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if I felt the need for self defense of some kind, I'd probably rig my SB-600 flash up. If you're a buglar and your night vision is full up and I flash you on a full power pop, you're not seeing anything till I get a chance to access the situation
It's hard to understand the gun culture in the states coming from a country that has no need for them I guess
Anything mysterious will eventually be explored. I find much more success in making things no longer mysterious.
@Sobachatina that is a great way to put it.
@rfusca if i was a burglar and i was suddenly blinded, i would randomly start shooting around me as self defense
@rfusca "What are you doing here? Looking for valuables? Wait a minute, my DSLR with flash is in that cabinet over there"
@Jay This is not counterstrike- you don't get to respawn. I think you would run and hide.
part of it, is that as a kid, my dad tackled and started swinging at me one time in the night because he thought I was a buglar - if he would have had a gun, I probably wouldn't be here
"I thought you were a burglar!"
Yeah right
@rfusca Wait, you think your dad would have used the gun on a burglar instead of trying to hold him at gunpoint and call the police?
He just wanted to whale on you
@rumtscho its the culture in the South - shoot first, its safer for you
@rfusca Or for that matter if he had a baseball bat. A gun is irrelevant to that story- and if you had been an armed burglar your dad might not be here.
@Sobachatina if i cant see anything I don't think I would be level headed like that. i would panic and shoot wildly as i mentioned earlier
note to self...never, ever blindfold @Jay - he turns into a pyschopath
@rfusca That's why maybe somebody should take away the guns from you people after all
Wow, first ever Friends
20 years old, that's crazy
@Sobachatina getting hit with baseball bat != getting shot
he figured out quickly it was me and stopped, but he would have figured out after shooting
See, we don't even have baseball bats here!
We have cricket bats instead, they have more of an edge :)
@rfusca If he had a shotgun, had told you to stop and cocked it, this wouldn't even be a story. You would have answered and that would be the end of it.
It is true that they are very dangerous tools and there are people that don't know how to use them.
So are circular saws.
@Sobachatina i'm really talking about handguns - i've little issue with shotguns
@rfusca I don't have any use for a handgun.
I want a shotgun and a 22 rifle.
I want a pump shotgun more for the sound of it cocking than for shooting it.
What is missing from this story is why @rfusca was taken for a burglar. He probably had went out at night to do something forbidden and was sneaking back home in the hope his parents won't notice he was away.
@Sobachatina And I just want puppies and rainbows and for people to just not burglar homes
@sobachatina you can get apps that replicate gun noises...
@rumtscho @rfusca went through a period of wearing striped sweaters and eye masks
And carrying bags marked 'swag'
@rumtscho lol, I was 12 and sick and I went to tell my mom in the middle of the night that I was sick. I was a large 12 year old even, my dad wakes up, sees somebody standing over my mom, thinks he has something in his hand, and dives across the bed swinging.
@rfusca Awesome! I would probably have done the same thing.
@ElendilTheTall Which is, of course, what any burglar puts on before breaking and entering. Can't have professional pride without the uniform.
My sister in law repelled a burglar recently with nothing but a stilletto shoe
if there had been a handgun in his bedside table, he said he was in the frame of mind - he would have used it
Threw at his head, he legged it
@rfusca your dad sounds tense
@ElendilTheTall protective is the word
he thought somebody was 6 ft away from him and about to kill his wife
@rfusca Guns aren't intended for being hold in the bedside table, even the most responsible person doesn't think clear enough when woken in the middle of the night.
@ElendilTheTall I totally agree then. With criminals like that you don't need any protection.
Your police can just be for riot control.
@rumtscho oh, i agree :)
The police don't have guns either
Well, not all of them, just the ARUs
we just have an issue because my father-in-law keeps a cache of loaded guns in a closet :(
@rfusca In a gun safe in a closet?
@Jefromi nope, duffle bags on the closet floor :(
handguns, rifles, ak-47
@rfusca I... yikes.
he's ready to go when mexico invades
Australian Rugby Union? Anglia Ruskin University?
How is an ak 47 legal? @sobachatina armed response units
@rfusca Zombie Santa Anna!
@ElendilTheTall its not (at least when its fully automatic, which his is)
@rfusca china is more likely to invade... just saying
I can understand a handgun or shotgun for home defense
@ElendilTheTall They generally have to be modified to be semi automatic and you need a special license for assault rifles.
@rfusca Has he ever fired a gun outside of a training situation?
@rumtscho training and hunting
Time to show off:
@Jay Sure, and the first place they land will be a small town in Arkansas.
I have a coworker who is an ex marine and has a license for fully automatic weapons and grenades. He has a whole arsenal at his house.
