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There are 1480 unanswered questions (94.4465% answered)
Q: Moves box in direction of touch, and has wraparound when reaching edge of screen

MCBPart of me thinks that it would be simpler to ditch Apple's move API and just updated position with a timer. I know that's what I did with a JS canvas snake game I built a while ago. But I'm also trying to learn the iOS API so unless that's clearly the best choice I'd prefer the most idiomatic wa...

Q: Vigenere's Cipher in C - Done as part of Edx CS50 Course

Adam 'Sacki' SackfieldI spent two days on this, not so much the math, rather char's and int's and converting to get the thing to work. So I was thinking I am just never going to master any of this. But now it is finished and I was impressed I did it in 46 lines of code, could any experts advice if this is good or coul...

@rolfl Your Lifehacks question is hot.
@Hosch250 It is
19-27 september I'm in Boston and a few days later I'm moving to Spain
That is: assuming I passed my exams last week
If I didn't, it's still unclear
but for the time being, I'm assuming I did
Ahhh. Feels good to review some code.
> Stop reinventing the wheel. Throw your code away.
Typography is actually fairly interesting.
At least, rendering them is.
I was watching a video about post script not too long ago.
I think there was a Ted talk on typography recently.
Who wants it? A few methods and delegates and you could easily shrink the code by 400%.
Q: Pattern-finding game

noob1992This is a game that is supposed to be based on strategy and guessing. The letters need to match in a ABCD fashion on each button on buttons[0] - buttons[3] ... and buttons[n] - buttons[n] in each square, kind of like a matrix, although there is no matrix math involved. This is how the game star...

It's yours
I'm not feeling up to writing a review right now
I don't think I have time atm. Not to do it proper.
@RubberDuck I starred that post
@EthanBierlein You're a fast reader :)
Q: `Expand_grid` where not all variables expand within each other

Remi.bI am trying to further the use of the function expand_grid so that the user can specify pairs (or triplets or more) of variables that won't "expand within each others elements". I haven't fully decided about how it is best to input the values but below is one solution I came up with. It is quite ...

A: Lights on: playing with buttons in Javascript

Ismael MiguelFor a beginner, it isn't bad. There are some rough points to fix, but nothing serious! Lets tackle by language: HTML: The first thing I've noticed is your doctype: <!DOCTYPE html5> That is an invalid doctype. Instead of html5, it should be just html, like this: <!DOCTYPE html> You have...

This one took me a long while to write!
lol... I just got actual spam mail from Nigeria.
Let me check mine
Did you just inherit the entire fortune of a Nigerian Prince?
No, there's apparently a diplomat who wants to give me 500,000,000,000 US dollars.
500 trillion dollars?
Zimbabue dollars, I assume
@Hosch250 uh-huh
Email them back and tell them to ship it to your PO box ;)
Or leave it under the garbage bin behind the corner store.
Anyone want to give me a little help?
Currently, I have 2995 of reputation
I am an upvote on a question away from 3k
Well, the site just went read-only, so none of us can.
Crap :/
Q: AngularJS - REST + Authentication service

Mati CiceroI have a REST web service that uses OAuth 2 for authenticating and authorizing requests. I have an endpoint, that when receiving the correct credentials, responds with an access token that will be used in consequent requests. This avoids persisting a session and using cookies, which is what we ...

We will be moving traffic over to New York shortly - expect a brief readonly period.
Read-only active, failover is underway.
Sites are online and writable again - we are in the process of bringing chat back online - ETA a few minutes.
Back online!? ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
@CaptainObvious that's the now-deleted-by-OP code dump question from 4 hours ago, this time with context. a bit wordy, but a very nice post.
Q: Java Code : Return Y integer with same bit sets as X & having | X - Y | minimum value

RsN_SpartanI happened to come across one question : Given integer 'x', write an algorithm that returns integer 'y' such that it has the same number of bits set as 'x' and is not equal to 'x' and the distance |x-y| is minimized. Example: x: 01 y: 10 Now I wrote some bit manipulation as follows and its wor...

