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@Kenshin If they can't explain it to you in a way that you'd agree with, I think that indicates either a problem with your (general "you") reasoning or, much more likely, that it's not a good enough reason
@Kenshin sounds like you just encountered a specific example. Care to share?
@Jim no specific example I've just been thinking about this. For example, if someone loves to study, is it because people love learning or is it because that person has been conditioned to associate studying with something good
See if one tries to work out what people find to be good, it's hard to disentangle what's been conditioned upon them, and what is naturally found to be good
advertising exploits this to try to condition people into thinking their products are good. Teachers like teaching students the right way to behave etc.
Often by rewarding students with something that is actually good when they do something the teacher wants the students to think of as good (or punishing them for the reverse)
either way, studying would still be a means to an end
yes so I'm wondering what are the main "ends" that people tend to have
and it's hard to know what is an "end" vs what has been conditioned to feel good
$ for one
Clearly the joy of eating is a real good, but even then McDonalds has made a business of making people feel more good about eating their product by including play grounds etc.
if you've been conditioned so that it feels good. Achieving the good feeling might be the ends
@Jim But conditioning ultimately requires associating some experience with a good experience
So there must be some original and real good feelings
must there? If in doubt, try asking them
There must, because if there weren't, conditioning wouldn't be possiblle
for example, they say "sex sells":
because it does
so sex is likely a natural good feeling, and then attempts are made to associate products with sex
perhaps they were conditioned with direct dopamine release. Then there's no alternate experience they try to achieve, other than the good feeling
@Jim I agree with you that ultimately people are motivated by feeling good
@Jim But I think there are some natural things that make people feel good before any conditioning
I am motivated by segmentation faults
food sells when you're hungry
@Kenshin For every action?
@BernardoMeurer agreed
@SirCumference potentially, but I'm not 100% sure
Eh I'd dispute. Soldiers give their lives for the happiness of others
Certainly not their own
@Justwinbaby hunger sells not from a desire to feel good, but from a desire to feel not bad. However, going from bad to neutral is pretty much the same as going from neutral to good, so you could argue it's the same thing
@SirCumference so what motivates soldiers?
Other people
the idea that sacrificing for others is good
@SirCumference I'd then argue that making other people feel good is a conditioned learning
@Kenshin the tears of children, hopefully
@Jim true
Usually when you make others feel good you are rewarded (either through empathy or directly). Thus this becomes conditioned in the sense that your brain associates doing good for others as a good thing
Have you heard of Pavlov's dog?
this is Psychology
Even if it's your life you must forfeit?
@Kenshin not necessarily. Social collaboration is coded into us instinctively, as pack animals. Sacrificing yourself for the good of many has survival advantages for the species and so, understandably, may not be conditioned learning as much as it may be natural behaviour
the power of conditioning is strong, so strong that most human behaviour is simply habititual actions resulting from being conditioned
Take drug addiction
another example wher people will die over conditioning
@Jim If someone tried to hurt your pet, you might risk getting hurt to defend it
lemmings, for example
It's not just our species
@Jim Jim you're right. But it again brings me back to my earlier point, it's very hard to disentangle what is conditioned and what makes us feel good in its own right
@SirCumference because we see pets as part of the family. It's like children. Most animals would die to defend their young (stupid turtles)
That's my point. We're not solely acting for our own species
@Kenshin try asking the person first
@Jim but the person usually doesn't know
I ask myself
that'll work
Dude noeone knows
that was my point earlier
it is intersting how little we know about our own motivations
Anyone here like philosophy?
Of course bro, this discussion borders on philosophy
I need to unthaw a block of pig by tonight. How do I do it?
HEre is another question. Do people like money to maximize wealth, or is maximising wealth simply a means to minimizing ruin?
@Kenshin Yup. I've found the subject surprisingly cool. Didn't ever think I'd like a philosophy class as much as hard science
The two are very different
Yeah even Einstein loved philosophy
they're different subjects but great minds that like physics will also like philosophy
Yeah. Though philosophy manages to spin my head even more than physics
Yeah because we know less about it
The laws of physics probably used to spin the heads of physicists before Newton
they still do
maybe at the level of QFT yea
even classical mechanics can be fairly hard
I believe however that as science improves, most questions of philosophy will be answered scientifically
Eh, much of philosophy is not supposed to be answered, but to make you think
Well a lot of philosophy can't be answered
A lot of philosophy is stupid questions
because the scientific process rests on some philosophical assumptions
Which can be questioned in philosophy
analgous to "what happens if I go faster than the speed of light" etc.
