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in the easiest possible way or in the easiest way possible ?
Both, or either, or neither.
Never or always? Which one is correct?
In the possiblest easy way. In the possiblest way easy.
I feel I'm possiblest, I'm possiblest like Sunday morning.
@skillpatrol Why are you doing this to us?
Costco is such a hideous, abhorrent name.
Who comes up with such hideous, abhorrent names?
Who thinks them a good idea?
Sounds Russian.
Maybe Hungarian.
I'll go with Nope again.
In fact, that is probably the exact problem. It sounds like shit because it sounds like nothing.
"I saw a raven" or "I saw a robin"? Which one is correct?
I saw a round robin.
@Robusto I saw a crow
I sew a crow.
No no no, you're thinking of seeing Darth Vader.
Hey Rocco, bring your flivver, we’re movin’ on Kraco tonight — unless you’re plannin’ on hittin’ Costco instead.
@Robusto sorry, wrong link :(
what does Robin tell Batman when they are standing by the Batman's car?
Magnadon Satrap Costco
"And who the hell are you?"
@JustynaNogala "I'm not really gay, you know."
"And why the hell do you sometimes take the definite article, and other times don't?"
“Do both seats recline fully recline, dear?”
Also, not "the Batman." The preferred nomenclature—
Is "an Batman".
Or Asian American?
I forget.
Batman? more like Billionaireman, amirite?
because The batman's car is the only one?
like the sun ?
@MattE.Эллен No. Have you seen the cost of being Batman?
or the moon?
Superman or Batman? Which is correct?
Majusulate her, please.
If you are a billionaire, you become a hobo overnight. Just by filling up the vehicle once.
@RegDwigнt trillionaire, then!
I am a billionaire, depending on the currency.
@Robusto both are equally correct for as long as they are not Ben Affleck.
But one of them is, so that answers your question.
@JustynaNogala but you attached the article to "Batman" not "car"
@RegDwigнt How do I know you are telling me the truth?
Soon, both of them will be.
Béla Fleck would have been better.
@Robusto truth? You can't handle the truth.
And the Flecktones!
Jazz banjo . . . who knew?
The truth is, I am batman and round robin. And you are no superman.
I am supperman.
Married to Daisy Chain, no doubt.
No, to Alice in chains.
Estoy El Hombre del Almuerzo.
Alice in chains in wonderland
Winter wonderland.
Hey hey he’s the Lunchman.
Some PC is required here.
maybe in the southern hemisphere
Maybe you're the southern hemisphere.
You don't have to be PC if you use a Mac.
Quizás, quizás, quizás.
Where it is doubtless as warm this summer winter as we are cold.
@Robusto so men's rights activists should all use Macs!
I only use Burger Kings.
I mean . . . "That's right, Mac!"
On the sidewalk...
one Sunday morning...
"I eat lunch" or "I eat breakfast"? Which one is correct?
@MattE.Эллен We're finished with the raven question. Let's move on.
@Robusto "I hate Bob Geldof".
Why no Burger Kings in England?
I'm your ravenous, I'm your fire.
@tchrist There are Burger Queen Moms in England.
Too Wimpy.
"Escuse me i am first time here not english speak, how to tell brother is stepping on foot..Thanking you pleaz hury"
Thank you all for pointing out my mistakes even the slightest one I've learnd more since a couple of days than for 4 years of learning English.
@Robusto That is a very poor imitation of pineapplese. For better results, try saying it in Russian, then translate word-for-word.
@Robusto who are you making fool of?
Fools are born, not made.
Of the Cardigans.
> Wimpy is the only major fast food chain that offers Quorn burgers on the menu.
@JustynaNogala "Thank you all for pointing out my mistakes, even the slightest ones. I've learned more in a couple of days than in 4 years of learning English."
@JustynaNogala Any old pineapple will do.
what a pineapple has to do with it ?
For starters, it pays the rent.
Ni empieces.
And the rent is too damn high, lemme telya that.
Jun 18 '11 at 21:35, by Robusto
Non-native speakers => NNS => ennenness [sounds like] => ananas [funny French association] => pineapple
This is going to be tortuous.
Aug 1 '11 at 20:19, by Cerberus
Non-native speaker = NNS = ananas = pineapple
Mine is better.
Mine is first.
Also jinx.
Or making love at midnight.
And getting caught in the rain.
@Robusto hahaha We call a pineapple "ananas" in Polish
It’s still raining and raining and raining.
just like The French
@RegDwigнt Also mine is better.
@JustynaNogala So you get the joke.
and It does mean exactly the same
@Robusto yours is not Cerberus'. Conclusion: you suck.
@tchrist 'Twill be a perfect day here.
no no exactly
@RegDwigнt He would egree with you.
