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@EBrown If it goes below -215 it will become the most downvoted post on MSE ever
Well, I personally don't think it is a great idea, but I'd rather have it cleanly split between the sites than between text/code.
Sorry to interrupt; Did I do a good job articulating this:
It really depends on what, exactly, you want reviewed. If you want a review of your code-structure on a project-level (depending on your language, things like the naming/designation of Code-Modules, Highest-level procedures, global variables/classes etc.) then an appropriately organised Code-Review question is fine. If, however, your review is about things that are not code, then Code Review is not the site for you.Zak 2 mins ago
@Hosch250 I'd rather it not be split at all
@Zak That looks fine to me
@DanPantry Well, they are determined to split it anyway.
@Hosch250 If they split it pretty much everyone will be in uproar.
I do not think - given the public feedback - they will split it.
I think they will anyway.
@Phrancis s/if/when
But, tehn again, they liked to pretend that the last amount of feedback was positive justification for it..
@DanPantry If they split it pretty much everyone will be in uproar.
What we need to do is organize all the moderators to ping Spolsky and Atwood in protest.
IMO, we're all forgetting the rule of "Assume positive intent"
It's easy for us to sit here and say "well I want no fragmentation at all" or "let each site choose it's own", but we don't have all the variables. Based on the subtext on that MSE post, it looks like SE is in some sort of a bind that they have to make this change for.
@EBrown I agree
I hate to say it, but we're all acting a bit selfish here.
I think court proceedings are public. We can probably find if they are being sued.
@EBrown The comments are giving something like that away.
We're expecting SE to bow to our will, when some changes just need to happen.
@Hosch250 It may not be a court proceeding though.
@Zak Well said
@EBrown Of course some things have to change - and they will if they have to - however, if that was the case, why give the pretext of users having a choice in the first place? :P
I'm very much allowed to complain it will rain tomorrow even if I have no control over the weather.
Things have to change, but this isn't the way.
@DanPantry You're in Britain, I'm pretty sure it will rain tomorrow.
@Mast And I'm pretty sure I will complain about it, because I'm British. It's what we do
Either way this goes, it is going to be interesting to see how the story pans out over the coming weeks.
The main concerns appear to be a) No fragmentation please and b) what do you define as code?
Let's hope their update is something better than this.
I'm pretty sure they got the message this time, what they're getting isn't "positive feedback"
@Mat'sMug Well, if they put their finger over the minus sign and sing happy songs...
@DanPantry there's too many downvotes to show a minus sign...
@Mat'sMug Only if you view the split scores
The minus displays perfectly fine if you don't
I still can't downvote it, otherwise it'd be -212 now
I already DV'd it.
Though now that I look back at it, I'm not sure why.
I downvoted it simply because the entire post is formed on an incorrect assumption... that people want this change because it was "upvoted" last time
Also because the plan clearly hasn't been thought out
I downvoted it simply because I want it to stay CC-BY-SA.
I guess the whole thing comes down to one parameter.
I have no pretense against licensing on its own... I don't really copy-paste code from SO anyway
Although I would definitely be more careful when posting my own code on CR.
Q: Creating controls on a page which differ slightly depending on an external state

JohnI've got a part of my application which deals with tracking the dates a particular item is worked on. It is a single aspnet page, which displays controls to either start or stop tracking, depending on the state of the work item. There are up to three controls on the page. A calendar to enter the...

