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RELOAD! There are 1899 unanswered questions (94.0337% answered)
Q: Copy Constructor for a Stack C++

potatosoupI have a template Stack and Node class as follows: template <typename T> class Node{ public: Node(); Node<T>(const T& nData); friend class Stack<T>; private: T data; Node* next; }; template <typename T> class Stack{ public: Stack(); ~Stack(); // Begin function for assignment operator and cop...

Should I have my email content generation methods coupled with the event code, or with the mailer code?
it's business logic
so it should be done separate again, and simply go into a db for the mailer to use?
an event triggers a certain business method to generate the mail and either passes it to the mailer or lets the business code handle that
or what you said.
that may be overkill though
Hmm, okay.
wow... song titles... "When you walk a long distance you're tired" ... seriously?
What a day...
Q: First Verilog Module

d3lI'm a fresh verilog / HDL programmer and I'm writing this post to get some feedback from more experienced verilog / HDL programmers. My very first task was to divide a clock by eight. I know there are some better methods to do this, but as I'm new to HDL this is my first, naive, attempt: mo...

At all the places I apply for, they ask me for my expected wage. What should I enter in that field?
Should that be a bit above what I want so I have bargaining room, or should it be the minimum I would accept, or exactly what I want?
depends on the place you are applying to really
Currently, I've been leaving it blank since a lot of places won't even pay their interns.
you have a minimum and a comfortable, and then the sky is the limit.
So, let's say that I'm going to ask for 85k.
if you are going through a recruiter I would ask the recruiter. are you looking for a paid internship or ... ?
I really, really want the job, but 85k is more or less what I will accept.
If they provide extra, non-monetary bonuses, I might reduce my price, for example..
where are you looking for a job at? is that US dollars?
US dollars, no specific place at the moment, looking for a job next spring.
And I fail to see how that message is star-worthy.
There, clarified.
I had one place down here straight up ignore me after I told them I had been making $28/hr I was waiting for them to shoot me back a figure a little bit lower, but I think they were looking to pay me something like $20/hr
85k is something like $40/hr
and I have 3 years on the job experience. probably not good experience, but experience none the less
I'm with Malachi in that 85k is way too much for first or early job experience
Yeah? The average C# dev makes 91k, or something.
what part of the US are you looking to get a job?
I'm on about $10/hr here in Aus with no work experience prior to this job
average is just that, the average of all the devs that reported their earnings to whatever site you were looking at
That may be a bit high, but I'm not wanting to discuss my price, I asked about the negotiation process.
@Malachi SO's study.
how much are you making right now?
Nothing. I'm a full-time student.
Negotiation is negotiation. It's not necessarily about perks, it may be about how much you like the place, I suppose
@Quill Yeah, I'll have my internship done at that point, and I work on RD an awful lot.
then I would expect something around $20-$25 /hr maybe a little more than that
Basically, they are asking me to reveal my hand before they show theirs. That gives them an edge.
11 mins ago, by Hosch250
Should that be a bit above what I want so I have bargaining room, or should it be the minimum I would accept, or exactly what I want?
I would say yes, a bit above your comfortable price
Yes to what?
my first job I started at almost $19/hr but I jumped $10/hr in 3 years
just not A Lot above that
You know, if I had gone to pipe fitters trade school, I could be making 100k by now.
Plus a lot of benefits.
BBIAB, supper time.
@Hosch250 you're in for a reality check soon-ish then. Expect to start at or around half of that
No junior / entry-level dev makes 85K. Or they're way overpaid
soo... For reference I was at 28k on my first job
that's euros and I was probably underpaid for the competence I got here
then again it was probably squat on for the work they made me do and it was a Junior position
Google tells me on I'm on $8/hr USD here
wow that's... seriously low
Q: How can make this code run faster?