Google Image Search for "also jinx".
And here's your also coke:
@RegDwigнt Immediate disqualification for being a Bar-Bar Jinx.
"ananas" is a person who is completely green and who knows nothing about a specifc subject
One of the top ten results for "immediate disqualification coke":
Plus ça change . . .
Why do people pronounce Mainwaring like "mannering" and McEachern like "Macaren"? Discuss.
Now in the Super version.
@JustynaNogala OK, this will explain the pineapple thing in depth.
@tchrist do you feel better? than the others?
> Der betreffende Nutzer hat das Video in deinem Land nicht zur Verfügung gestellt.
Das tut uns leid.
Objection, your Honor. How can he testify to how others feel?
Only if you subscribe to the Superpowerade slow-drip plan.
Nein, tut es nicht, ihr Lügner.
More to the point: mir tut das nicht leid.
You are merely sorry. A sad case.
You are severely marry.
King Tut never got laid?
@RegDwigнt Das war aber ein Ricroll.
Not manly enough.
King Toot-toot choo-choo-choo-ses you.
In a grass kirk.
@Robusto hence the "mir tut es aber nicht leid".
What a horrible lie.
This is not a gallon at all. It is a sign.
It is also not a pipe.
Some countries are just built on lies.
Others aren't built at all.
Only the lonely.
Let's see how many more categories of countries we can name.
Roy Orbison knows.
Now. There's Belarus.
ones contained within other countries
@RegDwigнt I am the Belarus.
Must we really dip into country matters?
Shut the fuck up Donny.
Nay, good my lord.
I am the Belarus.
@MattE.Эллен Siberia.
countries that are at war
You're out of your ailment, Donny.
countries that have trade agreements
@MattE.Эллен Oceania.
@MattE.Эллен Your head upon my lap?
countries that have visited the moon
@MattE.Эллен Las Vegas.
@MattE.Эллен Christopher Nolan's mom.
@RegDwigнt The Meadowlands gots nuthin’ on Las Vegas.
countries that have made films with "batman" in the title
I am but naming examples.
OK, so the subcontinent strikes again. I created a very slick module to do a certain task. Later, PM decided to add some functionality to it. This would have taken me precisely one line of code and an extra variable declaration. So what does the subcontinent do? They write an entire module's worth of code to do the job.
I claim no comprehensiveness.
Without even asking me.
@Robusto Copypasta’d too.
From Stack Overflow.
@tchrist No. It would have been better if that were true.
countries that use a word other than ananas for pineapple
@Robusto not if it's pastad from SO.
Nobody said it was pastad from youse.
@MattE.Эллен Piñascular ones.
countries that drive on the correct side of the road
Peñascular ones?
Insular ones!
@MattE.Эллен Klingonia.
@MattE.Эллен Atlantis.
Why is there an Atlantis and not a Pacificus?
Because Pacificus 8 9.
The Pacific feels slighted. It's the larger ocean, after all. It should have its own mythical sunken kingdom.
It's only as large as we tell it to be.
It is also as Pacific as we name it.
It does.
You feel safe from the Pacific because you're so far inland. But there will come a time, my friend. There will come a time . . .
In lost R’lyeh dead Cthulhu lies dreaming.
We can call it Crapola, and starting today. What's it's gonna do.
countries that have a lost kingdom
Just wait. Wait till you take a sea voyage with Argonauts. Then you'll be sorry.
@Robusto on average, I'm probably closer to the coast than you are.
El Dorado.
Of course, Matt pretty much lives underwater.
@RegDwigнt Oceans.
pretty much
@RegDwigнt Hahaha, I don't think so. I can get to the coast in about twenty minutes from where I am right now (once rush hour is over).
I said on average and not right now.
I think Cerberus is below sea level
I can get there in an hour on my bike.
Someone needs a pair of spectacles.
@Robusto He’s not counting oceans.
@MattE.Эллен This is why the Dutch are tall. To see over the dikes.
There’s a brook whose coast he can approach more quickly, perhaps a lagoon.
@tchrist What other coastlines are there?
@Robusto makes sense. that's evolution in action
The Dutch are about as tall as the Japanese are gigantic.
@Robusto He’s counting Bothen Sees.
Them's not proper coasts.
Some Dutch are even the size of a dog.
And carry three heads to make up for it.
To carry three heads three platters takes.
@tchrist stop telling him lies, then agreeing with him that they are lies.
I’m just an agreeable sort.
Have another gallon of syrup.
Let's see if you can disagree with that.
No tree uncles ponderosos.
Only turpentine.
And butterscotch.
Will you be my turpentine?
Are we neglecting the Site? Surely there are broken windows that need closing.