He's a nice guy.
he scares me :( its one of the big reasons we don't let our daughter stay with them
It looks slighty underbaked at the bottom, but I didn't taste that.
@Mien That's a quickly risen yeast bread, right?
@Mien looks fine :)
@rumtscho Yes.
Why does any civilian need grenades?
@rfusca Tastes fine as well ;)
A boy from my cousin's highschool class went to an Army university.
@ElendilTheTall As far as I can tell- entertainment.
@Mien good!
It's awesome with Nutella on it :o double chocolate dose!
@ElendilTheTall Same reason they're always blowing things up on Mythbusters, I guess!
The bread itself does not have a strong chocolate taste.
Our second or third year of university, I got home for Christmas break and decided to celebrate New Year's at my cousin's party.
@ElendilTheTall I like pomegrenades.
would have surprised me if it did
@ElendilTheTall I actually don't know that he owns any- just that he has the requisite license which is apparently fairly difficult to get.
This guy had brought some "surplus" grenades with him
At midnight, other people threw fireworks outside
He threw grenades.
@Sobachatina Why would you be able to obtain a license for it? :s
@rumtscho Idiot.
@Sobachatina My thoughts exactly.
@rumtscho How is that?
I think these were training grenades
They didn't make big explosions or such.
But still, they had lots of potential for harm.
@Mien He opened the window, and threw grenades onto the (empty) street.
@elendil - the new photoshop looks sick
@rumtscho wow :s
well, lunch
@rfusca I can't watch, it will just depress me
@Mien Hmm no, it only sounds vaguely familiar to me, probably from foreign usage.
I never pronounced 'bananenbrood' I think :p
No, I don't think I have either.
Oh, before I forget it
@rumtscho whatsat
Congratulations for Grandma Marta's day
Baba Marta (, "Grandmother March") is the name of a mythical figure who brings with her the end of the cold winter and the beginning of the spring. Her holiday of the same name is celebrated in Bulgaria on March 1 with the exchange and wearing of martenitsi. Baba Marta Baba Marta is seen as an old lady who has very contrasting moods. This is related to the weather during the month of March, which is traditionally extremely variable in Bulgaria – warm and sunny weather means that Baba Marta is happy; when she is angry, the winter frost returns. The majority of the customs connected to Baba ...
Makes me think of this:
Or, better
Grandma March Day (or simply Baba Marta, ) is a holiday celebrated in Bulgaria, on the first of March. Martenitsa - usually in the form of a wrist band, woven by combining red and white colored threads - are worn on that day and through March, until a stork or a bloomed tree is seen, symbolizing warmer weather and well being. Older Bulgarians call it Birch Month, because it is around this time when birch trees start growing leaves and give sap. There's much folklore about Grandma March Day and the character of Baba Marta herself. The greeting exchanged on this day is Chestita Baba Marta (Че...
So basically the Bulgarian equivalent of our groundhog
@Jay Lol you still celebrate that?
@Jay Maybe. But we get to wear red-and-white tassels.
(Elvis sings German.)
And Württembergish dialect, even.
@rumtscho Thanks, you too :)
I didn't have one, so I put on red and white clothes instead.
Also, I think that on Groundhog day, it is supposed to be still cold - it counts as the middle of winter or something.
Baba Marta is more like the inofficial beginning of spring.
@rumtscho It's in the beginning of February, if I'm not mistaken.
But it's about the weather of the spring.
@Mien Yeah, and "celebrate" or even "observe" is still a bit of a strong word - some significant number of people know it's that day, and some of news media reports on the groundhog, and then everyone forgets about it.
@Jefromi Are there traditional groundhog day customs which are not done today any more?
In Bulgaria, Baba Marta is still celebrated.
@rumtscho We watch the movie.
I know that, because people still gift each other Martenitsi.
yea groundhog day isnt really "celebrated" more just acknowledged. We dont really anything special for it.
@Jefromi I only know it because of the movie, to be honest :)
I was even surprised when I found it it's a real thing.
@Mien Yep, the movie is where it's at. The only real celebrations are in that part of the country, I think - small town festival type stuff.
@Sobachatina Do you watch Die hard 1 and 2 on christmas?
I did it :) (only the first one though)
@Jefromi I can imagine something :)
@Mien Oh you watched the movie, the ground hog day? How you like it
I think it's a fun one, a bit silly, but that's not bad.
It's been months since I've seen it.
And that was the second time, I think.
It's quite a famous one.
@rfusca totally forgot to put milk in the light wheat bread
just put a splash in after the water :)
Seems to work ok, bread is tasty
That's a BLT(K) with home made mayo on BBA light wheat bread
Oh I didn't expect it to be that long @Jefromi
I just figured if you have nothing to do, you can learn quite fast.