LuckyAliHelp me optimize this code, #include<iostream> int main(){std::cout<<"#HashTagCuntBitch"<<endl;return 0;} Regards, LuckyALi

user has another colorful contribution on EL&U:english.stackexchange.com/q/291812/36331
I need three more answers on before I can get the bronze badge
var employees =
	from emp in Employees
	join prs in Persons on emp.BusinessEntityID equals prs.BusinessEntityID
	join dptHst in EmployeeDepartmentHistories on emp.BusinessEntityID equals dptHst.BusinessEntityID
	join dpt in Departments on dptHst.DepartmentID equals dpt.DepartmentID
	select new {

I will get it figured out, sooner or later
now I need to figure out how to do it the other (Linq) way
Linq is pretty awesome :)
I need another soda
with method chaining.
@Hosch250 lol
@Malachi not sure you can join with method syntax
A: LINQ to SQL .Join syntax

Håkan FahlstedtSomething like this: var q = dc.Users .Join(dc.UserGroups, p => p.UserGroupID, s => s.UserGroupID, (u, g) => new { User = u, UserGroup = g}) .Where(p => p.User.DepartmentID == '123') .OrderBy(p => p.User.UserName) .Select(p => new UserStruct ...

you can, but it's a bit of a PITA
I just gotta figure out how it works
@Malachi ah, TIL
what the p is and what the s is and the g
not much fun debugging linq
this one as well
A: How do I convert multiple inner joins in SQL to LINQ?

Dave DownsUsing query syntax: from c in dbo.Companies join p in dbo.Persons on c.AccountCoordinatorPersonId equals p.PersonId join p2 in dbo.Persons on c.AccountManagerPersonId equals p2.PersonId select new { c.CompanyId, c.CompanyName, AccountCoordinator = p.FirstName + ' ' + p.Surname, A...

but still more fun than debugging rx
Really EXtreme
Q: Fast python spring network solver

FnordI wanted a very simple spring system written in Python. The system would be defined as a simple network of knots, linked by links using the following rules: A knot is a massless connection between links. Each knot is only affected by the push/pull forces it receives from the links it is connect...

peeking the source can be pretty wtf, lemme find a sample
A: odd Ionic behavior in iOS simulator

QuillWhile this looks weird for you in iOS Simulator, and for me in Chrome's device emulator devtool, it's 'desired behaviour' in Ionic. Ionic is designed with mobile focus in mind, so when emulating a mobile device, they hide elements to simulate the native keyboard. Ionic wrote a blog post about...

oh hey LinqPad did the fun stuff for me
   .Join (
      emp => emp.BusinessEntityID,
      prs => prs.BusinessEntityID,
      (emp, prs) =>
            emp = emp,
            prs = prs
   .Join (
      temp0 => temp0.emp.BusinessEntityID,
      dptHst => dptHst.BusinessEntityID,
      (temp0, dptHst) =>
            temp0 = temp0,
            dptHst = dptHst
   .Join (
      temp1 => temp1.dptHst.DepartmentID,
for some values of "fun"
glad I did it the other way first. think I might stick with that for now, at least for SQL Querying
now I get a soda!
and then get some more practice in. tomorrow will be all Angular and Git I think
I gained two new former coworkers today. Two in one day. :|
@Malachi Wow that's really wonky looking, the other syntax sure looks simpler lol
Q: Deeply extract all used symbols from a hash of nested symbols in an array

ProGMI have a nested hash of symbols like this: { a: { b: :c, d: { e: :f } }, g: :h } I want to build an array that contains all symbols used in the hash, both keys and values, in any order. For the example above: [:a, :b, :c, :d, :e, :f, :g, :h] Is there any simple, fast...

Q: Keyboard handler for selecting radio buttons

aussiedanI have got my JavaScript working as seen here: https://jsfiddle.net/yLg1qs04/3/ But how do I condense/shorten it so that it's not repeating itself so often and taking up so many lines? $( '#mcnumber' ).keyup(function(){ //when a user types in input box var mcnum = this.value; if ( mcnum...

