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@meer2kat "success" is just an ego thing anyways, lol you're already ahead of your parents
the joker, three times?
I mean maybe it's cutting straight to the philosophical too fast, but I don't care for anyone who can't switch between talking about the universe and laughing at fart jokes at high frequency
Well, OK, not so bad, but not really informative.
sounds like fortune telling :D
hahaha exactly matt
what do they say?
what i do enjoy about fortune telling is that no matter what it comes out to, it's always vague enough that you can find a way to apply it to your life somehow haha
Meerkat, I'm from India. The education system here is pretty f*ed up in my opinion, there's no counselling before you start college. So most students don't know what to do, and end up doing what their parents want them to do.
I, like most guys here in India, ended up doing an undergraduate course in engineering. By default, the guys who were "good" students go for engineering, and the girls go for an MBBS (medical). After starting college, staying in a hostel with others, I found out hardly anyone is doing what they really want to. This, in my opinion, is bad. You live your life living some
So first card is The Lightning, inverted. That's a private calamity, a personal trauma that you keep to yourself.
OK, so that's me
That was one long message.
@PayodPanda that's fantastic :) i, too, started in engineering because my parents wanted me to
@PayodPanda congrats by the way :)
The second card is The Lilies, also inverted. Your sense of calm and peace is disrupted, despite strong roots and a positive environment.
Thanks @meer2kat. All I'm saying is you can find a way of doing what you want to.
@PayodPanda i appreciate it :)
@MattЭллен getting intense matt! :)
The last card is The Patient. You are headed for recovery, but it is a long road. You be will whole again with some kindness and nuturing.
you're gonna make it! woowoo!
So put them together, some bad experience still affects you even now that it is long past, but eventually you will heal.
my cheque's in the post
It's for togrogs, right?

 EL&U Blog

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@KitFox it's made out to cash
Oh! Nice.
Anyone else for a fortune?
@cc I would prefer not to echo a banana. That would make me uncomfortable, particularly before lunch.
@KitFox me! me! me!
Wait, this isn't Tarot is it?
It's similar: carrot reading
i think that makes his fortune orange
@KitFox Also I want some of that too... also.
@MattЭллен urp done.
oh. I thought you said carrot eating.
@meer2kat Did they say "You're going into engineering." or did they say "You should go into engineering"?
@meer2kat My future is so bright, because I get lots of beta carotene.
@Mitch it wasn't really an option if that's what you're getting at
@Mitch there we go. that'll solve all my problems :P
No, it's not tarot.
@PayodPanda your parents probably see a better outcome in the long run with a medical degree than something else. They're not taking into account that it may be more difficult if that's not what you want to do. Note though that it is a bit of a luxury to be able to choose what you do and they are looking at the outcome (better finances at the end) rather than happy (doing what you like to do).
On the other hand, following your passion is great...if you have one. Not everyone has a passion, so might as well pick the thing that makes you happy in the end.
i feel like yours must be bad if she's not telling you @mitch :P
Yeah, it's kinda...gulp.
@meer2kat I was kinda wondering why the hesitation to tell me.
Also, I was doing other things.
oh dear
@KitFox Nope, I can take it.
argh! so frustrating! my fate lies in the balance.
or rather there's no balancing at all, I just don't know.
@meer2kat Just assumed? did you show proficiency beforehand for that stuff? Maybe they thought that's what you wanted to do.
Choosing your own destiny is always an option.
At least, if the books I read as a child are any indicator.
Wait, no. That was adventure. My bad.
OK, so @Mitch, this is what I have.
anticipates all hopes being dashed
First card is The Archer. You found your love early and happily.
In the flush of youth, one might say.
@KitFox I liked taking the paths that ended up circling back to a previous page. I could read that for hours.
The second card is The Mirror, inverted. You broke up, or nearly so? I'm not sure which. It was your fault mostly.
@KitFox OMG how did you know?
@Mitch i've been doing engineering type stuff since i was 11 so yeah
@KitFox I did break a mirror once. Does that count?
@meer2kat So it wouldn't be totally crazy of them to assume.
lol you're a troll :P
@Mitch no
@meer2kat No, I haven't gotten that card yet.
@Mitch lmfao
The third card is The Star. Your life will be balanced and satisfying. Although you may continue on your path alone, you won't be lonely, and your living will set a good example for others that you love.
The fourth card is The Troll, extroverted. You kicked someone in the nuts with their own foot.
@KitFox wow that's so nice. It's going to be hard to live up to that.
that's intense @kit :)
So you put those all together and ... I don't know. I'm too hungry to make up more.
what's your fortune, @kit?
I can't read my own cards.
@KitFox Your fortune. I'm looking in o my crystal ball and... I see lunch.
That's not a fortune, that's a prediction!
@meer2kat It's hard to explain. If you read cards, I think you'd understand.
