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Does that make sense?
Hmm yes, even I can control when I wake up to some degree.
But that doesn't mean it's healthy.
I see no negative effects.
I am never sick.
sceptical look
I don't know.
Nor do I.
If you used to sleep longer, and you sleep long when you're relaxed...
I know, it sounds bad.
Think about it.
Maybe try 7.5 hours sometime.
I think I should do the same.
18 mins ago, by Cerberus
The other two will go to bed very late, in order to regain normal bed time.
I cannot sleep!
Did you wake up again?
Oh, Miss Gigi is back, hello!
Or did you never fall asleep?
You're a bad sleeper too, huh.
The latter
I could not sleep last night.
As long as I remember, well, since I was 6 or so, sleep has been some sort of a problem.
Same here.
Maybe half the people have some minor or major issue with sleeping.
It's really strange.
Why has nature handicapped us so?
Oh goodness, I am so hungry.
This is not good.
@Cerberus Jealousy?
@Gigili She's a biatch.
@Mahnax Eat something small?
@Cerberus I cannot, there is nothing to eat in my bedroom.
And the journey downstairs is too arduous?
Upstairs, actually.
I sleep in the basement.
It is fully finished.
I love it down here, nice and cool.
Coolness is cool.
But yeah, the door to the main level is very squeaky.
I would surely be noticed, and my parents think I go to bed a lot earlier than this.
And your parents don't like your eating stuff at night?
You could have woken up.
I suppose.
You're teaching him to lie easier?
Actually, I was just about to say the same thing as he did.
Well, I was just saying that his parents might not conclude that he goes to bed late based on his going to the kitchen now.
Hm, work has absolutely destroyed my eating schedule.
@Mahnax You've been taught before, very nice.
Mahnax suggested that they might conclude that.
But it's pretty obvious from his eyes that he hasn't slept yet.
Kill edit history
Could be. But it might be dark. And they might not be paying too much attention.
@Gigili What?
Whose eyes?
Thine eyes.
I see.
Oh, sleep time, bye!
Good luck!
@Cerberus I thought they weren't all the same length.
@Cerberus They couldn't possibly afford it.
@DavidWallace They would load the debt on you like any private-equity fund.
@DavidWallace Hmm you're probably right. But I thought six was a good number. Now I have a déjà-vu.
@Cerberus I was told that the first one was the longest; you stay in deep sleep for a long time because your body needs it. Then you pop up into REM sleep to rest your mind, then drop back into deep sleep. The alternations between these two states (and the ones in between) repeat, but get shorter and shorter, until you eventually wake up.
Don't expect me to be able to cite any reputable source though.
You're reputable enough.
I scored 5/15.
For the quiz, not the flirting.
Huh, 6.
For the flirting.
Did you see my email, BTW?
Yes, of course.
It was clearly urgent. :-)
and FWIW, I think your English has been improving constantly, for all of the time that I've known you.
@DavidWallace My 2nd email? And third?
I only have two emails from you today.
If you want to talk somewhere else about the thing you suggested talking about, we can make a private room.
@DavidWallace Only?
I have one that arrived almost 2 hours ago, and one that arrived 45 minutes later. Are there supposed to be three?
@DavidWallace Umm, wherever you want, no significant differences for me.
I think it was three but I'm not sure now that you say so.
OK, I've opened a room; not sure how it looks for you.
Hum? I see nothing.
You have to stay awake @Cerberus.
I don't really know how this works. Try going to "all rooms" - you might see one called Room for David Wallace and Gigili.
@DavidWallace No rooms are private. Anyone may enter and see.
Seriously? Then what's the point?
@Gigili Hmm why?
I presume your conversation is private?
I got 87 %, but I misread the question once and went back, and once I really misread the question. So It should be lower, 80 % or so.
Seriously, you got 13/15 for that silly fat test?
I am good at m/c.
Multiple choice.
@Cerberus "in order to regain normal bed time."?
@Gigili Oh, right.
I was thinking of taking a short nap.
Because I'm really tired.
Me too. But I am sure even a short nap will ruin the plan. I won't fall asleep again if I take a short nap as long as it surely won't be short.
Cerby, don't listen to Gigili. If your body is telling you to sleep, then for Christ's sake go to bed.
"As long as it surely won't be short"?
@DavidWallace The thing is, I need to be up between 3 pm and 7 pm tomorrow, and 10 am and 1 pm the day after.
to which I say ALARM CLOCK!
So I need to shift my cycle such that I go to bed at 7 pm tomorrow.
So I will try 3 pm today.
That will be a 4-hour shift from yesterday.
Then I'm golden.
And 10 am will be a piece of cake.
Or you could go to sleep now, wake up when your body tells you to wake up, and take it from there.
Ono, that won't work.
Then I will be asleep when I have to do stuff. Or I will have to set an alarm clock to wake me up after 2 hours of sleep. Both unacceptable.
Of course it will. He's been awake for some ungodly number of hours. If he sleeps for long enough now, he'll be able to do that again, and still be awake at 7pm tomorrow.
Cycling forward is the only thing that always works with a minimum of discomfort.
@DavidWallace Hmm no it doesn't work that way for me.
I went to bed yesterday about 23 hours ago.
And woke up 8 hours later.
So 15 hours ago.
With a little nap, the forward shift should be attainable.
The most important point is, if you sleep during the day instead of night, the duration should be doubled. Or at least more than 8 hours.
You think so? I often sleep during the day. Never noticed much difference.
@Cerberus So how come you're so tired now, if you've only been awake 15 hours?
I've noticed it, that's why I'm trying to get back to normal sleep pattern.
@DavidWallace No sleep at night, that's why.
Well, speaking of sleep, I'm out of here. Goedenacht and شب خوب
I've been awake for 26 hours.
Good night.
@Gigili Oh, that is long.
That gets you tired.
Sleeping pill?
I really need to sleep at night.
Umm, I think it'll be be okay by tomorrow but I'm not sure.
Yesterday I tried to sleep at 11 PM but didn't work.
Is your bedroom very dark?
And not too hot?
It's rather cold. And yes, I like it dark.
Strange that you can't sleep then.
I suppose it is different for everybody.
You can sleep whenever you want to?
No, but whether I can sleep or not does not depend on the time of day or night.
It rather depends on how long I have been awake and such.
Q: Why on earth are binoculars pronounced as /bɪˈnɒk.jʊ.ləz/ instead of /baɪˈnɒk.jʊ.ləz/?

