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RELOAD! There are 2532 unanswered questions (92.9465% answered)
@Mast me neither, I looked for quite a while trying to find that out for a side project I was working on, I eventually just decided to disable Big Endian byte ordering until I ran across a computer that actually used that, it's a risk but I'm honestly curious to see if anybody's still using it
I worked on an embedded system where they used it 3 years ago.
oh... I'm missing some context here, sorry
I'm mostly thinking of this question
the side project I'm working on is a game too
But you should be allright.
Q: PlayerConnection class for Gaming Emulator

Liam HardyI have programmed a Gaming Emulator in C# and I have a class to handle all the connection side of things for the player, here we continuously listen for packets (each packet has a ID like a number, from 1 - 300), I just wondered is there any way I could speed it up or make it better performance w...

that's what I figured; I think I saw an embedded system that used big endian as well, but I haven't heard of a consumer PC that did in a long time
except for the "why are you using that" category like somebody running it on an Apple II or something
Q: print tree in a zigzag manner

Lin MaWant to print a tree in a zigzag manner level by level, for example, in below tree, the expected output is below, wondering if any logic issues in my code below and whether any further performance improvement ideas by using smarter algorithm implementation? Thanks. Using Python 2.7 Expected out...

@kevinlockard Well, your question has a negative rating because all the code mentioned in it works as expected - questions on Stack Overflow should be about specific bugs or programming problems you can't fix. Better take a look at our sister site Code Review. — dorukayhan 51 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by Jamal on question by Tom Wenseleers: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/134926/revisions
@Duga 56!
need some docs beta committers on here stackoverflow.com/documentation/vba
@Quill sorry man
I was part of the Docs beta, was a flop IMO.
how so? there's a whole lot of docs on a whole bunch of stuff
Yes, and it's one big mess.
how is it a mess? <_<
The thing they had was a mess. Not sure what the current thing is.
There was a lot of info, but it wasn't documentation.
More like a database of examples without any explanation what's going on like you expect in real documentation.
And who checked the validity anyway?
every submission has reviewers
SO has reviewers too, robo reviewers.
if the content is the issue, once it goes live people will be working on it more
Uhu, that's the excuse of every beta site.
@Mast I shouldn't link here, but some parts are kind of a mess while some aren't
@Quill pretty much this
Don't get me wrong, it would be awesome if it works.
yeah, but I agree that it isn't much helpful atm
it's still in beta, so some of the stuff is still in works
But while I think the SE network can do a lot, I don't believe it's equipped for this.
@Quill It's in beta, AGAIN.
So I better hope it's next to finished.
@Mast it is going to get released to public in a few weeks
That's not what I meant.
There already was a beta for docs earlier and now they integrated it with the main site. It's a second beta.
1 hour later…
You should consider posting this to codereview.stackexchange.com ; this is what that SE site is for. — Hack-R 46 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by Slashy on question by Slashy: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/135078/revisions
Q: Idiomatic word counting script in C#?

Ray ToalMy goal is to read from standard input, break up the input into words (Unicode letters and apostrophes), case-insensitively, and produce a report to standard output, where each line is a word followed by a space followed by its count. The output should be sorted by words. This is my code: using...

Q: will Microsoft Typescript be obsolete when browsers directly support ECMAScript 6 based javascript

Alagesan Palaniwe are currently using Microsoft TypeScript in our project. I came to know that Microsoft TypeScript is following ECMAScript 6 standards. So when ECMASCript 6 is finalized and released and browsers natively supports javascript based off of ECMAScript 6, do we need Microsoft TypeScript? Since Typ...

monking :)
Monking @DanPantry
@Quill kek
Are you sure this doesn't belong on Code Review? — Jonathan Leffler 48 secs ago
@JonathanLeffler Yes you are right, I read the T & C of Code Review, and felt that asking this question in similar manner would be bounced back to StackOverflow! If you feel thats the right place, then you can migrate it. And why its required to store in the client code when I want the info from Client after it gets connected rather than Server? — Kyle Reese 52 secs ago
Does this look fine?
A: Simple Python hangman game

N3buchadnezzarOverview I can see that you are a beginner and that is totally fine! Some of the points I will be making might, sound a bit harsh and go over your head. If they do try to improve the parts of the code you do understand, and instead post a follow up question. LMGTFY / RTFM Asking a question ...