@CaptainObvious Looks more like JAVA to me.
Is Zeroth a real word? Sounds pretty nonsensical to me
@Phrancis Real word.
Never heard of the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics?
That's a terrible word, who came up with that
The zeroth law of thermodynamics states that if two thermodynamic systems are each in thermal equilibrium with a third, then they are in thermal equilibrium with each other. Two systems are said to be in the relation of thermal equilibrium if they are linked by a wall permeable only to heat, and do not change over time. As a convenience of language, systems are sometimes also said to be in a relation of thermal equilibrium if they are not linked so as to be able to transfer heat to each other, but would not do so if they were connected by a wall permeable only to heat. Thermal equilibrium between...
It is a lovely word.
I just took the xkcd survey.
We have first, second, third, fourth, fifth, etc. Why not zeroth?
Q: Greasemonkey Fantasy Football Script

BijanI have the following Greasemonkey script that fetches some data from a Yahoo webpage and injects it into a webpage. It has the feature that it only fetches the data once per day instead of fetching it every single time the page is loaded. I think my displayresults funcrion is a little messy just...

We are aware of Peru users having issues accessing all Stack Exchange sites and are working on it.
Because zero is not a sensical ordinal position?
@StackExchange wot
Yes it is. Especially in programming.
Well, maybe as an abstract concept.
I have to talk about the zeroth element of an array so you know to do arr[0], right?
Otherwise, you would do arr[1].
Depends how pedantic we want to be about it :)
JK, but seriously, I like it.
@Phrancis I'm really pedantic.
To me, the first is whatever the first is... whether it's 0 or 1 or 999999999999 :)
My professor said I was an English major at heart because I was being pedantic about something in the book.
And I've got dishes to do, see you later.
@Phrancis I was Jamalized too!
I'm tempted to retitle with "A bit of logic"
@Phrancis Wait, is that an actual thing?
Or was that just some inspect element trickery?
@EthanBierlein Actual thing when I tried to save my edit :)
I propose a meta to demand that this specific message says "Awww... You've been Jamalized!"
ok then
Wow, there aren't very many people in here right now.
4 mins ago, by Mat's Mug
@BrockAdams: Please take a look at my final codeBijan 1 min ago
Quiet. Too quiet... Somewhere, someone is writing bad code. I can feel it.
There's a disturbance in the force.
=;)- Hey guys.
@RubberDuck using namespace std;
@RubberDuck that tweet to @CommitStrip earned us 2 new followers and 80-some clicks :)
Bah. I butchered an authorization schema today.
Lol. That's awesome Mug.
declare @SomeId int = 42 -- Use this query below! -------
------- select SomeId from ThisTable where Name = 'FooBar' ---------
user image
Me today ^^
The authorize attribute is nifty, but I'm pretty sure I butchered it.
Oh, I saw some guy at work using 'NULL' instead of NULL for inserts today. That should be fun to fix.
oh boy
You know what would be worse though, using 0 instead of NULL.
Sure, except you'd get an error for incompatible types (except MySQL, it'd probably silently convert 0 to '0' lol.)
I take it MySQL is the JavaScript of SQL?
MySQL is to databases what PHP is to server-side languages.
Damn this was timely.
"We all feel like phonies sometimes. We are all phonies. That's how we grow." http://www.hanselman.com/blog/ImAPhonyAreYou.aspx #impostorsyndrome by @shanselman
@Phrancis just old yeller him.
There are some things you just don't do.
> Well it was handed to me that way so that's how I've always done it.
^ Almost verbatim.
No. No. That is never an answer I'll accept.
@Phrancis no wonder PHP and MySQL are such friends!
@Mat'sMug You do know they're usually bundled together, right? ;)
yeah, and? You know, my new desktop came bundled with tons of crapware, ..that is no longer on the hard drive ;-)
I mean, there's gotta be a driver for SQL Server, no?
In other today events...
in Cardshifter TCG, 10 hours ago, by Phrancis
select * from sys.tables where name like '%vendor%'
-- (135 row(s) affected)
-- (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Ouch. Let me guess, they're all in the dbo schema?
@Mat'sMug Um, maybe? Might have to roll your own... then again, you could just use .NET and be done with it ;)
@RubberDuck You mean, in the same database/catalog, right? ;)
true. but in .net you can connect to a MySQL database.
I'm sure PHP can connect to SQL Server, might have to roll your own though
@Phrancis that made no sense
@RubberDuck Of course, they're all in DBO! But, Accounting schema has just about as many like that too.
You guys can remove your DV's now.
@Hosch250 I see JD is still in the business of gardening...
@Phrancis That was a question from over a year ago.
Oh, didn't notice the '14
His latest is from April 6th.
Q: Accidentally deleted my /bin folder?

user2874316I was screwing around in a root terminal, and I accidentally deleted my entire /bin folder. Is this dangerous? What should I do to fix this? root@laptop:/# ls -l / total 80 drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Oct 11 19:10 boot drwxr-xr-x 16 root root 3360 Oct 11 20:21 dev drwxr-xr-x 123 root root ...