@Mitch what's for lunch?
(i have a prediction for it)
Wait, that's my lunch on the other side of the crystal ball. explains why it was upside down.
grilled cheese
@Mitch hahahaha
i think kit said shes having pizza?
@KitFox okay lol. not my cup of tea. isn't that a thing too? tea leaf readings?
@KitFox do you do that tarot stuff?
And yes.
Although I am reading Rom cards right now.
I have three tarot decks, but only one I read regularly.
what's the difference between rom cards and tarot cards?
Well, as regularly as I read cards.
@meer2kat Do you know much about tarot cards?
Lol you can read mine, but only if you don't ban me from the channel seriousface
not a thing. just that all those more-religious-than-me people think it's voodoo :P
Funny, considering how Christian its root are.
religious people are weird
@meer2kat They probably had someone do a good reading on them, and then got afraid that somebody else knows more about the universe than them
Which would offend them because that's the point of the whole god belief thing
So there are four suits in tarot, cup (heart), wand (club), sword (spade), pentacle/coin (diamond).
They represent four journeys.
There are also the Major Arcana. They represent the overall journey, the big events from knowledge to enlightenment.
Rom cards are similar to the Major Arcana.
Oh, Mick wanted his read. Just a minute.
sure thing
@KitFox Don't trip it's not a big deal
Can i ask you to check my sentences?
I was more just joking that people usually act weird towards me after reading my tarot stuff
@KitFox can i ask you to check my sentences_
i'm curious now to see what yours are :P
@user4550 I'm in the middle of something right now, so no.
Mick's is funny.
oh thank you.
You know that every time you shuffle a deck of cards, you probably just came up with a new set that's never been pulled before?
Somebody please...
Like ever, in the history of the universe ever
Could you check my sentences
@KitFox ready when you are :D
@MickLH Except that the deck is finite and so the orderings are also finite.
@user4550 Just ask it.
OK, the first card is The Patient, inverted. When you needed compassion, you gave it instead.
@KitFox Except that 52 factorial is like 2 * 10^50 times the age of the universe in seconds
Are you a native speaker?
More like 10 to the 68.
@user4550 i am. send them.
The second card is The Snake, inverted. You resist temptation, but fighting your own corruption is a constant struggle. That's funny, because it is the kind of thing I'd associate with a recovering addict.
Oh wait, didn't read the universe part.
Meh, just an estimate, either way, if you had been shuffling decks since the big bang you still have not come anywhere even remotely close to finding every possible way they could end up
I invited you to another room.
I saw and joined, just ask it here
in fact, I just left it :P
The last card is The Queen. I'm assuming you're male because of your name, so this is either finding the right partner, or finding the right mentor to support you emotionally.
So if I stick them together, what I read is that you were missing support when you were young. You made bad choices, but you survived them and continue to try finding your way in the world. You will meet someone who gives you the emotional support you need to help you grow into the person you want to become.
@KitFox I am a recovering (recovered?) ego addict, so that's what that's about I'd guess
@user4550 yeah?
did ya read it?
Why...it took you just seconds?
@MickLH Did you happen to have a mother who expected you to take care of her and feed her ego?
lol, I could twist it into that form
She was actually just drunk too much and so she didn't really "expect" it but more just needed it
Well, you know, who would say something like "You abandoned me when your father died" instead of being the kind of mom who would support her children in their grief?
@user4550 yes i did lol.
@MickLH Yeah, OK, so you took care of her when it should have been the other way around.
this stuff freaks me out sometimes -_-
Also while the compassion thing looks like it's related to that, it's not
Ironically, it's related more to that bit where it looks so obvious, but it's really not
@mick you are a very compassionate person
I am cursed with thinking at infinity miles per hour lol
I can't help but spin my way right out of my own point of view, through theirs, all the way out of the whole topic, back around to formal logic, and meta-applying it to the new ideas to filter apart the subjective and objective
it's pretty entertaining and a little freaky :P :)
I remember feeling that way. I did a lot of drugs to make my brain shut up.
I feel better now.
It all happens so fast, unless someone does it themselves, they could never understand it being logically described, because the details are generated faster than they can be explained
@KitFox 0.o
So I'm sortof constantly begging people for compassion, respect, trust, etc, because there's no way to prove anything to them
In fact, trying to prove it only digs further into the hole
You don't need proof.
You need some meditation.
And time.
silence is golden, duct tape is silve
lol yeah I don't get stuck on proving things, but again with the ego now
I have to resist trying to help people out sometimes
Because I'd first have to show them that I only offer help
Which requires me to first help them understand me, which is ... help
You must be early/mid-twenties too?
us youngins are hopeless :P
Nah, just there is a natural path we all take.
And that includes an existential crisis in our mid-twenties.
I already went through that :P
As we separate from our parents and assert ourselves as adults.
yeah i'm not liking that part
@MickLH Well, part of it.
