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So today I think I will finish off my consulting work while I'm at my real job.
Q: human thesaurus time: what are some *novel* synonymous words & phrases for e.g. a radar "link-up"?

lakitujust as i say - what are some novel synonyms, along the lines of old Cold War terms, or space fiction, or James Bond films, that are similar to a "(radar) link-up"? i am naming a human-computer interface, but "human-computer interface" is almost COMPUTER language haha. so is "human readable" for ...

Also, I may read the newest chapter of HP:MoR.
I feel like we need to get this guy into writers chat or something
the question is wrong for here, but he might get help from them
> please don't change my syntax, btw, as a note to editors. the formatting/typography/etc is sic.
I was just going to paste that.
but if he really has an aphasia, we should try to help him
If he has aphasia, we can't help him.
probably not
@MattЭллен the Writers chat is deserted. Or do you mean he would keep it alive all by himself?
but I feel bad just kicking him out onto the street
@RegDwightѬſ道 :D probably
I don't, but you could invite him in here.
The question just isn't appropriate for the site.
he can't chat with so little reps
Well, then I guess he better contribute before he asks us to free associate.
anyway, it was just a thought
It was a nice thought.
A thoughtful thought.
I don't believe for a second that he has aphasia though.
I have Aphasia on DVD.
Oh. Haha. I forgot about that one. I've not seen it.
Morning, all.
hi @MrShinyandNew
Do you ever get a sense of impending doom?
Network problems this morning. My WiFi works on my laptop, but the wired connection on my desktop doesn't seem to work even though I can ping my router. Any thoughts, ye network gurus?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 how doomy do you mean? I often get a sense that something is about to go wrong
but I don't think I've felt that the world is about to end, not for a long time - if ever
@Robusto Did you refresh-renew your wired adapter?
@MattЭллен Mainly I'm thinking of work-related doominess. Impending deadlines that cannot be moved and yet will not be missed. Like, a Y2K-ish problem, but affecting only us.
Morning @MrShiny.
@Robusto So your wifi reaches the interent from the router? But the desktop cannot, though it can reach the router?
@KitFox I recycled the modem, the router, and restarted the computer. Also unplugged and replugged the Ethernet cables several times.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Correct.
@Robusto Can your desktop reach your notebook?
Hmm. Maybe your card shit the bed.
@KitFox But how could I ping the router?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Lemme see.
@Robusto Ah, true.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I can log onto my desktop server from my notebook. WTF?
@Robusto So your desktop can access the local network but can't reach the internet. Sounds like a routing or firewall issue: packets are being dropped because they are disallowed, or being sent in the wrong direction.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I hate network issues.
have you checked the "allow my desktop online" box?
Like, ages ago. Everything was working when I went to bed. Now it's not.
I had a similar problem. The tyre on my bike was inflated when I went to bed, when I went to ride to work this morning it was flat. I need to find the "allow Matt to ride to work" box.
When was the last time you changed something on the desktop or the router?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Like, never ago. Two years?
Microsoft just released a patch to the remote desktop assistance stuff
maybe that's caused you an issue?
That's what I was thinking.
Update your drivers and recheck your settings?
I would look at the Windows Firewall and the routing table first. Do you know how to read the routing table?
I fucking hate network problems.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 My desktop is a Mac. And don't anybody start with me about that this morning. I'm in no mood.
@Robusto Well, I personally don't care if you use a mac. But: I have no clue how they do their stuff there. Maybe @Cerb can help? ;)
Laugh it up.
So, basics then: I assume the Mac has a software firewall of some kind. Can you turn it off?
Yeah, I can turn it off.
The other thing you might try: In Windows there are network "connections"; they sorta associate a network card and a particular network. Windows assigns default settings to the connection based on what kind of network it is. Sometimes, if those settings get screwed up, the easiest thing to do is delete the connection and re-create it. I don't know if your Mac has any similar analog.
OK, now this is weird. When I try to connect to the router's access page, my Mac thinks I am still using a Linksys E4200, which I haven't used for years. But it won't connect to the Cisco router with the proper credentials.
Well, there's your problem right there then.
Or maybe not.
I think I'll try to zap the PRAM and reboot.
Hey @Reg, did I ask you already what kind of Lego-themed software you think your life is missing?
I don't think so.
Like, a part-lookup, or an instructions tool, or anything you can imagine?
No joy. Damn this sucks.
I only ever tried that design tool available from the LEGO website. It was nice, but only had like a couple hundred different pieces, and most importantly it required a minimum screen resolution of over 9000. Seriously, I could only see one half of it at a time. On my 82-cm monitor.
software that turns all non-living things I touch into Lego
