2, b2, ..., an, bn]
I really want to use linq, but I guess a for loop will do
@RegDwightѬſ道 that's a very basic question.
Honestly: how did an answer posted after me, which cites my answer as the correct fact, end up "Accepted"?
Q: Why "homophobia" and not "sexualism" or similar?

WaggersA phobia is an irrational fear of something. An intolerance to something is usually an -ism, not a -phobia, as in sexism racism ageism Yet people who object to homosexual practices or discriminate against homosexuals are labelled "homophobic" and their intolerance is labelled "homophobia". Bu...

@MrShinyandNew安宇 more white space in the accepted answer
@MattЭллен that's just racism. Black space power!
I would hazard that there is a lot more black space than white space in the universe
it's positive discrimination
Space has no color.
so then colour has no space!
Q: Is there a difference between "bitter" and "better" in pronunciation?

NoahI was wondering if there was any difference between "bitter" and "better" in pronunciation? My assumption is that one is pronounced with a soft "d" as in "better" and the other one with a hard "t" as in "bitter". What do you guys think?

@MrShinyandNew安宇 Life is unfair.
The wording of that question is hilarious.
In Soviet Russia, space has colour and colour has space!
@RegDwightѬſ道 Don't we have a canonical answer for the e/i phonemic convergence in certain dialects?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 The ways of crowd-sourcing are infinitely mysterious.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I am trying to divine who it is.
@JasperLoy Appeals to a deity will not help. You gotta put in your own work around here.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 OK, let's see your Big O face.
@Robusto I can't find it.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 And we have a winner.
I have checked all answers of nohat's, I'm not seeing it.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Actually, I prejudged the question. It's not about e/i, it's about vocalization of the t sound in the two words.
@Robusto nope.
See the comments and the edit history.
That's what others thought, too, but then the OP edited it right back.
2 days ago, by Robusto
Welcome to ELU Lite! Where even basic ask get responding plenty! Not you hide from those immediate! Or in now time!
or is noah just stubborn?
Actually I'm not sure if nohat's answer was about E/I.
So let me see again.
Well, that was fast.
A: How do you properly pronounce 'mall'?

nohatThere are a couple confusions at work here. First, there are different "lexical sets" the word could fall into: TRAP, LOT, BATH, CLOTH, PALM, THOUGHT, NORTH, FORCE. For the most part, most speakers and dictionaries of English agree that mall is either pronounced with the vowel for THOUGHT or ...

