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You forced me to look it up...
But I doubt he is using such an efficient way of learning
jQuery should be renamed failQuery
monking @Mast
@Duga gone
May show up here eventually...
@ARedHerring Need help?
Q: PHP - How to properly handle CSRF

Heru-LuinI'm currently working on an implementation of a csrf protection. My question is : what is the best practice when we detect a CSRF ? Is it better to 404 the page, 403 (forbidden), 200 (OK) with an error message, something else ? My code is below. I'm not very proud of the preg_replace and ob_*...

@IsmaelMiguel no :P I'm not using failQuery
If you were, I could help
@CaptainObvious I can't handle this
@CaptainObvious damnit, @janos beat me to it
I didn't knew how to handle such mish-mash of .... something ....
@IsmaelMiguel initially it looked horribly off-topic, then I realised it was just in need of some serious editing
At first, I had no idea what the heck it was
Missing code
Broken code
Mangled code
No code
Unclear what asking
And now I have an idea
@CaptainObvious Gave it a try.
I challenge you to win that, without cheating!
so a contractorj ust finished his term at this company
we use VSO in house and we are all storing our code in TFS, obviously
turns out the contractor thought he was using his TFS but was actually just savign files
and didn't upload anything to TFS at all
for 2 months
team foundation server
TLDR he worked for us for 2 months and didnt check a single chaneg in
2 months of work thrown away
we have his laptop thankfully but holy crap
Click it
Q: count Nulls in a csv file

devi prasadf= open('C:/python27/Company_Data.csv', 'r+') import sys nonecount={} try: for line in f.readlines(): for none in f.read().split(): if none not in nonecount: nonecount[none] = 1 else: nonecount[none] += 1 except: e=sys.info()...

You win if you click it
this is as close as i got
oh, I thought that would invert all the neighbours as well, no?
pretty sure its not possible.
without cheating
It is
I've done it once
You should make it clear that clicking the final, single button will win the game
@Zak it won't
You have to invert all of the lights
It should
If there's a single button that's off, and every single other button is on, you should win
@IsmaelMiguel which is not intuitive
Lack of text, I would say
I will add printscreens at home
That doesn't make sense.
Why not?
The goal is to illuminate all the lights
But you are told that each light switch will invert all neighbours
intuition would tell you that if there is one switch left it will invert all the switched on neighbours so you don't finish the game
Textual bug
@ARedHerring this is what I assumed
@Zak That's a UX problem, not ours.
I could make it worst
I could remove that
@ARedHerring Sounds about right.
I was about to make a herring joke, but those have probably been done to death by now.
this is why I thought I hadn't won
@mast they really have.
@Mast no no, please keep carping on about it
klipper together now guys.
So, a RubberDuck and a Red Herring walk into a chat room.
Don't make me crabby, @Mast.
To be honest, it's a strange zoo we have here.
monkeys, chimps, rubber ducks and fish
Fish, ducks, couple of monkeys, one of them with an appetite for elephants...
We could use an orca.
Maybe a starfish :p
that's not tentacool, @Zak
thats tentacruel
(double puns for pokemon and fish)
Oh help, here come the pokemon jokes.
So instead of TS we'll now yell Staryu?
@Mast LOL
and if you feel like you deserve a star, Starmie
Beat me to it.
I always wondered if there was a joke in ZapDOS
Mod hammers will now be known as eRaticate
oh god, what have I done!
Q: count the words in a text file using python coding

devi prasad!/usr/bin/python file=open("C:/python27/python operators.txt","r+") wordcount={} for word in file.read().split(): if word not in wordcount: wordcount[word] = 1 else: wordcount[word] += 1 for k,v in wordcount.items(): print k, v

