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You out of all people should've seen that coming.
This belongs on CodeReview.stackexchange.com. — Amy just now
@EBrown the weather is not a pokemon
@Duga STFU
not everything needs walking
@DanPantry Don't feel bad, I got my dad with the exact same thing yesterday.
This belongs on CodeReview.stackexchange.com. — Amy 35 secs ago
no it does not because this about table structure and not about, you know, getting code reviewed — Pimgd 33 secs ago
@Duga Amy pls.
@Duga Tooo broad.
@Duga I already told you, no.
@Duga >senior developer
Too broad for SO... No code for CR
> develops seniors
@Amy Please read what is on topic for Code Review before you pre-maturely recommend migration. — syb0rg 31 secs ago
That's what senior developer means, right?
guys, you only need to tell her once
"turns old".
@DanPantry I was first!
you've basically just cluster bombed her with "NO IT'S OFF TOPIC"
> Inappropriate recommendation
That would make me feel welcome here.
@DanPantry No, she removed her first comment.
@Amy That doesn't make it automagically on-topic for Code Review. — Mast 30 secs ago
@Mast yeah I've just noticed her follow up. cluster bomb away.
We got permission to clusterbomb, yay!
Yay! We got permission!
Permission declined.
Prepare the nukes
Abort cluster bomb.
Dang, nukes aborted
Command we have negative target lock. Over.
Oh wtf
Fine, then suggest a better place for it. It doesn't belong here. — Amy 1 min ago
No pls
@syb0rg Why? Nukes are not clusterbombs. Only the permission for the clusterbombs was revoked.
The NSA is having a field day with this chat.
@EBrown very wtf.
@Mast he uses special nuke clusterbombs
I don't get that logic at all
"it belongs on CR" "no it doesnt" "well tell me where it belongs"
@DanPantry Pony logic.
@DanPantry sites = {CR, SO}
???? isn't that your job? you're the one who suggested migration?!
@Mast I'm sure I've been on the NSA's list for years
Command we have confirmed target lock, requesting permission for cluster nuke.
@syb0rg Yup.
@DanPantry No, she does not have authority for that. She is only a seniour developer.
Permission granted, fire at will.
either way we're going to need a blue to clean up those comments
Keep calm and step away from the exploding bear traps.
Roger, commencing attack.
@DanPantry It's SO. When we're done we'll have free flags.
@DanPantry I think we should call Blue Man.
Q: Basic Pokedex in C++

Dylan BlackSo I recently started learning C++ about a week ago, and I made a bit of progress. In honor of Pokemon Go releasing, I decided to make a pokedex with the original 151 pokemon. So far I have 120 or so of them in there and it works PERFECTLY! (Thank goodness). I believe my code could be much more e...