But then again, he was already forty or something, so his learning abilities would be slower.
Look at me, over-analyzing things. I feel like rumtscho.
I note you didn't use @rumtscho :P
Tyvm -_-
someone's getting bannnnnnnnnnned!
@ElendilTheTall doesn't matter, I'm stalking the channel anyway.
I'm unbannable.
@Mien I knew you'll recognize it for the great feeling it is, once you try it.
Unbannable sounds like a tongue twister in the making.
I don't know what should be coupled with it. Barnabie?
but it's 'unbannable' with double n, right?
otherwise it would sound like un-bay-nable
Ok :)
and so the weekly ritual of making a shopping list begins
Both aren't known to spell check.
@ElendilTheTall Am I on it?
are you available at supermarkets?
Only when I'm in season.
and are you?
Hmmm, I don't think so.
@Mien That's not overanalysis. Hang around with the type of people I have - other math contest types in middle school/high school, math campers, math/physics majors in college... then you'll know overanalysis.
@Jefromi I like math :)
I hate maths
But perhaps not that much ;)
@ElendilTheTall I'm sure maths hate you too.
it does
it is not my friend
@Mien I do too - I'm just saying, you ain't seen nothin' yet.
@Jefromi I believe you.
omg right now i hate everything
@Jay what happened?
drunk again?
@rumtscho im just grouchey when im sick
@Jay Then I wish you to get better soon
and i think my nose is about to bleed because i keep blowing my nose on napkins instead of tissues
@rumtscho thanks :)
Whenever anyone says "maths" I think of the Look Around You episode: youtube.com/watch?v=Lz8KPw-u1U0
@ElendilTheTall looks like it turned out well
yeah, I'm happy with it
the light wheat isn't one of those breads you crave - but its solid
tasty, simple, and you don't need to plan it 6 weeks ahead like some others
@Jefromi I don't know it.
no fussing around with steam pans
@Mien It's a really silly educational program parody. "Maths stands for Mathematical Anti-Telharsic Harfatum Septomin"
the get a "notice" everytime there is a new question
from stack exchange
@Jay Happens in many chats.
@Jefromi Is it worth watching the whole thing?
i think for a lower volume site like us, we should do that too
Not from stack exchange, but from their main site.
@Mien Eh, sometime, if you're into that sort of British humor.
English has it, Super user has it, etc.
who has a good midweek meal recipe involving chicken breasts?
@rumtscho i meant the poster is called stack exchange
I can be :) I'll watching after my movie.
@ElendilTheTall I do!
@mien go
I did it yesterday and it was lovely.
@rumtscho we should try to get that set up
I need a good recipe for plantains
since we troll here and sometimes forgetto check the actual site
I sliced the breasts in two, so they half an inch/a good cm thick.
Or maybe not, if I only make jibaritos with them
Put flour on them, then egg and just bake them in the pan, 3 min on each site or something
very simple, very good.
Oh, I forgot to say 'season with salt and pepper'
Or that's not what you're looking for?
so just a breaded chicken breast?
Well, I did this:
i think it would have been simplier to say 'breaded chicken breast'
But I didn't like the sauce.
So all that I have left, is the chicken ;)
@rfusca Aren't there a lot of different ways to bread?
@Mien i wouldn't say 'a lot' - but a few
Fair enough.
@elendil - we like em marinaded with soy sauce, honey, and lemon juice. Then a touch of black and red pepper. High, quick heat to sear then finish in the oven.
already making schnitzel this week @mien
thanks though
@Mien When i make chicken breast, if I am in a hurry i just put olive oil on the pan, heat it up, add garlic, salt pepper, dried parsley, oregeno, celery seed and a tiny bit of dill and just let it heat up in the oil. Smells really good and then sear both sides and the cover and cook. Easy peasy yummy chicken
@rfusca Sounds lovely.
How long do you marinate them?
@rfusca i find for single portions i dont have the patience to marinade and wait
if i am having a bbq, i might marinade it
@Mien usually overnight, but at least a few hours
adjust lemon juice depending on how long you'll marinade
@rfusca A bit too late for Elendil I think :)
if overnight, then very little
@rfusca I did something similar to that last week as it happens
@Mien was he asking for tonight?
I added garlic, lemon zest, and sesame oil as well
@rfusca I don't know, I read it as such.
@ElendilTheTall ya we add garlic most of the time too
and butterflied them so I could griddle them
@ElendilTheTall sure
@rfusca Garlic is heaven
the wife likes sauce of some kind, that's the problem
i love just eating grilled garlic
@Jay I still haven't tried it.