As science improves, the stupid questions become apparant
Nah, some is like the cosmological argument, as an example
Which is pretty awesome
even that could be answered through greater understanding of physics
Part of the issue with philosophy was the big split of continental vs analytic philosophy
Also post modernist bullshit
But at its core philosophy is an interesting topic
reading some real philosophy of science can be quite interesting
When we have a complete model of how the brain works, moral philosophy will move to the realm of science
That's a nice philosophy, @Kenshin
So do people maximise wealth in order to avoid ruin, or do they avoid ruin in order to maximise wealth?
People have a variety of motivations
greed is one of them
Why are people greedy?
to ensure they are never ruined?
A variety of reason
Money as u may be aware is of some importance in modern society
@Slereah and where do these reasons come from
Hence there is some emphasis placed on acquiring it
Also by association
Money is associated with the Higher Class
Status symbol
Comfortable living
etc etc
they always want more because they can never get enough
I think greed, at various levels, is a product of evolution
@Slereah but I ask then why is money associated with status and higher class etc.?
See also
I think it is because money is a means of minimizing ruin
Money didn't use to be so big
In the olden days it was more social status that was important
Nobility was much better for a high status
Money was for the plebs
and why is social status important
and of course until rather recently, money was pretty rarely used
Because we r ape
so social status is of fundemental importance?
We want to be top monkey
In the olden days, though, most people who had high social status were very rich (aka aristocracy)
True, but plenty of low class people had money
And they were often reviled by the aristocracy
Merchants were pretty poorly considered
And the court jew?
@Slereah well this is progress. I'm curious to know all the fundementaly important factors. So far I have food, water, oxygen, and social status
and very reviled
I don't know what that is. Let me wiki
u may be interested in the analysis of stimulus
But I do question whether social stuat is fundemental. Perhaps it is again a conditioned response because those with low social status feel suffering (e.g. through lack of resrouces)
It is an interesting thing for that kind of study
It's the emotional reaction associated to a stimulus
@ACuriousMind Maslov's looks like guess work to me though
everyone quotes MAslov but I don't believe the human mind works like a pyramid
and "self actualisation" seems more like a religion to me than science @ACuriousMind
@Kenshin No one claims the "human mind works like a pyramid".
In evolutionary science, it is very common for more than one strategy to evolve in the same species
This corresponds to different types of personalities in humans
because it makes the group more flexible to react to different situations
Hence people will have different priorities
ty for that linke @Slereah
@Kenshin Then you haven't understood what it means - it's neither, it's supposed to describe a person's desire to "fulfill their potential".
@ACuriousMind but I"m not sure that is a real human desire. I believe it is a conditioend response
and I don't believe Maslow's work has proven that is either
What distinguishes a "real human desire" from "conditioned responses"
Well, human desire is heavily influenced by outside factors
@ACuriousMind you can condition a human with any stimuli
Not actually true
@ACuriousMind I can condition a human to want Mcdonalds, so should this brand appear in the hierachy?
@ACuriousMind clearly we are wishing to understand the fundemental needs, not the conditioned needs
@Kenshin "Proven", heh, certainly not. The soft sciences have to content themselves with far less rigorous standards.
@ACuriousMind I agree the need to eat is a real human desire. But the need to play video games isn't
The later is conditioned
@Kenshin You can condition a human to be averse to human relationships
or sunlight
are those not real human desires
@Slereah that's right, and that's why I like to ignore the conditioned desires
and focus on the real desires
The real human desires are to reproduce conditions that triggered a dopamine response
That is the real human desire
@Kenshin That's because you're comparing two different things there. It's not "the need to play video games", it's a "need for diversion", or a "need for entertainment".
"playing video games" is not on the level of "eating" - the proper comparison would be "eating bananas", which is certainly not a fundamental need
@ACuriousMind the brain doesn't care the brain just feels happiness. My point is some activities are conditioned to be pleasurable. I think self actualisation is conditioned rather than inate
So in other words there are no real human desires
p. short list
eating is a real one
breathing is a real one
Is it
@Kenshin And how is that belief of yours any less arbitrary than what you accuse Maslow's hierarchy to be?
these aren't conditioned
Are you sure tho
How would u prove this
@ACuriousMind I hven't published my work, it's still speculation as I consider maslow's work to be
Maybe you could condition someone to be averse to eating
Maslow also belives you don't seek the higher needs until you satisify the lower needs
"I can't tell you it's a secret" is not an argument.