Some people have to have twisted paths if everyone has to follow the formula :P
Have I mentioned that I'm really hungry?
Time to go!
Ima eat lunch, listen to talking.
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I hope you know I'm not just saying "I already went through that" to call myself more mature, I meant it beyond mentally, even beyond spiritually into physically, I had to enter the medical system pretty early on, and had to take myself out of it against everyones "judgements" a bit too early too
Used some thyroid medication, because the whole "hyperdrive" thing really applied to my life, I feel I showed up to earth over 9000 years old, and lived another thousand years in my first 18 years on earth
Lol I sound so full of myself
Hi guys! Guess who I am?
Wow, the conversation stopped right after I entered, lol.
@KitFox I would like my fortune told as well. Just created a new account after deleting last week, lol.
@meer2kat You should go for what you like to do. There can be miracles when you believe.
it's J-Leezy
I am now using Linux Mint 16.
nice nice :) still running debian myself
I switched because my favourite desktop is now MATE.
I got 56 points on the first day, yay!
I think everyone's gone for lunch, lol.
@snailboat I loved that troll post haha.
+1 for your epic troll post on English Meta, I loved it! — Cerberus 4 mins ago
@meer2kat gags
@Mahnax Boo!
@Mahnax what?
@JasperLoy Hi!
@meer2kat Frost. I am not a fan.
@JasperLoy Of course Jasper :)
@Mahnax Ah. My favorite right now is john keats
By the way, I have now given up all religion, even Buddhism.
@JasperLoy That was quick
@meer2kat I have very little experience with poetry, but I can say that I really don't like most Frost poems.
@meer2kat Quick? I have been Buddhist for quite a long while, lol.
@Mahnax do you like emily dickinson?
@JasperLoy EH :P
@meer2kat I was Christian for about two years.
@meer2kat Haven't read any of hers.
@Mahnax ohhhh you poor soul. here. this is my favorite:
I’m Nobody! Who are you?
Are you – Nobody – too?
Then there’s a pair of us!
Don’t tell! they’d banish us – you know!

How dreary – to be – Somebody!
How public – like a Frog –
To tell one’s name – the livelong day –
To an admiring Bog!
@jasper What made you give up Buddhism?
@JasperLoy I hope you'll be able to open your heart to it again one day :(
@meer2kat Why all the em-dashes? It feels disconnected.
@Mahnax how she wrote it
@meer2kat Well yes, I know. But I struggle to find a reason to write something like that.
@Cerberus Well, I am not sure what the end product, Nibbana, really is. It seems to be a kind of non-existence. I rather suffer in the cycle of rebirth than be non-existent.
@Mahnax go ask her ;) take me with you :P
@JasperLoy Okay, I see.
@meer2kat He already has a girlfriend, lol.
I don't think that's what she meant…
@Mahnax Whoosh!
@JasperLoy Super lamesauce. Single life is where it's at
@JasperLoy sighs
@Mahnax In order to do that you'd need time travel....meaning you'd need a TARDIS...which would make you the Doctor.
@meer2kat Dear lord. Another white, male doctor. Spare me.
@Mahnax There can never be a female doctor
@Mahnax They'd lose 70% of the fan girls lol
@meer2kat I could just be Calvin. Much simpler, less Moffat.
@Mahnax ...less....Moffat....? I don't....I can't comprehend these words.
Steven Moffat (, born 18 November 1961) is a Scottish television writer and producer. Moffat's first television work was the teen drama series Press Gang. His first sitcom, Joking Apart, was inspired by the breakdown of his first marriage; conversely, his later sitcom Coupling was based upon the development of his relationship with television producer Sue Vertue. In between the two relationship-centred shows, he wrote Chalk, a sitcom set in a comprehensive school inspired by his own experience as an English teacher. A lifelong fan of Doctor Who, Moffat has written several episodes of ...
Anyone watched The Amazing Spider-man 2?
@Mahnax such a beautifully minded and terrible man will never be seen again. but it's okay. he's secretly immortal.
A DW fan, I am not. A Moffat fan, I am even less.
@meer2kat Have you watched that video I emailed you?
@Mahnax I've changed my mind. I can't be your friend :(
@JasperLoy I did :) I liked it :)
@JasperLoy Did I not reply?
@meer2kat Oh well, I changed my email twice since then, lol.
@JasperLoy 0.o
@meer2kat On se débrouille.
No SE folks know my current email, lol.
@Mahnax Si.
@meer2kat If what?
@Mahnax I'm not doing accents.
@Mahnax je ne parle pas francais
Ah fuyez douce image!
@JasperLoy 0.0
Pourquoi me reveiller o souffle du printemps?
@JasperLoy Clara makes souffles
@meer2kat I don't know French. Those are just some song lyrics, lol.