IMO, there's almost nothing on SO that could be considered "original" enough to be successfully sued over.
Lawyers make all things that are fun, less fun.
If you're posting an answer (or a question) on a site with the expectation that people are forced to make complete attribution and reference you and your work, than the license change is bad for you. If you're posting an answer with the intention of helping others, regardless of attribution, then the license change doesn't really affect you.
@Phrancis Unless you're playing Ace Attorney!
@EBrown I'm more concerned about patent trolls (and their ilk).
Especially as I work in JavaScript where all source is visible
Although now that I say that, that doesn't make much sense, code is already cc-by-sa.
I'm starting to wonder if the tag was a bad idea now
Personally I think software patenting is a stupid f--- idea.
@EBrown I'm very much in the "free software" camp myself
@Mat'sMug Did you make it a bug report yet?
I didn't mean software patents, but rather people that would make code an then intentionally rely on pendatic licensing to win a court case.
for the minus sign? nah, I just made one for our squished duck ads
Why is it, that if I have the same tools as someone else, and (without knowledge of someone else's work) go through the same (or similar) steps and come to the same conclusion, I cannot use it because they have a patent?
I have an answer.
Someone who doesn't have 125+ rep on Meta could make it a bug report.
@Mat'sMug Have ads went live?
@EBrown money
Squash 2 flies with 1 stone.
The downsides of capitalism.
@EBrown I think you could win if it wasn't copy/paste.
Now, I would have to pay aforementioned patent holder for a piece of software that I wrote myself, under completely disparate conditions.
@Mat'sMug Where is that?
It's a boatload of carp.
@Hosch250 How would you prove two (almost identical) sections of code weren't copy paste?
(By the way, therein lies the issue with software patents)
Different names?
Different order of conditions in the if blocks?
@DanPantry I'm not talking about the code! I'm talking about the idea itself!
But then it would be super easy to circumvent software patents...
Either way, I think this topic about patents is... a bit too far off topic from the licensing thing.
@EBrown My mistake.
@DanPantry It's relevant to the site though.
@DanPantry Hardly. Both of them are highly related.
Perhaps one of us can fix the problem and propose a better idea to SE.
My mistake, then :) sorry
@Phrancis the link is in the last line of the post
@Mat'sMug Hm, Cardshifter ad not make it through I'm assuming?
@DanPantry Np :-)
@Phrancis post it!
Q: Community Promotion Ads - 2016

Grace NoteIt's 2016 now, and we've made some changes to the sidebar size. As such, we can now restart the Community Promotion Ads for 2016! Keep in mind, we have updated some of the guidelines compared to previously - the changes are marked in bold in the Image Requirements section. What are Community Pr...

I think they could patent large chunks, like an entire, brand-new app.
It's minus 216 now, it is now the most downvoted question in meta.SE history.
Or a completely innovative, trademark feature, even.
But, a single method that no one but the programmers ever see...
Patenting is harmful to the software development community.
@EBrown People have said the same for just about every industry.
The idea that someone can hold all rights to an idea because they got their first is a load of carp.
@Hosch250 Well I'm not experienced in any other industry, but I'm sure it holds weight.
It is part of protecting people from other people who just steal the idea/copy the item and sell it.
If it wasn't for that issue, I highly doubt there would be patents at all.
For example, if there weren't patents, I could buy an Oreck vacuum or something, completely copy it, and re-sell the same item branded differently.
@Hosch250 Chinese industries do that all the time, no?
@Mat'sMug In China, Copyright Doesn't Exist (tm).
They do. China lets them do it because they steal technology from us that way.
My grandfather once had a HiPhone.
Exactly the same as an iPhone, you understand...
Well, Apple is the one who paid to develop the iPhone. Do you think it is OK for just anyway to get one, rebrand it, and sell it?
@Hosch250 not for physical goods, no.
Same principle in software. I don't think code itself is patentable, but the output is.
So, if I have an app, people can't just decompile it, get the source code, modify it enough to rebrand it, and re-sell it.
Okay, sure, how but how does that apply to the meta.SE question?
Well, that is actually a copyright issue, I think.
@DanPantry It doesn't as far as I know.
@DanPantry Software is just as expensive to make as physical good. Why shouldn't it apply for software?
@Hosch250 To be clear, I think we're talking about different things.
I'm talking about the copying or redistribution of software (piracy). You're talking about the reproduction of software by way of basically making an entire duplicate of the software in all but name (i.e, abusing a patent)
Oh. Well, piracy is covered by different laws.
But that is my fault because I misread your statement.
Here's the problem with patents (regardless of medium): once something is patented, whether or not you are aware of it, you cannot go through the same steps and come to the same conclusion/result as the patent holder. Should you do so, you are violating patent law. So if I spend just as much time coming to conclusion X as someone else, but they beat me to the patent office, then I have to throw away all my work.
And on that bombshell I should get more caffeine before I keep misreading things.. So, TTYL :)
That's the problem with patents. Yes, they're great for protecting property. They're awesome at stunting development.
@EBrown It never comes out entirely the same. Often when that happens, they can still patent the improved parts.
@EBrown How is it stunting development if it was already developed?
Maybe the second person would have taken it farther, but just as likely not.
@Hosch250 Because now someone else doesn't need to think critically to come to conclusion X, because if they do they are violating law.
It is just like plagiarism. Sometimes two people come to the same conclusion separately.
Anyway, I have other things to be attending to.
The thing is, these people will never follow the exact process and may find proof through completely different formulas.
@EBrown Me too. I have to eat breakfast and do school.
Can we remove that feed? ^^ I feel like it's going to get somewhat annoying.
Edit on that Meta.SE question:
> Important context for those arriving from reddit and slashdot links: The status quo is not "public domain", attribution is already required. See
2 messages moved to Trash
> Update: Thank you for your candidness, patience and feedback. We're going to delay the implementation for now - we'll be back soon to open some more discussions.
@EthanBierlein Let's keep it for now, I think this was mostly a fluke. Usually SE only send important announcements through twitter
(network outages and stuff like that)
@EBrown A delay? Bah. I was hoping for an all-out cancellation of the entire thing.
I think I'm going to update my profile with specific license terms regarding my contributions.
Oh, they realized that the community doesn't want it?
@skiwi lol
Not really:
> We're going to delay the implementation for now
If a Q downvote is -5, this guy must have lost over 1K rep over this one post
(unless there's a negative rep cap)
@Phrancis Q downvote is -2, upvote is +5.
Q: Generating string primary keys with sequence in SQLAlchemy

