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RELOAD! There are 2531 unanswered questions (92.9426% answered)
Now you have it working. Ask at codereview.stackexchange.com how to make it better. — Loki Astari just now
Q: Making a script file to perform maintenance

MikeI am a complete beginner. I wish to make a file to click on to do the 'usual' tasks I would do to clean/perform maintenance on my mothers computer when i'm not present. I made a script file and took a few command lines from google. Am I on the right path? Any feedback would be nice. thank you

2 hours later…
You 'section' should have a heading in it. I'd skip the 'id.' Should probably have 'roles' in there too. This is more of a question for codereview.stackexchange.com This is likely to get flagged and down-voted because it's pretty opinion based. Watch out! : ) — sheriffderek just now
Should probably be on code review. — Pythonista 50 secs ago
Hello, Luciano, thank you for posting. While you might receive some decent feedback here, I really want to second @sheriffderek's suggestion that you post on the codereview stackexchange instead. the folks over there are happy to do in-depth code reviews and they are incredibly helpful! And, since it's in the stack exchange network, you can sign in with your stack overflow account. — Woodrow Barlow 34 secs ago
Q: How to organize HTML5 code for maximum readability?

Luciano InfantiI'm new to HTML and programming in general and I want to make sure my code is organized and that I'm using the best practices while I go along. So, I made this example layout I would like to convert to HTML5: https://postimg.org/image/je10syxhz/ And this is the HTML5 code I created: <!-- Solut...

@Zak This is the one that Simon, skiwi, syb0rg, maybe DJanssens, and I took/are taking.
1 hour later…
@SirPython Cheers.
Also, Monking @all
Q: BFS Implementation in Python 3

Apollodef bfs(graph, root): visited, queue = [], [root] while queue: vertex = queue.pop(0) for w in graph[vertex]: if w not in visited: visited.append(w) queue.append(w) graph = {0: [1, 2], 1: [2], 2: []} bfs(graph, 0) Does this loo...

1 hour later…
Q: Compare if two strings which are null are equal

puchuString a = null; String b = null; Compare if string a and string b are equal if(a.equals(b)){ returns true;} else return false; It always throws error and cannot compare null. Can anyone help?

Q: Python search for array in large text file

Scripting.FileSystemObjectI asked similar question at: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38410982/superfast-regexmatch-in-large-text-file from datetime import datetime startTime = datetime.now() f = open('data.txt', 'r') t = f.read().splitlines() paid = list(set(t)) with open('f.txt') as f: for line in f: fo...

Q: Remove characters from the second string which are present in the first string

underdogI have written a program to remove the characters from the second string which are present in the first string. The complexity comes out to be BigO(n^2). Can the complexity be further reduced? public class Tmp { public static void main(String[] args) { String s = "halloween"; ...

You can put your code on code review for better outcome. codereview.stackexchange.comGaurava Agarwal 20 secs ago
@Quill @OlzhasZhumabek I am now.
I'm not 100% familiar with CR's policy on what is NAA and what isn't, Olzhas was asking what to do about code dump answers
@Quill @OlzhasZhumabek If it is an attempt at answering the question (even if it is code only), then I personally don't want to delete it. If it does not have a post notice on it, then flag it so that a moderator can add a post notice. If it does have a post notice, just comment and leave it.
@SimonForsberg, everything is ok now :)
he added explanations, looks good
@SimonForsberg (for my personal clarity) would you rather a mod flag or naa flag in that situation?
mod ofc
@Quill I'm not sure if there even is one policy. Maybe we have zero policies about it or maybe we have a hundred. But I am declining many NAA flags.
My opinion is: If it is an attempt at answering the question, then it is an answer but it might be a bad one.
@Quill Mod flag, preferably. Just write "add post notice".
Perhaps, a better place to ask for enhancing a solution is Code Review. — Wiktor Stribiżew 20 secs ago
Thanks for the clarification
NAA flags goes to the review queue, don't they?
I should add however that while some moderators agree with me about what to do with code-only answers, I am not 100% sure about if other moderators agree. It feels like we have a few different ways of handling this. (@Mat'sMug @Jamal @200_success @janos)
If your current version is working and you simply want to improve it, CodeReview is the place for you. codereview.stackexchange.comEv. Kounis 39 secs ago
@Quill How about a hammer?
Q: Convert accented character to user name

