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Q: Health Bar is always 100% full

ClaudioAI have this GUI to graphically display a variable similar to the health in a game. The variable 'test' goes up and down during gameplay. To show this I have the following onGUI (): public GUISkin btnskin1; public Texture2D emptyTex; public Texture2D fullTex; public Vector2 pos = new Vector2(20,...

@CaptainObvious VTC broken
monking @DanPantry
random question.. is there a way to debug code in the immediate pane for chrome dev-tools?
immediate pane?
@Vogel612 Is that the "Console" Window?
yea that one...
I don't think I can make wolframalpha accept the madness I just thought out
uh yeah
head to the sources tab
and click on the left of the line in question
there ain't no such thing as sources when pasting a nested for-loop to console, or is there?
oh no @Vogel612, you can't debug code like that
actually I think you can
then I may need to make wolfram-alpha accept some crazy stuff..
in the console, if you make the code log it will have a thing on the right
@SamSwift웃 please have some patient
oh never mind console calls are unique
uh, try injecting the script if you really want to debug
or using an userscript
the easy way to navigate to the code space is to make it console.log because the console will provide a stack location
Q: Can't close python threads correctly

rainingBloodI have a problem with threads: i have a omegle python bot that start a thread each time it connects to a stranger, but once it dosconnect it generate 2 new threads. Beside that, my code probabily have some bad pratices that needs to be fixed (global variables for example), but i can't figure ou...