@nhgrif that's one funny way to put it though
sample hey, lets name the class _
var sink = new _(observer, cancel);
rx is really nice to use though
linq on the other hand is the best code I have seen by MS
@JohanLarsson underscorejs.org
Guess it makes sense that they fired Meijer, he never adopted their style :)
The Roslyn source looks nice also the little I have read
Q: Converting height map bitmap to json

GillesThis is my first F# program. It's a command line utility that takes a parameter containing a path to an height map bitmap and prints out this height map converted to JSON format. open System.Drawing let convertLine (y:int) (bitmap:System.Drawing.Bitmap) = [ for x in 0 .. bitmap.Width - 1 ->...

Q: Object parser in C++

Christine Simmons Consider the following contrived data type: Building: int age, char* location, float quality The location is in the format "XXX-XXX" (exactly 7 characters). Goal: Serialize the object into a binary format and then deserialize the object to display (on console) the exact same building info as ...

all of rx does not look like that, parts are clean and straightforward
but stepping in usually ends in a wall of query language
@Phrancis right? lol
I have so much C# to learn.
I wonder if I could even be called an Intermediate sometimes.... or if I should even say these things aloud
@Malachi got Jon Skeet's book yet?
no....what is it called, and is it free?
C# in depth
you know it is my birthday tomorrow.... lol jk
and ...no, not that I know of
>Works for Google, writes a C# textbook
@nhgrif A couple people got fired?
have you read any of it?
is it any good?
That's too bad (unless it isn't).
@Phrancis there is one way you can learn some C#, Download LinqPad and use it to query your databases, it has a SQL setting if you have to use SQL
@Malachi about half. it's awesome, it walks you through the history and features of C#
I learned something new today.
I should really dig out my C# book and try to make it all the way to the end, I keep getting to the loops and then stopping, or maybe that's the Logic and Design book....
I think that Saturday is going to be an ASP.NET MVC 5 day for me
it's around $35
I learned my C# and .NET by reading through this, cover-to-cover:
I was wondering what would happen for this evil code:
class Foo1
    public void Fizz() {}
    public void Bar() {}
class Foo2
    public void Buzz() {}
    public void Bar() {}
class Foo3 : Foo1, Foo2
    public void M1()
        base.Bar();	// what happens?
Turns out C# handles that by only allowing one base class.
you didn't know multiple inheritance wasn't allowed?
I'd never tried to use it before.
I've implemented multiple interfaces, but I rarely use inheritance.
Well, for starters, there's a syntax error on this line:
base.Bar();	what happens?
@Quill Not anymore there isn't.
well, it wouldn't compile even with the double slashes ;-)
@Malachi Yah, LinqPad and SQL Server for Mac LOL
oh, yeah, your one of those people.... lol
Might be fun to try and implement something with Hibernate one of these days
possible answer invalidation by Jamal on question by Maarten Wachters: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/110895/revisions
how did you get that nice link @Mats
@Duga all good, just cleaned whitespace
"by Jamal" spoiled it
They got a design
Sideways computers and globes?
They could at least have put them right side up.
in The Nineteenth Byte, 1 min ago, by Downgoat
DECLARE @UID int = ##UserId##