@RegDwightѬſ道 Perfect comment to make when you realize someone's starvation diet lasted only a few hours.
interesting. My mother was talking about spending time in the moll the other day. I have always called it a maul, which means, shame of shames, I have been using American pronunciation
I will summarily execute myself later
Americans dont say maul.
@MattЭллен Maybe she meant moll as in gun moll.
Yeah, it's Germans who say maul.
I say maul.
@Robusto oh! maybe. although the would put my dad in a rather different light
Not all americans say it like that
None from the area I'm from
Which region are you from?
Oh, I do say it as rhymes with ball.
yeah, so you see, maul rhymes with ball
in my dialect
I see. Maul rhymes with awl in mine.
Maul and Awl have a different vowel sound than Mall or Ball
In most american dialects
Darth Pall Mall.
@NathanCTresch maul -> mɔl, awl -> ɔl
I dont know what that symbol means.,
Maul, awl, mall, all have the same vowel sound to my ear.
ball -> bɔl
@KitFox yup, all the same to me too
@NathanCTresch Mall, Maul, Awl, Ball, all, all have the same vowel to me.
Well, I am a New Englander.
But @NathanCTresch did you read Nohat's answer that was linked above?
So there is probably more Brit influence in my pronunciation patterns.
@NathanCTresch it's just the IPA symbol for the vowel sound. I'm demonstrating that it's recorded at dictionary.com as being the same vowel for all of maul, awl and ball
From the dictionare
maul   [mawl]
Oh, it looks like the Northwest uses the brit pronunciation of Mall.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Yeah. And a lot of times I hear words like voll shading a little toward what would be fall in AmE.
I had always understood that saying "mall" like "mawl" was the dialect.
@NathanCTresch yeah it's really inaccurate to talk about "American" pronunciation. There's too much variation.
You're saying that there's no such thing as uninflected american pronunciation?
Because there is.
it's called British with Bad Spelling ;)
@MattЭллен ɔɔɔɔɔɔɔɔɔɔɔɔɔ! is what my wife says when she sees babies or kittens.
@NathanCTresch really? who determines what that is?
Nah. This is Bad Spelling. ^
There is no such thing as good spelling, then.
globally speaking, yes there is. Spelling I like is good spelling.
@MrShinyandNew the american dictionary, most notably the Cambridge American Dictionary.
Websters is also cited as authoritative in regards to uninflected american pronunciation.
@NathanCTresch So the dictionary determines the "right" American pronunciation, and anyone who deviates from that has an accent?
The pronunciation of news anchors on network television is an example of uninflected american pronunciation.
@NathanCTresch Many network TV personalities have been Canadians, specifically because they sounded "generic", i.e. with an accent that didn't place them as coming from any particular part of the country.
what all that aboot, eh?
oh you and your aboot
it's a myth.
:D it's fun for winding up Canadians
It's not a myth to my ears
@MrShinyandNew yes, that's true, canadians speak without an accent, with the exception of canadians from Vancouver BC
unless I mythheard
Who say Aboot.
@NathanCTresch No canadian that I've ever heard says "about" differently from any American I've ever heard.
Have you met any from Vancouver, BC?
I've been to Vancouver several times, for vacations.
Because all of the people I've met from there day it that way.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 eh? the woman in Space Janitors might not have said aboot exactly, but it was definitely different to about
I live in Seattle and I go there all the time
I would love to hear a recording of the various people saying "about"
@MattЭллен what time in the video?
@Matt you're definately correct about some canadians saying it that way.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 remind me in 3 hours, I will find it
And what vowel sound are we talking about? oot as in boot? oo as in book? roof?
@NathanCTresch Definately?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 it sounds closer to oo than to ow
@MattЭллен I have never, ever encountered a person that rhymes "about" and "boot". they sound completely distinct to me and everyone I know.
The URL I just pasted explains it.
@NathanCTresch It is still completely distinct from anyone's pronunciation of "boot"
@MrShinyandNew安宇 you just can't hear it because you're Canadian
@MrShinyandNew No, it isnt.
@MrShinyandNew It sounds the same to us.
@MrShinyandNew I suppose next you're going to say that canadians pronounce sorry the same way americans do.
Feb 12 at 7:44, by Mahnax
She says saw-ry while I say sore-ry.
@NathanCTresch you are going to have to provide me with a recording of a person saying "boot" and a Canadian saying "about" before you can convince me that they have the same vowel.
And the Wikipedia article on "Canadian raising" says that it's also widespread in various parts of the US.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I remember first hearing it when I watched the film Fargo
@NathanCTresch Not all Americans pronounce "sorry" the same way, so what's your point
@MattЭллен gods, Fargo. Nowhere else have I ever heard anyone talk like that.
I see. Was it exaggerated, then?
or do you mean the place?
@MattЭллен No, the movie. From what I've heard, that is the way they speak in that region. But it sounded really odd to me; I've never met anyone who talks that way. Except people from that region.
So, I guess I mean the place, the movie being a supposedly accurate representation of it.
or something.
@MrShinyandNew well, all americans who speak uninflected american english pronounce it the same way
@NathanCTresch psh. That's just snobbery. There is no such thing as "uninflected". People just talk in certain ways. Sometimes someone decides that a certain accent is more prestigious and they put a stamp of approval on it.
Yeah, this site sucks.
@NathanCTresch which site? ELU? this chat room?
The site I'm looking at for my work, sorry
@NathanCTresch oh, phew! :)
I thought maybe I offended you.
anyway, work time. bye!
A: "my best" vs "my level best"

ShyamGo for "I will do my best." "level best" is cliched and unnecessary to express this idea.

Someone really wants to ban level from the English language, I guess.
he's doing his level best
It's really hard for me to reconcile "cliched" with a phrase I've never heard used in common speech.
The funny this is, the link he provides to bolster his argument says he is wrong
> A person who passionately argues that level best is wrong will be making the same mistake. He will be wasting his breath. There is nothing wrong in saying level best.
I caught that too
@MattЭллен And yet he remains undeterred by the facts.
well, you can prove anything even remotely true with facts
I've found on this site that a great many people ignore facts.
I know I do, it makes my answers better
Matt, please say that again all on one line so I can star it
(Seriolusly, I want to)

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