hiteshI am using below function for converting the accented character to user name. function transliterateString($txt) { $transliterationTable = array('á' => 'a', 'Á' => 'A', 'à' => 'a', 'À' => 'A', 'ă' => 'a', 'Ă' => 'A', 'â' => 'a', 'Â' => 'A', 'å' => 'a', 'Å' => 'A', 'ã' => 'a', 'Ã' => 'A', 'ą' => ...

Q: Protocol vs. Function Call on Object in Swift?

FennecI have a ViewController showing the user login/logout buttons.The view and controller part belongs to an XIB and a LoginVC.swift along with an another LoginData.swift dealing with network requests upon a successful login. My first approach says, implement a delegate protocol in the LoginVC clas...

@CaptainObvious cv-pls
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Creating SwiftReachability Class in Swift 2.2
that answer needs some upvotes
@Quill Upgoats giveth.
Without doing a code review, it would be quite difficult to provide guidance on what to do in your specific case. That said, there are quite a lot of resources on refactoring [legacy] code. My recommendation would be to go through those first. — ymas 28 secs ago
Q: Multiplication or addition of decimals or integers for prehighschool; non deterministic testing

Fermi paradoxI'm creating a simple android app for pre-highschool students which teaches the very basics of addition or multiplication of integers or decimals. The part of the program in this question is aimed at allowing them to practice without the need of a teacher giving them exercises and checking thei...

Q: What is a good pattern to iterate over Objects and return a new Object in Javascript?

RotaretiThe following function is a simple illustration of a problem that I have in JS whenever I need to process an object manually and return a new one. The example function merges multiple objects that only contain strings into one new object. If a key appears more than once it concatenates its value...

Hint: for working code, you might better turn to codereview.stackexchangec.om . You see - SO is about helping with specific problems, not with "please read my code, compile it, run it and suggest how to improve it" kind of questions. — Jägermeister 39 secs ago
If you would have time would you also mind taking a quick peek at codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/134926/… - I did an R to Julia port there of a little example program but I am getting poor benchmark results in Julia - you would probably be able to tell me right away what I am doing wrong? — Tom Wenseleers 57 secs ago
Q: Flattening a Binary Tree

SantanuSahooI have this below Data Structure. The output will be like m - n - o - p - q - r - s -t Please review the below code and let me know if any optimization can be done. public class Application { public static Node root = null; public static Node temp = root; public static Node a...

Looks like Duga and Captain Obvious are having a conversation
Q: Reviewing Inexperience vs Reviewing Style

apieceoffruitI just recently Posted a Review Question and got some fantastic feedback. Exactly the point of this site. Although IMO I processed 3 separate 'types' of review points. a. You Missed X, (In my case an accidental public set on an immutable type) b. a better approach might be (in my case, pre-co...

Monking @Vogel612
Q: bubble sort and insertion sort in python

Sai SashankGet a list of numbers from the user, till he types “end”. Write two functions “bubble_sort” and “insertion_sort”, to sort the function using bubble sort and insertion sort. Arguments to the function would be user entered list. The function returns the sorted list according to the algorithm?

@SimonForsberg So those are preferred over NAA flags in case of code-dumps? That's kind of unintuitive, but I'll keep it in mind.
@CaptainObvious Nuke it.
@Mast NAA flags are in my opinion meant for stuff that doesn't even attempt at answer the question. If it attempts to answer it, even by a code dump, then it is an answer.
and no, @Mast, I don't think that's what the meta is asking about.
So stuff like: "Thanks!" and "I can't get this code to work" and "dsfgsfdgjisdögklaa", that's definitely NAA. But a "Here's what I would do: <code dump>", that's an answer - but a poor one.
--> LQ-Flag
Yea, I don't agree that's an 'attempt to answer', it's more of an 'attempt to reply without giving an answer'. But I know how the rest of the site thinks about it, so, sure. Thanks for clearing that up.
VLQ flags are a whole different problem altogether.
@Vogel612 You from Germany?
yea. what 'bout it?
That's what his profile says.
Just the hotel I am staying at has loads of germans =p
That's not a friendly abbreviation.
Is it still common that many do not speak english, or is my hotel an anomaly?
@N3buchadnezzar ?????????
Q: Search rectangle on bitmap