I can't believe I forgot Rob has a Mac.
Hah, I didn't realize it but my Cisco router is actually a Linksys E4200. So at least that is correct. But my credentials don't work anymore. Hmm ...
Is your caps lock on?
Time for router recycle? I hate doing that, because it means I have to redo everything in the house.
Are you facing the monitor?
What's a monitor?
The thing you're not facing.
Is your computer turned on?
the thing that checks that your heart is still beating
Speaking of beatings ...
Hall monitors do that?
Is this your home router, @Rob?
@RegDwightѬſ道 Heach and hevery one
@KitFox Yes.
Did you do a hard reset?
I unplugged it for 30 seconds.
On ours, we can do a soft or a hard reset. The hard reset puts everything back to factory default, including erasing our password and username.
I suspect the problem is the PC
But I don't think unplugging it would've done that.
otherwise, wouldn't the wifi also stop working?
They are separate systems, right? So the wireless can work even if the wired doesn't?
I don't know much about this stuff though.
Can you plug in your laptop?
Within the router, they are probably combined into one system. The router basically has three network cards, a routing table, and a firewall. It merges the traffic from two cards and sends it out the third.
I mean, switch off its wireless, and use the wired connection? Does that work?
Can you ping that's the Google DNS server
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Right, so you could have the wired card go bad, but the wireless still be fine, right?
@KitFox Well, yes. Except there IS traffic, so I don't think it's that.
Is there? I thought he could only ping the router.
@KitFox The notebook can log into the pc
I can ping as well
that means you have outside access from the desktop.
You know what? I'm not being helpful. Sorry. sits down and stays quiet
so the routing tables are good
And I can ping "google.com" as well. But not "amazon.com"
WTF? This is very strange.
can you ping shinyandnew.ca?
amazon might block pings
Yep, shinyandnew.ca works.
yeah, I can't ping amazon either
so DNS works, routing works.
Amazon is special.
and I take it your web browser can reach your router,... can your web browser reach shinyandnew.ca?
OK, I'm now accessing ELU chat from my desktop. I guess it got tired of being a little bitch.
39 mins ago, by Robusto
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I hate network issues.
Seriously. Networks have this thing where you can't get something to work to save your life, and then it just suddenly starts working again.
They lend a certain caché.
To your cacheism.
That is a catachresis.
Did I spell that wrong? wrinkles nose
Stupid technology day.
No, the problem was only solved when you tried to access my website. I recommend you set it as your home-page to prevent future problems.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Good idea. That virus you downloaded to me really did the trick.
@Robusto For best results also add my blog to your feed-reader.
Huh. Catechism is the word I was trying to produce. Weird.
@KitFox caché? or cachet?
@KitFox Lord Baltimore would have your guts for garters.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Ah HA! Now I know your real name!
@KitFox what? who?
you already knew my real name
Oh, right.
It's on your site.
Oh, where it says "Email Mark"? That could be some other Mark, who admins the website.
I forget the things I know all the time.
Some other mark?
I mean, some other, uh.. person? or something.
I also frequently forget that you are younger than me.
Much, MUCH younger.
Two years or so younger. A babe in the woods.
In programming - code is countable or uncountable?
@KitFox That's what my wife calls me too. She's also older than me.
I guess it's uncountable but I am not sure.
@Anonymous depends
I am writing code.
source code is uncountable, I think.
I think countable would sound funny.
I agree with that :)
I have four codes collected in my application.
code like a mapping code would have code points, which people refer to as "codes"
Yeah, that sounds odd.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Oh true. I hadn't thought of that.
Secret codes.
like barcodes, for example.
But "in programming" code usually means program code, like source or binary code, and it's uncountable.
Though the processor has instruction codes.
Except in lolspeak.
Ahh, I mean source code. Do all of you agree it's uncountable?
Thank you :)
Hm, if you're writing assembly code, do you do it with assembly codes? hmmmmm
Let's just sweep that under the rug.
I think assembly codes are things that we refer like MOV means move.
Like keywords
@KitFox Computer code is an uncountable noun. Computer access codes are countable.
My two cents from non-native speaker, lol.
Code, like water, seeks its own level.
English language is fun to learn. Especially English phrases. :)
@Anonymous yes, precisely. But that means for some programmers, "code" is made up of "codes".
Here's a thought: The word "pussy" is both a countable noun and an uncountable noun.
@Robusto like "chicken"
I know chicken but not pussy.
How old are you again?
I just searched it on google, pussy are porn related.
I am 26.
Moving on, I notice that ME3 gets a 94 rating on metacritics. Yet everyone talks about how disappointing it is.
The User Score is only 4.9!!
I know what does it mean now, lol. Seems like it's rude word.
I hear that it is because they are returning players who felt that the endings weren't as choosable as in ME2
@Anonymous Yes. It sure is.
Except you'd say "I know what it means now."
Or "I know what it does mean now" maybe.
10) "ending is really bad in Mass Effect 3"

