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@Cerberus I wasn't joking... I thought comments to questions or answers could go on as long as people keep adding on. There's no limit right? 50 comments?
@MattЭллен Go on! you deserve an upgrade. Get a Nexus 5.
@cc learned?
argh jinx! too late! I can't read!
Q: Why is this website English?

Rob QuistNo understand. Want lern very much. site english. i come lern english. site english. how can lern english with only english why?

he has posts on other sites that are fluent
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Thanks! You're paying, I take it? :D
This question appears to be off-topic because it is about trolling. — snailplane 10 mins ago
@MattЭллен I'm wiring the money to your account right now. ....... done!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 yay!
no but seriously Android has come a long way since 2.2
heck you could even just install Cyanogenmod, I bet they can bring your phone up to 4.0
@MattЭллен you're throwing the party!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I know. people around me have upgraded, and it seems very nice, but until tinder, nothing caused me to want to upgrade. my phone still works, even now!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 last time I checked I don't think it could
Tinder is what made you want to upgrade?
maybe there has been and upgrade to that, since
@Mitch I use it a lot and my phone being old is hampering my use
@MattЭллен no I just checked, it only supports CM7 (gingerbread)
but your phone should be able to run gingerbread from stock. according to wikipedia.
I'm tempted to keep my phone, but get a tablet and tether the tablet to my phone. the hudl is pretty cheap
Google may be announcing a nexus 8 soon.
phone or tablet?
if they do, an 8" is your thing, then that'd be the tablet to get
it's a tablet.
would it be cheap?
Nexus One: phone. Nexus S: phone. Galaxy Nexus: phone. Nexus 4: 4" phone. Nexus 7: 7" tablet. Nexus 10: 10" tablet. Nexus 5: 5" phone. Nexus 8? 8" tablet. rumoured.
Usually the nexus devices are pretty cheap.
But they won't have SD slots.
I want a Nexus 24. I have really baggy pants so it'll fit in my pocket
hudl is 7" tablet 16GB storage. £120
I guess the reason Google is rumoured to be cancelling the Nexus line is that the next Nexus phone should be Nexus 6, but then it'd be too big to be a phone, and then they also run out of numbers.
Nice price... or is it?
I guess I could get a nexus 7 for that price
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 They should make up new numbers. They're google, they can do that.
the nexus googol
!!define googol
@MattЭллен googol (cardinal) The number 10
Whoa...that's wrong.
formatting issues?
> The number 10^100
@Mitch yes
how much ram does the hudl have?
anything non-ascii is cut out
'^' is non-ascii?
'^' is ASCII.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 1GB
@Mitch no, but the superscript 100 that is actually used is
@MattЭллен anything weird is cut out.
@MattЭллен too small
@Mitch yeah. wiktionary is run by The Man
10<superscript> 100</superscript> ?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 really?
apparently there is a new hudl 2 in Sept
@MattЭллен yeah cerb is always complaining that his phone doesn't have enough ram
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 huh
my tablet is the same way.
I don't ever complain that
Yeah we know. We can't even read your complaints.
Also, my desktop is bust at the moment, so I need to spend spondoolics on that
@Mitch not enough ram?
Ha ha. You must complain a lot.
to overflow everyone's RAM.
so much you've run out of stack space to comprehend it
Your stack isn't big enough to handle the truth.
oh you boys. Always comparing stack sizes.
my stack doen't have hands. I think that's the bigger problem. it can't handle anything
Whoa, I just walked into a weird discussion.
tell us about it!
@MattЭллен what you can't do with hands!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Well, you're having it, so I don't really need to, do I?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 no, u tell us about it!
@Mitch if God had wanted us to hold things, he'd have given us hands
Is everyone else seeing the star board changing constantly?
OK, we can all read mostly.
it's just Kit destarring things
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I thin ksomeone is extra starring things. Or there's a time changing.
well, time changes a lot anyway, but I mean time is passing.
Argh.. you know what I mean!
You mean you wish your stack were bigger
Kit kindly removes single star things
@MattЭллен I don't think God was thinking everything through.
@Mitch with great power comes great responsibility. wait... so... spiderman is God?
He did a good job with putting ears right behind the eyes, you know, for glasses.
yes. that's very useful
@MattЭллен I KNow! He doesn't act so god-like all the time what with all his girl problems.
We have certain users who like to star random things.
Messes up the whole system.
I have to tell you all something a little shocking.
We're listening.
I think I might be losing my taste for coffee.
c c
c c
!!define diploma
@cc diploma A document issued by an educational institution testifying that the recipient has earned a degree or has successfully completed a particular course of study.
is shocked
@KitFox holy shit!
@MattЭллен joinx!
too strong or not strong enough?
@KitFox That's crazy! And for some reason I just spent the last two days drinking nothing but tea!
c c
c c
latin words and their weird plurals..
too meh?
I don't know.
c c
c c
!!Do you?
@cc Yes, absolutely
Here's a way to deal with it. "It's not really a problem."
!!tell me why!
@KitFox Command why! does not exist.
If coffee fell off the face of the earth right now, would you care?
Oh right, it won't just text string.
@Mitch I don't think I would.
I'm debating between coffee and tea right now.
Then just ignore it.
c c
c c
!!tell me echo why!
@cc Command echo does not exist.
I find it extremely annoying when people just have hot water, instead of coffee or tea.
c c
c c
!!echo what
@cc I don't understand. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
c c
c c
hmm no echo..
It's almost like "What? you mean that was an option? I've been wasting my time with this other crap?"
@MattЭллен Were you trying to invoke me? Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@cc Did it work there?
@MattЭллен From my quick comparison, the Nexus 7 has more ram; otherwise the specs are really comparable. The Hudl has an SD slot which is handy at times. Esp on a tablet if you want to use it to watch movies.
c c
c c
@Mitch it did
But the Nexus 7 is supported by Cyanogenmod which means it will get Android updates after Google stops supporting it. The Hudl? who knows if it will ever see an update.
@cc hm... I'm no programmer but that sound weird.
Both tablets are slated to be refreshed in the next few months: the N7 (probably) replaced by the N8 in June/july, and the Hudl by Hudl 2 in Sept.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 true
c c
c c
@Mitch the tell command forward a command to a user
!!tell Mitch echo banana would work there
This bot is a fork of the sandbox bot.

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