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<note to self: remember how JSBangs'es definition of "fun" is different from everybody else's>
@RegDwight Never mind, the pain was just a small viscacha... All sorted now.
She drives me craaaaazyyy...
@aedia Small viscacha???? Compute does not!
@aedia most of my pain also comes from small viscachas. especially stalinist ones
Q: Is this sentence correct? and why?

LordCoverIs this sentence correct in formal English language and why? The man walking in the street is handsome.

i voted this NARQ unless/until the OP decides to clarify it
Hey party peoples, how many stuffs do I have to eat more before you stop calling me small?
@JSBangs Not just a NARQ, but actually OT. And now closed as such.
Had to dust off that old comment of mine that I use to welcome new users posting proof-reading requests.
Haven't used that one in a long time.
Not a bad sign, I guess.
Hm, I only just realized how funny the title is. "Is this sentence correct? and why?"
This sentence is correct because... um... it's Tuesday?
@RegDwight my thought exactly
it's correct because i said so. now go clean your room
@aedia I know him!
@aedia now that is an obese bunny
Der Spiegel run a whole gallery!
The second image is particularly... particular.
i'm having a hard time believing these aren't photoshopped
@RegDwight But... but they are to be slaughtered!
@JSBangs Nonono. you are thinking of Der Stern.
In April 1983, the West German news magazine Stern published excerpts from what purported to be the diaries of Adolf Hitler, known as the Hitler Diaries (), which were subsequently revealed to be forgeries. The magazine had paid 10 million German marks for the sixty small books, plus a "special volume" about Rudolf Hess' flight to the United Kingdom, covering the period from 1932 to 1945. "Discovery" of the diaries Stern journalist Gerd Heidemann claimed to have received the diaries from East Germany, smuggled out by a "Dr. Fischer". The diaries were supposed to be part of a consignment ...
@JSBangs What if they aren't photoshopped!? Real obese bunnies going to the abattoir :(
@aedia where would you like them to go? Weight Watchers?
Oha! @Cerberus @MrHen we are under attack from two factions. One of them the Soviet Union.
@JSBangs Planned Parenthood first, then Weight Watchers.
@aedia wait, what? are they pregnant fat bunnies?
@JSBangs Hopefully not, but the things do breed like... well, you know. Clearly, they're in dire need of a contraceptive workup.
@aedia honestly, these bunnies look a little too girthy to get it up
@JSBangs Well, their babies can live at your house then if you're so confident. I've not got room.
@aedia as i see it, this is just an opportunity for a self-replenishing supply of rabbit stew and lining for winter jackets
@JSBangs Nooo!
The poor little ones!
if God didn't want us to eat bunnies, he wouldn't have made them so cute and adorable
And let's not forget the lesson of Night of the Lepus.
@Kit! Hi :)
Interesting. Mentioning eating bunnies summons Kit. Or was it mentioning God? Nah, that would be Vitaly.
@Kit I'm a little afraid to ask... whatever do you mean?
Oh, Christ.
Night of the Lepus, also known as Rabbits, is a 1972 American science fiction horror film based on the 1964 science fiction novel The Year of the Angry Rabbit. Released theatrically on October 4, 1972, it focuses on members of a small Arizona town who battle thousands of mutated, carnivorous killer rabbits. The film was the first science fiction work for producer A.C. Lyles and for director William F. Claxton, both of whom came from Western film backgrounds. Various character actors from Westerns the pair had worked on were brought in to star in the film, including Stuart Whitman, Janet Le...
(Note how I didn't at-mention him.)
@RegDwight so any minute i expect Vitaly to show up and assert that there is no empirical evidence that bunnies are adorable, and to offer a video of a rabbit being eaten by a scorpion as evidence
holy cow
See, at the first mention of God Vitaly shows up faster than JSBangs can type.
that was... amazing
@RegDwight You mean note. And I did note it. I'm scared.
of Moscow!
@aedia Thanks.
Now we just need to mention NY bagles and Chicago to summon Kosmonaut and Robusto, respectively.
@Kit Remind me never to watch that.
BTW, everybody noticed Kitt's new gravatar?
@RegDwight Bagels! Bagels! How you gonna summon him if you spell it wrong? And you're welcome.
Ah, so you're one of the incognoscenti.
Search the chat for "bagles".
That's the correct spelling in this room.
@RegDwight Ohh. Like the time it got quiet loud in here.
Mar 16 at 14:22, by RegDwight
Let the mighty bagle soar!
@RegDwight i noticed, and i was going to say that the old one was cuter, since you could see what it was in the tiny chat avatar
ya hear, @Kit?
@JSBangs Hey, I bought her that house! So put it in your pipe and smoke it.
@Reg: So, I registered over there and somehow managed to get 8k gold by repetitively playing the first and second missions quite a few times, but then I pressed “skip tutorial” and it started deducing energy, is there any way to do that again? i tried, can't figure out what exactly i did
@Vitaly You mean War Metal Tyrant? I dunno, I never tried to cheat like that. You Russian cheater, you.
heh i had no idea it should have been deducing energy
Besides, you are missing all the fun if you just play the first two missions over and over again.
idk the game seems utterly pointless
... which makes your cheating at it doubly so.
So where's my present from you, @JSB? Hmm?
Yeah right. Get the lady a car. I could even suggest a model she might like.
Wanna hear a funny story?
I'm going to tell it anyway, so just say yes.
But I'll make an exception just for you.
Ok. So on my birthday, we're at the local beer house...
The tender asks me what I want, so I tell him
Haha. Fun fact about the local beer house:
Fun fact about the tender:
"Johnny Walker Black — "
This story can only get better from here.
And before I can say "neat," he interrupts me with "Straight up?"
So I grab that little fucker by the lapel, pull his pimply little face to mine, and say "Why the fuck would I want my whiskey chilled, shaken, and strained into a up-glass?"
An up-glass.
This joke would be funnier with correct grammer.
@RegDwight I'm pretty sure I actually said "a up-glass"
Ah, okay.
In that case,
Feb 23 at 13:32, by RegDwight
user image
@Kit she pronounces that [ju: pi:] glass. UP is an initialism, see
So I'm pretty sure I got my whiskey with a splash of spit.
Which is fine, as long as it's lukewarm.
Except that it's still Johnny Walker.
Johnny Walker Black
27 secs ago, by RegDwight
Except that it's still Johnny Walker.
I can't afford the Blue, and there was little else. It was a beer house after all.
I spent the rest of the night on Porter.
Ha ha.
Now I must run.
FFS, people, get yourself some, I dunno, Laphroaig or something. Or the Famous Grouse if you're poor. Whatever.
Kiss kiss.
pa pa
Is that toki pona?
(colloquial) romanian
Romanian is just Italy's way of implementing Toki Pona.
@Kit Bye!
@RegDwight i would have said that italian is romania's way of implementing toki pona. given that italian is way easier than romanian
Toki pona is not easy. At all.
Apr 28 at 20:12, by RegDwight
Yeah, I would love to see questions about toki pona.
"How do I say X in toki pona?" — "Dude, here's our canonical list of 120 words, just look it up."
"How do I say Y in toki pona?" — "Du-uhde! Teh list! Just use it already!"
i actually know the guy who invented toki pona, from the CONLANG list
> please keep in mind that I am an MMA figher, in fact one of the best in the world (google it), and I'd appreciate some respect and admiration. I have a fight coming up next month. – Anderson Silva 11 mins ago
@RegDwight ROFLMAO
Am I drunk? Is he?
is there a close reason "OP is just too much of an asshole" ?
There is on MSO. "Noise or pointless."
@MrHen @Cerberus: and now we have three, count'em: three factions attacking us. I suggest we focus on the Soviet Union. One war we can win. All three probably not.
how to make friends and influence people of EL&U: 1) post questions complaining about how your GF doesn't put out. 2) threaten to beat up the mods
Which reminds me. I promised you something. Lemme see...
@JSBangs You forgot "Demand respect for accomplishments that have nothing to do with the site and that probably aren't even yours anyway."
He proceeded to change his name from a Ukranian one (a famous mass-murderer, as it turned out later) to vehomzzz. And now Anderson Silva.
The only thing that bugs me now is, how the heck did that question get five upvotes?
@aedia especially if those accomplishments are those of a Ukrainian mass-murderer
Q: Difference between ”this weekend” and ”that weekend”.