@Dex'ter Monking! How is the work in the laboratory going?
Well, I'm waiting to join a meeting in about 15 minutes. It's ok, for now. There's a project preparing for me
@N3buchadnezzar interrupted by DD no doubt.
@DanPantry I just hate it when DareDevil interupts my evil schemes.
Any reason for the downvotes here?
Q: Python random number generator between 1 and 9

Hyun AhnI created this code and it works fine, but I think it's ugly. Could you show me a better way to create a list of three different random numbers from 1 to 9? class Baseball_Engine(object): def __init__(self): self.count = 0 self.random_number_list = [0, 0, 0] while sel...

no idea
looks boring but not downvote material
You said you had the code working. If you don't, then (a) it doesn't belong on Code Review, and (b) here on SO we need a description of what is and is not working, and how you know, and what you typed and what you got and so on. I don't see a particular need for a data structure per se; I do see a need to know how much data the client received back from the server, because you most certainly shouldn't print any more data than that. — Jonathan Leffler 51 secs ago
Could be because of Masts comment 'I've requested an account merge for you. We prefer not to deal with sockpuppets.' Some people just don't like the idea of sockpuppets
Q: Excel success rate chart

GuestI created a pivot table with percentage which goes like this: in rows I got a specific task and in columns I got regions where the task was performed, plus each column is divided into successful and failed part, so it looks like this My region Succеss Fail Sleep: 80% 20% ...

@forsvarir yeah, man, screw kermit
@DanPantry Yeah, boring as heck. But not worhy a downvote.
If Kermit wants to learn programming, he should be allowed too.
Monking @all
@CaptainObvious VTC please
@Timmy Welcome to 2nd. You can check-out any time you like, but you can never leave :)
@N3buchadnezzar @DanPantry There was a self-answer by a sock-puppet. Now the self-answer is gone.
@Mast Oh. Definitely DV worthy.
That's what I thought.
So what I saw, was a cheap question for cheap upvotes for a sock-puppet.
Flagged for mod attention, someone else took it from there.
So that's probably why it has 2 downvotes on it. One of them is mine.
It only had -1 until it was posted here, so I guess someone else DV it
ooooh I scored 12 stars with that comment, pretty cool
Today it's supposedly going to be 30 degrees C
so I brought a massive fan with me
I'm getting weird looks from coworkers
IMHO, joke's on them when it heats up in the afternoon
@Pimgd It's 30C here too
Luckily we have air con in the office
It was realllly hot yesterday, only 28C, but there was absolutely no breeze whatsoever, it was awful
@Mast Socket answer is gone now though.
@N3buchadnezzar Does that make the act less despicable?
No, but you may want to add context for your other comment because it doesn't make sense without that answer @Mast
Q: Java util to compare if time beyond cutoff

Sudhanshu ShekharI have a to write a simple utility function that given a time in CST and a date in PST, tells if the date is today and if the current time is less than the cutoff (post converting cutoff to PST). This is my attempt (highly childish but I seriously don't get java date-time at all). If anyone coul...

holy crap. I've just worked out some of the logic in the feature I am taking over
function stageLoad(stage: number) {
  return loader(..., stageLoad)

function loader(...., stageLoad) {
  return {
    OkCallback: function() {
spot the problem
Is that recursive by design or by accident?
Well, it works, so I'm going to say by design
@DanPantry I'll remove the comment. It has served it's purpose.
That doesn't make it good design, of course
Thanks CodeReview for giving me OCD over bad code :P
Every time I see bad code I now get an itch, it's like a spidey sense.
@RoboSanta Solid answer, give the man some votes.
@DanPantry Yea, getting things done has become a lot harder.
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Inserting a role using PDO
Tips to put code inside a quote?
> Furthermore, if you print it, it will give a message:
>>> print (quit)
Use quit() or Ctrl-Z plus Return to exit