LetMeSOThat4UI need improvement on solution to the following problem: Generating random string keys in SQA is relatively simple, something like: request_id = Column(String, default=lambda: uuid.uuid4().hex, primary_key=True) However, I need to to get request_id have format like DIVISION_ABC_REQ...

That's still a good chunk of imaginary internet points rep!
Sounds like it should be on codereview. — erip 41 secs ago
@Phrancis Indeed.
more like code golf. — Marc B 1 min ago
@Phrancis I'm tempted to edit that question.
@Mat'sMug D:
while True:
    if not m:
        if not stack:
            return n + 1
        m, n = stack.pop(), n + 1
    elif not n:
        m, n = m - 1, 1
        stack.append(m - 1)
        n -= 1
> stack should be named s to be consistent
This would not fare well on Code Review as it presents so many versions of the code (looks like 8-9), it would be better there if the author presented their best or at most best 2-3, having some many versions in one questions though would not be in their favor. — Phrancis 14 secs ago
If you want it peer reviewed/refactored/optimized, post your final, working code on Code Review. As it stands a moderator isn't going to move this post anywhere for the reasons @Phrancis just beat me to explain. — Mat's Mug 46 secs ago
free flags!
Is it already gone?
Actually, I agree with that comment
@EthanBierlein no, but it didn't need to be here anyway
@EBrown I put this in my profile, if you're interested:
> All of my code contributions in the form of answers to problems across the Stack Exchange network are free to use, share, and change even commercially without the requirement of attribution.
@EthanBierlein That's a good intention but pretty pointless, I'm pretty certain the TOU supersede whatever anyone puts into their profile
@EthanBierlein That sounds about right.
@Phrancis Not exactly.
The code in question (code in our questions, literally) can be released with a separate license independent of SE.
@Phrancis I'm pretty sure CC BY-SA doesn't preclude other licences.
No, it's just the de-facto license for SE.
Licensing is a PITA.
I could resell my code outside SE with a completely difference license, and that license would apply to whomever the sale/agreement was with.
So, in theory, you should be able to do the same with a blurb in your profile. Anyone that reads your profile is subject to that license exchange.
Could one theoretically include a copy of the WTFPL in each of their posts?
Maybe. It might be edited out though..
:26864462 RBA
@EBrown eh, posted
Q: Vote counts can't fit the minus sign

Mat's MugThe vote counts seem to have enough room to accomodate 3 digits and a negative sign: However when the score is expanded to show +/- vote counts... The minus sign gets cropped off somehow.

I took out the snarky bit I was going to put at the end "we wouldn't want this minor little glitch to cause anyone to misread the vote counts, right ;-)"
Q: RFC 2812 message validation regex

DannnnoIn my ongoing quest for an IRC client, I'm working on more stringent validation per RFC 2812. I've written this regex to validate a message. It's a little hairy, so I'm wondering if there's a way to reduce repetition, or at least to make it cleaner and easier to read. I didn't always add comme...

Q: Draw a graph using braille characters

badpI hacked together a way to make a small graph using Braille unicode codepoints by abusing unicodedata: def plot(timeline): ret = [] for r1, r2 in zip(timeline[::2], timeline[1::2]): character_name = "BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-" dots = [x for x, y in zip("7321", range(r1))] dots += [x...

