"Is there a simpler/cleaner/faster way to do this?" - looks like Code Review is the better site for this. You could trivially do this using a List<Tuple<int, int>> and looping over that. — CodeCaster44 secs ago
This question is simple but I posted this because I am unable to do all sums similar to this.My answer is not matching with the one in my book.Please help.
The question is:
4215 g of a metallic carbonate was heated in a glass tube and co2 evolved was found to measure 1336 ml at 27 degree Celsius ...
@Matix please note that discussing how other sites work is not on topic for this chat room, for any extended discussion about this I'm afraid you would have to ask on the Chemistry site.
@Matix But seriously, if it's "too much work" to use the advice we're giving you, then go pay someone to do it for you, because sure as hell no-one's going to do it for free.
@Matix the long and the short of it is that no site on the network is meant to do your work for you. If you do not wish to spend some effort to show your work so far, maybe you should ask your professor or study some more
Gah another downvote! It might be time for some drastic measures... I might even shake my first angrily in the air, and complain on the internet. Please excuse me for using such barbaric language!
What If I actual made a mistake in my answer, and overlooked a serious flaw? It would be much better to call it out then to leave an anonymous downvote.
After reading this old article from 2001 I have tried to implement the class from it using unique_pointer.
This is the version of class implementation from the article:
class NamedPoint
float x;
float y;
char *name;
NamedPoint (float x, float y, char *name)
I'm not a fan of this answer either. It's providing alternative solutions without explaining why they're better. Sure, they're a heck of a lot shorter, but in Python everything can be done on a one-liner. It's a beginner. Teach.
you could try should make warning bells go off in your head.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because As your code is already working it is probably better suited for codereview.stackexchange.com — Matt Wilko33 secs ago
I made a simple assembly program to count the number of ones in a register. Since this is basically my first ever, I would like to hear what I can improve or if there are some major flaws in this one:
#PURPOSE: Simple program which counts the number of ones in the edx register and returns them ...
@syb0rg Only CMake available for download is for Darwin, I still have Snow Leopard so having problems installing CMake. Working on it, figure it's a good investment of my time, but will take a while, sorry.
@EBrown there should probably be some distinguishable piece because one would think that certain privileges would be network based, not specific site based
This would not be a good fit for Code Review as the OP seems to be asking for help on how to do something, rather than asking for review of code which is already working as intended. — Phrancis59 secs ago
@JoeWallis Hard to convey your intents behind words online. No ill will intended, and I will work hard to improve my tone in the future. Thanks for your honest feedback. =)
I'm probably just completely wrong here, but I feel like if you've put the time in to get 10k on one site, you should have the ability to be helpful on all the SE sites
@EBrown Except getting notifications about flags. Got a russian one two days ago, on a russian exchange site. It was paired with a picture of a bunny and had 6 flags. Tried to reverse google the russian, but nothing offensive came up. Really scratched my head :p
I wrote the code below to generate Code 128 barcodes, based on specs at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_128
Public Class UcBarCode 'Inherits UserControl
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
PictureBox1.Image = C128bmp("Teste123")
I was going to try to answer this but after looking over the code and question I'm really tempted to vote as UWYA. It also appears that it's missing some of the code, the query uses variables that are not declared anywhere.