I tried it once with one clove, but of course, it burnt :p
@Jay you only think that because you didn't have a cinnamon roll last night
roast garlic, mmmmm
@Mien silly :p
roast garlic in mashed potatoes
@ElendilTheTall always a winner
roast garlic on pizza
@rfusca i dont compare savory food with sweet food. completely separate in terms of "favorites"
loads of it, in place of sauce
@Jay All kids know there's a separate stomach for desserts with plenty of room, so that makes sense.
@ElendilTheTall speaking of pizza replacements, what if u replace cheese in pizza with just creamed avacado. I wonder how that tastes.
like bitter snot
I hate avocado
@Jay I wouldn't do it.
Cheese is way too good to be replaced.
@Jay ya, i'm gonna let you do that first
Use guac instead of tomato sauce maybe.
Like white pizza, only it will be a chartreuse pizza.
Whoa: software written 40-50 years ago in assembly to run on mainframes for managing ticket prices, flight schedules, and so on, is still in use today by all major airlines.
@Jefromi Good to know!
@Jefromi do you have hacking skills?
@Jefromi if it still works, why replace it!
@rumtscho i meant as a vegan replacement. sorry i forgot to mention that
A vegan replacement for pizza? Tofu?
Sure you can cut that in a circle.
@Mien tofu used like that is too bland
@jay I know they're odd, but do we really need to replace vegans?
with avocados no less?
You guys are weird
you're grouchy and ill
At least we like firefly ;)
go to bed and drink plenty of non-alcoholic fluids
Oh, I don't know about @ElendilTheTall to be honest.
Do you like Firefly?
@ElendilTheTall I'm at work right now
never seen it
@ElendilTheTall Mmm gasoline.
Dang, it has bio ethanol now.
@ElendilTheTall Be ashamed.
And i forgot to eat lunch so im also hungry
@rumtscho Mmmm urine.
@Mien Is also not guaranteed to be alcohol free.
@rumtscho I'm sure mine is, now.
@Mien So, you want to donate it to @jay?
@ElendilTheTall You have all that stuff? :)
@rumtscho Sure.
@rumtscho donate what?
@mien everything but the chicken and fresh herbs
@Jay her pee.
I've never used lemongrass.
@rumtscho oh. why would i want tht?
lovely stuff
@Mien mmmmm i want lemongrass soup
perfect for a sick man
even better than chicken soup because lemongrass soup usually has a kick to it
@Jay because you need non-alcoholic fluids, says Dr. Elendil.
@Jay Doesn't that taste weird?
I'll check into it :)
@Mien Why? Have you never had lemon grass soup? It's awesome
@Jay I have not.
I don't think I've ever tasted lemon grass (although I'm not sure)
Does it taste like a lemon?
@Mien not really
@ElendilTheTall after watching that video, I think I'll make it too... one day :)
Lol this guy really does not like people editing him... cooking.stackexchange.com/q/21876/8305
lol @Jay your comment :p
on my comment on an answer for my question
@Mien why lol?
It's funny.
Wasn't it meant to be funny?
Hmmm i think i understand his question a little btter now that he edited the body a bit. But the title is still bad. I think it should be something like, "What is the benefit of using a Mezzaluna Knife over a traditional knife"
Then it's offensive, and I'll flag it :p
@Mien really? how is it offensive
woah the sites is down
i think
I think you didn't read my sentence below.
8 mins ago, by Mien
on my comment on an answer for my question
It's not about the knives question.
oh you didnt link the page so i dont know which you are talkinga bout
ohh the thicker skin comment?
Use your knuckles
I used to have more thick skin on my fingertips.
less nerve ending there and thicker skin
I used my knuckles :p
@Mien o well then, you have paper thin skin
I knocked on the bread and then on a closet.
then on wood
But I just don't have an idea how hollow sounds :D
There wasn't an echo.
@Mien shouldnt be an echo
just sound different from when you knock against something solid
It sounded quite similarly as my herb cabinet.
I don't think that's solid :)
google hollow sound or something
not sure what to say lol
@Mien prescribe me some placebo drugs for my sickness. I don't like this
I know my looks can be deceiving, but I must disappoint you: I'm not a nurse.
Or a doctor.
(Since nurses can't prescribe of course :( )
You don't have anything with you?
@Mien are you studying to be a psychologist or a psychiatrist?
and even then, I'm not a clinical one.
@Mien And even then, a placebo isn't actual drug, do you can prescribe as much as you want
just give me a bag of sugarpills
@Jay I'll give you something homeopathic.
I can give you candy.
Do you want me to bake cookies for you?
@Mien okay :)
can you make them in the shape of little animals
Which ones do you prefer?
Of course I can!

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