If this is migrated to Code Review, the title must describe the purpose of the code in brief, and the post body should describe the purpose of the code in detail. It'd also be nice if you could include the contents of MeadowGiant.h. — Ethan Bierlein 32 secs ago
Q: School internet's firewall doesnt allow online games

JkguitarMy school network doesn't allow me to connect to online multiplayer games such as League of Legends and Guild Wars 2 probably because the firewall so my question is it there anyway to go around this limitation or is it possible to make just my computer an exception in the firewall from my computer?

A: School internet's firewall doesnt allow online games

ta.speot.is anyway to go around this limitation Wait for the schoolbell to ring and then go home. At home you can use your internet connection to play Guild Wars 2.

That answer deserves the checkmark.
> Rumor has it that once up on a time, children played something called "board games" with each other.
The second one though has some useful advice as well.
We've completed failover and tidying of all internal systems here. If you see any linering issues, please @ us so we can take a look.
@Hosch250 Back when I was in elementary school, even playing cards weren't allowed.
Not even during recess?
What about Chess?
My elementary school was really lax on games
They didn't care if people brought in a nintendo DS
Even if the person was playing it during class
@Hosch250 I don't remember entirely, but it was mostly favorable during lunch.
Whatever Sanfor may have stated, the question is not suitable for Code Review because there is no code to review here. — Martijn Pieters ♦ yesterday
Q: C++ Optional Implementation

JustinI haven't done much programming in C++, so I figured I'd try making an Optional class. I'm mainly concerned that I didn't follow good conventions or that I didn't use exceptions well. I know that there are no comments, but for now, let's ignore that. The idea is that my Optional class can be use...

Q: compare two List(T) via three or multiple properties using LINQ in C#

Saima SultanaI have a List(T) like this one: public class matrix { public string Row { get; set; } public string Column { get; set; } public int Value { get; set; } } In my main class, I have declared matrixList1 and matrixList2 simultaneously: List<matrix> matrixList1 = new List<matrix>(l...

Q: Is my solution to Project Euler #18 and #67 good?

PotatoSo I wrote my solution to Project Euler #18 and #67 in c++ (which i'm relatively new to), and was just wondering what everyone else thinks of it. It executes in 3-4ms and works flawlessly (even for triangles not given by the website). But I'm not a professional programmer or anything, so I wouldn...

This should be asked at Code Review — brettdj 58 secs ago
Q: Text-based RPG game in C++

Adyn_GThis is a text-based RPG game I've made in C++ and would love some review on it. I am a 100% complete newbie with maybe 2 weeks of C++ experience so I'd love some lessons on what I did wrong and how I can improve! I mainly just use a lot of switch statements and if statements. If there is anythi...

technically it would be better to post this to code review though as you haven't really flagged this for errors. — Daemedeor 28 secs ago
Just 11 more first posts to review before a badge.
What the interviewers are looking for is how "you" might solve the question. You give it a shot and see what you can come up with and the post those results over at codereview exchangeMadProgrammer 19 secs ago
@CaptainObvious Wow, what a lot of gotos!
Q: C++ Minimalistic Unit Testing Library

JustinI was looking for a unit testing library for C++, and I found many. Unfortunately, I decided I didn't want to use any of them. I decided to make my own. This is the result. I made heavy use of the preprocessor, and followed the convention of leading underscore to mean non-published. Everything i...

sounds like a job for code review — Dagon 52 secs ago
once you are done with it you can get good feedback from the folks at code review codereview.stackexchange.combendervader 26 secs ago
Q: How do I correctly pass the string "Null" (an employee's proper surname) to a SOAP web service from ActionScript 3?

billWe have an employee whose last name is Null. Our employee lookup application is killed when that last name is used as the search term (which happens to be quite often now). The error received (thanks Fiddler!) is: <soapenv:Fault> <faultcode>soapenv:Server.userException</faultcode> <fault...

lol ^^
Q: Deep Copying Unique Pointer Wrapper in C++

Matthew James BriggsWhen using the pimple idiom it is necessary to represent your "impl" as a forward declared pointer in the header file. This necessitates a lot of boilerplate code to implement the rule of five. Instead, I want to wrap std::unique_ptr with a template class "DeepPtr" which automatically deep copi...

hey @ARedHerring
what triggered your name change ?
@Heslacher A red herring has always been my online pseudonym (unless you count Neglected from the dark ages lol) - see twitch.tv/aredherring
However I mainly changed it because I posted something about my company and realized "well, my name is pretty unique" so
Q: forever.sh - should keep a process alive forever

cimnineThis script's only responsibility is to keep a process alive. Forever. It's sole dependencies shall be bash and coreutils. I'm not sure if it would be compatible with sh, that would be even better. #!/bin/bash # # (c) Netcetera AG # Author: Christian Mäder date="10.07.2015" version="1.0" # res...