@JasperLoy je ne parle pas francais :P
@meer2kat Clara is a girl I used to like. She was nasty to me when she found that out.
@JasperLoy bitches be bitchin
@JasperLoy Hi Jasper.
@KitFox Hi! You can tell my fortune if you are free.
@kit is that acceptable or do i need to delete it?
the profanity.
@meer2kat It is acceptable.
@meer2kat You can swear here.
What profanity?
Hang on, Jazzy Jas, I gotta get my desk sorted.
@KitFox You tell fortunes now?
I have always done.
Cool. Tarot cards, palm reading, tea leaves?
Cards, sometimes palms.
Palms are harder to make up.
Haha. Just look really serious while you do it.
Hahaha :)
The vaguer, the better.
I do.
Actually, I'm usually specific.
Throws people off.
The secret of it all. Make crap up. Let them fill in the blanks :P
Oh! No kidding. They'll think you're the real deal. You can make more money that way.
I don't do it for money.
I never take payment.
Yeah, I know. Just kidding.
@KitFox Wait you mean you don't really have any cards with you?
Well, it's more powerful that way.
And then I get stuff in kind instead. Also, information.
@JasperLoy I do have cards with me and I just laid yours out.
OK, I won't take this too seriously of course, so I am prepared for anything, lol.
@meer2kat "When you come to a fork in the road, take it."
Yogi Berra
@Mitch Haha, why change it?
@Mahnax Yeah but if you make more specific statments and it's right, the more impressive.
@JasperLoy funny. but some people may not get the joke.
@Mitch Certainly I don't get it, but nvm.
Gotta run, talk to you folks later.
Exam in an hour, too. ventilates
I've been saying it in a French accent all this time.
@Mahnax It's just an exam. no worries.
@JasperLoy because one of the tenets of that particular religion is that this life is just an illusion, a sham, that when you reach nirvana you'll see beyond.
I have no religion now, I depend only on myself to find peace in this sick world...
I just learned that nirvana 'literally means "blown out", as in a candle.'
It is hard to explain what I think Nibbana is in this chat.
@JasperLoy parts of it aren't sick. But stay away from Syria for now.
@JasperLoy the explanation is that there is no explanation. That's it. Done. Finito. When does the party start?
Better Nibbana than tibana.
OK, so.
Yes, cards.
Better a steak in a chalet than gristle in a castle.
First card is The Dog, inverted. You were betrayed by someone close to you and it destroyed your innate ability to establish bonds of trust in your relationships.
Hmm, OK, next card.
The second card is The Clouds. Your current path forward is unclear. Although it is difficult to see which way to go, it is exactly this lack of clarity that allows you to choose your destiny.
Hmm, OK, final card.
The last card is The Mice, inverted. You fear that establishing stability will make you vulnerable to small thefts that will slowly erode your security.
Hmm, OK, I can more or less see the first two are true, but the meaning of the third is still unclear to me.
OK, that's all I guess.
So altogether, this old betrayal left you confused about your place in the world because you haven't learned to establish secure social support yet. The thing that is holding you back is fear, not necessarily of future betrayal, but that even little disappointments in friendship will make it feel like someone is not a friend.
I'm not sure if I said that clearly.
Overall, it feels like a very empowering fortune. You aren't sure what to do, but that means you are at the nexus of infinite possibility.
Yes, you have said it clearly, lol.
Time to sleep.
Good night!
The cloud card is obscuring your analysis.
Hush. I already did your fortune.
@KitFox choice overload ... curls up in ball, shivering
@KitFox I'm all like over-confident because of my excellent fortune.
trips on sidewalk while looking up.
gets crushed by bus in traffic
Well, that makes it easier.
@Mitch I usually end up walking in the grass. Screw roads.
So @Kit my determination from today to my own question that i asked you was that you can't read your own cards cuz it's weird to make up stuff about yourself
@Mitch problem solved lol
@meer2kat More like it produces infinite feedback.
Endless loop.
@KitFox I saw that you had some cards that came up twice that you said meant totally different things, which is why I came to that conclusion
The cards have general meanings and depending on the context and orientation, they can seem to have wildly different meanings.
I can teach you if you'd like.
that sounds entertaining
OK. Do you have a deck of cards handy?
:( my world cup 2014 site proposal has -3 votes already!
@KitFox nope lmao
Playing cards?
@skullpatrol ohhhhhhh that sounds fun!!!
sorry to interrupt
Regular playing cards will work.
@KitFox not right now. i will in about 2 hours though
I wrote horoscopes for a club magazine for a year. I stopped when people wanted to learn how I did it :X
@KitFox still at work right now
@oerkelens You didn't tell them you made it up?
@meer2kat What do you do?
Just wondering.
@KitFox I didn't tell them, no :)
@Alraxite I'm a mechanical engineering co-op at a powder metallurgy company

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