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room topic changed to English Language & Usage: Come cut your teeth on our tongue (no tags)
cuts teeth
usually I cut my tongue on my teeth though
@tchrist Looks like someone deleted all those comments.
Is there a word that means "to act from a sense of shame" or "to act after being humiliated An example situation might be if everyone in a group of people had some fault except one person , and the group acts in order to fault that person in the same way so that he or she can't feel superior, "implicating them" in the fault.
2 hours later…
@portin.daniel conforming to peer pressure?
3 hours later…
@KitFox You seem to be missing in this chat the past few days.
busy, busy, busy?
@JohanLarsson Poor you!
You could buy your own Android?
A Moto E for €120ish.
don't think it is an option, dunno how to setup sync with Notes then
so your company has a contract with Apple?
@Alraxite What messages?
Chat messages?
@IceBoy They have standardized on the use of iPhone for ease of maintenance
I only know about the Greasemonkey script, as you say.
I didn't know that Firefox extension.
@JohanLarsson it looks like you're forced to conform pal
can you set up an iPad as a phone?
@IceBoy Yeah, they will probably send security who will escort me to my desk and unbox one soon :)
it only hurts for a little while
Upside is that it will hurt Cerb more
@Cerb why are you up this time btw?
Did you put your sleeping schedule in orbit?
@JohanLarsson I went to bed around 1!
@JohanLarsson do you mind if I star that?
So I slept very badly and woke up many times. I finally woke up at 7.
@IceBoy I don't mind and if I did it should not stop you imo.
@Cerberus a continuous sound sleep is the most important part of sleeping
don't go to bed until you feel that you will sleep continuously...
...of course, stuff like dreams, and unexpected interrupts are beyond our control.
I'm no sleep expert, but that's how I do it :-)
sleep is good, but a good sleep is better
@JohanLarsson nah, I changed my mind because it seems kinda mean.
saying it is one thing; endorsing it is another
yeah purrhaps
I didn't know MSO allowed executable javascript code snippets!
pretty cool
Q: Stack Snippets Sandbox - Try It Out Here!

HaneyThis post is dedicated to testing out the newly announced Stack Snippets feature. Feel free to answer with your own Stack Snippets, and have some fun!

Wow, thanks for sharing.
@MattЭллен was your removed comment for me?
no, it was redundant after I edited my original comment
1+ is too good.
Finds somewhere comfy. Settles
1+ is 10 times better than nexus 5
also much more cheaper.
Iphone is in danger, due to android.
It's Apple, not so easy. They will do something....
2 hours later…
A word that nobody will understand is helpful to whom, exactly? — Robusto 43 secs ago
@MattЭллен Wait, why don't we have that in ELU? Not fair! Not bloody fair!
who said life was fair?
Why does that invalidate a complaint that it isn't?
Because the complaint that it isn't is just that, a complaint
A mega-smiley doesn't strengthen your argument.
It's not fair that I wasn't told life wouldn't be fair.
exception: if your name was "Fair."
va-t'en faire foutre.
I think that's how it's spelled.
is it fair to name your child "Unfair"?
or is it unfair?
@Robusto Looks good to me.
Where was that comment where someone said that Barrie didn't need to appeal to authorities because he was an authority in his own right?
From time to time I'd like to claim just that for myself, but I can't quite come up with the sort of elegant wording that commenter used.
keep trying
But... lazy?
in Mathematics, 32 mins ago, by Ice Boy
without effort there can be no learning
Nonsense. Without repetition there can be no learning. And repetition is the opposite of effort.
are you serious?
I am always serious.
Some languages even have a proverb to the extent that "repetition is the mother of learning".
Of course English does not, so you shall be excused for wondering.
how can repetition be the opposite of effort?
Go repeat "car" ten times. Just how hard was that?
It's mechanical.
Which is the whole point.
If you repeat something over and over again, it becomes your second nature.
Same for "2+2 = 4".
There is no effort involved in accepting that. Just dumb repetition.
things become effortless only by putting in the effort to repeat them, that doesn't make repetition the opposite of effort
If you must insist, it's mindless minimum effort.
What requires actual effort is research.
thank you
Finding out new things vs. learning existing ones. Again, the complete opposite.
If I tell you how to pronounce Хабаровск and you repeat it a couple times, that's not effort. If all you have is the sequence of letters, Хабаровск, and you have to figure out the pronunciation by yourself, now that is effort.
That's why absolutely everyone can learn a new word every day, but barely anyone ever discovers Radium.
Khabarovsk. I suppose I must have done some research at some point.
See, you did not pronounce anything. One giant failure start to finish.
most of the people who discovered those elements died of radiation poisoning
@RegDwigнt But I did. You're just too far away to hear.
The ultimate effort: death.
@AndrewLeach ha. That's because you haven't turned around yet.
we differ in our definitions of learning
which is ok
live and learn
Nah, we only differ in our definitions of effort.
Learning your definition is too much effort for me, but apparently it wasn't for you.
my definition of effort is simple
Low Temperature Experiment

Proposed Q&A site for experimental physicists and engineers working with low temperature environments.