SELECT TotalVotes
SELECT UpVotes + DownVotes as TotalVotes FROM Users WHERE Id = @UID
SELECT COUNT(*) as NoQs FROM Posts WHERE Id = @UID and PostTypeId = 2
oh god
@Quill Surely that doesn't actually work
It doesn't work. He has no idea why
I've repeatedly said that's not how you do a join
@Moridn If you get the script working then I would suggest going to CodeReview.SE. StackOverlflow is more geared to specific problems and answers. — Matt 17 secs ago
Well, you can do a join sort of like that, with a little tinkering and some parens in the right places, but I don't know why you would want to
@Quill it's not like what's asked warrants a join
yeah, that's true
@Phrancis, I have AdventureWorks, NorthWinds and Pubs databases on my SQL server, give me some more to try, please?
I'm off for a bit, try MSDN SQL manual though they have tons of examples
for AdventureWorks
Try an aggregate maybe
Like take an inventory of how many of each product they have in their different locations and the dollar value or something like that
@Malachi IDK. I personally have a preference for Apress reference books bricks (they cover everything), but whatever rocks your boat. once you have a solid foundation, get Mark Seemann's Dependency Injection in .NET and you're set.
> 31 Used from $0.01
which good book goes for that price??
I think they charge the rest of that in shipping IIRC
eBay does the same
@Mat'sMug is that the price for the book you just mentioned?
the book I have is the one they told us to get for class, 5 years ago.
> 80 Used from $1.21
I have Pro ASP.NET MVC 5 from Apress and I like it so far
^^ got that one too
and Pro WPF also
where are you getting those prices, amazon?
right now I have no Cash otherwise I would probably get a couple of new books.
I am thinking that I will definitely be getting new books on the regular and actually reading them instead of letting them sit on the shelf.
spare $20 for CR Secret Santa 2016, and if I pick you I'll send you Mark Seemann's book if you haven't bought it already
I had one interviewer tell me that MVC is kind of outdated and that functional programming with F# is the up and coming language
he was also talking about how PHP could be good if it was written well
he said I was too junior for the position they had
I'm writing C# in Atom X)
that was the one where they had me write that code I posted last week
@Malachi that strangely stupid bughunter problem thingie?
they wanted me to write the JS and CSS on 3 divs, that didn't have any classes or IDs
[..]forfun dot com
@Malachi nth-child
told me that I couldn't add stuff to other peoples code
sounded like web scraping to me, or someone else doesn't write in these things to code
did you tell 'em <div> was dumb? don't mind me, I don't do web
I was happy when he told me that I wasn't what he was looking for
> however, no 3-rd party jQuery or JavaScript plugins allowed
but there's in the question
they said to use jQuery, but not 3rd party like jQuery-UI I assume
oh, right
or jQuery-ui-mobile or whatever that one is
I think I found a place where I can learn some more code and get some more experience. these guys seem like the real deal to me.
3-4 month contract, so we will see what happens
@Mat'sMug I should have...they wanted to see if I could traverse the DOM or whatever
A: Replace many Outlook email rules with a script

enderlandHere's some changes I would make. First thing I would do is make most of this module level variables, initialized in your Application_startup method, and taking advantage of WithEvents to setup the listener. Option Explicit Private nameSpace As Outlook.nameSpace Private inbox As Outlook.Folder...

^^ much underloved
I need to find some beginner level Linq challenges tomorrow. and get some more AngularJS under my belt....but I am babbling now, it is time for some Netflix destressing and then some good sleep.
@Mat'sMug it was just posted less than 10 minutes ago :)
@Mat'sMug I figured there was a link somewhere for that when I got 4 upvotes right away hahahahahah
like I know you guys live on SE but... not that much ;-)
> Holy batman changes!
@enderland um... it's 4 AM... what did you actually expect again?
@Vogel612 well at least 4 other people are in this chat right now, regardless of time :P
we have users in nearly every timezone
it gets lonely during sleepytime in the US, but there's still people around
good night
Just created a little chrome extension in 2 hours that marks reddit submissions that point to crappy sites
so proud
@JeroenVannevel UserScripts are slimmer
Also feel free to CR it ;)
chrome extensions are kinkier
I'll put it on CR someday after I've made a little UI for it so people can decide on their own crap sites
instead of following my own list of var shittyCrapSites = ["dailymail.co.uk", "independent.co.uk", "ibtimes.co.uk", "huffingtonpost.com", "rt.com", "express.co.uk"];
Q: Simple cryptanalysis of a Caesar cipher in Ruby

JRTNHaven't done much with Ruby but I really like it so I'm wanting to get better. This program takes in ciphertext encrypted with a Caesar cipher and determines the top 5 most likely shift keys and displays the decrypted plaintext with said keys. Any criticism is appreciated. Code without commen...