basically I need to calculate a sum of products...
> i have a omegle python bot
Bugger, there's a show stopping bug that's come up in production 2 work days before we deploy to a new country. :(
var products = [ /* prices */ ];
var sum = 0;
products.forEach(function(price){sum += price});
@Quill ouch
@Quill no, not that kind of products...
@DanPantry the real question is: are you assigned to it
Just saw my Finance Director looking something up on Stack Overflow. Evidently, I'm making some kind of headway here ^^
const products = [ /*prices */];
const sum = products.reduce((previous, next) => previous + next)
a good old-fashioned product as in calculus
oh, that kind of product
@Quill yes
also we're talking chrome console @DanPantry take your ESMagic6 elsewhere
@DanPantry Ouch.
@Quill Chrome console supports it.
@Quill that's just a measly lambda, deal with it :D
@DanPantry Best of luck with that one.
still 11.51 is either significantly too little or significantly too much...
it should either be 31.some or 0.31some
@RMunroe 20 minutes too slow
Chrome supports the arrow syntax, or at least my version does
> You can also try running the 3DMark Firestrike benchmark, which is available as a free demo on Steam. If you score over 9000 then you should be basically CV1 ready. (And no thats not a joke, just an awesome coincidence thats just too good to pass up.)
Every version of Chrome since Chrome 45 does :D
@DanPantry Looks cool
@skiwi I was responding to Quill who said arrow syntax woulnd't work in chrome console ^^
it's probably just that I'm misinformed @DanPantry
as usual
> [1, 2, 3, 4].reduce((prev, next) => prev + next)
That's my Firefox
You can search for features here, @Quill. Hint: there's a reason why it is called ES2015.
a lot of features are supported in the browser these days
Well it's 2016, I thought they would've scrapped it already
So... using arrow syntax might be possible in real aplications if I just tell everyoen to upgrade? :D
@skiwi don't do iitttt man
lots of browsers dont support it
@skiwi Or if you're okay with half of the world not being able to use your app.
Firefox, Edge and Chrome all do
It's just unfortunately mobile browsers lagging behind
They literally only issued Order 66 for IE8~10 yesterday
and IE11 and IE10 which hold not-insignificant amoutns of market share
@DanPantry Aw, that's a bummer :P
@Quill the problem is still gonna show up until IE11 is given a coup de gracé, because IE11 doesn't support it either
Do you have a link to the end-of-life announcement? I should circulate it internally
pinned in the JS room
Because one of the requirements for the app I'm working on is IE9 support... :-)
@skiwi but what you can do is link a compiler to your build stage so you have ES5 compliant code for production and ES6 behind the scenes
hmm that seems more reasonable...
@Quill Yeah, but for simple stuff I think that's an annoying task
@skiwi Yeah, mostly people use it with large amounts of code or node servers
@skiwi I use it for nearly every project I do :-)
I mean if it's a very basic script like modifying-a-button basic I'll use ES5
anything more complex than that and I'll use ES6
because "basic" projects usually end up being anything but basic
the sooner you start using the new syntax the better equipped you are for when it's the standard everywhere
@Quill (which won't be for at least another 18 months, to be clear)
Also browsers still don't support all of the features
Well, right now I code my userscript stuff in Notepad++, save it, reinstall it in my browser and can test again, I don't see how I can easily change that
V8, for example, still doesn't support ES6 modules or the destructuring assignment
doesn't node run on V8?
Unless maybe I run a watcher and let it compile stuff to a different directory and install from there?
@Quill it does. I believe destructuring is avaliable behind a flag, but I might be wrong.
ES6 modules definitely aren't. Babel compiles them down into require calls.
@skiwi That's what I would do
I'm not sure if there's that much to gain from ES6 though in this case
@skiwi arrow functions, obviously. /s
I'm not even sure how es6 modules are meant to be loaded.
Is there any way to "enjoy" coding stuff that requires no brainpower and is not interesting at all, but needed for interesting tasks?
@skiwi So, is there a way to enjoy boilerplate code?
No. that's why it's called boilerplate code
sure there is, be absolutely piss drunk and try to make it work
> sure there is, be absolutely piss drunk Australian and try to make it work
@DanPantry Not exactly, but it's stupid domain classes I need to make for everything
I know I need them, but it's just a load of work
@Quill (I also can't find the simpsons video, but I think you know the scene I mean. The one in australia where Marge asks for cawfi)
Talking about things like... github.com/skiwi2/OGNext/commit/… this
@skiwi So, boilerplate :p
@DanPantry yes that's actually a part of the australian curriculum
Part of "Australian Identity", I'm not even kidding
@skiwi I'd say get an IDE to generate it for you, but, groovy.. :\
I guess you could say groovy ain't so groovy
you'll summon the wrath of @Phrancis talking like that
He'll de-RO me. :(
Well, I'm not so sure how it should be generated, I know it follows a pattern though
That wouldn't be very Groovy.
Do I really want to code something that generates it though? :P
@skiwi I don't know. It's the sort of thing I do to kill time
Though the code I end up writing to save time on writing boilerplate usually takes longer to write than just writing the boilerplate, lol
That's the point where you start creating a program to create the program you're creating
But I feel smart after writing it and that's what matters.
I literally spent all day writing helpers to kill time
fun times, that kinda stuff
I think that sort of code is the sign of a true, level 100 procrastinator.
Greetings, Programs.
Someone who writes code to procrastinate writing code.
@Donald.McLean hello
@Donald.McLean Greetings. How goes your holidays?
@DanPantry lol nice one
'Automating' comes from the roots 'auto-' meaning 'self-', and 'mating', meaning 'screwing'.
@Quill Effectively over at this point. Waiting for the sale of our house to wrap up.
Even more fun is when you think you have all the boilerplate planned out, and then there's a little voice in your head that tells you what's all missing and what doesn't make sense
@Donald.McLean Do you mind if I ask you some questions (at some point) about buying a house? Not right now. It's just something that's on my radar in the next 18 months.
@DanPantry you're situated in England IIRC?
@DanPantry What kind of questions? Anything Finance-Related I can probably offer advice on.
@Vogel612 Wales, yes. I'm talking more about general experiences than country-based law.
that was where I was getting at :D
Rule #1 of the internet: never ask for legal advice on the internet
@DanPantry Sure. We're working on our third house at this point.
enough coffee and this stuff sounds great
I posted on an old colleague's linkedin and got a metric crap-tonne of invites and such from recruiters...
It feels like I've just been honeypotted
I don't drink coffee.
@Donald.McLean I absorb caffeine via osmosis. :-)
@DanPantry Doesn't everyone?
@Zak Well, I mean, biologically speaking, yes
Ice skating marathon canceled because of ice
Our news... Ladies and gentleman ^^
@skiwi lol
I drink tea. I used to drink Mountain Dew more regularly, but I've been trying to cut down on my sugar.
I drink enough so that my C# incompetence doesn't matter in a C# job
@Donald.McLean Tea is good, English Breakfast is a nice way to start the day
Coffee anyone?
There's a SE for everything, isn't there?
pretty much, yea
@Vogel612 I was about to ask how is that a site, then realised it doesn't even make the top-10 of silly SE sites.
@Vogel612 exactly how long do they expect that SE to go on before all of the coffee questions have been asked?
surely there are only so many questions about coffee
oh you'd be surprised
@DanPantry a lot of sites have that kind of thing
@Quill I have 11 different varieties in my current stock. None of them are English Breakfast. My wife discourages me from adding any new varieties because of space constraints.
PPCG is getting there for example
Q: What is the science (if any) behind bulletproof coffee?