20) Day 1 DLC! WHY?! I already paid $60 for it and it's still not the full game?

30) EA has just gone down hill anything they touch turns into poo.

40) GOTO 10
I know what it means now. :)
I am going to have dinner, be right back. :)
We'll have you speaking like a filthy-mouthed native in no time.
Speaking of filthy, I should probably go shower.
Q: What's the right possessive pronoun for "nobody"?

brilliantShould it be his or their here: A: Why did you put on that baseball cap? B: Because I want to take shower A: Nobody takes shower with his cap on.

Way to disguise yet another question about a gender-neutral pronoun.
Q: Is there a correct gender-neutral, singular pronoun ("his" versus "her" versus "their")?

NulldeviceIs there a pronoun I can use as a gender-neutral pronoun? Each student should save his questions until the end. Each student should save her questions until the end.

@RegDwightѬſ道 The answer to that is obviously nobody's business.
Ahh. Squeaky clean.
Squeaking does not make you clean. If it does, mouses mice are the cleanest creatures around.
Seriously, I wrote "mouses" ... I think I need to go to the ER.
The Internet has ruined my brain! Wah!
There, there.
Speaking of mouses, I think I can hear one in the wall.
@KitFox I didn't see you in there!
Well, did you see Megan Fox?
Surprisingly, I did
That was me in disguise.
Huh. I feel like that was wrong for me to say.
you foxes are wily
@Reg: Wars are too hard. I can't beat anybody.
Oh shit. WMT. I forgot.
Oh, sorry. Should I even try now?
Or just wait?
I'm waiting. I just got my ass handed to me five times, so I don't think I'm going to close the gap for us.
Well, I've still got the prior missions to finish up before I get to the new stuff, which is already getting old.
I guess I can do that for a bit.
Haha, and now Tim has marked it as a dupe of this:
Q: None as plural indefinite pronoun

kiamlalunoIn my grammar book (English Grammar, HarperCollins Publishers), I read that none is occasionally treated as plural, but it is usually regarded as singular. Can you give me an example of sentence where none is used as plural pronoun?