Just thougth I know this image and figured it is you
codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/103733/… appears to be off-topic, but I'm going to review it anyway
Just noticed, I rep capped yesterday twice. Here and on sifi (my first and only answer) ;-)
> As you can see it's a very long code and it's even incomplete,
Congrats @Heslacher :-)
Monking @zak
hey @Zak
oh god
the code I'm reviewing puts all of the username/passwords in query string
If you have a working solution and are solliciting feedback on how to improve the code, you may be interested in codereview.stackexchange.com (be sure to read their FAQ though). — Jeroen 23 secs ago
that took like an hour.. lol
A: AngularJS - REST + Authentication service

A Red HerringAvoiding the fact this code appears to be off-topic (because you mention it's incomplete), I still think it would prompt an interesting review. I'm so pretty Let's first address some superficial concerns: You have an inconsistent use of semi-colons. Using semi-colons now is more or less a styl...

@Duga did that really need to be one giant hyperlink?
@Zak second one of those I've seen in 2 days now.
This does seem to be an on topic question for code review, however if you do post it there make sure to post all of the relevant code (no ellipses) otherwise we will close it as off-topic. — A Red Herring 18 secs ago
TIL, ellipses is the plural of ellipsis and is pronounced elip-sees
Not to be confused with ellipses, pronounced ellip-ses, which is the plural of ellipse
@ARedHerring If I could give that 10 upvotes I would
@Zak it's not that good of a review :P
@ARedHerring I'd give you 10 upvotes for the effort alone
Good first question. Show it some love
Q: Python: recursive search for combinations of words that have a specified MD5 hash

Charles HarrisThis code solves a challenge problem that a local company is hosting to attract/screen applicants. The link to the challenge is here: http://followthewhiterabbit.trustpilot.com/cs/step3.html. In brief, we are given a wordlist containing approximately 100,000 words and we are asked to find the com...

@Zak 3 edits already :P
> Don't mess with a knighted snake!
I like this @Flambino guy. @SirPYthon
these spotlights just make me want to work at SO more and more.
> Oh, and all the benefits are pretty cool too. I'm writing this from home, on my MacBook pro, with 2 Thunderbolt screens, on a stand-up desk. And I just had a nap.
especially the "And I just had a nap." bit
Q: Recursive search for combinations of words that have a specified MD5 hash

Charles HarrisThis code solves a challenge problem that a local company is hosting to attract/screen applicants. The link to the challenge is here. In brief, we are given a wordlist containing approximately 100,000 words and we are asked to find the combination of words which has MD5 hash 4624d200580677270a54...

@CaptainObvious slacking off?
@Remy XE8 up 1 uses NetWkstaGetInfo to get the version number. This appears to be just like NetServerGetInfo but for local workstation. The Delphi RTL code leaks though. As usual with new Emba RTL code it appears to have been written by inexperienced devs without proper code review. Not that it matters that much since it only gets called once, but all the same. One advantage of WMI is that it allows you to give product names for future versions. So, code written 10 years ago with WMI would still be able to report Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10. — David Heffernan 16 secs ago
I think that CaptainObvious now only reports every 15 minutes instead of 5
@IsmaelMiguel ahh
That's just a guess
Q: Kernel density algorithm julia

VincentI am trying to implement a kernel density estimation. However my code does not provide the answer it should. It is also written in julia but the code should be self explanatory. Here is the algorithm: \$ f(x) = \frac{1}{n*h} * \sum_{i = 1}^n K(\frac{x - X_i}{h}) \$ where \$ K(u) = 0.5*I(|u| <=...

Someone just put heavy metal on on the office radio
I have no music at all
@CaptainObvious Off-topic: broken code
So there are two bugs:

    The values are not properly scaled. Each number should be around one tenth of their current values. In fact, if the number of observation increases by 10^n n = 1, 2, ... then the cdf also increases by 10^n

For example:

> kernelDensity(rand(1000))
> 953.53

    They don't sum up to 10 (or one if it were not for the scaling error). The error becomes more evident as the sample size increases: there are approx. 5% of the observations not being included.

