I am currently working on a project in Java, and I use JavaFX for the GUI of the System. Currently, I am in the designing phase of the system, where I am designing the look of the system as well as setting up the basic functionality like navigation. I would highly appreciate it if someone can rev...
Personally, I'd post questions about what the best way to occupy their planet would be on their version of the internet, and let some sort of mutual-agreement system decide what would be a good way to take over their planet with minimum fuss. Wait a minute... — BrianDHallyesterday
Simon's Guide for posting a good question
There are a lot of questions that appear on Code Review, and all questions are fighting for reviewer attention. This is a non-exhaustive list of items that I am looking for in a Code Review question when determining whether or not I should review it and ...
Also, @HassanAlthaf, instead of continuously mentioning your question in chat, try putting a bounty on it.
This may be a good question for Code Review, so long as: (A)the code works, and (B)it's not hypothetical or incomplete in any way. Please read the on-topic guide before posting, if you choose to go to Code Review. If you have any questions or concerns, join us at our CR Help Desk. — Quill41 secs ago
Originally, this script stemmed from a small script that watched stars and who made them, but a few days after launching, SE patched it so the people behind the stars aren't sent.
Regardless, BigBrother, named after the character from 1984, had other functions, like monitoring obscene or unsight...
This is a follow-up of this question regarding MVC application architecture fit for automatic testing.
I have rewritten DI code based on the answer provided there and also created some tests to see if I can properly benefit from the newly refactored code. I will repeat here the application stru...
The compiler isn't at fault here, and @Gustavo6046 you've been told several times: this chat room is not a help desk. You've posted your code on another site and the only difference between the last time you got kicked and now is that the code you have posted has been put on DreamInCode instead of SO.
If you feel that you aren't ready to answer questions on SO you probably aren't ready to ask them here, either.
You continuously ask others for help, but let me be honest with you: The only one who can help you is yourself. You need to seriously learn new tools and change your behavior.
Several keyboards have a Alt Gr key. On my Swedish keyboard layout, to enter the [ character I have to press Alt Gr + 8 (or Ctrl + Alt + 8).
If I were to input this character twice in a JavaFX TextField, where the application also has a MenuBar, the menu bar keeps the focus instead of the text f...
@HassanAlthaf Did you even read my guide for posting a good question ? It contains at least one thing I can think of from the top of my head on how to improve your question.
@HassanAlthaf you can include a link to the git repo, but you shouldn't expect users to actually view it. Your question should be entirely self contained.
@HassanAlthaf Did you even read my guide for posting a good question ? It contains at least one thing I can think of from the top of my head on how to improve your question.
@Gustavo6046 Only look for questions with technologies that you are good with. I really like array based algorithms, in PHP.
@Gustavo6046 Another trick in SO is to give an improved answer to existing ones. That works the best. You just provide a better version of an existing solution.
I am currently working on a project in Java, and I use JavaFX for the GUI of the System. Currently, I am in the designing phase of the system, where I am designing the look of the system as well as setting up the basic functionality like navigation. I would highly appreciate it if someone can rev...
@SimonForsbergMcFeely How about deleting that question, and since the file I need reviewing is the same as that question, to include in the new question?
@HassanAlthaf @Gustavo6046 Some of the users here are have a problem with your style. Here on The 2nd Monitor, we have a rule about not interrupting conversations with questions and whatnot, however something along the lines of Can I have a minute, when you guys are done, to discuss a question in the making? is fine.
We understand that you guys wanna chat about things and stuff and whatnot, that's what we have The Nth Monitor for, please use it if you want to chat okay?
We don't want to have to make any rash decisions or downvote you guys' stuff, so please honestly listen to what we have to say, we've been here for years, we ought to know the site :-)
@HassanAlthaf @Gustavo6046 if you want to chat, I and some other people are usually available on The Nth Monitor, but please avoid sending lots of messages in here if they're not related to the overall discussion that is going on
I am developing an ERP system, called 'TeleMart' as a practice at Campus. I have noticed that one of my JavaFX Controller's have become quite complex and large, and most importantly, quite confusing. I have to write really large variable names for page elements, etc. Although I have a quite large...
@Quill Is this hypothetical code? It looks like complete code, with some brief analysis including a couple of small hypothetical changes in order to explain it. But the code (everything before to "The main problem") looks like real code that can be reviewed. — Ben Aaronson4 hours ago
@Mast What is and what is not hypothetical code is a gray line on this site. From a moderator point of view, it's impossible to hammer this question either way. — Simon Forsberg McFeely ♦23 secs ago
I think the "hypothetical" part might be some example, not the underlying builder pattern itself.
Can someone please confirm that the edit I just made is okay? I know that you generally aren't supposed to update code in the question but I've been told that it's allowed so long as you haven't had any answers yet.
I have recently started learning PowerShell, and have found it to be a lot of fun!
My question is about code efficiency. I recently had to write a script which had the following criteria:
It had to pull all enabled user objects from active directory
It had to pull specific properties about ea...
If the code is working and you want to optimize/refactor it, you should ask question on Code Review instead of main SO site. These type of questions are off-topic on SO. — Tushar49 secs ago
This would get closed as hypothetical code on Code Review, unless the /...code... parts were replaced with the actual, real working code. CR has their rules, too. — Mat's Mug34 secs ago
I'm starting to wonder if @SimonForsbergMcFeely is going to revert his name back to SimonForsberg
Hey @Zak did you see the latest vbasql-server question? I put Rubberduck 2.0 inspections to good use there, and IMO there's still a bunch of things left to say