MetaFightOver the past few years I've been slowly starting to dabble in the caffeinated arts. I'm far from being knowledgeable, but I'm definitely very curious about this favourite beverage of mine. So, I occasionally read up on it. Not long ago I discovered something called Bulletproof Coffee. It see...

I mean, either that's a misleading title or I'm drinking liquid kevlar.
I don't know whether I'm relieved or disappointed.
Unrelated, is there any purchasable SO swag?
or better yet, CR swag
@Donald.McLean We have a really good Tea store franchise in Australia (that I'd assume is international, actually), their big stores stock like 200 blends
@DanPantry No.
@DanPantry liquid kevlar sounds like a totally great idea :D Also reminds me of a scene in Artemis Fowl
There used to be a shop.stackoverflow.com
@Vogel612 I haven't read those books in ages..... What was the one where his bodyguard mother dies?
back in the olden days
but they stopped it
@Vogel612 I love that series :-)
@Quill I mostly buy Republic of Tea. It's an upscale natural/organic brand.
I've been into the I am Number Four series lately
it was The something connection.. I think..
@DanPantry no clue, but the one where the bodyguard almost dies has the bodyguard become fused with his kevlar armor
@DanPantry wikipedia?
atlantis, IIRC
atlantis complex
@DanPantry Not unless you count the CR-Branded Tesla ^^
@DanPantry With Graduation comes swag to the top few pages of users (rep wise)
There's a meta on it
@Quill In 6-8 weeks, of course.
if you want SO swag though, you gotta watch out for the competitions and things they do on MSE / MSO
Is there also a dedicated site for meta discussions, and then have meta discussions about those meta discussions?
Might have been this one.
@skiwi MSE?
@DanPantry since his mother is apparently alive in the second but last book, you must be talking about the last one...
The Last Guardian that is.
@skiwi You Mean Meta-Meta? AKA Meta.Se?
@Vogel612 I read the blurb of the wikipedia article I linked, it's definitely that one
Either that or I'm getting them all blurred together in my head
Whatever. Still haven't gotten the #SOReadyToHelp swag... — RubberDuck Dec 19 '15 at 0:45
@Zak Yes
I don't recall who said it (Probably Pops) but the consensus seemed to be that graduation swag for all sites is low-priority until the site-design backlog is cleared.
@Zak Additionally the global swag that still has to be shipped
oh yea that stuff :D
@Zak Let's make our own swag.
also an interesting meta:
Q: How do we actually use tags?

CreationEdgeI wanted to get some help of others that may be able to leverage SEDE in ways that I can't. I would like to see some analysis or statistics regarding how we actually, currently, are using tags. When we're having discussions about tagging policies, I think it'd be beneficial to have some clear...

@Quill I would buy this
If it didn't have Courier as a font anyway
Simon's Guide for posting a good question (feedback and discussion wanted)
A: Checklist for how to write a good Code Review question

Simon Forsberg McFeelySimon's Guide for posting a good question There are a lot of questions that appear on Code Review, and all questions are fighting for reviewer attention. This is a non-exhaustive list of items that I am looking for in a Code Review question when determining whether or not I should review it. If...