Currently in definition.

it takes energy
Not in low temperature.
are you trolling me?
I think I shall propose a new Q&A site about the letter N.
@IceBoy I'm not even here, I'm trying to figure out the physics room.
@RegDwigнt for mathematicians and people called Norman, interested in the letter N
Actually, no, the letter N is too broad. Everyone uses it.
I shall propose a new Q&A site about the word amaranthine.
@RegDwigнt for people who read Revelation Space and want to pretend they're bird like aliens
I shall propose a new Q&A site about learning & effort :)
I think there are half a dozen. One of them live.
Personal Productivityproductivity.stackexchange.com

Beta Q&A site for people wanting to improve their personal productivity.

Currently in public beta.

Begeezis. That's like three years.
Those people are not very productive!
to productive too answer questions about productivity
or maybe too productive to ask them
Keep editing, you're almost making sense.
I make as much sense as I mean to
@MattЭллен but that's the thing, that's the usual joke, "people can't participate in the site because it'll lower their productivity". But then people would not participate at all, and the site would die.
Apparently, however, they are just the right amount of not productive to keep it in zombie state for a full three years.
productive v — I'm too busy doing other things to write the definition.
At least here on ELU I don't have to pretend I'm not wasting my time.
@MattЭллен this is awesome. I only just realized that "productive" and "procrastination" are the same thing!
Procrastination is too much work for me.
I'd reply to that but that would mean effo-oh hey look a doggy.
@RegDwigнt That's not procrastination. That's distractination.
Besides, doesn't Italy or Greece lay claim to the title of "procrasti-nation"?
@Robusto And I might even care about that, but only after opening a dictionary and looking up care.
@Robusto I only know that Switzerland is the Rösti-nation.
Seriously, when was the last time you "opened" a dictionary?
Rösti ([ˈrøːʃti]) or röschti is a Swiss dish consisting mainly of potatoes. It was originally a common breakfast eaten by farmers in the canton of Bern, but today is eaten all over Switzerland and also in many restaurants in the western world. Many Swiss people consider rösti a national dish. Today, rather than considering it a complete breakfast, it is more commonly served to accompany other dishes such as "Spinat und Spiegelei" (spinach and fried eggs, sunny side up), cervelas or Fleischkäse. It is also a dish one can order in most restaurants to replace the standard side dish of any given meal...
My Swiss is a little rösti.
@Robusto I have quite a few at home, and a four-volume one right here.
Which is to say, the answer is "about two years ago".
@RegDwigнt That didn't answer my question.
Ah, now you've answered it.
I went the extra kilometer.
Try walking a kilometer in my shoes for once.
I won't crawl or cause you trouble,
That's the last thing I'll ever do.
But before I leave your life completely,
Tell me: who wears these shoes?
Wait a minute, you can't walk. People in metric countries don't go on foot, they go on meter.
In East Slavland, you do neither.
Germans like to pretend they gehen zu fuss but it's a lie. At best they can manage a few centimeters.
Stop making such a fuss about it.
I knew you would latch onto that.
I recognized the cliffhanger.
That's why I deliberately didn't use the ß there.
It was Sylvester.
Yes, ßylvester would be totally stupid.
Anyway. Of course they would go to fuss, precisely because that's where they are not.
It's totally logical and ßhit.
That's Russian for insincerety.
Did you know Russian had a word for not mother and not vodka? Well, here it is.
one word that means both "not mother" and "not vodka"?
The U.S. Marines have the expression POG (pogue) meaning not-a-grunt (Persons Other than Grunts).
Oh. I thought it was Point of Grunt.
Well, that changes everything. I shall never watch POG porn again.
That's why we go over this stuff.
You must be the only person on the Internet that made me watch less porn.
I'm here to help.
This is for you.
That's too heavy for me.
BTW, how come we only ever hear about Norwegian Black Metal and not the Norwegian New Age Frou-Frou Music?
Because the former are louder, DUH.
And is it too early to proclaim New Age to be Old Age? I mean, when was the last time anyone listened to Enya, ferchrissakes.
I can tell you the precise date. 9/11/2001.
So Enya is responsible for 9/11? I knew it.
There's your frou-frou.
Is he the Zigeuner Leader?
(Note bilingual word-play.)
He's the Bah Rock.
That's a Relief.
Béla Bah Rock.
He looks more like Béla Fubartok.
Which is another bilingual wordplay. The prefix fu- is the Japanese equivalent of un- for na adjectives.
Sorry, the fubar is too damn low for me.
@RegDwigнt You're already thinking of where you can use that.
@MattЭллен In the story I wrote in the Overlook Hotel, was my line okay: "truth be told I coundn’t even see the back of my hand in the dark!" Because someone criticized it there :(
@Robusto no, I am already thinking why the hell I am still logged in in the Physics room.