> This functionality was included to help people who do not know Python.
> After all, one of the most likely things a newbie will try to exit
> Python is typing in quit.
> Nevertheless, quit should not be used in production code. This is
> because it only works if the site module is loaded. Instead, this
> function should only be used in the interpreter.
@N3buchadnezzar more indention
Not sure but 4 more spaces than regular code formatting
@Heslacher I think the problem is that I need to use >>> inside the code. Suggestions?
Normally it works with 8 spaces.
Do you have a link
I am currently working on writing an answer
>>> print (quit)
Use quit() or Ctrl-Z plus Return to exit
^ That is the code I am trying to write inside a quote.
ok, try only to use a > for the first line of code, at least if you don't have empty lines
Q: Program to find magic square of squares

DerpfacePythonI have a program which finds, well, a magic square of squares. The problem is, it's quite slow - it processes around 50 numbers in half a second when the number range is above 40,000. Is there any way to improve this code? from math import floor def findlist(listin): listin2 = listin[1:] ...

If I do
>     >>> print (quit)
>       Use quit() or Ctrl-Z plus Return to exit
>     >>>
@Heslacher Thanks. Still can not get the >>> to work though =/
it works
Will try it. Magic! Cheers!
@N3buchadnezzar That shouldn't be a problem in multi-line comments though, right?
>>> print (quit)
In Markdown, just keep inserting spaces till it properly renders the thing as code :P
And try only using a > for the top line, it's usually smart enough to figure out you want the entire paragraph quoted.
@Mast Yeah, I figured! Thanks Did not know """ could be used for markdown as well
@N3buchadnezzar Oh, no, my first two responses were assuming you were trying to write code in comments in Python :P
No, uggh. Who is stupid enough to use the silly psudocode snake language :p
snek language
@Zak Shiny. Are the arguments presented there any good or is it just a bunch of fanboys attacking each other in the end?
First part looks reasonable.
so much wording issues in these arguments eventually
"unnecessarily" - okay, so it could be better, and there is no good reason for it to not be better at the moment?
> More and more webpages and applications process an ammount of code, including libraries and frameworks that is not necessary for they to properly work.
typos typos typos
Hello, everyone, I would like to how to deal with the following question? Thanks!
I think you may have the wrong chat room, @ShutaoTANG.
put struct first, then function declaration maybe
but yeah, wrong chat room
@DanPantry @Pimgd Oh, I am sorry:)
For a company that is supposed to think of everything a normal person might want to do in Excel, I struggle to understand why Microsoft never built a date format for "1st, 2nd, 3rd etc.".
@Zak I'm very curious how it builds up the support rate, though
@Pimgd Or declaring at the top that you're going to implement something called Surface.
@Zak Too localized?
In Dutch, it's 1e, 2e, 3e.
And since practically everything in Excel automatically shifts based on localisation, I can imagine they wanted all or nothing.
'all' was too much work.
@Mast There's no such thing as "Too Localised" for Microsoft. They're supposed to support everything. And it's not exactly some fringe, uncommon, formatting.
True, so I wouldn't be surprised if it's a feature of the next version, or the one after that.
@Zak "supposed to"
But there's only so many things you can do in one development cycle.
@Mast They've only had 30 years and untold Millions of Dev-Hours.
And we all still complain about Windows and Office.
I suspect there are humans at work at Microsoft.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but humans are known to make mistakes.
@Mast I generally don't. Most of the time, I will defend Excel as the most powerful application ever developed.
So that's 30 years and untold Millions of Dev-Hours of possible mistakes.
But right now, it's irritating me.
See: Vista
98 first edition
I'm too young for ME
Plenty of screw-ups.
For a company that supposedly is very good at writing software.
But hey. It's fine. Just some ugly hacky formula:
> =CONCATENATE(DAY(NOW())&IF(AND(MOD(ABS(DAY(NOW())),100)>=10,MOD(ABS(DAY(NOW())),‌​100)<=14),"th", CHOOSE(MOD(ABS(DAY(NOW())),10)+1,"th","st","nd","rd","th","th","th","th","th","t‌​h"))," ", TEXT(NOW(), "mmmmmmmmm")," ", TEXT(NOW(),"yyyy"))
Holy cow...
@Zak why is your code shouting at me
I have excel >:
Excel doesn't support regex, does it?
I want to refactor that so bad
@Mast Not in a worksheet formula, no.
Then you'd have two problems
How about a switch? That will at least pull some of the bloat into a macro.
occurs like, twice
the inner portion, ABS DAY NOW, occurs 3 times
@Pimgd Worksheet function. Refactoring would involve splitting over multiple cells.
and DAY NOW 4 times
@Zak this is why I don't want to do programming in excel
@ShutaoTANG no problem. feel free to drop by when your code works
@Pimgd Most of the time I can split things up really nicely. Proper tables and lookups and indexing and refactoring and SRP. But here, I just needed today's date with ordinals in a single cell.
When the code review you are doing just keeps going and going..
Also I dislike when people spend time writing an answer, but do not upvote an acceptable answer.
