@Mitch makes notes So this leaves you with the impression that I am not a regular person? What sort of reaction would you expect from the standard human population in a similar circumstance?
@TuralTeyyubogluAliyev Well, that's my point. Your English isn't very clear and you can't spot the issues, so you need to really practice what you are going to say.
I've noticed that when you set up a transactional replication, SQL Server will set identity range management to manual. What this means is that in my subscription database, when I try to insert a new record into a table whose PK is an identity column, it will give me an error and say that it tri...
1. People with great pronunciation and seems like they are very good in English but in reality, they are only good at English that they've been using at work or at his office
So when that person goes to an airport, he cannot understand a lot of words that is used at airport frequently
2. People who haven't been exposed to native English speakers so his English sounds like broken but if you listen carefully to him, he knows quite a lot of vocabularies(more vocabularies than the first person) and grammar is almost perfect.
@MattЭллен yeah it's not really clear. IPv6 has so many addresses that you could blanket the earth in a tiny grid of addresses and still have enough left over to do Mars.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yo mamma so fat, pictures of her broke TIFF compression scheme 6 (JPEG) so badly that it had to be replaced by scheme 7 (new JPEG). This is why HP multifunction printers can't scan her fat ass.
Anti-humor is a type of indirect humor that involves the joke-teller delivering something which is deliberately not funny, or lacking in intrinsic meaning. The audience is expecting something humorous, and when this does not happen, the irony itself is of comedic value. Anti-humor is also the basis of various types of pranks and hoaxes.
The humor of such jokes based on the surprise factor of absence of an expected joke or of a punch line in a narration which is set up as a joke. This kind of anticlimax is similar to that of the shaggy dog story In fact, some researchers see the "shagg...
Yo mama so fat, Microsoft named a filesystem after her, but then she outgrew its 2GB maximum partition size, so on her 32nd birthday they made a new one for her that could accommodate 16TB partitions, and they called it FAT-32.
I have heard tons of proverbs from elders and teachers and so have you most probably. However has the curiosity ever grown in you of what could the oldest proverb be? For those of you who don't know what a proverb is, please read on. A proverb is a saying that does not mean what it says literally...
you'd need to define "proverb", "still in use", and rules for what constitutes an acceptable older form of the proverb. Then exhaustively search all proverbs and trace them back in time.
> Note: By the the oldest proverb still in use, I mean as old as the birth of the language english but when I say still in use I mean still in use in the 21st century.
What's the birth of English
I feel like it was more of a slow evolution than a "TADA! I give you...ENGLISH"
> A language is not like a baby, born at a specific time: one day no baby, next day and for long afterwards an entire baby, crying and doing its baby things.