user108567I have code that loading bitmap from file. And searching for black rectangle(5*5). Can you help me to review it? namespace TakeScreen { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { List<List<Color>> Sequence = new List<List<Color>>(); for (in...

Q: C# Outputs a 4*4 grid populated by 0's

bubblez go popMy code creates a grid that is 4*4 and filled with 0's then outputs the grid in a clear format. I would like to put the part that writes the code to the user in a method/function but I am unsure of how to do this. Are there any improvements that you could suggest? static void Main() {...

@N3buchadnezzar the "younger" generation (like below 40) mostly speaks english, or at least understands bits and pieces
usually the younger the people the better your chances
Gaming had it's impact and most gamers know english reasonably well
Usually Germans (like anyone probably) will default to their mothertounge where possible.
@Vogel612 Aren't all big games translated to German?
chat usually isn't
also localization in general is often clunky to say the least
No, that's why I usually play on NA servers. They all speak English. On European servers, they don't necessarily.
Mehrfachtötung instead of Multikill is ... anticlimactic
Q: Game code optimization - HTML/CoffeeScript

DerpfacePythonI am currently making an idle game, and I currently have a few issues about optimization that I want to fix (which I will list at the end). But first, the code: main.coffee # General incamount = 1.0 money = 0.0 mps = 0.0 # Building Lists amounts = [0, 0, 0] costs = [8.0, 120.0, 1337.0] mpsadds...

English is the dominant global language. ~2 Billion people globally can hold a basic conversation in some form of English. Including all of America, and 70% of the European Population. No other language comes close.

This also means there's still 5 Billion people who don't speak english, and ~200 Million Europeans, so you can still find plenty of people who don't, but it's increasingly rare in the western world.
@Vogel612 I could say that in a very enthusiastic way
@Vogel612 Huh wierd. Culture surely varies.
I have spent a few vacations in Germany and is always surprised that everything is dubbed.
Q: Concurrently identify duplicate files from size ordered list

forsvarirFollowing on from my program to identify files that have common file sizes, I have developed an application that takes the output from that process and then compares each of the files that are the same size in order to identify duplicates which are then written to a '.matched' output file in the ...

Oooh, I see my name starred on the sidebar?
I tried to compare ML to synapses, but I really don't know much about ML
@EBrown You're dating someone else again??
@Quill Well, it's really what ML intends to simulate, but it does use a number of abstractions because surprisingly we cannot create our own brain cells yet :(
Coding in German must be horrible
def Primfaktorzerlegung_Mit_Probedivision(Nummer):
    index = 2
    Quadratwurzel = Nummer**0.5
    Zuwachs = 1
    while index < Quadratwurzel:
        while Nummer % index == 0:
            Nummer //= index
            Quadratwurzel = Nummer**0.5
            yield index
        index += Zuwachs
    if Nummer > 1: yield index
@Zak In the western world, yes. Keep in mind the Eastern world is a lot bigger in population.
@N3buchadnezzar Worse than coding in Dutch (which shouldn't be done either).
Except there's around 100M people speaking German on this globe and not even 25M speaking Dutch.
Just stick to English. Problem solved.
@N3buchadnezzar I was expecting a code sample :(
@skiwi Just look at some lol code or brainfuck.
@N3buchadnezzar lol
lolcode is easier to understand than Welsh.
Took long enough to write the German one :p
Hopefully @Vogel612, can tell me if I completely butchered.
since German code usually is butchered completely anyways it wouldn't make much of a difference
aside from that (and the fact that index should be Index if you follow the other variable names) it looks good tho
It even works :p
Any one here know why in C#.Net-4.5.2 why I'd not be able to using System.Net.Http;?
@Mast probably a bit more than 100M if you count Österreichisch and Schwitzerdütsch into the German language family
then it should be closer to 180M - 200M
@JoeWallis Are you running Windows or Linux/OSX?
also: Congo and other formerly German colonies
@Mast Windows
They still speak German in Congo?
Q: System.Net.Http: missing from namespace? (using .net 4.5)

NullVoxPopuliTL; DR: I'm new to this language and have no idea what I'm doing here is my class so far: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Net.Http; using System.Web; using System.Net; using System.IO; public class MyClass { private const string URL = "https://sub.domai...