And how about we rename Duga Pik-a-chu :p
Somebody's going to ash you to stop.
Captain Obvious will turn into Slowpoke
Congratulations everyone, we now have a star wall full of pokemon puns
my starwall shows only 7 items
it should show arcaNINE
There's a poster in the background of my profile image
Somebody is running out of stars
@Mast Ha!
lol @Quill
The poster in the background of my image is the Sinnoh chart
I don't see any poster. I just see a wardrobe door.
@ARedHerring Left
oh yes. it's a white poster on a white wardrobe with high lighting xD
@ARedHerring that's just a white wall
Duc(k/t) tape
Greetings, Programs.
It's FRIDAY!!!!!!!!
Greetings, Donald
Oh really? I wouldn't have guessed, looking at the star wall.
Friday you say?
And for those of us here in the US, it's a long weekend.
@ARedHerring Failed.
No, not that stupid, useless crap.
Still failure.
@Donald.McLean What's on the 7th?
Labor Day
So you all get a day off, on Labor Day.
I voted to close this question. In my opinion it contains too much stub/example/hypothetical code to review. — Nikita Brizhak 14 mins ago
Any opinions on that question ?
// some operation
@Mast I'm not responsible for that. I just get the day off.
example code? off topic
@Heslacher Yea, I agree with him.
We ain't SO/Programmers, you can pull that stuff there not here.
So let us close it
1 more
its closed
Community POWERRR!
There's no O'Reilly book on Brainfuck yet...
An OutOfMemoryError will of course occur if you are writing a 500MB file! And to know whether your code got any errors, go to Code Review. — Sweeper 29 secs ago
@Duga No!
@Mast You could write one, then @Mast
@sweeper NO! CodeReview is not an error-checking service — Zak 22 secs ago
@Sweeper Don't you dare referring broken code to Code Review. It's off-topic there. — Mast 30 secs ago
@Duga what about me????
We are not a debugger. We review working code. Please do not suggest Code Review if you do not understand our requirements otherwise the OP will be left disappointed. — A Red Herring 39 secs ago
@Duga thank you
@ARedHerring Felt left out? ^^
yes :( @Mast
It doesn't take three people to fix a user's understanding
@Mast Why?! NOooooooo.
One message is enough
Don't all of you comment
I was there first, I claim the moral high ground here :)
Now you just spammed the valid question on SO
We all commented within 10 seconds
1 min ago, by Mast
deleted my comment
either @Zak or @Mast should delete theirs
I vote @Mast because @Zak was there first
nah, @mast's is a better comment
> Member for 47 days
"Go to code review"
oh, wait, I was thinking of @ARedHerring . Mine is totally better :)
@Zak @Mast's comment is more hostile, we're not about being hostile.
Why is someone suggesting a move after being a member for barely long enough to know SO's rules
Peaceful preaching
@Quill my thoughts exactly
@Quill I translated it to SO-style.
@Mast that's even worse!
(I havent' seent eh comment, I'm joking)
SO is worse.
(but I cant' see SO style being very good hahah)
@ARedHerring Nope, it isn't.
@Mast We're not SO, don't use 'SO'-style
@Quill They don't take subtle hints.
@Mast just because someoen doesn't understand a pat on the shoulder doesn't mean you should hit them in the head with a brick :P
You don't have to be subtle, but you don't have to be hostile either.
The guy who suggested the migrate is a new member - we don't want to give him a bad impression of CR.
We don't want to give anyone a bad impression of CR
@Quill no, that's true, but the new member will be the most impressionable.
(but Staryu for out of context quote)
@ARedHerring Not my intention. Just telling him not to ever do that again.
Ah well, it got burned. Someone must have flagged it.
Hmm, it didn't seem hostile enough to get burned
I wonder...
user image
Goes more ilke this
"We need better project management on our programmers. How do we do this?"
"More gantt charts!"
"'Agile' methodologies!"
"Hire a programmer in a senior position to oversee the other programmers!" is thrown out of the window
@ARedHerring That ^^
in all of my jobs not once has my direct superior been skilled at all in programming
Stop strangling the new guys with more paperwork.
@ARedHerring feel free
(I did not use that, I used Google)
Yuck, G**gle
I'll never understand how the logic to "better project management" is "gantt charts"
but gantt charts we had in my last place of employ
we had many, many gantt charts. and we were never on schedule for any of them lol
Gantt charts aren't wrong, too many charts is wrong.
gantt charts are not a bad idea, you're right
Drawing charts for the sake of drawing charts is wrong.
you know what's a bad idea? getting someone with no knowledge of programming to make a gantt chart about people who are programming
Guess what happens all around the world, exactly that.
"i have no idea how to make a car, but I bet this person who knows how to change an exhaust can design and make a new one in 30 days. and I won't even ask him if he can or can't do it "
hi @IsmaelMiguel
You misspelled "he"
I'm out getting groceries before I start ranting about managers ^^
@Mast "damn pears. almost as bad as my last manager"
I'm burning making a pizza!
aw, I'm all out of stars. I blame the pokéwall
@Zak theoretical starmie
Real Starmie Attack!
Q: Shorten Ruby Switch statement lines

snoopI have written a ruby script to generate an Attendance Spreadsheet. The below part of the code queries data and after few manipulation is saved in a nested hash. I had to implement switch case to categorize the data and my implementation seems non-ruby like i.e. not adhering to the ruby's Do...

Q: Circular array list in C

coderoddeNow I have this circular array-based list in C. Circularity allows pushing/popping to the both ends of the list in constant amortized time. Inserting/removing at random locations runs in linear time, yet I optimized it a little bit: Suppose we are inserting an element at arbitrary location. We ca...

being out of stars makes starring a Splash
@Zak uses Splash! nothing seems to happen....
that sounded a lot funnier in my head
I think you meant "Harden"
@ARedHerring ^^ Staryu
now, how can I work a "swift" pun in here
@ARedHerring please read other comments before flagging. This code is going to be used as it is, so it is production level code. Not something I came up as a hobby. — Yahya 1 min ago
//some operation? //some more operations? This is what drove myself (and four other people) to vote it as example code. — A Red Herring 1 min ago
can i get a 2nd opinion here
Yes: well done!
wow. I started a solution in visual studio and vs crashed
so I rebooted vs and i started it again
and it crashed again
POS bloatware
It's closed already...
@ARedHerring I had this with Excel earlier. had to restart the PC before it started behaving itself again
@nhgrif I know it's closed already. These comments were added after the close by OP to debate the close status
we have at least 2k in MSDN subscriptions for this software....
@Quill Good bye @ARedHerring. ;)
I managed to crash the version of paint I had four times making that
it's badly written?

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