There's a site? There's the site? There's the Site?
@tchrist It's a site for sore ayes.
casts pineapples on the waves
I'm not neglecting the site. I'm addressing issues like these at the exact same moment I'm addressing hobos like you:
'British' English is the correct standard. American English is a modification of the language to suit their needs. (Tries not to show his elitist British persuasions) — t0rn 52 mins ago
That’s not élitist; this is.
I can do more than one thing at a time, and do them all poorly. Suck it up.
Only for gods is it easier to be in one time two places than to be in two times one place.
As a God, I am three.
You seem rather indefinite.
Also, as a God, I don't give a shit if I'm anywhere at all.
Trinity was a nuke.
And Tobago.
Trinity had zero chemistry. Least of all with Neo.
@tchrist Heh, first time evah I realize that Trinidad must mean "trinity" en español.
Just nevah thought about it.
Dryhumping a drywall while running dhrystone.
With John Rhys-Davies.
@Robusto congratulations! You can now understand 1% of all Spanish texts.
Only in translation.
Trinidad is big on trannies.
@Robusto What's Bruce Jenner to do with this?
Hm, jinx apparently.
Here's your gender coke:
> Trinidad was dubbed the "Sex Change Capital of the World" because a local doctor had an international reputation for performing sex reassignment surgery.
Let's not go there.
He could have been much more efficient if he dropped the surgery part.
There’s nothing wrong with spending a year a broad.
Performing sex reassignment.
I don't think the doctor roams the streets, changing people's sex at will. you'll probably be fine
Provided you kick off your heels upon your return.
You, over there, you're a bloke now. Kthxbai.
@tchrist There is if they cut off your johnson.
Seriously wtf who comes up with moronic collocations such as "sex reassignment".
"Mr. Garrison's Fancy New Vagina" is the first episode of the ninth season and the 126th overall episode of the American animated television series South Park. "Mr. Garrison's Fancy New Vagina" first aired on Comedy Central in the United States on March 9, 2005. In the episode, Mr. Garrison undergoes a sex change feeling that he is a "woman trapped in a man's body". The operation inspires Kyle and his father Gerald to undergo cosmetic surgery themselves. The episode was written by series co-creator Trey Parker and was rated TV-MA in the United States. == Plot == Mr. Garrison is under the impression...
Especially since it's no euphemism, but the exact opposite. It must be very insulting to the people in question, to get their sex assigned.
Careful, or the Prince of Canada will rain disaster upon you.
@RegDwigнt "sex change" was confusing because of all the lexicographers who use prostitutes
How do think incoming university students feel about being forced to go to freshman orientation?
So you found the Burger King's gay nephew. So what?
It’s Prince Hamburger!
@MattE.Эллен so... let's take something confusing and replace it with something insulting.
@MattE.Эллен Flourish of Strumpets.
@RegDwigнt I don't know why it changed, I was making a pun...
@Robusto I'm just sharing the serendipity. It's not like I was looking for a gay nephew.
Nobody looks for a gay nephew. Yet there they are.
@RegDwigнt Just because you’re not looking doesn’t mean they’re not there.
@Robusto Let's reassign their sex. Problem solved.
I don’t know whether that works.
There. Have a gay nephew coke.
Hm. I get a different picture for "gay nephew coke".
Where's the Coke?
Where's the nephew.
I do see gay.
There’s a very lovely female couple at work with two lovely 8- and 10-year-old boys for children, with the two women both being both biological parents of both their boys. This is rather confusing.
Yeah if that's confusing to you, ask the boys.
Smoke more pot. That will clear things up for you.
My point. The boys must be smoking 25/7.
I’m just trying to figure out whether this turned the ciswoman into a lesbian.
It sure didn't turn either into a good father.
No, but they used to have one of those. Arguably.
Mommy mommy.
In related news, Tony Bennett sings with Lady Gaga now.
I didn't know either of them was still alive.
I saw that.
I thought one of them was dead.
Tony Bennett is a class act. Lady Gaga, not so much.
No gag reflex.
But... but... but... that YouTube video! Where she presses random keys on a piano! OMG OMG OMG like like like! OMG
And it sounds nothing like Poker Face! That must be art! She is so talented!
I thought she was finger-sync’ing that one.
Lady Gaga is the woman Michael Jackson always wanted to be.
I’ve been outed at work: my boss finally figured out I have more ELU reps than SO reps.
@tchrist and she probably was. And she was still not hitting the right chords.
@tchrist That happened for me a long time ago.
@tchrist so you've moved from programming to proofreading.
Ah, but everybody else always cites my SO postings.
@RegDwigнt Yes, and fuck me very much.
Now with seven more contacts with Indians every day.
Just so.
I kwit.

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