@Pimgd Usually you just throw everything into macros the moment things get complicated. Is there a good reason you're not using macros @Zak?
@N3buchadnezzar Yup, I've deleted some of my answers in the past if they didn't get votes.
Especially if I'm pretty sure it got plenty of views afterward and OP has seen the answer in question but couldn't be bothered with a vote.
@Mast I think you missread my comment?
Did you intend voting like in Sportmanship?
@Mast I'm a strong believer that, where possible, things should be done in functions. That way you don't have to get a VBA expert to come in and fix it when it goes wrong/needs changing. Assuming the end user even knows that VBA is involved there.
@Zak Even if that means writing a mess like that?
@Mast It's messy. But it's also a very small, tightly scoped, self-contained mess.
That's true.
@Mast I just made a mistake writing. My intentions was to point out that it is strange when someone writes an answers to a well proposed question. But does not upvote the question.
Oh, like that.
One should only answer upvote-worthy questions.
I don't vote very often on questions because I'm a jaded old fart
Unless we're talking about 2 month old zombies of-course, those should be gunned down regardless.
However I also see your point. If I do like the other questions I do upvote them. However more often than not, I tend to write answers where the other answers either have gotten something wrong or if I am feeling like a jaded old fart.
I'll vote on answers just fine tho, they usually spot things I didn't
@Mast But what is upvote worthy?
You're all a bunch of slackers.
That's voting for this year.
@Mast I just joined like 2 months ago, I am working on it!
Yea, you're quite good on the monthly.
> Second place is the first to loose.
You got 40 votes a day. There are plenty of people voting less than 40 times a month.
Heck, there's plenty of people who haven't voted all month.
I think the threshold for voting on questions and answers should be lower.
I disagree. There's plenty of people who can vote and don't do it.
Let's fix that first.
@Mast Heeey, what's that green thing
@Pimgd h.j.k.
oh you
This is a well-known CR problem. We, as a general community, just don't vote anywhere near as much as we should. I'm as guilty as anyone else. only 3 votes/day on average this year.
Voting sounds easy though
... I should find something I don't like about questions
It's kinda-depressing that that's enough to be in the top 20 of all site-voters this year.
@Zak You're 17th this month. There's plenty of people more guilty than you.
and then vote up for every question that doesn't do that thing
I vote mostly on , I mostly vote on places with answers on questions with my answers. But I've been tired lately, and have not really been on CR as much as I'd like lately, ):
As a general rule, I upvote every question that isn't CV-worthy.
@Mast Is that not the same? People have different thresholds for voting. If I do not vote for an entire month, it might be my expectations are Too damn high.
And I upvote every answer which is even marginally useful.
I try to either upvote or downvote, there's few questions I leave in the middle.
And yes, this means I downvote a lot.
Got to keep the site clean.
I try not to downvote answers unless they're beyond hope or code dumps.
Don't disagree, though I tend to just use VTC rather than DV.
Downvote, not download...
@Zak You can do both, you know ^^
@N3buchadnezzar In that case I'd expect more downvotes.
Downgoats, downgoats everywhere.
I know, but unless it's really egregious, I prefer to give new arrivals some slack.
@JoeWallis I think the stats of the site are a bit skewered at the moment with it being high-summer and all as well.
@Zak Yup, or repair the mess.
But there's plenty of users who should know better who keep coming back with crap as well.
@JoeWallis Muhahhaha. Just stay away. That gives me more time to reap the low hanging Pythonic fruits.
any way to get zero-voted questions oldest first?
^ Just joking Wallis. Hopefully you will have time to spend as much time as you want here =)
@N3buchadnezzar I'm going away for 3 weeks in a couple of days, ;P so you'd better catch them all!
@Mast We should have a voting race ^^
@Zak I'd win ^^
@Mast wanna bet?
@Zak I'm already racing, perhaps when we've concluded our current race :-)
You're still winning that one, I should probably fix that.
score:0 is:q closed:no
Dawww I really wish I could upvote this question edit!
@N3buchadnezzar You're a Euler fanatic, right?
Would you care to review this? I'm sure you can figure out the syntax.
Damn, right bro.
pff lolcode needs more reviewers
Easy way to cash in that rep. On the serious side I have looked at the question. But without memoization or recursion, there is not really much that can be done to speed it up.
The other question has over 4200 views. That was not entirely unexpected, but it got a little out of hand.
@Zak No, we should vote on stuff we pay attention to and find interesting (or horrible), we should not vote just for the sake of voting.
@N3buchadnezzar Which question?
... but that paints such a sad picture
It's surprisingly easy to write code in any language once you know a couple.
which is that most questions are crap
but not bad crap
it's just... "look, I made a thing. It does the things. Code dump."
@Pimgd Is that not the point of code review
Where's your own effort?
> You make your code work. We uncrapify it
Q: Simple Python hangman game