 The h Bar

General chat for Physics SE (physics.stackexchange.com). For M...
@Arrowfar but otherwise it seems OK
I just watched The Maze Runner.
Note how it's not the New H bar.
@Arrowfar oh, he's not criticizing the grammar or spelling
@MattЭллен Then?
@Arrowfar he's criticising the style
@MattЭллен I see. So how would you write it?
Only people with style may criticize style. And people with style don't.
Funny. Amazon has not shipped my order after 24 hours. Usually they are much faster.
Sorry, they have to run it past the NSA and the TSA first. New rules.
I ordered 3 calculus books and 1 address book.
I got the address book for my mum, just to make the order reach 125 USD to get free shipping.
Only terrists need calculus.
Not to mention addresses.
It's free shipping to India and S for 125 USD orders.
Not valid for other countries, weird.
@RegDwigнt You're really considering dropping your H's? @Matt would be scandalized.
I am considering many things. Many, many things.
I am very glad that I have not deleted my email or SE account for a month.
Then I deduct they all suck.
Aug 31 at 23:40, by RegDwigнt
Ninja downvoter strikes again. My job here is done!
Speaking of which, still a job to do elsewhere. So lators.
Q: What is the origin of "in a jiffy"?

Mari-Lou AWhat is the origin of "in a jiffy"? Etymology online Dictionary says origin unknown but speculates that it was slang (cant) for lightning and dates it as 1785. Wikipedia agrees but adds that the American physical chemist, Gilbert Newton Lewis (1875–1946) was the first to actually specify how ...

