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For the insanely high cost (imo) we have to pay for tracking we can send up to 2kg... except I don't need that when I just want to send 50g max
I mean, the cost doesn't seem that absurd
I just did a quick check and US > Netherlands 250 gram package would cost 9 USD - that's about 8 euro
Well, letters should be simpler/cheaper than packages though I guess? From gut feeling
in us, international can only be a package
but packages can be in any shape and size - this package is: Max. length 15", height 12" or thickness 3/4"
I hope that sorda helps you feel somewhat better about the cost :P - I don't think it's just you
@throck95 That's with tracking? Because sending it back to you would cost me €25,95 :(
USPS has tracking by default for all it's stuff :P - well for first class
This question is probably best suited for Code Review. — Jim 9 secs ago
Yea I couldn't tell you. The USPS does all international by weight. 50g letter with rigid object inside = $2.34 (being sent to Netherlands)
Q: Nested If/And State

CarloI was looking for some help on writing some code for a nested if/and statements in a formula IF(AND($AP12>=Zones!$B$18,Simulation!$AP12<=Zones!$B$20,Oven!$C$49=Oven!$D$49),(Simulation!Y12+Simulation!$BL$13)*Oven!$S$4,IF(AND($AP12>=Zones!$B$18,Simulation!$AP12<=Zones!$B$20,Oven!$C$49="Convect...

The second you need to ship anything more than 1000g tho, the price goes up to like $60
Me: Asks yes or no question on Slack
Colleague: *Still writing an answer 5 minutes later*
Well, we don't have a national postal service, except right now there is only one postal service for letters nation-wide :|
while we do have a NPS, most people don't want to use it for domestic shipping. Domestically, it does letters and that's it. People only use it for international because UPS and FedEx charge too much for international. That being said, UPS and FedEx provide much better tracking and package handling so it balances out. If you need something safe and delivered flawlessly, you usually go with them over the NPS.
Yea name changed!
Interesting new name ;)
It's my screen name for everything, used to use throck95 but really don't like it anymore
But I'm a programmer and love security (despite not having any major expertise in it - just enough to give pointers and suggestions) thus the name
@Pimgd is back - he must be bored
Can I just sit here without there being assumptions about my status?
Right now I'm feeling provoked by you
and my previous reaction was getting frustrated
I'd rather not get frustrated again
chill out, there @Trojan404
@Pimgd It's what you posted a little bit earlier...
> back again in whenever, when I get bored apparently
Based on earlier "assumptions"
it's missing an /s
I agree with Pim here though. Just chill out already.
Hey @Legato
Morning @syb0rg
@Pimgd let it be. As it seems he/she is in the chill out lounge
20 hours ago, by throck95
I think we scared @Mast away
Yes! Let's talk code!
Let's review!
Be Happy!
@Mast can I work instead
but also listen to you guys because I dunno pretty interesting
Well, this worked out in the end: codereview.stackexchange.com/a/135261/27623
Looks like there will be a iterative review in the future
Yea, looks allright.
@syb0rg Looks like it was deleted by mods, not the OP
Not sure what that screenshot is doing there though.
@Trojan404 deleted by owner
@Trojan404 It was deleted by the owner
gets notification CR regular is now following me on Twitter
Oh, yes, Twitter, I forgot I had that.
Sorry, but stackoverflow is for getting help on specific pieces of code (or trouble on it). You might get opinios on on your code at codereview.stackexchange.comVini.g.fer 25 secs ago
@Mast I got some more followers on Github: github.com/syb0rg/followers
followers... on github?
what's the point?
Idk, it just makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside
An unusual feeling for a syb0rg
Stars, more stars!
@Pimgd It's awesome. Now I can see the progress of my favourite projects without having to diff.
Code Review is about improving already functioning code. Implementation details / help is outside of the scope of the site. Feel free to refer to it if your code works however, please include the code itself rather than a link. — Legato 21 secs ago
I get the point of watching a repo, for new commits on open source projects for instance
but watching people?
@syb0rg I'm just not over 10k so can't see that. Was just goin off of what was sent back to me in my flag. Sounds good tho
@Pimgd If they do really interesting work, why not?
hmm, code stalkers
And now my Twitter is confused, because apparently I had multiple accounts still active.
The joy of cookies and sessions...
@Zak take the second
MI5 runs on Java. We're all doomed.
That's a pretty penny for Junior devs... only downside is that you'll probably have to pass a security check
Guys I think we need to get this over to StackOverflow codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/135282/…
@Pimgd probably
@pacmaninbw I dunno if it needs migration
@pacmaninbw probably not.
... well yes it does but I dunno if it's... not crap
@pacmaninbw No, just close it.
First rule of migration: Don't migrate crap.
@pacmaninbw "yes the code works, I made it way too long."
Already flagged it for moderation.
That's some ugly formula right there
> I have this formula bouncing between four different sheets within my workbook. All of the code that I have been trying has either failed, or has been crashing on me, so i have been constantly deleting it. As of right now I do not have code written up for this formula.
@Phrancis what do expect from code generated by excel.
@Zak Sorry, hiccup due to garbage collecting
@Zak meh. It doesn't run on JAVA, so we're good for a while
@pacmaninbw Ah, didn't catch that was generated. Sounds complex enough that they should be writing it with VBA instead of recording a macro
Greetings, Programs.
That's what I told the OP in a comment and pointed to a couple of sites.
possible answer invalidation by cloakedlearning on question by cloakedlearning: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/135216/revisions
> I was looking for some help on writing some code for a nested if/and statement in a formula.
You can get Excel to generate Formula-code as well?
this sentence triggers VTC -> advice about unwritten code
@Duga dunno, not explicitly mentioned in an answer
@Duga looks OK, the answer doesn't mention that at all
This question belongs on CodeReview IMHO. — linusg 49 secs ago
Q: Small defect - Jquery toggle menu