YoYoYo I'm AwesomeI've created a little hangman game. It's pretty simple, and not to exciting but I want to know if there's a way I could turn this little game into something more extravagant and more exciting. How can I take this delicate piece of crap machinery into something a little more fun and a bit more com...

Questions which explain more about the underlying design or the thoughts behind them or why they do what they did are a lot better than "I made X, X does blah, code dump"
@SimonForsberg Spent ages writing a long review for that one. Think that it was too long to deserve any upgoats though =/ Will try to write them more succinct in the future.
Good answer by new user.
@N3buchadnezzar There's a reason I prefer writing questions :-)
@N3buchadnezzar Your review is fine. It's actually really good.
Writing answers is hard.
And I also really like that image lol
If it's a beginner sometimes it's better to write a longer review if it helps get the points across
@DanPantry I even included a gif. But the review might be too harsh.
The gif doesn't animate (thankfully)
@N3buchadnezzar is good
@N3buchadnezzar I generally avoid adding that tag to others questions.
Honestly, your review looks fine to me
@SimonForsberg I see that.
@SimonForsberg Agreed. In this case I'm sure it was applicable though, so I allowed it in the queue.
@DanPantry The link to the gif is in the title of that section. Had some problems figuring out how to link it properly. And thanks for the nice words =)
@SimonForsberg I wasn't recommending blindly-upvoting anything and everything. I was recommending a little psychological push to go and actively seek out things worth upvoting.
@Zak That I can agree with.
@SimonForsberg There was a time a while back when I actively went through the archive reading everything and upvoting everything I thought was useful. I might revive that habit.
Someone downvoted a good question I wrote. Time to call FBI, CIA, KGB, The Triads and my mom to figure out who did this. The revenge will be swift and downvotelly
@N3buchadnezzar You missed Liam Neeson, Chuck Norris & Jon Skeet.
@Zak Reminds me of this The ultimate downvote (help). Might have NSFW language, not quite sure.
@N3buchadnezzar Yessssssss! I used to love that song. Could sing the whole thing from memory.
Only 90ties kids will know.
damn right
Q: Simple C# Interest Calculating Program

LukeSorry if it's a bit long... I tried to make it modular with methods, not sure if I overcomplicated it using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Learning { class Program { public static decimal principal; ...

@CaptainObvious needs review badly
I keep thinking "ah, I get it. Well, at least it's not that bad"
and then it keeps going!
@Pimgd At the very least not every variable has the OP's initials in it.
@skiwi Monking!
I know all the words to put into the review but I don't actually have the time atm
just put them in there randomly. Syb0rg or someone else will probably unscramble them for you.
> Then Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the white, and the terminator and the holy grail black knight, and benito mussolini, and the blue meanie and cowboy curtis and jambi the genie. robocop the temrinator captain kirk and darth vader, lo pan superman every single power ranger bill s preston and theodore logan, spock the rock doc oc and hulk hogan.

Could never forget that ^^
Q: Does this method contain multiple implementations?

juanjoMy teammate and I have a small discussion about the responsibility of a method. He thinks next method has two responsibilities and I think that only one. private boolean validateUsername(String username) { AccountValidationResult validationResult = mAccountValidator.validate(use...

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