@ACuriousMind you misunderstood my point
welcome to psych 101 @BalarkaSen
@ACuriousMind My believe was stated above (not a secret), but my believe above isn't published because as you said it's not science yet, just like MAslows isn't either
is kenshin discussing his narrow sensory psycho-somatic philosophy again
He's being a big old dummy as usual
yeah no
@Kenshin I'm pretty certain Maslow is published, if that's your criterion.
a big thicky bobo
as one might say
i will not have anything to do with this convo
A smart move
@ACuriousMind mate stop trolling. Maslow's isn't Scientific (as opposed to not published)
People who are satisfied with Maslow are like those satisfied with the ether before Einstein. The theory is clearly BS and accepting it is just mental laziness
@Kenshin Writing science with a captial S does not make your assertions any more scientific than you accuse his to be.
I have a geometrothermodynamics question
It is hot
How do I modify the curvature of the geometrothermodynamic contact manifold to be less hot
@JohnRennie Get me a job
@ACuriousMind I understand why you and many others might be drawn to Maslow, because it provides some structure to an otherwise complicated topic, but people are drawn to it in the same way they are drawn to religion. To provide some answers to the unknown. The truth is, human needs are not nicely structured as Maslow portraits them to be.
so what's your solution?
@Kenshin Because neurons
My one and only psychological need is to create and propagate hate.
@SirCumference because of the boundary conditions of the universe
Hate in the truest and the most unadulterated sense.
so vile
@Avantgarde well to put the discussion in context we were discussing the intricacies of human needs, and some dude comes along as says "Maslow" like as if it solves all our problems - but it doesn't.
I don't think he mentioned that it solved all the problems, but that it provided a structural way of looking at it
I think we should all read psychology in greater depths than the first sentence of the wikipedia page or something and then indulge in these discussions.
@Avantgarde well he said "Maslow is far ahead of you", but in fact he is behind me as I am already aware of his work and the numerous criticisms of it
So you have managed to come up with your own theory?
@Avantgarde No but I have a good understanding of what is known to date
and science has moved far away from Maslow
Guys, say we have $12$ lamps of $50$ Watts on a plate. Is there an easy way to guess what the power is on a surface parallel to this plate, on a distance of $50$ cm?
This is how our set-up looks like
what is that
@ShaVuklia Guess: 50 W :P
@ACurious but 50W is what comes from the lamp right?
we should take 20% for the light
that's what our teaching assistance told us
Ah, the Watts are just what the lamps draw
Then you need to know their efficiency, yes
and then take into account that there is a distance $50-55 cm$
well let's guess the efficiency at 20%
so the (perpendicular) distance is 50 cm
And of course not the entire power radiated by them will be on the plate - I'm not sure there is a good way to guess how to model how the power is radiated without measuring it
well the point is
we measured it
but we got 240 W
and that seems way too little
due to other experiments done
we measured it on 9 points (3 above, 3 in the middle, 3 below)
and then averaged it
Might be better to consider the plate a point source and go with a 1/r^2 dependence, might be better to consider it, well, an infinite plate and then the power on the plate would just be the power radiated. The truth is, of course, somewhere in between
@ShaVuklia Wait, your lamp setup draws just 600 W. If the efficiency is 20% then you should at most measure 120W.
@ACuriousMind ohhhh, gee
What did measure exactly? The heat is still radiated as infrared
Is there a good source for the definitions of the various types of horizons in GR
Found a good paper on trapped surfaces, horizons is a bit trickier
this one isn't too bad but could be better
Finally....one of wisdom teeth hurts a little. What the hell should I do now? :(
@Mostafa We used the following meter:
Congratulations. You're now a wise old man :)
this is a picture that i found online
but we had the same one basically
so we measured the light, and didn't take into account that the edges might get warmer too
@Mostafa No idea though. See a dentist?
@Avantgarde I guess it has to be removed
i've had that done
i never returned to that dentist
@Justwinbaby (ಠ_ಠ)
@Mostafa I have a paragraph or two for you that might be of interest.
Let me find it.
@Avantgarde A dentist told me to extract it 6 months ago
Why would the dentist need your tooth?
@Mostafa And? You got dentophobia? Is that what it's called?
@Avantgarde I hate dentists. They're even lower than other doctors
They don't heal anything
Just remove, seal, drill, fill, bill, ....
they seem to get pleasure from giving pain
lol okay. But it's better to have a mouth that's just about fine than one that aches
@Mostafa Obviously you've never had a cavity go bad :p
@Slereah No. never.