I believe that I implemented the formula 1:1, hence I really don't understand where the error is.
This question would probably be better suited in codereview.stackexchange.comicke 34 secs ago
hey @skiwi
hey @RubberDuck
@RubberDuck May I ask you a somewhat stupid question?
@IsmaelMiguel No question is stupid if you don't know the answer
@Zak "If the sun is a star, why is it so close to us?" <-- stupid question there
@IsmaelMiguel Depends who's asking
Not me!
I've seen it on Facebook and Yahoo Ask
The most famous question:
to be fair, 8 light minutes / 1AU is an incredibly short distance in astronomical terms.
@ARedHerring it is not close at all
We know of planets closer to their star than mercury to our sun
I am talking about in the grand scheme of things
i.e, how far away the other nearest stars to us are
alpha proxima centauri being the closest (aside from the sun) is 4.22 light years away
whats up @IsmaelMiguel? Ask away
Ah about that.. .easy In the start there was dust, it grouped into small nebuosae and from each small nebulosae a solar system was born
in a solar system all the bodies are relatively close
but nebulosae are very far from each other (light years)
@Caridorc I know how the universe works :P
at least to that level
I was merely saying that someone questinoing why the sun is so close to us if it's a star when all theo thers are so far away is not an unreasonable question in my opinion
anyway, this is getting to be quite a long off-topic discussion - perhaps we could talk about this in the Nth monitor
@ARedHerring that is due to gravity
@Caridorc I know why
the person asking the question obviously doesn't
@RubberDuck Have you anything to do with the RubberDucking thing, since, well, you are the RubberDuck?
Q: Ruby-like squish in Haskell

Caridorcsquish is an onomatopoeic string function provided by Ruby on Rails that works on strings. Given a string squish first remove spaces at the start and at the end (not replicated by me) and then condenses all the consecutive spaces into one. (Imagine that you take a string in your ends and compres...

@ARedHerring @Caridorc I will re-write the question: "If the sun is a star, it should be away from us. How come it isnt?"
Lol. Yeah. I'm the other founder. Mug named it.
Oh, that makes sense
It's just that Mug is the one who's always talking about it
Did you "resign" from the project?
@RubberDuck I think Mug has something to tell you. :^)
No @IsmaelMiguel. I've not resigned. Just away for a bit.
I was writing code 14 hours a day or so. I needed to do other things.
I know that feeling
And some things in my life have changed too.
For better or worst?
If I may ask
Like, my wife's schedule changed, and I actually have to commute to work every day now.
That sucks
Not a better or worse kind of thing. Not really. It's just life.
Life sucks
My "commute" is a 20 minute walk
@IsmaelMiguel That doesn't sound so bad
And it doesn't suck at all because I get to write .Net every day for my job now.
@IsmaelMiguel Mine's a 20 minute bike ride, and as long as it's not raining, I absolutely prefer it to anything else.
That's what I was thinking @Zak. A 20 minute walk twice a day sounds awesome.
It's not twice
It's 4 times a day
It used to be 30 minutes
But I moved closer
At the beggining, it was a 5 minute walk
I used to arrive 15-20 minutes earlier
Then the company changed place and it started being a 30 minute walk
4 trips
It used to be around 8.2KM (9.6 sometimes)
Now it is around 6KM
Ok. I can see that then.
It's exausting
Specially because I'm quite puffy
A car is completelly out of question.
The license is too expencive for me
@IsmaelMiguel Bike?
I would rather use those 600+€ to eat better
@Zak I don't have where to store it.
ah, ok
What about a bike?
Besides, with the Spanish and French and Portuguese driving, it's too dangerous
45 secs ago, by Ismael Miguel
@Zak I don't have where to store it.
Thanks, thats quite nice. Picked as answer. Although I still have a one more question: what if I dont' wait for merge but simply create merge request for the JIRAs I finished (all branched from the clean state as you suggested), what would happen when the code reviewer do all these merges? — user1589188 47 secs ago
What's the text formatting code for strikethrough?
@Zak 3 hyphens on either side of the word(s)
Be careful when using it
The <hr> also uses ---
VERY off-topic
Q: What is the difference between Zapier and OneSaas?

Jolie ChanI am wondering the difference from Zapier and OneSaas. Can anybody tell me? Thank you so much.

Q: What is the difference between Zapier and OneSaas?

Jolie ChanI am wondering the difference from Zapier and OneSaas. Can anybody tell me? Thank you so much.