add reddit.com to that list
that would implode the universe
highly irresponsible
@JeroenVannevel is it a coincidence that 4/6 end with .co.uk?
I noticed the same
But it makes sense considering I only encounter the English-speaking crap sites on reddit
there ya go
I don't read the Belgian ones and I certainly don't read non-Dutch, non-English newspapers
oh and vannevel.net
@Quill is hurt because of all the co.uk
Don't worry, BBC.com is my go-to newspaper
@JeroenVannevel I'm Australian, I don't read English news
I thought those were just the English criminals
Yeah, sure, like 300 years ago
They only own our parliaments and our minds
potato potatoe matey
Also, I think there's a OSS spam website list you could add to that as well to avoid clickbait and spam
I'm off to bed with a movie. Enough world-improving for today
spam I'm not bothering with on reddit -- you don't see that. I'm just aiming for clickbait and misleading websites
I think I've got the ones that bother me the most already
Q: Disk space cleanup script

MoridnI have a script I am working on to clear common space hogs for our Citrix / RDS hosts. I was directed to here, once my original problem was fixed. I would love to see any suggestions I could make. Still very new to any language but old fashioned batch scripting. http://pastebin.com/uRpgH40k

Q: Stack Exchange User Activity Score

DowngoatAbout I'm from PPCG, so I wanted to make a score which measures a user's participation on the site. So I decided to use the SEDE to do this! So I did what all programmers do and I looked up how to most of this stuff on Stack Overflow and mashed the snippets from SO into my program until it wo...

@Quill I've always kind of liked some criminals, so you don't have to feel bad.
Some of them have a lot of good traits.
meh, I like Australia
I'd rather be a free criminal than a non-criminal enslaved by a tyrannical government.
(Criminal by the government's standard, that is.)
@Quill Me too. Remember, I'm going to immigrate (or emigrate?) there and live in an abandoned opal mine like McLeach.
BTW, can you help me think of a foreseeable problem to use as an example in a professional powerpoint?
I am commenting on the quote: “Failure is the price we pay for technological advancement”
My level 1 header is: Some problems are foreseeable
I need a level 2 item to stick under it, and I've been stuck for about 10 minutes.
Immediately comes to mind giving things like governments the powers to spy on us
technology making it easier to commit crimes, or do wrong things
Q: coding for CSHM Filter using generate statement

Suguresh Kumar Aralimodule CSHM #(parameter data_width=8,order=4) (y,in,clk,reset_n); wire [data_width-1:0]coeff[0:order-1]; output reg signed [2*data_width-1:0]y; input clk,reset_n; input signed[data_width-1:0]in; integer i; wire [15:0] product1,product2,product3,product4,product5,product6,product7,product8; wire...

Q: Simple Caesar cipher cryptanalysis in Ruby

JRTNI really like Ruby and want to get better at it. Any input is appreciated. Description This program prompts the user for a string which is ciphertext resulting from a Caesar cipher given (English) plaintext and a key on the range [0, 25]. The program then uses a table of character frequencies o...

Q: rspec - testing the integration of complicated system

jtmarmonI'm trying to write tests for a recurring billing system. I want these tests to show that the functionality of the system works when put together - I have lots of unit tests, but I wanna make sure that when I create a payment request, approve it, and run the payment on the right day, it all works...

Thank you Captain...
EG: 3D printing guns
Umm, I don't think I want something exactly that drastic.
More like foreseeable problems in the development stage of a project.
oh, lol
Scaling issues
The overall powerpoint is about de Havilland's Comet and how it didn't work out.
This last bit is sort-of covering how we learned from the issues, and did we really need to make the mistake(s) in the first place.
Some problems are foreseeable
    Physical modeling shows us issues
Many discovered through failures
    False assumptions proven wrong
How does that look (other than like a poem)?
grammatically strange
It is a bullet list with limited space :(
is (dynamic) cast with a direct invoke less expensive than a reflection Invoke()?
Absolutely no idea. Why don't you profile it?
Or maybe check the MSIL in LinqPad?
Q: Variable not initialized JAVA

edpietrzakGood evening. First time posting here. I am taking a beginner java class and I am trying to write some if statements. I think I have a simple one but I am getting a error while compiling that "error: variable temp might not have been initialized + temp);" Here is wha...