ArchJI once pronounced binoculars as /baɪˈnɒk.jʊ.ləz/ and my friend told me that it is supposed to be pronounced as /bɪˈnɒk.jʊ.ləz/ I didn't believe him as I was very sure that the prefix bi- is pronounced as /baɪ-/ instead of /bɪ-/ and so should the word binoculars until ...

I just realized I have been pronouncing binoculars wrongly my whole life.
This site never fails to amaze me.
/bai/- isn't wrong.
Bot pronunciations exist.
@Cerberus So it is listed as an alternative in the OED?
Perhaps you should comment or answer there.
The OED gives only /bɪ/, but Dictionary.com gives both.
@Cerberus Well, if it is not listed in the OED, it means the pronunciation is very uncommon.
I wouldn't say that. The OED is (rightly) focused on England.
And on educated speech.
Even the American MW agrees.
Well, I'd say /bɪ/- is certainly more common.
@Cerberus Actually I just checked the online MW. It lists the pronunciation I always used, so maybe the OP misread.
But it lists only binocular and not binoculars.
This is getting terribly bizarre.
Am I in twilight zone already?
Well, the plural probably falls under entry of the singular.
Just as in the OED.
Also, how do you pronounce graphic?
There is only one way?
@Cerberus That's not the way I have always used, so I was also shocked when I saw that.
Huh? Then how did you pronounce it?
I mean, bainoculairs doesn't sound so strange.
But I can't think of any other way of pronouncing graphic that wouldn't sound very odd.
Like graph, perhaps?
@Cerberus ʌ instead of æ
Oh, hmm yes, I'd find that strange.
@Cerberus Everyone here would use that I would say.
How odd.
But note that graph has two pronunciations.
ɡræf and ɡrɑːf
Well, there is the American pronunciation, but if you disregard that?
But only the latter is used here.
Of course.
I don't like the answer there. It does not explain why the word is pronounced this way. There are words like binary.
Stressed syllables are more likely to be long and bai.
Oh I see you are discussing the answer I was going to bring up.
A: Why on earth are binoculars pronounced as /bɪˈnɒk.jʊ.ləz/ instead of /baɪˈnɒk.jʊ.ləz/?

Rory AlsopIt comes down to the prefix. It isn't bi- but bin-. Bi-ocular would be pronounced /baɪ-/ but binocular forces the harder /bɪ-/ sound

I left a comment and a link to the bicycle question.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Have a cookie.
@Cerberus you should probably comment with the "both pronunciations possible" thingy.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I think I should do that with the MW link.
@WillHunting Knock yourself out.
Though note that what is listed strictly is the singular and not the plural but I guess that does not matter.
Also note that MW does not use IPA.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I will give myself a cookie.
How can I follow a tag? I would like to follow etymology tag.
What did you say about "suchi" and "shusi" Reg? They're metawhat?
Thank you.
A: What is the correct pronunciation and spelling of "asterisk"?

RegDwight Ѭſ道The phenomenon is called metathesis, and it is actually not that uncommon in English and many other languages. Note how you say three, but not threeteen or thrid; you say thirteen and third instead. That's because thirteen and third have undergone a metathesis from Old English þreotene and þridd...

A: Why is "ask" sometimes pronounced "aks"?

RegDwight Ѭſ道This phenomenon is called metathesis. I humbly direct you to my answer to a related question for details. Here, I will just note that aks goes back to Old English, where there were two versions of the verb, ascian and acsian. See this Language Log post: As the OED explains, the verb form spel...

A: What causes the pronunciation "nucular"

KosmonautThis phenomenon is known as metathesis. Two major hypotheses for the metathesis in this particular case: Steven Pinker has proposed a phonotactic explanation for the conversion of nuclear to nucular: the unusual and disfavored sequence [kli.ər] is gradually transformed to a more acceptable c...

Thank you!
2 hours later…
needs coffee
Hi @Reg.
Hello Kitty.
Sounded like you were ready to pop a vein yesterday. Were the questions really awful?
The whole day was just a waste. I want that chunk of my lifetime back.
Why does SE give free Apple hardware to precisely the people who are most likely to get it anyway, or already have it?
They're es-too-pid.
'Ello Kit.
'Ello, sweetie.

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