Feedback appreciated. Do you agree/disagree?
I will start to refer to that post when I down-vote questions.
I would mention post titles as well
@SimonForsbergMcFeely +1. Might be worth putting it in the common responses meta?
@DanPantry I might do that once I start using it :)
@Quill I feel that sometimes we state that thing about post titles a bit too much, but I will see if I can fit that in there somehow.
If the question lives up to that "guide" but lacks a "good" title, I will however upvote it anyway.
The question body is more important than the title.
One of the best written books on software development around. Despite the focus on Java, most of it is generally applicable and as relevant to functional languages as OO ones. — itsbruce 1 min ago
Alright i got that output in netbeans, must be ideone not printing blank characters. Ill post an answer soon with critiques. In the future i would suggest posting your code to CodeReview as this is a better place to ask for code critiques. — Eric G 58 secs ago
@SimonForsbergMcFeely pretty much that, it's not a decider, but it can help out I guess
worth a mention if you have space
Now I got use for it ^^
@SimonForsbergMcFeely Especially given the number of "pun"/fun titles we've had recently
Yeah, I tend to upvote questions with good titles and meh code more than meh code and meh/shit titles
I don't care that much about the code when I upvote or downvote. The description is more important than the code for me.
Example inputs with corresponding outputs. Constraints. Seen so many ambiguous questions where that extra information would have saved everybody much time.
So when I see that present, I'd vote the question up twice if I could.
@itsbruce Obviously, the solution here is to upvote the question, remove the upvote then upvote it again ;-)
@SimonForsbergMcFeely it would be better to link to a help center page or FAQ -- something distilled by the community. Otherwise your comment may seem "just your opinion"
@janos Well, he does preface the link with "I do not consider" rather than "The community does not consider".
IMO, whether I upvote or not is largely down to how much effort the OP has put into helping people understand their code.
When worded like that, I think it's okay if it comes across as @SimonForsbergMcFeely's opinion.
also, I wouldn't greet new users with downvotes. I give downvote later if they ignore the constructive comments
@janos Well, it is my vote after all, is it not? I can't force other users to vote in the same way that I do.
The purpose of the downvote/upvotes aren't to appear 'nice' to users. They're to remove crap from the front page
(At least in my opinion)
@DanPantry It's so far been my opinion that removing crap from the front page has less utility than not-discouraging potential new CRitters. But hey, I have no quantifiable basis for that, just an opinion.
@SimonForsbergMcFeely you're a moderator, I think many users may interpret your words to represent the community
with great power comes responsibility
@janos Especially when you pin it on the starwall
@Zak That I'll agree with
@janos It's hard to tell how people react from a down-vote. I'll try to make it clear that I am hoping to upvote it later. (Thank God for
@Zak I was debating with myself whether or not I should pin it, but I wanted feedback on it and to start a discussion on it. With all the messages posted here in chat, I had a feeling it would just disappear if it wasn't pinned.
@skiwi People who make warnings pop up in an 'error' box.. ugh
such bad UX
@janos I'll make it clearer that it is my opinions.
@Quill I'm more offended by the big inline SQL hard-coded into the Groovy code :)
@SimonForsbergMcFeely I don't mind if you leave it. No biggie. I just thought I put my 5 cents in here ;-)
@skiwi Grails? Spent a while training inexperienced Java coders in Groovy/Grails. Was depressed by how few of them got it.
@itsbruce Do you understand how it works?
Welcome to Code Review. Unfortunately I am at this moment down-voting this question because I personally do not consider it a good question.. With a few changes to your question, you can make it much more clearer and more interesting for reviewers. I am hoping to give you an upvote soon. — Simon Forsberg McFeely ♦ 27 secs ago
Groovy, certainly. I was impressed by how Grails used groovy builders to hide the horror of Spring configuration/complexity.
That better, @janos?
@SimonForsbergMcFeely Oh yeah, you mods can edit old comments at will ^^
@itsbruce Grails is not really the easiest among frameworks... even I was frustrated when getting started with it.
@Zak we can, but this time I removed the old one and posted a new one.
@itsbruce I understand Groovy too, Grails is a bit of a different story though
Gradle is the thing I just can't understand
entirely relevant and entirely hilarious
Q: Remove specified number of characters from a string

ivanFrom an exercised in Kochan's Programming in C, following a chapter on C's null-terminated strings: Write a function called removeString to remove a specified number of characters from a character string. The function should take three arguments: the source string, the starting index numb...

