As you well know, PC mechanics are currently imbalanced. This is because we've moved from a beta release to a different beta release to a final release in only a few days.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton You ran with wanting as many stunts as possible as soon as possible, but the whole point of this campaign is people unfamiliar with the system (including myself) getting familiar with it. Inundating players with mechanics doesn't seem to be good for that.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Exactly.
I want to avoid character advancement in that sense, generally, and keep us on a fairly even low-power keel.
I think part of the niceness of the Fate system is if you don't have the fully fleshed out character, (only 3 aspects and 1 stunt) nothing has said you couldn't add the extra aspects or stunts as a certain situation revealed itself and you get that flexibility or gain the knowledge of your character.
@JonathanHobbs If one PC has more aspects or stunts than another, he has more options and more opportunities for bonuses. Thus he's more powerful. If two PCs have the same number of features, they're going to be roughly equal in power (barring the community not bearing down on stupid-good stunts and the like).
Usually, it'd be a Create Advantage roll to give yourself a Camouflaged aspect, or to give someone an Oblivious To Me aspect. Someone trying to see you would have to roll an Overcome to remove those aspects.
> Players are advised to limit their characters to 1 stunt and 3 aspects, but can have up to 3 stunts and 5 aspects. However, in any given session the number of stunts and aspects each character will have access to is equal to the minimum number of stunts and aspects any character in that session has.