@dasblinkenlight I'm iterating (at least) hundreds of instances (depends on the data) of that type, so yeah pretty much. And profiling it is really like finding a needle in a haystack. — Mat's Mug 11 secs ago
@CaptainObvious another one bites the dust
Q: Javascript program to find grade of three tests

RyanI have been trying to learn Javascript, and I am currently working on a program that reads in three test scores and returns either an "A", "B", "C", ect. I am able to find the total of the test scores, but I am unable to calculate what the grade should be. I am just completely stumped, so I figur...

A: Stack Exchange User Activity Score

QuillTOP 1 When selecting values that correspond to Unique fields referenced by constants (OwnerUserId), you're only really selecting one field, meaning this is redundant. UVN Unexplained Variable Names Don't use names like Q and A, they're confusing at best and unreadable at worst. DECLARE @Q...

@CaptainObvious off-topic
> Yo dawg, heard you like SELECTs
lol ^^
Q: Java Adding Two Linked Lists

imthebiGoal: Given two numbers represented by two lists, write a function that returns sum list. The sum list is list representation of addition of two input numbers. static Node addListsIterative(Node list1, Node list2) { Node temp; Node runner = null; Node resultList = null; int sum, ...

I voted this question down because why would any code review be concerned for a left side assignment if the right side is correct? The value of INDEX changes on every iteration most definitely. The question "This value never changes later" is ambiguous. Later than what? The next iteration? or the current iteration? — John Peters 41 secs ago
Q: Python program to email you exchange rates that you are tracking and stats on them

Jamal MoirThis is a program I made as I am currently living in Japan with a British bank account, so exchange rates matter to me. On the first time run, you run the script with two arguments (two currencies) and it will track those currencies. You can add as many exchange rate trackers as you like. It e...

Oh hey, @Phrancis if you're still awake, this question could use some love:
Q: Stack Exchange User Activity Score

DowngoatAbout This is a SEDE query which will calculate your activity and participation on a site. It's geared for Programming Puzzles & Code Golf where questions are values more, but the values can be modified to fit general Q&A SE sites too. Try it online! So I did what all programmers do and I lo...

are carrots a thing here?
carrots or carets?
@Quill carrots
Q: Which has better performance HTML in PHP or PHP in HTML

Sandeep BiradarBelow are 2 different approaches to create table using HTML and PHP. In these two approaches which one is better for performance as i have to print a table of more than 10,000 columns very quickly. Is it HTML in PHP or PHP in HTML. I Am just concerned about Performance aspect(which is fast in bo...

@CaptainObvious nope
A: Find the 2 distinct highest values in an array

user98747Anyone please tell me the java program the below questions. can you please help me. Implement the following function public static int sumOfTwoLargestElements(int[] a) { /* Please implement this method to return the sum of the two largest integer numbers in a given array. */ }

Q: Request for java code

prithiya Implement the following function public static int getClosestToZero(int[] a) { /* Please implement this method to return the integer number in a given array that is closest to zero. If there are two equally closest to zero elements like 2 and -2 consider the positive element, i.e. 2, to ...

Q: Any potential problems with this vector usage

SteveIrwinI have the following class which is used for operations on a vector.The vector stores the following struct which has 3 enums and 1 boolean struct Info { InfoEnum info_name; InfoIdEnum info_id; InfoStatesEnum info_state; bool info_discovered = false; }; The operations on the vec...

Q: Look back during iterating array

jtimzI'd like to know if there is an idiomatic way of doing the following in rust: let's say for example that you have an array (or string) to parse that you want to examine each element sequentially (perfect case for Iterator/Consumers that Rust offers). The problem arises when I have to access alrea...