@CaptainObvious That's some pretty sensible code.
although the name2 in the constructor.. is that standard in C++?
I'm going to guess you can't use this in the constructor because the object isn't fully initialized yet. Right?
@Mast Well, I don't really like hard-coding, but it's a start :P
@skiwi The alternative would be an unwieldy vector.
@Mast Or File IO
We all know how that goes in C++
this is command alpha.... who the heck authorized usage of cluster nukes?
Spoiler alert: not well
@EBrown Pretty good actually.
@Vogel612 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Vogel612 Your mum.
please stop playing with the humungous toys and go back to the big ones
@N3buchadnezzar tread carefully
I think we are sufficiently off topic
right... back to more enjoyable topics...
Is it Friday yet?
Command alpha, we have confirmed target acquisition. Recommending precision strike.
quickly tries to mention something on topic
no, seriously, I am wondering about that C++ code
Can you not use this in the C++ constructor?
@DanPantry You don't want to do that.
are we decided on that huge SQL Question with an unhealthy amount of case statements?
in C# if you want to assign stuff to an object in the constructor you're free to do so, you just don't want to leak this
In C# you use a different methodology when it comes to things like that.
@Vogel612 I'm not decided on anything. I have commitment issues.
C++ is more back-to-basics, write-it-like-you-feel-it.
Sorry @DanPantry, wrong message.
I go away for 15 minutes!
Come on guys. It's only Tuesday.
@Zak Tuesday is poor man's Friday.
This went HNQ. Needs a better title though. Any JS takers?
@Mast Since you seem to be one of the more interested users in Khronos, what do you think I should make a development goal after the .5alpha release?
@syb0rg Is it cross-platform at .5alpha?
@Mast Yes, .5alpha requires a stable build on Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms
@syb0rg I don't know, ask me when I've managed to get it to work :-)
Wtf is Khronos?
@EBrown Magic
syb0rg's program.
Voice recognition, among other things.
On embedded hardware.
@Hosch250 / child.
Basically, a Duga you can talk to.
Ugh, I already have one of those.
She's named Alexa.
Amazon sold her to me.
She's a cylinder with stuff.
Does it work?
@EBrown Mine's FOSS
@Mast Yeah, really well.
@syb0rg FOSS? I floss daily.
Free Open Source Software, I think.
Sometimes twice a day.
Ah, boring.
Something liek that.
My Alexa is free to me.
Got it for christmas.
"Alexa, what's going on?" "Here's your morning briefing: ..."
The Source ain't free though.
@Hosch250 We already talk to Duga. She just never replies. :(
Doesn't need to be.
@EBrown So, Alexa tells you what you're forgetting to get in the supermarket?
@Mast No, she just plays NPR and BBC news for a bit.
@Mast Cortana does.
@EBrown Oh, radio... good integration idea
Cortana will even tell you when you get to the supermarket, in case you haven't noticed yet :P
Alexa also reminds me to get groceries sometimes.
Sometimes she forgets.
But that's not her fault.
That's on me.
"Alexa, play monopoly with me."
@EBrown Error 1: You can only play one monopoly game at a time.
We are already playing monopoly with you.
"Hey Cortana, who's your favourite batman?" "I don't think I can choose."
@syb0rg Yeah but it does stuff.
Cool stuff.
You can do home-automation with it and such.
I don't care for home automation. I like getting up and walking around.
@Hosch250 It can brew coffee, or chase the annoying whippersnappers of your lawn.
@N3buchadnezzar whippersnapper is all one word
I don't drink coffee (not on principle, we just don't buy it).
As for the whippersnappers, I don't mind them.
I have 8 other people in the house to chase them for me, anyway.
@Hosch250 I have it disabled on my phone. Perhaps I should try.
Why do you have so many servants?
@N3buchadnezzar /r/nocontext
My phone was designed for WP 8/8.1. It doesn't handle 10 well at all..
My Lumia 950 does W10 just fine. :P
@N3buchadnezzar If you can call siblings/parents servants...
@EBrown Try a 520.
@Hosch250 Eww no.
It did handle 8/8.1 nice. I probably should roll back, but I like the new Office apps.
Q: Java Singly Linked List, add in index

Matteo ColombiI am working on Singly Linked List for an assignment and am stuck on adding items in an index... I believe I am close just need a quick hand from someone :). My current code is listed below: public void add(int i, T item){ if (item == null){ throw new IllegalArgumentExcpetion("null"); } els...

@CaptainObvious Please make that go away.
@Hosch250 I got a 550. It's adequate.
@CaptainObvious Uno mas, por favor.
^ About the extent I remember from HS Spanish class.
I really should learn it properly.
Learning languages is hard. Harder than learning programming languages.
Programming languages have lots in common though: instructions to accomplish a task (with things such as loops, conditionals, etc.)
Normal spoken languages are MUCH more dynamic
Also, programming languages have strict rules associated with them, spoken languages don't
Hence the reason it's so hard for a computer to process natural language
@Mast Very hard, have you tried to learn any of the Asia Languages?
@pacmaninbw Japanese and Korean.
@pacmaninbw หลุมที่ไม่ถูกต้องคุณโง่
@syb0rg Wow, that's stupid.
@N3buchadnezzar Thai?
@Mast Cantonese and Korean my self
Now I wonder what your keyboard looks like.
@N3buchadnezzar I can't even read Cantonese much less what I think is Thai.
@N3buchadnezzar That's a Lenovo Thinkpad, isn't it?
Teaching yourself foreign languages is especially hard since you have nobody to practice with.
With learning code, you have the interpreter/compiler telling you when you screw up.
@Mast Been to Hong Kong twice, Guandzou once, used to have a girlfriend from Hong Kong
@pacmaninbw That helps with the Cantonese. But how did you manage the Korean?
@Mast Indeed. I lied, that is not excactly my keyboard, but pretty darn close. I think this is as close as I get i1313.photobucket.com/albums/t556/Nordic-Keyboard/….
Q: My Mega Menu Don't worked ! why?