I liked Gorm
Gorm for easy stuff is nice, it gets a bit complicated for complicated stuff though
Same goes for Grails all over
Yep ^^
Is Winterbash over now? Just noticed there are no hats around.
@SimonForsbergMcFeely yes. Your dashing train conductor outfit is no more
And I think Groovy missed its chance as a serious contender. Play/akka (with or without Scala) and the like are much more serious tools than Grails. And Groovy has lost out to Scala.
@DanPantry That was a postman's uniform, not a train conductor.
I've never tried Scala myself, not sure if Groovy has lost out
@SimonForsbergMcFeely The worst thing is that I actually thought it was a postman's uniform but for some reason second guessed myself and said it was a train conductors. :\
It's hard to decide what framework to pick for my next project, Grails has a lot of quirks, but I do know a lot of them already and can work around those
@SimonForsbergMcFeely Yeah, the wrap up blog post should be out in a few hours; Pops needs a blog admin to make it live
David Newell (born November 24, 1938) is an American television actor known primarily for his portrayal of Mr. McFeely, the delivery man on Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, and works in the public relations department of the Fred Rogers Company (the entity responsible for all rights relating to the program, and other series currently in production from the company). His character's most famous catchphrase was "Speedy Delivery!" This was Newell's major role, but not his only one, as he appeared in small film and TV parts throughout the years. He tours the country to this day, promoting Mister Rogers...
@skiwi It's lost mindshare. I don't see much Groovy work outside of Grails and Gradle.
It's also lost serious financial backing and I don't rate the core dev team.
@itsbruce The Magnolia CMS has support for Groovy scripts. And there are still plenty of DSL's being made in Groovy.
Interestingly I dedicated to take Grails as I was seriously doubting Groovy backing at some point, but because Android uses Gradle now, which uses Groovy, so I think Groovy will not fall anytime soon
@skiwi it's kinda unstable though... gradle I mean
and the docs take some time of getting used to.
then again there is docs, soo :D
@skiwi I don't think it's going to go away. I think it missed a chance and growth slowed.
Ah right, I think I can agree with that
Groovy performance has improved a lot with Java7 and with static compilation. which also helps Grails performance some.
@Quill I never knew there was a commentated version.
I haven't tested Grails performance on big scale yet... Though some day I will...
But you have to be careful with your code to see the real benefits of that. Particularly wrt closures. Groovy closures are dynamically scoped (boo) which was a hack to make it easier to write builders (which would otherwise have required extra language features). But that means idiomatic use of closures seriously undermines the potential benefits of static compilation.
And that's waaaay too much language nit-picking for this chat room. ;)
no site business is going on so you're fine. But if you're worried feel free to take it to another chat room, I can move the messages if you'd like
@itsbruce We can nitpick all we want here :D
Unless it's about JavaScript
@itsbruce Nitpicking and pedantics, we do that a lot here.
@skiwi Nope. We never bash JavaScript.
@Mast $ node
look ma, I'm bashing javascript
Good grief. I'm experiencing some of the worst UX I've ever seen. "Spend less than 5 minutes to sign up online and you can instantly check your balance, file claims and more." Yeah right. It's been close to an hour and I still don't have a user name, in fact I just now found the registration screen after reading a lengthy PDF with lots of small print.
@Phrancis Run.
I'm happy how javascript has become more and more accepted to talk about in this chat room.. 6 months ago we were forced to create a side room.. now people are starting to tolerate it
@Mast +1. That site doesn't sound very legit to me.
@DanPantry It has invaded our thinking.
The email links to the PDF (not the login/register page), the PDF has no links, I had to go to the vendor's page, find a small link at the top to register, and then, this:
Actually, no, I prefer this one: chat.stackexchange.com/…
@DanPantry Nice one
I don't trust the search though.
Q: calculate aggregate pythonic way

ArunI have the following data: File1 CL_1 a A B C D CL_1 b E CL_1 c C E CL_2 x A D CL_2 y B C File 2 CL1 A 1 CL1 B 1 CL1 C 2 CL1 D 2 CL1 E...

There's probably more, but the earlier versions of @Duga didnt' report who invalidated the question
@DanPantry It's my employer's health care spending account provider :(
@CaptainObvious That's not python.
According to search there are only 155 occurrences in this chat of fuck. Nobody believes that's true.
@Mast 156 now
@Zak @Mast search is still reporting 155.
@DanPantry Nope, that's Matlab.
Illuminati confirmed.
@DanPantry Caching.
@DanPantry #BlameCaching
I'm in there a good few times..
OMG this captcha is an animated gif WTF
> Enter the moving letters
seen in the box below
Trippy @Phrancis
Do the letters also move positions?
@Phrancis Easy, just move your monitor so the letters stand still. Makes it easier to read.
@skiwi No they only wiggle a bit. But, that would be fun
@Mast lol
Q: Nodejs Async get request

null05I made a small application that makes async calls to an api (local in this case). The target application will make a million of calls per day. With maxSockets set to 1 I had a time of 45 seconds. With maxSockets = 10, the execution time has dropped to 40 seconds. How can I make this code go fa...

Q: Yet another immutable string

MikeMBI know, there are a few implementations of immutable strings out there, but my focus seems to be a little different. My goal was to have a type that provided value semantics, but didn't incurring the cost of dynamic memory allocation when constructed from a string literal, which is already gua...

@CaptainObvious jesus christ
to put it into c# terms
what that guy is doing is creating loads of async tasks, and instead of waiting on all of the tasks to finish using Task.WaitAll, he's just incrementing a number each time one finishes and checking every second whether or not its finished
That sounds horrible
and lets ignore the sql injection errors
also the code looks horrible, formatting, I mean
Because it is
Mutter mutter standard libraries?
Q: Code Review — Top User Swag!

JNatIf your name is on the first two pages of this page you'll be hearing from me soon... but that's good news! this time We want to send you a little care package, as a token of our appreciation for being awesome and making this site the success it has become! Inside this little box, you'll find: A...

this woudl be a huge improvement already..
<sub><sub><sup><sub><sup><sub><sup><sub><sup><sub><sup><sub><sup><sub>this time</sub></sub></sup></sub></sup></sub></sup></sub></sup></sub></sup></sub></sup></sub>
@StackExchange ... 3k off

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