Only Tom could post as exhaustive a reply.
I find that now that I have grown fatter, I sweat more too.
that should be pronounced /gɪffiː/
@WillHunting Neither of which will help you find a soul mate.
I will start a vigorous workout routine in October.
I have been procrastinating for too long on this.
2 more months and simchona will lose her diamond due to not logging in.
@Robusto But they're great for having with yerba mate.
@WillHunting start slow and build up to it.
My favourite Linux desktop is Mate, lol.
I've tried Club Mate, but I didn't think much of it
@WillHunting That's not in the song
@MattЭллен I don't know what Club Mate is. Is it a dating site?
Yo yo.
@WillHunting it's an energy drink
@Cerberus around the world!
I tried OK Cupid, but I deleted my account.
@MattЭллен ... that you drink at clubs
Is that possible?
with your mate
@WillHunting You deleted your account??
Who would have expected that?
I see. maybe that's why I didn't enjoy it much. I wasn't at a club
@Cerberus Yes.
I did not really understand the ending in The Maze Runner.
But I give the movie 8 stars out of 10.
is it the one with children dropped into a maze?
Yes. Not exactly children.
@WillHunting They solve it?
@Mitch Some escaped, yes.
It's a young adult novel adapted to a movie.
Which does not narrow it down. All movies in theaters today are adaptations of young adult novels.
because that's the trend at the moment
jinx u!
Yes. I will be a young adult again my next life. I am looking forward to my next life.
I think I saw one that was slightly not as young adult novel.
was it the my little pony movie?
I'm looking forward to my second childhood.
Also third. I can't wait!
Anyway, I think my hard disc was probably corrupted, so I had to reinstall Linux. It seems OK now.
a third of a second childhood... I'd want at least three quarters
Maybe Amazon is delaying my shipment because it is free, lol.
Next Monday I have to go back to the army for a one day event.
@WillHunting Do you have CD for linux?
@hey Yes. I have a live DVD.
@WillHunting I use usb drive for that.
@hey Some computers cannot boot from USB.
@hey i have heard your school have started using Linux.
@RutvikSutaria Yes, but don't know why they have installed ubuntu 12.10. I thought they will install redhat.
what is redhat?
@RutvikSutaria It is a Linux distro.
@Cerberus: I'm still annoyed by comment chains that are out of sequence.
Some would call it as Unix disastro.
@WillHunting Have you heard about philosopher named Rajneesh. He used to give bit logical answer about religion.
@hey I have read his books.
Today i get fucked off in my maths test.
@Robusto So am I. It is horrible.
But they like fucking with us.
And members like being passive aggressive
@Cerberus Just use protection.
@RutvikSutaria I don't know. May be she didn't gave.
@MattЭллен You misspelled aggressive.
@WillHunting NOU
> Banner Saga on sale for €10/$10 on Steam: store.steampowered.com/app/237990/?snr=1_620_4__46
@Cerberus Yes they do. And they make failure of imagination a virtue.
Hello @Caleb you are always in this room but you say nothing.
@Caleb hello
@hey Caleb doesn't seem to want to talk to us.
hmm, might be he want to seat as audience.
Yesterday I misspelled harass as harrass, it is so embarrassing.
@MattЭллен I want seconds on my first.
Just as long as you don't spell it herass.
And be sued for sexual harassment.
@WillHunting He likes to listen?
@Mitch He is in all the religious rooms, lol.
@WillHunting maybe he was embarasingly herassed
I mentioned this before. I once said gspot to a female and my life changed completely overnight. It literally destroyed my life, even though it was already destroyed.
@WillHunting It's annoying that it doesn't work the other way. Say an accidental off-hand remark and all of a sudden Bill Gates calls you up to see if you want some money.
why that's a capital idea! I'd give you a billion dollars, but I don't have any money
I haven't said anything yet. Wait for it...
That was pretty off-hand, wasn't it? So how much money are you not going to give me?
as much as Bill Gates would
OK a joke... Did you hear about the person taking homeopathy medicine?
They forgot to take their pill and died of an overdose.
Haha, nice!
So in many jokes there are three people walking into a bar. I never get why is that. :-)
three men walk towards a bar.
Then? Hehe
It looks like a start of some 'meh' joke :D
they stand around at the entrance deciding if they want to go in
after a few minutes one man realises that it's Thursday, so he has to be somewhere else
The second man decides that bar prices in the town are too expensive and goes home, too
The third man, bereft of drinking companions, finally decides that tonight is the night he will take up salsa.
They happen to have a salsa class running in the bar he is stood outside of, so he goes in.
I'm not good at jokes
Like I said 'meh' joke. :D (just kidding)
I really hope that the next edition of Debian will have a MATE desktop live DVD.
I don't want to install another desktop just to install another desktop.
I can think of no "three men walk into a bar" jokes.
I never understood any of them.
"I have a headache. Not tonight, honey." LOL
A piece of string walks into a bar and orders a drink
The barman says, "Sorry, we don't serve string"
The piece of string leaves, disappointed.
Just outside the bar, the piece of string is mugged, leaving it disheveled and somewhat tied up.
It decides to go back into the bar.
The barman asks, "are you a piece of string?"
It replies, "I'm a frayed knot".
Erm, too sophisticated for my taste.
Three EL&U mods walk into a bar.
The bar is closed as off topic.
I can play to my audience
I do not have Bluetooth. I only have yellow teeth, lol.
@tchrist "Some judges and politicians — even ones with reputations for being hard on crime — are starting to question whether the use of fines and fees has gone too far. The new law in Colorado was passed on a near-unanimous vote of Republicans and Democrats."
@MattЭллен I like it.
thanks :D I can't remember when I first heard it
@Cerberus Yes, you can install it as a script too.
Q: Chat Reply Helper for Stack Exchange sites

Oliver Salzburg Press : to start replying to a previous message. Press ↑ as many times as you need to mark the desired message. What does it do? First of all, the Chat Reply Helper for Stack Exchange sites provides a simple key combination to select a message to reply to. This removes the need to grab the...

I know that one.
That's what the Firefox extension does.
If it allowed selecting messages even if the colon was placed not at the beginning, then I think you could make using SE Chat Modifications much easier.
Because then you could easily get the message ID after any command you type.
These scripts would have been better if they didn't rely on the arrow keys.
Otherwise, these scripts are great.
@MattЭллен Very hilarious. I starred it too :D
Why couldn't I think of that joke? lol
So I take it back, what I was saying about three man walk into a bar jokes, that they are not funny.
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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