Obama is, at heart, rather tyrannical. he wants the power to just detain citizens on a whim and has carried out a propoganda campaign to make it look like he is 'reluctantly' agreeing to it
@Kitḫ Public opinion here is that America tortures prisoners, and criminals will not be extradited to America in many cases, because Dutch judges consider the American justice system unfair for certain crimes.
Notably drugs and terrorism, and anything that one could get sentenced to death for.
> Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect existing law or authorities relating to the detention of United States citizens, lawful resident aliens of the United States, or any other persons who are captured or arrested in the United States.
By the way, the first thing that should change is that candidates should not be allowed to take any money from third parties in their campaigns over a certain (low) limit, say € 1 million.
@Cerberus we already have a law to that effect. what happens is that third parties run ads and events for a particular candidate without ever giving them money
@Kitḫ why do we think campaign finance limits don't work in a country where the president is looking to raise $1bn in private donations next election cycle?