Nice trolling, Tim.
@Robusto Yeah same here. I'm waiting for the next one.
@KitFox nah, Megan Fox doesn't mind! She likes the publicity
Jun 20 '11 at 15:13, by RegDwight
Am I the only person to think that Megan Fox is a rather hideous moron?
No, you're not.
But the shape of her body makes me wish I were twenty pounds lighter and twenty years younger.
And could ride a motorcycle.
And crush walnuts with my thighs.
Maybe not twenty years younger. That was a bit poetic.
Maybe just ten years younger.
Jun 20 '11 at 15:24, by RegDwight
user image
I'd rather eat a walnut. And be ten years older.
Nah, I like her. she seems alright in the interviews I've watched
plus she said no to transformers 3, so +1
When's she doing porn?
You've watched the wrong interviews. Plus she said yes to transformers 1 and 2, so -9000.
With Keira Knightley?
Ach. You tweened me.
If you are into Keira Knightley, just go watch Sasha Grey.
Is it a sin to know absolutely nothing about the Kardashians? Is there anything to know?
makes notes
@Robusto They believe in the sanctity of marriage.
didn't they used to run Bajor?
@Robusto Who is that?
@MattЭллен Yeah, I'm still bitter about that
@aediaλ have you been planting bombs on their TV show?
I keep hearing the Kardashians mentioned, but even though I've googled and read things about them, I still don't understand why they are the topic of anybody's conversations or interest.
They are famous for being famous.
Like Paris Hilton.
@MattЭллен Shh! We don't talk about being Maqui sympathizers!
Famous for having money and sex.
With the sex part being on tape.
Well, recorded in some fashion and then broadcast.
@RegDwightѬſ道 A celebrity is someone who is famous for being well known.
@KitFox Errrr ... how much money and how much sex?
Kardashian () is an Armenian surname. "Kardash" means 'stone' ("kar") + 'carver' ("dashogh" - "dash") in Armenian and patronymic suffix (ending) "-ian". The most notable people with the surname Kardashian come from one family: First generation: * Robert Kardashian (1944-2003), lawyer who represented O. J. Simpson. * Kris Jenner (formerly Kris Kardashian née Houghton), American television personality who was married to Robert Kardashian from 1978 to 1990. Second generation (all children of Robert and Kris); all of whom are American television personalities: * Kourtney Kardashian, busines...
Well, one of them Kardashians has achieved a whopping two things so far: having celulitis and trying to shop it away. Arguably, that's one thing more than some of the other people on this planet have achieved so far.
> Distinguish from Cardassian (Star Trek alien species)
The rest of them just happen to have the same name.
> This article is about a fictional species. For the real-world Armenian surname, see Kardashian.
Q: Words with multiple uses

George DuckettI was posed a question the other day: "Can you think of a word that can be used as a Noun, Verb or an Adjective?" One such word would be "light". Is there a rule for identifying such words? (See also: What word can fulfill the most parts of speech?) Along a similar line, is there any rule (...

This question is kind of pointless.
I smell a conspiracy
I let it be until now, but seeing the kind of answers it gets... meh.
I mean, the default situation in English is that theoretically any word can be used as a noun, verb, or adjective. It's flexible like that.
I remember answering "polysemy" to a question before. Maybe it is a dupe.
So if anything, he should be asking the opposite thing: are there words that can't be these things under any circumstances ever.
OMG. Gramma D! I forgot to give her breakfast! BBL.
My goodness.
@MattЭллен Hmm I don't know. In the first place, there are funds to write to that can help you battle against the copyright trolls. So they may win. Secondly, even if they lose, it would be very bad publicity for Zaentz. You can see how much the current publicity (is it big in the UK? I believe it was on the BBC?) bothers them...it is basically a lose-lose for them, so announcing that you will go to court may force them to drop it.
phew She was still sleeping anyway.
I think that has got to be the most perfect fried egg that I have ever made.
@KitFox She will wake up when she smells it.
She woke up when I brought it in.
She is deaf as a post, so I couldn't rouse her.
@Cerberus They do seem to be rattled, since they're willing to settle for a nominal amount, but I doubt they'd give up so easily.
You are a good dil.
I didn't want to shake her too roughly.
@Cerberus gdil.
I like Megan Fox. I did not watch Transformers 3.
@MattЭллен Maybe not...it would be interesting to see what would happen if the Hobbits firmly entrenched themselves.
They have sturdy feet, you know.
@KitFox Ah right.
@Cerberus :D I bet it would look like Bag End
What about hobbits?
@MattЭллен That reads like Bad Eng.
@KitFox the company that owns all the Tolkien trademarks are threatening every where in the UK that uses their trademarks with law suits. We're talking specifically about a Southampton Pub called The Hobbit
@Mahnax Boo! I have a feeling I got some presents on another site.
What a bunch of jackasses.
@MattЭллен Like this?:

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