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Maybe Penrose screwed up his axes
@Slereah How do I plot multiple things in Mathematica?
I want to plot the smoothing and the geodesics
{plot 1, plot 2}
For $\chi=0$ it's just the usual bump
as expected
does anybody here like reading history?
@Slereah So...
It looks like Penrose's opening angle look right
I need to plot the unit circle
Wonder how I do that
@Slereah you gotta be impressed
It always stays on the unit circle
It's magic.
Well it is to be expected
since it's defined on $[-1,1]$
Now I'm going to try to put in the geodesics
@ACuriousMind OK, no problem. I hoped you had a meta post to explain what it is for, but if this is all you have, then that is it.
@JohnR: What's for lunch?
well, and I broke mathematica
I can't get that plot anymore
@JohnRennie halp
yeah mathematica is pretty finnicky
I plot the exact same thing and it won't work now
sometimes this might be due to defining over old variables
I'm restarting the program...
it froze
Had to force quit
Dammit Penrose, you broke Mathematica
he's not the first to do it
Evaluate@With[{r = Sqrt[x^2 + y^2], \[Theta] =
ArcTan[x, y]}, {r Cos[Pi \[Theta]/(Pi - 2 chi)] -
Exp[1/(r^2 Sin[Pi \[Theta]/(Pi - 2 chi)]^2 - 1)] == 0,
r^2 == 1}], {x, -2, 2}, {y, -2, 2
Restarting my computer
that's the code if you want to try it
I'd need to install it
So does the Penrose $\pi / (\pi - 2 \chi)$ work?
No need to replace it?
I can't tell
I'm trying to plot the geodesics to see what happens
Ok I restarted
Well fuck, my installation of Mathematics is broken.
How does that even happen?
@JohnRennie ???
for fuck's sake can someone help
My mathematica refuses to do 1+1
What the hell is going on
Is there "running" written at the top
So just wait
it's calculating
restart the kernel perhaps?
I rebooted the computer already
Do you mean something else?
or you could abort the current calculation, if you really want to know what 1+1 is
@Slereah The point is that it won't do anything
is your computer typically slow?
or just when using MMA?
@Kaumudi.H This:
I just started using Mathematica an hour ago
uninstall it and install it again?
what the fuck
@JohnRennie god dammit stop posting food and please help
I'm eating lunch ...
or go ask in the MMA chatroom
where's that?

 Wolfram Mathematica

Welcome! This is the main Mathematica chat room for mathematic...
@JohnRennie That looks incredibly unhealthy (:-) but what is it?
Turkey nuggets - two different kinds
With cheese ...
@JohnRennie Why you do this
I'm hungry af
@JohnRennie Nice :-)
@BernardoMeurer I know, right? I mean, I ask him but I'm still sometimes jealous that he can eat whatever the heck he wants to.
@JohnRennie I'm going to go stay a couple weeks with you in the summer
Culinary school :P
They are indeed very unhealthy - loaded with fat and salt. But, oooh, they taste good :-)
I can't find the base user directory to perform a clean install.
I still have the download file
So I should uninstall completely?
What is broken? I you start Mathematica does it run?
@0celouvskyopoulo7 Delete some RAM
nah, you should get a PC
And then download more ram
@JohnRennie Yes.
Or get Linux
@AccidentalFourierTransform I have a PC.
I don't want to redownload it to there
Internet is shit rn
@0celouvskyopoulo7 so what doesn't work?
Anything after that.
I can download it for you and send it to you by email
@0celouvskyopoulo7 My version of MMA is v10 not v11, but when I start it I get a splash screen then a screen like this (hang on ...):
Sorry for interrupting but how many of u identify as Hufflepuffs?
everyone here should be Slytherin or Ravenclaw
the other two houses are straight up trash
-_- I'm a proud Hufflepuff.
@Kaumudi.H Hufflepuffs don't exist
None of this BS exists
@0celouvskyopoulo7 They're not!
@BernardoMeurer Oh, it does for us.
you're like a proud deaf person then
I'm a Ravenclaw
@0celouvskyopoulo7 deaf person?
we all know you're inferior, but for some reason you think you're actually better
@Kaumudi.H yeah
deaf culture is incredibly strange
I have zero respect for that woman, so yeah.
@JohnRennie Look, my issue is in the pictures above.
I'm going to uninstall mathematica now
Unless you have a smart solution
I keep getting a Kernel error, even after restarting the computer
...I don't want to get into an argument about this if you're not willing to be open-minded about this so never mind.
go as in the MMA chatroom
post that exact same picture
they'll know what to do
There are 5 tests, official or not, and I am ravenclaw
@0celouvskyopoulo7 what's wrong with this. It looks normal to me.
@0celouvskyopoulo7 For the record, we don't think we're better. But we're not inferior either. Cedric Diggory was the one who got chosen as the Triwizard Champion from all of the houses and he was a Hufflepuff.
@JohnRennie It's not evaluating...
It just gets stuck
It doesn't freeze, it just doesn't given an output
You mean if you select the "evaluate notebook" command nothing happens?
@JohnRennie Makes sense. I've gotten sorted into all four houses before (over the course of several years in which I did change a lot) but I think I identify most with Hufflepuffs.
@Kaumudi.H Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurp! Finished!
@JohnRennie Yes.
It worked an hour ago.
@JohnRennie :-)
@JohnRennie Can you help with some issues with organic chemistry problem?
Ask in the MMA chat. It'll be something obscure that got changed.
It has to do with resonance effect
Should I just reinstall?
The Chem SE people are insanely slow in replying
@Yashas I doubt it. I last did organic chem 35 years ago and I wasn't very good at it then. What do you want to know?
A: Which of the following is the more stable carbocation?