@CaptainObvious O.o
@CaptainObvious That's kind of neat.
No idea about git itself but treating SSIS packages as binaries for version control isn't unheard of. With experience, you can get an approximate idea of what has changed between versions an SSIS package. BIDS Helper is handy in this because it has a "smart diff" function to help eliminate the layout noise. That only helps you in code reviews though - Oh, I see you went from Full Cache to Partial Cache on this lookup. In terms of attempting to merge two sets of possibly conflicting changes, ain't nobody got time for that — billinkc 1 min ago
@CaptainObvious Yuck.
Artificial Intelligence - The Infinite Monkey Cage podcast on the BBC
Good listen for anyone interested, it's actually not terribly technical, more philosophical
@EBrown WTF is that
Talk about regex nightmares...
Q: Compare two associative arrays by key

user1421161I am currently for a program I am writing needing to compare two associative arrays by key and value in PHP and get the common elements as well as the difference between the common elements. I have currently arrived at the following solution: <?php $newArr = [0 => ['id' => 'UT5', 'qty' => '4'],...

Gah, I'm hungry and I have no food at home.
Yes, it is better. Just understand it is highly unusual for someone to ask for a code review of a regular expression pattern... Even the Python tags here are somewhat superfluous, since there is no Python code other than that which is needed to support the pattern... — Phrancis 4 mins ago
@ Python people, do you think we ought to remove Python tags here? ^^
message_regex = re.compile("[...]", re.VERBOSE)
That^ is all the Python code left if you take out the regex pattern
@Phrancis lol
I've gotten 3000 spam emails in the past month.
Only ~1490 of which were identified and treated as spam.
Maybe time to update the filters
Maybe it's time for Microsoft Outlook to get it's carp together and get back to me when it's done so. Only a 50% detection rate, that's just atrocious.
More reason for me to get my spam filter going.
I think Outlook expects you to add your own rules
I practically never see junk in Gmail, but see it fairly regularly in Outlook
I wish Outlook would let me block email from people on my domain.
@Phrancis Who'd you share your address with? I never see junk in Outlook.
Every time I see a reply all to a company wide email, I die a little inside.
@DanLyons You can do it through the desktop application, but I don't think you can do it through the web app.
@Hosch250 SqlMail is who I get the most "junk" from
(thousands of messages per day)
The desktop app won't let me block people on my domain :( At least, Outlook 2013 won't.
If anything, I would say that Outlook's spam detector is a little over-eager.
@DanLyons I'm sure you can block a specific address.
Tired of delegating
You can block external addresses, but not internal ones.
@DanLyons Sounds like a XY problem.
I mostly worked around it with inbox rules
but every once in a while I forget, try to block sender, and face disappointment
@DanLyons Set up a rule to move all people from your domain to trash.
Side effects may include being fired for not responding to meetings
Q: How can I better document these data relationships/transformations?

Nathan JonesI'm working on a project that uses RxJS to perform data transformations on varying sources of data, and I'm in the process of writing some documentation for it. I want to find an effective way to document the following: An abstract way to describe the cardinality and relationships of the data...

@DanPantry I have them going to a company spam folder that I periodically check :)
Somebody wrote an open letter to GitHub. On GitHub. Feel free to sign it if you agree.
It's asking for more openness and some often requested features.
All my tests passed at once... I don't trust this
But everything is correct, maybe I'm just this good
@Hosch250 I mean the app, not the service.
@DanLyons haha the best is when someone inevitably hits "reply all"
Well, time to eat a whole pizza.
@Mat'sMug You would think that MS would have removed reply all after blogs.technet.com/b/exchange/archive/2004/04/08/109626.aspx :)
> It took about 2 days of constant work before the email system recovered from this one. When it was over, the team firefighting the crisis had t-shirts made with “I survived Bedlam DL3” on the front and “Me Too! (followed by the email addresses of everyone who had replied)” on the back.
@Mat'sMug I feel like, with this knowledge, "I survived the mission" is an even better CR catchphrase, as a throwback to Bedlam DL3.
Good, the pizza is in the oven.
@EBrown I posted it 3 times and each time it was converted to a damn comment
@DanPantry Language
@EBrown English
I meant clean it up please, "a damn comment" is much more acceptable.
You take issue with the word "god"?
I take issue with it used like that, yes.
Okay, I've removed it, sorry if I offended your beliefs
Please close this question and post it at Code Review. StackOverflow is for doubts related to programming. Since you already have a working solution, Code Review is the right place for you. — Msp 55 secs ago
@DanPantry The (literally) only language I take issue with is religious/ethnic/sexual slurs.
@EBrown That's fine :) I personally don't consider religious slurs to be that much of an issue, however I respect you and I will accommodate your preferences :)
Well I appreciate it. :)
Q: Code licensing proposal — Point of order!