Anderson SilvaThis is actually one of my recurrent errors: a misuse of this and that. Please explain the difference. The difference between this weekend and that weekend is where I erred most recently. Thanks.

I've seen better questions not get a measly +3.
Anyhows, gotta play Wii with the family. CUlaterz.
Over and out!
@RegDwight That's just bizarre.
@JSBangs I'd be worried about the mental effort necessary to pretend to be that one. What if you started believing what you were telling people? "Upvote... or die!"
At least there will be cake, right?
@RegDwight :( I did what I could. These guys are tougher than the last ones.
@MrHen — Any hints for someone who has just registered? Should I buy an enclave set before a standard gold set?
@z7sg My fellow unicorn! How goes it?
@RegDwight There's nobody here keeping me company. And there's a picture of a cake I can't even imagine eating since it's some kind of trojan pin cushion thingymahjig, just mimicking at first glance. Furthermore, the images of that huuuuuuge bunny are unreasonably questionable. I'm not sure what this place is coming to, or if it ever was what I thought. Some answers please?
Oh, there is somebody alive in here. Unicorn gang only?
@Vitaly If only just starting, just go for it, you'll get to a point where you have all the available card sets (and more) before any more become available (to my knowledge, anyway: a mere level sevener.)
@MrDisappointment The unicorns are ganging up on us?
yeah only just starting, registered an hour ago, 10k gold, level 4, a silver and a bronze set, nothing more
i dunno if i should buy two gold sets or an enclave set instead
@Vitaly Go gold. You only get one rare per pack; having two rares is better at your level
two gold sets or one gold set? oh, i see you mention two rares, never mind
@Vitaly You can spend some time in the arena and win the occasional card, too.
@Rhodri Beware the unicorns.
@MrDisappointment The cake is a lie, just like those rabbits, and just like our fellow user who called Reg a pain in the tushie is neither a prizewinning fighter or a murderer. We hope.
I think that's today in a nutshell.
@Rhodri Aw, we don't bite. Hard.
See, look, you've scared away the other one.
2 hours later…
@aedia I'm back! But now everybody has left...
@RegDwight I think it's actually an anagram of Andrei Vlasson.
Jul 2 at 13:48, by RegDwight
Humus is an anagram of Hmsuu.
Which leads me to believe that his real name is probably Andrei.
Except that mine actually makes sense.
Clever wordplay by a psychotic and all that.
Yeah yeah, stop boasting. You might be a clever fox, but I am a fat hare. Now what?
You're not a hare. You're a viscacha.
@RegDwight Clever fox eats fat hare/vizacache/rabbit/whatever
nom nom nom
Apr 19 at 19:32, by Kosmonaut
You're an anagram.
@z7sg Clever fox is too clever to do that cause it would stop fitting through the door.
Besides, you mind your lily business.
The door? What door?
@z7sg Hares and rabbits = lagomorph. Viscacha = rodent.
@z7sg Ze door of ze new haus.
Check ze avatar.
@z7sg Check my new digs. Reg gave me a house for my b-day!
Unicorns these days. Nobody's paying attention! Tsk tsk tsk

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