If this is working code that you want suggestions for improvement, then perhaps you should post it at codereview.stackexchange.com and follow their posting rules. — jfriend00 40 secs ago
@CaptainObvious I still have no idea what this code is about.
Info represents an object.Objects communicate with each other .Some objects are unique(in which case they don't have an Id) and others are not so they have a id associated with them. InfoIdEnum basically is {one,two,three,four}. When objects send each other a message, the info discovered becomes true.Also some objects send others information when their state changes. Not all objects talk to each other. — SteveIrwin 1 min ago
Q: How to lose plants and aggravate people

LegatoCourtesy of a few posts around here I've discovered HackerRank. Poisonous Plants is one of their challenges. Of course, skip the following if you'd like to try it yourself. Challenge: There are N plants in a garden. Each of these plants has been added with some amount of pesticide. Afte...

I think your question might be better suited to CodeReview codereview.stackexchange.comNoel Segura 26 secs ago
@NoelSegura is there any way I can migrate with my post to Code Review? — Saaqib Mahmuud 36 secs ago
How do you mean "error-free" enough? We require code to be working in all expected cases for it to be on-topic at Code Review. — Dan Pantry 5 secs ago
How do you mean "error-free" enough? We require code to be working in all expected cases for it to be on-topic at Code Review. — Dan Pantry 10 secs ago
..oh, right, yeah, @Duga exists
Potentially incoming off-topic question incoming. :S
Q: A piece of Python code to compute a frequency table of a list of values

Saaqib MahmuudI have written a Python 2.5.4 function which accepts as input a list of numbers alongwith the desired number of classes and yields a frequency distribution (i.e. a histogram) of the same data. While setting class boundaries, I've attempted to increase the accuracy (i.e. number of digits after t...

monking @all
did someone ping you o mighty @JNat? ^^
What's actually better : BCryptPasswordEncoder or MD5?
nice edits @Jamal, thanks!
@chillworld Dunno, just got up
aah I get it, you just want to be in the best chat of StackExchange network ;)
possible answer invalidation by Fnord on question by Fnord: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/121138/revisions
What do you mean by "improve it"? Does it work now? Do you want a code review? — Joachim Pileborg 20 secs ago
Monking all.
Monking all.
Hello @janos, how is it going?
Hey, pretty super, as I just received the SWAG :)
you guys all make me jealous with your swag
@Quill There are a lot of sites that crawl SO and repost/aggregate content.
Doesn't appear to work for me because I have a space in my name
wait, they claim it was originally posted by their site
that's a false copyright claim
time for meta
Also, bronze tag badge for performance GET
> This post was originally published on this site
Yeah, just go and report it
Q: A site (or scraper) is copying content from Stack Exchange. What do I do?

PopsSince day one of Stack Overflow, all content posted on Stack Exchange sites by their users (i.e. you wonderful people) has been provided to the whole universe under the CC-BY-SA license. For my fellow non-lawyers, that license basically means: Anyone can use any Stack Exchange posts at any time...

@Quill @Pimgd it has links to the original author's SO, so maybe a grey area
but feels sketchy
There is no grey area.
Here's a standard copyright violation letter provided by Wikipedia from @Pimgd's post
The claim "originally published on this site" -> links to OWN site
is invalid.
If you say "here's work done by this person, who is not me, but I did their work first"
and that's not true
then copyright violation.
via plagiarism
To be honest I thought it wouldn't be so stupid as to link to its own site instead of SO
so I overlooked that link
"Are you the owner of the copyrighted work?"
Yes, in some cases
Please use SO for asking about programming problems. This is a code review problem where you ask for potential problems. — bolav 1 min ago
@Duga That's... potentially confusing wording
@Quill "paste the search terms that lead you to the other site here"
how did you find it
I just said letmeask.co
but I found it by some code that I posted
you just typed in the url?
well, I searched for some code that I posted in a CR question, try doing the same for some cr code you posted
I'll just put blank and explain you linked me
It is, sadly, still accurate. It looks like someone started to contribute the fix, but it was stalled. Perhaps you could respond to the code review and get it integrated? twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/5573Glyph 55 secs ago
disclaimer: only works in some (non-Windows) consoles :p

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