@Avantgarde Well, the aching mouth is worth having just for the sweet sweet gratification.
Of propagating pain.
@addicted to what?
No, dentists are great if they don't have instruments on their hands.
fangs of tooth extraction
the worst is the root canal
I would actually prefer they give me an anaesthetic and then do their extracting.
Isn't that what they do?
Never do a root canal unless really really necessary.
That's just a business for them
he only gave me a couple of numbing needles
for root canal or extraction?
I have learnt basic java programming. Now which is better for coding practice: TopCoder or HackerRank or something else? Ideas anyone? (TopCoder's interface looks a bit strange to me)
@Avantgarde both
@Justwinbaby I can't do both simultaneously :P
should've used @
I think when you sleep it gets worse. Maybe I should stay awake until I go to a dentist
did you read what I linked
@BalarkaSen Half of it
you should not feel the urge to go to the dentist now then
if the pain is bad enough go
@Justwinbaby The problem is that it may damage the tooth next to it
This is a HUGE HUGE bug in the human body. We need to find a way to regrow teeth ASAP.
Isn't it more important than finding out what's inside a blackhole??!
[Philosophy Bomb]
Why there seemed to be so many parallels across different religions?

Is it a coincidence, a reflection of the underlying laws of reality, or just a manifestation of the way human brains are wired?
@Mostafa i know, they want you back
you will eventually convince yourself that the toothache, to the intelligent man, is a weapon, which can be used to cause humiliation and suffering to your neighboring human beings, and extract pleasure out of it. if you fail to cause suffering, you will suffer for that reason yourself, and extract self-gratification out of your own suffering
so there is net sadomasochistic gain out of this.
go home, Balarka
i am home bruh
go to your room, crawl under your bed and just sleep
20 mins ago, by Just win baby
i never returned to that dentist
just get done what needs to be done
i am in my room, digging a ten feet hole under my bed
and i will crawl down that hole
and sleep
and die
Don't worry. Digging a ten feet hole will take you eternity. :D
I will die anyway, so I am winning either ways.
you're too young to want to die
because only the good die young :P
Lighten up a little, people :P Death isn't that fun a topic.
"Only the Good Die Young" is a song from Billy Joel's 1977 pop rock album, The Stranger. It was the third of four singles released from the album. The song was controversial for its time, with the lyrics written from the perspective of a young man determined to deflower a Catholic girl. == Song information == The song was inspired by a high school crush of Joel's, Virginia Callahan. The boy/narrator believes that the girl is refusing him because she comes from a religious Catholic family and that she believes premarital sex is sinful. He sings, Attempts to censor the song only made it more popular...
@ACuriousMind I strongly suggest you quit string theory that has not (and most probably will not) delivered anything, and join stem cell researchers and do something useful to the humanity
good idea then would be to turn evil.:P
yeah it'd be great if there was a quick way to grow new teeth
No need to grow teeth. Just transplant them. XD
@Secret swans and/or elephants?
@ACuriousMind Ok
@Avantgarde Sharks are already doing it. We just need to find out how they do it
@BalarkaSen the original just passed away
@Mostafa Yeah, I remember hearing about that long ago
@Justw Jack Nicholson is still alive?
no batman
He is
He has aged poorly
Ah, the original Batman
I forgot his name... what's the damn name...
Nicholson was the original joker
Keaton, right
it seems he's still alive though
@Sid Yeah but he's the oldest in the series so for some reason I assumed that it was Nicholson we were talking about
Not sure why but I did
googling says it's the Adam West, the original from the show
I have never watched the show.
It looked more like a comedy cult
old school
Nicholson was way better than the crap that Leto came up with.
I hate that guy
Ledger is still ahead though.
But I think Heath Ledger nailed it
Nolan's series is waaaaay better than any of the Batman movies ever made
Ledger was my favorite Joker too :D
Nicholson is the only person to win two academy awards
Dark Knight is gotta be the best superhero movie I can come up with off the top of my head
i am not big on superheroes but there's that
maybe make that "comic superhero"
Nicholson's 12 Academy Award nominations make him the most nominated male actor in the Academy's history.
I haven't watched a lot of his movies
he's ok, if you like dry humour
Nicholson was really badass in "A Few good Men".
Ok, here's a suggestion: if any of you appreciate Batman, and you like Nolan's trilogy, look at "A Serious House on Serious Earth". This was Grant Morrison's debut graphic novel; it's based on the batman storyline but is actually a psychological horror comic
thanks, i'll check it out

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