200_successThere have been two rounds of discussion about code licensing: The MIT License – Clarity on Using Code on Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange A New Code License: The MIT, this time with Attribution Required In my opinion (and with the benefit of hindsight), both rounds have been suboptimal ways...

@200_success Really appreciate your activity on this issue
@200_success Such a meta rep hog. ;)
Can't hog more than 200 per day.
I was getting 200 just by doing nothing more.
Heh, well it's well-earned.
Such Meta. Very Proposal. Many Order. Wow.
Q: Remove duplicates from string without additional buffer

navindrenI was doing the question from the Cracking the coding interview, I would like to ask whether my solution for the question is good enough, because the solution given in the book, doesn't seem to work correctly. import java.util.Arrays; public class duplicateString{ public static void rdupli...

Sounds more like a codereview.SE question to me. — Fred Larson 1 min ago
@Mat'sMug IMO, Meta.Se is already . That makes this
or for short
@200_success I'm tempted to start a meta asking SE to send you a job offer for a community manager position
@Mat'sMug I'd vote on that.
I know
But then we lose our mod. :(
@Mat'sMug I'd support that.
@EBrown The needs of the many...
I wouldn't mind having monkey in that position either, to be honest.
They'd both do a great job.
@Mat'sMug TS
@EBrown Nope.
Chris Jester-Young is still a mod on PPCG and he is employed by SE.
Oh, he is a dev. CM's might be different.
That said, if the code works as-is, and your question is "can I improve on this", it isn't fit for StackOverflow -- your question is a bit too open-ended and opinion-based to answer. The Code Review StackExchange might be able to help you out, though. — Mauris 36 secs ago
Q: Write a method to decide if two string are anagram?

navindrenIs the code below a good solution for the above question, or is there a better way to do it? package ArraysAndStrings; import java.util.Arrays; public class anagram{ private boolean isAnagram = false; public boolean Anagrams(String str1, String str2){ if(str1.length() != str...

Cross-posted to Code Review. I suggest that you delete the question on Stack Overflow. — 200_success 39 secs ago
If the code works but is slow then maybe this belongs on codereview.stackexchange.com — Stuart 25 secs ago
Sorry I'm not familiar with how the community works. Where is a good place to ask codereview questions ? — bio_inf_dreamer 33 secs ago
seems we might be getting a new post
Delete this question on Stack Overflow, then post it on Code Review with a title like "Protein sequence parser" or somesuch. — 200_success 7 secs ago
@200_success Someone just DV'd your new MSE question and answer. :P
Whatever. Haters gonna hate.
I'm not hating, I think it's a very good idea.
I'm sure it wasn't you who downvoted.
Nope. I think it was the guy who commented on your answer. (I watched the DV's come in, then his comment came in.)
Anyway, I've made my points. ;P
I did get the purpose of your meta correct, right?
@Mat'sMug So, I was going to post my latest project for review, but it's 6,000 characters over the 65k limit.....
I think you could break it down into a number of posts...
How about we gradually scale up from 1% of new posts getting the new license to 100% of new posts getting the license, at random, over a period of months? — Jeremy Banks 1 min ago
I don't even...the sarcasm is unbearable.
If you have a serious suggestion about phased implementation, that would be better as your own answer. I don't want a long comment thread on my answer about something that I didn't even suggest myself.
I just figured you were gathering questions that should be answered.
@Mat'sMug Now where would be the fun in that ^^
@MathiasEttinger Hi
I would like some python feedback about these two comments (and possibly the following two):
"# We add a tuple here, hence the double parenthesis' -- tuples should always have a comma at the end: `ids_in_page.add((host_id, page,)) — rbp 30 mins ago
@rbp Why for? It is required for 1-sized tuples so the parser doesn't treat it as a single value, but for the rest it is not mandatory at all. It is visually better when written on multiple line such as score_result but otherwise I don't get the reasonning. — Mathias Ettinger 25 mins ago
Am I right in assuming that trailing comas on inlines tuples are to be avoided?
I never came accross such writing (except 1-sized tuples, of course)
@200_success Do you happen to know if/where there is the FAQ on licensing?
Depends. The trailing comma could be beneficial.
I try to enforce them on multi-line tuples
The FAQ hasn't been written. That's what everyone is complaining about.
But I don't get the point on inline ones
Ah, I'll note that in my answer as well.
(it feels like noise and contrary to the principle of least attonishment)
Q: updating register_globals code for importing $_GET and $_POST data

PeteI'm updating a bunch of php code that relies on register_globals and uses request data globally. In the process of fixing/updating I spend a lot of time writing code that looks like: <?php $x = isset($_REQUEST['x']) ? $_REQUEST['x'] : $xdefault; // or $_GET, $_POST $abc = isset($_REQUEST['abc'])...

