@DavidWallace Suffice it to say you are at the antipodes. That's upside-down in my book. No wonder you like to use fancy terms like "oblate spheroid" to describe this obviously flat earth we live on (well, some of us live on it; the others live underneath it).
It was great, though. I'd say "you want me to draw a pineapple?" "Yes!" "How about a turkey?" "Yes!" "Ok, squid are part of everything, how about a squid?" "Yes!"
For reasons I prefer not to explain, I am looking for synonyms of according to, as in the following sentences:
Quoth Bryan Adams, "Everything I do, I do it for you".
Thus spake Bryan Adams: "Back in the summer of sixty-nine".
The more absurd and antiquated is the synonym, the better is.
While trying to ask a question, one could get:
Oops! Your question couldn't be submitted because:
Sorry, we are no longer accepting questions from this account. See http://goo.gl/C1Kwu to learn more.
Why am I getting this message?
Are deleted questions taken into account too?
@rumtscho Well, the cooking equivalent would be "I'm trying to make a lasagne. When I try to age the milk for mozarella, it doesn't work. How can I make this lasagne?"
The graphic is way more appropriate if you change "good" to "is really a service pack for the previous OS" and "shit" to "has actually innovative stuff that people hate because it is new"
I heard IE 9 was supposed to be the most standards-compliant browser evah. And yet it still turned out mostly non-compliant, with limited support for HTML 5 and CSS3, etc.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Nope. It is taking a dirt nap right now. Even my company no longer supports it — except for HR, which requires it. But then, what do you expect from HR?
Whoa: software written 40-50 years ago in assembly to run on mainframes for managing ticket prices, flight schedules, and so on, is still in use today by all major airlines.
The opposite Greek prefix to pro- is epi-, as seen in Prometheus (forethought) and his brother Epimetheus (afterthought). So it stands to reason that the antonym of procrastination is epicrastination.
I took a half-hour break to get on the spin-bike, and put on something about Greek civilization from Netflix to watch while I exercised, and it was so slow-paced it almost put me to sleep — while I was exercising.
Seriously, while I am sad that I will never get back the five seconds of my life it took me to read and delete that answer, I also wonder if the author realizes that he'll never have back the minute of his life it took him to register and post.
All the spam in the world is actually produced by someone.
"Unknown. Probable legacy property no longer in use." <- Like half the definitions in an old, now obsolete, data dictionary that was passed down to me and that I just found while cleaning.
Hey, @Reg, thanks for the Azure Reaper advice and all. Now that I'm using those I never see Wasteland Skimmers anymore. Just other shit that crushes my reapers.
I was watching a movie the other day and one character to another said "Don't let's fight" instead of "Let's not fight." Is this the proper usage, and if so, what is the grammatical rule that applies here?
> I challenge you to distinguish a naked prostitute from any other naked woman.
> While some hookers have opted for a conservative style of dress, vast numbers of nonhookers are now confusing the landscape by screeching off in the opposite direction.
> US weaponry is capable of destroying even Iran's most protected site, experts tell the Washington Post. — newser.com/story/140831/…