@JoeWallis In that case I don't see any reason why you couldn't. You're probably missing a library somewhere.
Ah I should probably have searched, ):
@Quill Yup, that explains it.
You'd think something like C# wouldn't have crap like that going on.
@Vogel612 Congo was Belgian..
Oh, Germanic languages
They mostly spoke French there though. Flemish was suppressed until WW1
Congo Free State is from before that time so 100% French-speaking and by the time the Flemish movement really picked up, Belgian Congo was gone as well
French is still heavily used in Africa, English a bit as well (but that's used a lot everywhere), but all other European languages have been overtaken by ethnic languages AFAIK.
If there is not an error, this question may be better placed over at Code Review. — Gary Evans 56 secs ago
It wasn't Congo where they spoke German by the way, that's Cameroon. They had a part of Congo, but whether German ever became a strong language there...
possible answer invalidation by cloakedlearning on question by cloakedlearning: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/135053/revisions
@Duga Doesn't appear to invalidate.
Q: Feedback for a new malloc implementation

Aaditya KalsiI've written a new malloc implementation similar to dlmalloc and was hoping for feedback on it. The code could be found here: https://github.com/akalsi87/akmalloc /********************** mallocstate config begin **********/ /*! * Decide to use or not use locks */ #if !defined(AKMALLOC_USE...

@CaptainObvious Bug nest?
Q: VBA macro - searches through a filtered table, stops when entry passes criteria

RobinI have written several subs which are then called from a main sub. Individual subs run very quickly, most are instantaneous (the DoFind sub takes a few seconds to run due to the large amounts of data in the table) however when I run the main sub it takes up to a minute to execute. Any ideas/tips ...

@skiwi Yup.
Don't re-invent the wheel for something this important.
Monking all!
Browsed too much during work hours that I don't know what to read during lunch time
You know you're supposed to work during work hours, right?
Pshhhhhhhh.... no
that's such an outdated notion
rockstarninjasuzuki programmers don't do that stuff
It's Suzuki Ninja, not the other way around. And all they do is howling.
Actually, those are Kawa's....
Suzuki means 'bell tree', what does that have to do with ninjas?
Its also a surname and a girl's name.
Are you identifying yourself as a girl @JeroenVannevel?
A Japanese Mini? I didn't know Japanese cars got any smaller.
I'm curious if I'll be able to keep this title
@syb0rg Doubt it. Doesn't matter what it is, we are never allowed to hold any form of power!
@syb0rg Your indentation is bullocks.
OPC, yuck, I can't stand that.
@Mast Hm, sorry my Vim editor on that computer was quite weird about how it indented
Better now?
@syb0rg Much.
Blame WinXP
And don't ask why I'm using that
Q: O PC, Y U No Quik?

syb0rgIn order to test some software I've written, I need to write values to a test harness with OPC. The problem is, for a larger range of values I'm generating points for (say 10000), this code can take 15 seconds to execute. I need it to work in under 1 second. import OpenOPC import argparse impo...

Oh, forgot to upvote.
I'll run some benchmarks for you, but without the OPC in question it will stay guesswork.
Educated guesswork, but still.
Let me see how long it takes to generate those Lists of tuples alone
Hm, not very long... only about .131 seconds
@syb0rg Title is punny. Unfortunately, IMO, it's no better than "OPC code running slowly" which would get jamalized in a second and should be changed to something more descriptive.
@syb0rg Have you tried running a profiler on it. If an external function is taking more than 1 second than it'll be hard

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