The last 10 minutes were fun. I decided to do some usability testing of my project on the nearest victim colleague I could find. Macro refused to compile owing to a missing library. Turns out I forgot to take out the reference to RD first :)
@IsmaelMiguel I am a bit late in answering... anyway. When a solar system is formed there is a big winner (the star) that takes 99.8% of the mass, the remaining 0.2% forms the planets
Jupiter got reasonably close to being a star. As I understand it, it's got about 10% of the mass required to start nuclear fusion.
Apparently my understanding is incorrect. According to google, it's much more like 1-2%. oh well.
I'd agree that this belongs on Code Review, but from a personal perspective I'd go down the async / await route, if that's not possible, then I would use ManualResetEvent or AutoResetEvent to achieve this as opposed to a while loop with a sleeping thread. — Clint 47 secs ago
You should put it in code review codereview.stackexchange.comYahya 56 secs ago
@Duga would be a very small review
I wouldn't mind some smaller reviews for a change :)
Q: Complex Git branch name broke all Git commands

ruipachecoI was trying to create a branch from master with the following command, git branch SSLOC-201_Implement___str__()_of_ProductSearchQuery when Git suddenly stopped responding. I suspect the unescaped () must have done something to it. Now, whenever I try to run any Git command, I get the same err...

Q: Listing product with the fixed numbers

Syed Zainul AbedinMy app has a feature to list the fixed number of products(say 5) in the screen. int max=5; //when the next button is clicked if(start<=items) { start=start+max; } //when the previous button is clicked start=start-max; for(int i=start;i<=start+max;i++) { //list products process } There can ...

@Caridorc I don't think I was explicit enough. And I'm passing the wrong question.
@CaptainObvious Off topic for not being about existing working code.
A: AngularJS: Return different values for $http success() or error()

Pankaj Parkar$http.put wrapper return a promise, that doesn't have .success/.error method, you could use .then instead of success & error callback. Return promise from that updateData function, so that the callee method method will have bar.updateData().then(funtion(data){ //code here }) Code bar.updateDat...

how does this person get so much rep (27.1k) by posting false information in answers lol
> $http.put wrapper return a promise, that doesn't have .success/.error method, you could use .then instead of success & error callback.
wtf? why would $http.put be inconsistent with $http.get? of course it returns a promise with success and error.
@ARedHerring by writing lots and lots of crap.
1.4k answers, which means an average score of 2
less when you account for accepted answers
@Zak SCORE 1,570 POSTS 1,340
(in the AngularJS tag)
wow thats low.
He also invented tags that are completely unnecessary (angularjs-service? that's akin to c#-class)
Average score of 1.1
that's an impressive amount of questionably mediocre content
Wouldn't this be better suited for codereview.stackexchange.com? — EdChum 21 secs ago
Q: Can i further optimize my implementation of Brent's Algorithm to find roots of a polynomial?

Grant WilliamsSo let me preface this by saying that I have no formal education in programming and all of my learning comes from writing applied math and physics simulations. I'm most interested in writing optimized code with the priority being faster run time, less memory used, and fewer redundant function cal...

Q: Abort thread on new request, but complete only last request

YahyaSo the situation is that a certain asynchronous operation is called multiple times. But I want to abort every time a new request comes in; which means that only the last call will run completely. Does this solution look reasonable? I have tried replicating the process in a test program. I am cre...

@Zak I'm impresed as well! How can someone ask/answer so many questions and get such a low score?
@IsmaelMiguel go for low-hanging fruit i guess
That doesn't mean you will get such a lot reputation
@ARedHerring that's the thing though. A correct answer about an easyily answered question should get a decent number of upvotes
especially on SO
this is more, answers that might have a net positive of content, but generally, no
Maybe he thinks that by answering plenty of questions he will have high reputation gains?
(Quantity vs. Quality)
given that he has 27k rep i think whatever he is doing is working for him
Reputation-wise, yes
I still find it impressive that he can manage to write over a thousand questionable answers and not, somewhere along the way, learn enough to write really decent answers.
I think such questions are more suited for codereview.stackexchange.com — Panagiotis Kanavos 40 secs ago
Q: 2048 merge function

RafehFrom: Principles of Computing Part 1 Course on Coursera I got -2 pts on my OWLTEST which uses Pylint for style guide. The error states: Too many branches (17/12) function "merge", line 7 what does that mean? I worked really hard on making this program work. I wrote this from scratc...

@CaptainObvious Oh God...
@Zak Well, maybe he doesn't want to learn?
@IsmaelMiguel Maybe, but you'd think there'd be some passive learning there, even by osmosis.

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