Farzam AbediniI'm developing a web site , but my mega menu don't worked , why ? there is my html , css , JS codes : html : <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="resources/css/style.css"> </head> <body> <header> <nav id="cbp-hrmenu" class="cbp-hrmenu"> <ul>...

@N3buchadnezzar So, how do you know what keys to type?
@pacmaninbw Was her favourite movie King Kong?
Are they one-on-one mapped?
@Mast I've pretty much lost the Korean through disuse, just like my French from secondary school.
@Mast Google translate.
There is always charmap.exe too.
@Mast not sure what her favorite movie was, it's a long time ago. :)
This apparently is how a thai keyboard looks.
@pacmaninbw Yes, but how did you learn it in the first place? I'm still in the process of learning it.
@pacmaninbw I think you're talking to @N3b here.
I'm trying hard to avoid feature creep, but I'm just about to implement another inspection for RD.
@Mast took university extension course at UCLA for Korean. Learn Cantonese because I had to and then took extension course to expand it.
@N3buchadnezzar Some of those symbols almost look astrological to me. I wouldn't want to inherit code written in characters like that, no offence.
@pacmaninbw Ah, learning it in a group would help, yes.
I recommend it.
Q: My Mega Menu Don't worked ! why?

Farzam AbediniI'm developing a web site , but my mega menu don't worked , why ? there is my html , css , JS codes : html : <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="resources/css/style.css"> </head> <body> <header> <nav id="cbp-hrmenu" class="cbp-hrmenu"> <ul>...

Hello World. I am looking for C++ projects with published Style guides. Anybody know of anybody off the top of their heads?
Might want to ask Edward or EmilyL
def ลองหล_ุม(หลุ่ม):
    if หลุ่ม is หนึ่ง:
        return ต่อไป
    elif หลุ่ม is สอง:
        return หลุมที่ไม่ถูกต้องคุณโง่
        return โง่
Yeah, it does look a bit weird.
Does it work?
why are you writing code in alphabetti-spaghetti?
wait.. that's a language?
@DanPantry Mast told me to. Apparently he has a thing for weird languages.
That's horrible
@CaptainObvious go away
@DanPantry It's Thai.
@N3buchadnezzar if i had to write that my hands might be thaied
their language is rather interesting because the morphemes themselves are simple-ish
Yeah, this country is weird. They do not even serve thai awai.
@Mast was more thinking along XML, or JSON or TXT files, or databae
but they can be combined into basically arbitrarily long words
@Vogel612 Just like German, or Norwegian.
This question seems far better suited to Code Review — see its comparative-review tag. — jwodder 41 secs ago
Melkesjokolade = Milk chocolate
@N3buchadnezzar no not really
German morphemes can be incredibly long in comparison
@syb0rg CMake from CentOS 7 (mac is a loss, too old).
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.8.5
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 4.8.5
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- No build type selected, default to Release
-- Found Doxygen: /usr/bin/doxygen (found version "1.8.5")
benundsiebzig = 777,777
@N3buchadnezzar three morphemes in there
@N3buchadnezzar zevenhonderdzevenenzeventigduizend zevenhonderdzevenenzeventig
> 888,888
EN: eight hundred and eighty-eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight
NL: achthonderdachtentachtigduizend achthonderdachtentachtig
FR: huit cent quatre-vingt-huit mille huit cent quatre-vingt-huit
So what's so disturbing about that?
The english version is the longest.
The only difference is that the Dutch and German versions are one-word.
French counting is just weird :P
because four-twenties is better than eighty
@EBrown similar to all Latin based languages as far as I can tell.
@skiwi Yea, in C++, that's not pretty.
@pacmaninbw not French though
The danish still uses a 20 counting system instead of a base 10 one for numbers under a 100, it is really weird.
@skiwi How long is the Welsh version?
I suppose Wolfram Alpha knows
Alright google, you win this round...
> 1: un | 2: dau | 3: tri | 4: pedwar | 5: pump | 6: chwech | 7: saith | 8: wyth | 9: naw | 10: deg
I can't find a tool that wants to spell out numbers for me in Welsh
Alright @DanPantry we need your help on this one, help us spell 888,888 :P
Is this real?
> There are no exact equivalents of "yes" and "no" in Welsh; the concept is conveyed grammatically by indicating agreement or disagreement e.g. "yes there is" or "no there is not", which is said in different ways depending on how the question was phrased.
@skiwi No, that ain't impossible.
> wyth gant ac wyth deg-wyth mil wyth gant ac wyth deg wyth
According to Bing.
That's likely a very literal translation though.
Google confirms it back.
@Mast Better than Google's:
> Wyth cant a 88,888
> From this point, the first term is the vigesimal form, the second is the decimal form. Replace "dau", "tri" and "pedwar" with "dwy", "tair", and "pedair" as appropriate.
Alla i ddim siarad Cymraeg
@Hosch250 lol
> 91
un ar ddeg a phedwar ugain ( een ar thayg ah FED-war IG-ine ); naw deg un
Welsh looks worse than French.
@Mast Better than thai
Better than Brainfuck
Q: Bridging gap between OOP and event model