frista1I want to improve my jQuery toggle menu (responsive, full-screen and resize it to see what I mean). First part: I want that when resize the window under 768px and I click the Hamburger toggle menu (hamburger icon changes to X icon) the full "nav ul" menu turn visible in block style and (importa...

@Zak I remember when the US government required all code to be in COBOL.
@pacmaninbw Ever use CMake?
@syb0rg Once, why?
@CaptainObvious "Currently it's working, but the result it's not perfect!"
Is that really broken code, or more akin to changing what the code does?
@pacmaninbw Aw, I thought you might be able to help me with this: stackoverflow.com/q/38445776/1937270
Q: Comparing three packet routing algorithms via simulation in Java

coderoddeInspired by my question Simulating a random packet routing algorithm and printing packet statistics in Java I decided to implement two more packet routing algorithms: one that computes all the shortest paths in the network and routes each packet via a shortest path between the packet and its des...

This is probably a better fit for Code Review. — Comintern 38 secs ago
@syb0rg Sorry, definitely over my head, especially the doxegen part. My documentation is generally in MS Word, I use omnigraffel or MS visio for UML.
@Pimgd for his comment about not teaching a computer to hang. The statement about the second learning algo indicates a possible hang.
Asking for directions to some external resource (e.g. third-party library) is off-topic on Stack Overflow. Likewise, Stack Overflow is not a code-testing service. If you want to know whether your code is correct and/or otherwise in need of improvement, consider codereview.stackexchange.com (but keep in mind that they have submission guidelines as well). If you have code that isn't working, please provide a good Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example that reliably reproduces your problem, along with a precise description of what that code does and what you want it to do instead. — Peter Duniho 24 secs ago
I think you were the one talking about this the most. my answer is a little more definitive than your answer on that Meta post. @janos answer is good from my quick skim
Is your code correct? Then codereview site will be better for your question — vp_arth 49 secs ago
I am back babies.
@syb0rg Hi
@N3buchadnezzar hai
I got many upvotes lately! I also capped today on giving votes!
@Phrancis How's it going?
@Malachi I'm not sure about your wording "if it is not a complete review then it is not a good answer", makes it sound like a review should be a review of the whole/entire code, I'm not sure if that was your intention or not
@N3buchadnezzar Pretty good, yourself?
Good, because of the above. Just whent for a walk and ate some thai.
@Phrancis agreed and edited
Thinking about maybe answer another question today. Oh, boy!
@syb0rg is your target a library or an executable?
@pacmaninbw Executable
it's 33C here right now. Thank god for proper air con.
We don't have airco, I brought my massive fan (and it's not plugged in yet), but the office is cool for some reason
I don't understand
My lab is a constant perfect temperature
Your lab is cheating
@Pimgd Look at those eyes, does that look like a cheater to you?
@Mast I knew someone would be pissed sooner or later: stackoverflow.com/questions/38445776/…
Yes, especially that stock photo background
@Pimgd Shhh
It's going to be 83F here today, about average for a summer day.
well today is pretty ok humidity
apparently tomorrow is gonna be hot and sweaty
so I'm prepared for round 2 tomorrow with my huge fan
@Pimgd Just like yourself.
That could be taken as a compliment
@syb0rg * should
Yeaaaah no
sweaty people stink
insert NSFW link here
Q: How to decrease memory usage in codeeval Road Trip challenge