Q: Report Building (Data Retrieval, Validation, Aggregation, Business Logic, Report Building, Visual Presentation)

ZakThis: Is a data table we get from our financial platform with lots of useful information. For reference, "--" is also the string they use to denote empty values. This: Is a spreadsheet I built (and had reviewed here) to track our customers' regular income requirements. The code produce...

@CaptainObvious Damn, that's a lot of stuff going on.
@EBrown About 40 dev. hours. (I think, don't quote me on that)
@200_success Is it appropriate if I answer your meta-meta with more meta-meta?
(Or, even better, perhaps you could assist me with wording it.)
I seem to have a habit of breaking the CR character limit ^^
@Zak Perhaps it was not meant to do Excel VBA.
Probably more "I'm still learning how to write better, less repetitive, less verbose code"
1. Excel isn't a database
2. Excel isn't a report server
@Mat'sMug I know I know, I'm working on it (come February)
My dad told me a story about how Excel completely ruined a military trip of his several years (decades) ago.
@EBrown Do Tell
Apparently, the office that was supposed to gather around all the information for all the soldiers going on this military deployment was using Excel, and it was using a table, that wasn't actually a table. Long story short, they sorted the first column in ascending order, then the second, etc. Now, mind you, this wasn't an actual Excel table. It ended up disjoining everyone's information. All the printed ID cards had the wrong birthdate, SSN, name, etc on them.
So, my dad get's to this foreign country, starts handing out ID's, and no ID was correct. So he had to call back to home office, have them send amended ID's over, and life was back to normal.
All because Excel is not a database.
Seems to be a decent way to generate fake id cards though xD
uh, yeah, but...
It was very good at that. He was just surprised no one at the printing office knew that they were all wrong.
@Mat'sMug you would love where I work.
@EBrown That's nuts, and at the same time, it feels unsurprising
@Phrancis It's the U.S. military, what do you expect? :P
Q: Refactor String Parsing Code

bio_inf_dreamerNote: I have been using Python for only a few days, so I am trying to learn about some best practices. I am posting this to get some input from the community so I can learn other ways of doing things. I have some string parsing code here which gives me the output that I am looking for. I was wond...

@EBrown Depending how long ago it was, I'd expect the U.S. military not to use Excel as database?
@Phrancis It was a while back. Had to be in the 90's.
But... but... SQL existed in the 90's :(
Not for a small military base like the one he worked for.
SEQUEL existed in the 70's...
@EBrown What do you have in mind?
@200_success Well, I was thinking something along the lines of getting a better (layman's terms) description of the changes of the license model.
Hold on, let me formalize my thoughts into Gist and I'll link you.
OK. In my mind, that should come later.
Oh, alright. I'll not bother then.
After we define what the problem is, whether there is a problem, and whether licensing will solve the problem.
But I've kind of waved it off in my answer, so there is an opportunity to suggest more steps to follow what I wrote.
Right, that was why I asked. I was going to propose an answer that assumes the problem (always ambiguous) could be solved by a MIT License with Attribution.
You can post that as an answer. I suggest that you brand them as speculative next steps after my preliminary steps.
Right, that was the plan.
Another Technical screening in the books
5 hours ago, by Phrancis
Lawyers make all things that are fun, less fun.
Q: Good or bad practice to give function and query same name?

Martin FI have some parameterized queries in Access 2010. They are often used in VBA functions having the same parameters. In such cases, I give the query and function the same name. For example Public Function get_assignments(e_id As Long, yr As Integer, wk As Integer) As DAO.Recordset Dim db As DA...

^^ attracted an instantaneous one-liner answer that got an instantaneous mod notice before it was instantaneously edited and then the mod notice was instantenously removed. Such spontaneity, much instantenous.
Just got "Sportsmanship" badge :)
@Mat'sMug Much instants, such mods
Actually I noticed some of that activity xD
Also, query is a terrible name for anything, especially a query
@Phrancis Queries in general are terrible things.

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