CodeYogiRecently I have been busy with nodejs and I thought to create something like this so, I started with some rough code like below: 'use strict'; const readline = require('readline'); const fs = require('fs'); class StdIn { constructor(opt_name) { this.name = opt_name; this.rs = this.nam...

@skiwi Brainfuck vs Thai.
I should learn Welsh or Gaelic.
More useful to learn Brainfuck or LOLCODE than Welsh tbh
I could translate RD to Welsh.
@pacmaninbw looks successful?
Oh wait sorry I was mobile and didn't see the full text
Can you upgrade CMake or is that a no go?
@syb0rg Did yum install cmake3, cmake worked, doing make now.
it's doing the git clones
Cool, I just tried building it on my Mac and it failed so I'm curious to see how you'll do
still working on git clone of pocketsphinx. 40% complete of target build, let you know.
Well you're already past me, I failed on sphinx base
What version of CMake are you using on the Mac?
Make failed, here's the output
[ 42%] No patch step for 'pocketsphinx'
[ 44%] No update step for 'pocketsphinx'
[ 46%] Performing configure step for 'pocketsphinx'
-- pocketsphinx configure command succeeded. See also /home/pacman/workspace/cpp_projects/CodeReview/Syb0rg/Khronos/library-build/src/pocketsphinx-stamp/pocketsphinx-configure-*.log
[ 48%] Performing build step for 'pocketsphinx'
-- pocketsphinx build command succeeded. See also /home/pacman/workspace/cpp_projects/CodeReview/Syb0rg/Khronos/library-build/src/pocketsphinx-stamp/pocketsphinx-build-*.log
@syb0rg ^^
Do you really want to use cc rather than gcc or g++?
Can I see the log it stored the error in?
This is what I'm working to fix rn with LibSndFile
Assuming code works this is better suited for Code ReviewScott Holtzman 56 secs ago
@syb0rg CMake Error: Error processing file: /home/pacman/workspace/cpp_projects/CodeReview/
Whut... why is it trying to process that?
This is a friendly PSA that ROBOT WARS returns, this Sunday at 20:00 UCT.
@syb0rg this might be more helpful, other log is empty
more LibSndFile-download-err.log
CMake Error: Error processing file: /home/pacman/workspace/cpp_projects/CodeReview/
[pacman@paulmobilecentos LibSndFile-stamp]$
am I okay to edit an answer given to one of my questions just to format it? he just missed a few spaces before some code: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/135209/…
it should be ok
@pacmaninbw Hm, well that's not cool... maybe try running it again? Sometimes that fixes stuff for me on Windows (but that's because it's Windows)
LOL, working on it.
I would follow @ScottHoltzman's advice and move this to Code Review. — Victor Moraes 5 secs ago
whelp nm - can't because i'm just adding a single space and the min to change it is 6 characters lol
@skiwi 400 square meters of arena. 16 tonnes of bullet proof glass. 3 Tonnes of house robots. HYPE.
@Zak You're making me imagine something else with house robots...
@DanLyons thanks
@Trojan404 I found an extra, blank line with a bunch of spaces to hit the min character limit :)
@syb0rg The libraries seem to be there >> find . -name *.so
redoing cmake3 and make don't clear anything up

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