AlarisI'm solving easy codeeval challenges in python 2.7. Usually my solutions use around 256 bytes of memory according to Codeeval. With Road Trip however while time used is still low (30-40ms), memory is >5881866 bytes. The data set is pretty big for this challenge: The route length is an integer i...

@syb0rg Do you have a "TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES() somewhere?
@pacmaninbw Near the end of the file
I see it.
What about LINK_DIRECTORIES() is that in the other file?
@syb0rg ^^
Q: Does anybody not store salts?

jazzpiWe talked about password hashing and salting in class today. Our professor had a very different understanding of the use case of salts from mine and said that you might not store the salt at all and just check every login attempt with all possible salts and authorize if one matches. I don't real...

bashes head against wall
@pacmaninbw Hm? I don't have that
LINK_DIRECTORIES is deprecated
@syb0rg Are the missing symbols all from one library or multiple libraries?
@pacmaninbw PocketSphinx and Sphinxbase
This would be better for code review. — Neal 37 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because belongs on codereview.se — Neal 53 secs ago
@skiwi has anyone really ever been so far as to decide what look like?
or something like that
Although I guess this is still pretty valid language
@Pimgd I just mowed the lawn in the heat. I don't know what you guys are complaining about.
@Mast It's the first warm day of the year
That means today is a day to complain
Who said that? I thought we had some pretty warm days a couple of days/weeks ago as well.
Yes but this one was 30 degrees
@skiwi Yup, that's pretty much how I felt when reading that question.
Oh well, good he asks. Now he and many other people are educated.
@skiwi this question is what happens if you think all the logical steps through, and then make a sharp turn at the last moment
"My salts can be brute forced... ... ... so that means I don't have to store them, I can just calculate them real-time!"
make harder salts
they were for securities
not for "☐ salts" ... " "☑ salts"
@Pimgd Salty
My flag contains a lot of flags.
@Pimgd It's oppressively hot. I've got a cold, a headache and I'm felling lightheaded. Unsurprisingly, my productivity has fallen off a cliff this afternoon.
What does general discussion mean?
@Zak Hey, I'm all for complaining; you should complain to @Mast who thinks there's nothing to complain about
@N3buchadnezzar This is N3buchadnezzar with: Fun with flags.
@Matix Talking about things relating to Code Review
@Matix ... do you mean general discussion in general, or for this chatroom?
@Zak It gets hot in England?
I thought the clouds would prevent that.
@Matix Everything roughly related to Code Review.
Off-topic talk is allowed, as long as site business always gets priority.
what is code review?
@Mast More like fun with the internet.
@N3buchadnezzar whoosh
@N3buchadnezzar If you shift the colours a bit, it's also Luxembourg.
The flag of Luxembourg (Luxembourgish: Lëtzebuerger Fändel, German: Flagge Luxemburgs, French: Drapeau du Luxembourg) consists of three horizontal stripes, red, white and blue, and can be in 1:2 or 3:5 ratio. It was first used between 1845 and 1848 and officially adopted on June 23, 1972. Luxembourg had no flag until 1830, when patriots were urged to display the national colors. The flag was defined as a horizontal tricolor of red, white, and blue in 1848, but it was not officially adopted until 1972. The tricolor flag is almost identical to that of the Netherlands, except that it is longer and...
> except that it is longer
@Matix Out of curiosity, how'd you end up here?
@Mast Who cares about Luxembourg?
We should probably stop before a moderator comes.
@N3buchadnezzar I do. It's the backyard of the Netherlands. Our recreational area.
@syb0rg Are you going to be the only one doing the build, do you need to find the libraries for other systems?
@N3buchadnezzar Hah, they're probably already here.

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