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Eh, queries can be fine
Naruto answer; accepted non-selfie answer with 0 score: Finding the object and the URL associated with a notification
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Visualizing Brainf_ck interpreter in ClojureScript
even a moment ago we were discuting how sql is a database not excel xD
Technically SQL is not a database.
but this is Access
SQL is a language construct for specifying how to interact with query-based sets.
@EBrown SQL has never been a database
Access is a database. for some values of "database"
not just Technically , it isn't (dot)
@Mat'sMug And some values of Access.
I remember when I accidentally password-protected a very important Access DB I had.
Good times.
@EBrown data isn't query-based
At that point it's nitpicking. :P
is it observable based?
I hope we can all agree that something like this is shit, regarless of context: Query query = new Query;
@Phrancis Yes. That is carp.
Or garbage.
Everything else is in this kind of grey zone, where most everything is also shit, but a few things may be OK
A: Removing curly braces and contents inside it

Eric LippertLet's consider a non-regular-expression solutions to your problem. I'm not going to review your existing code; it seems very over-complicated for solving this problem. Let's start by clearly re-stating the problem: Given a string s produce a new string r which is s with all the matching bra...

Eric Lippert answers and gets no votes?
It's only been 2 minutes
Ah, didn't notice the time.
Just saw the answerer and went "O.o".
Woah, that's a first (that I've seen).
@EBrown Meh..... his code sucks!!! ;-) One-liners? Really?
    foreach(char c in s)
        case '{': openBraces +=1 ; break;
        case '}': openBraces = Math.Max(0, openBraces - 1); break;
        default: if (openBraces == 0) sb.Append(c); break;
@rolfl That turned me off, too.
And missing braces.
Something tells me he wrote that by hand, no IDE in sight.
Probably directly in the browser.
Only 49 minutes left.
And for the input {{{{{{bo what would the anticipated answer be? — rolfl 1 min ago
@200_success you're going viral on twitter:
Stack Overflow license debates are CSPAN-level good. I'm loling http://meta.stackexchange.com/a/272986 https://t.co/qJK9rUYG32
@EBrown - he deleted his answer.....
@rolfl Bummer.
Why, were you looking to downvote it?
Maybe he'll post a fixed version.
No downvote from me.
@rolfl That looks like an answer in itself.
What happens when I make a typo:
> @Hosch250 I highly doubt it was done to be confusing, I think you know that too.
Eric Lippert posted five answers on this question?!
Q: "Simple" pathfinding algorithm

oldmud0I decided to write a pathfinding algorithm in order to expose myself to the world of pathfinding and for me to further understand more advanced algorithms such as A*. I chose C# due to its flexibility compared to other languages such as Java. I will start with the basic objects and work up to th...

I think that sets some kind of record.
Reminds me of when a relative sent an email "I hope I am a nuisance." They meant "I hope I am not a nuisance."
I found an early @JeroenVannevel post: stackoverflow.com/questions/23081059/…
There is a dedicated site for CodeReviewSteve 26 secs ago
@Hosch250 here you go: ideone.com/7GRLw1
There's a dedicated exchange for code reviews here codereview.stackexchange.comHaedrian 57 secs ago
@rolfl Nifty, today I learned.
@rolfl somebody should tell him that censor-editing isn't really helping against users who can see the deleted answer...
As it happens, I see that RobH had the same thought processes as me in his comments...
possible answer invalidation by Martin F on question by Martin F: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/116926/revisions
Actually, his whole answer is essentially the same as the code I put in ideone.
His loop is uglier, but that's ok.
After you will make your code work, i advice to post it at codereview.stackexchange.com because there are some things to improve (refactor). People there will help it look nice and more professional. — Ushakov Nikita 40 secs ago
@Duga You all can decide whether or how to reopen it.
I've been experimenting with this recently and maybe my solution would be interesing to you. I posted it here on Code Review. I wrote my own implementation because I wanted something more that just simple checking against null ;-) — t3chb0t 39 secs ago
CodeReview is for working code. If there is something wrong (an error? bad output?) with your code please edit your post and describe the problem. — Dour High Arch 29 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by Olzhas Zhumabek on question by Olzhas Zhumabek: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/116813/revisions
@Duga Rolled back.
Q: Object Oriented Graph Hierarchy with Depth First Search revisited

Olzhas ZhumabekThis question is follow up to Object Oriented Graph Hierarchy with Depth First Search. I tried to fulfill every point which @LokiAstari mentioned. I think I succeeded in everything except Visitor Pattern. I came to implementation of a function void BiGraph::addAdjacentImpl(int fVertex, int sVer...

@Mast Do you really think we need a tag?
@200_success Maybe we just need general one, also for .
Let's just go with .
Fine with me.
By the way, what do you think about ? Or should I just post it on Meta?
@200_success There already was a one, so it seemed logical.
Yes, but people actually use Roman numerals.
A more generic or something along that line would be fine with me.
@200_success They do?
More than Greek, anyway.
"Junk character in decrypted string" suggests that the code is buggy, and thus off-topic for Code Review. Please edit the question to explain your bug and include an example of the bug. — 200_success 58 secs ago
I see alpha, beta, gamma and delta often when using quadrants and the like, never Romans.
Roman literals are the go-to challenge when starting with TDD.
What is this, Star Trek?
In the television series Star Trek and its spin-offs, a galactic quadrant refers to an area of the Milky Way Galaxy. In the original Star Trek, it referred to an area interchangeable with a sector. However, in the various spin-off series and movies beginning with Star Trek: The Next Generation, it refers to a system of four galactic quadrants, designated by the Greek letters Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta. == Original usageEdit == The original usage of quadrant occurs in episodes such as "The Deadly Years" and "The Squire of Gothos", where numbered quadrants (448 and 904) are given. In oth...
Among others ^^
The axes of a two-dimensional Cartesian system divide the plane into four infinite regions, called quadrants, each bounded by two half-axes. These are often numbered from 1st to 4th and denoted by Roman numerals: I (where the signs of the two coordinates are (+,+)), II (−,+), III (−,−), and IV (+,−). When the axes are drawn according to the mathematical custom, the numbering goes counter-clockwise starting from the upper right ("northeast") quadrant. == See alsoEdit == Orthant Octant (solid geometry) == External linksEdit == Weisstein, Eric W., "Quadrant", MathWorld. Quadrant at PlanetMath.org...
@200_success In Electronics we simply call them x and y or sin and cos axis.
Real and Imaginary.
But the quadrants don't get designations by Roman numeral.
And why is that thing going counter-clockwise?
Next you're going to tell me that you do math using the Left-Hand Rule. =)
Fleming's left-hand rule (for motors), and Fleming's right-hand rule (for generators) are a pair of visual mnemonics. They were originated by John Ambrose Fleming, in the late 19th century, as a simple way of working out the direction of motion in an electric motor, or the direction of electric current in an electric generator. When current flows in a wire, and an external magnetic field is applied across that flow, the wire experiences a force perpendicular both to that field and to the direction of the current flow. A left hand can be held, as shown in the illustration, so as to represent three...
We actually do :-)
I knew it!
If another Greek numeral question comes along, we can reconsider. Deal?
I'll write you one.
Does that count?
'night @all
@200_success Feel free to merge tags if you feel that's more applicable. But simply removing the tag isn't a solution IMO.
Congrats on reaching 20k, @svick!
@Mast that's for the Lorentz force, right?

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