orthocresolLet's call the carbocations A and B because typing "the first carbocation" gets quite tiring (it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I'm lazy). So in both carbocations, the positively charged carbon is $\text{sp}$-hybridised (this allows the vacant orbital to be a $\text{p}$ orbital,...

Might as well, I have no files to save.
Why can't the bond b/w the carbocation and the phenyl ring rotate such that the empty p-orbital becomes parallel to the phenyl ring so that there can be delocalization of electrons through mesomeric effect?
@0celouvskyopoulo7 worth a try I suppose. But uninstall first to clear out any settings.
@JohnRennie I can't figure out how to uninstall
it seems to be just drag to the trash...
Why can't electrons of the phenyl ring be delocalized through the p orbital which has already formed a pi bond with the terminal carbon of the aliphatic group?
The electrons can shift to the terminal carbon and the electrons of the phenyl ring can jump to the middle carbon of the aliphatic group :/
@AccidentalFourierTransform Ok, can you please help in the meantime?
it could temporarily create double +ve charge on the carbon if the electron shifts were to be shown by drawing the canonical structures but the shifts can happen simultaneously
Can you make that into a manipulate, for $\chi\in[0,\pi/4]$?
I am not sure if such analysis is allowed because individual resonance structures don't exist
And then plot $y=\tan(\chi)x$, and $y=-\tan(\chi)x$ as well?
The point is that no matter how the p orbitals are oriented, you always have one p orbital that is parallel (and hence electrons can be delocalised through it) and one p orbital that is orthogonal, and is vacant.

Even if you rotate them, then the pi bond breaks, form again, and the previously vacant orbital become filled and the filled orbital become vacant
@Secret I was wondering if the non-empty p orbital could be used. If a pi bond had to be formed b/w the phenyl ring and the middle carbon, the pi electrons would have to shift to the terminal carbon as the pi electrons from the ring jump in.
While drawing the resonance structures, you will notice that during that transition (which does not happen in reality) from one structure to another would temporarily increase the charge on the middle carbon.
Anyway, why can't the aliphatic group be rotated such that the empty p-orbital is parallel to the ring p-orbitals and the other non-hybridized orthogonal p-orbital could form the bond with the terminal carbon?
@0celouvskyopoulo7 pix
I suspect the conjugation of the phenyl with the alkene (and you mentioned how drawing resonance contributors you can have the double bond moving between the 3 carbons in the cation) means the real scenario is that the electron density will be delocalised throughout the phenyl and the alkene,
which means what is drawn as a single bond in between the phenyl and the middle carbon actually has partial double bond character. This means the rotation about that bond will be hindered thus you cannot freely rotate that to align the p orbitals in the way you described
@0celouvskyopoulo7 checks out
@Kaumudi.H YHM
I...broke it again
what the hell?
I broke mathematica again
@Secret Partial double bond character is harmless, right? I would fix the entire group of atoms to the vertical plane. So I won't be rotating in reality. I am trying to set the initial conditions.
I give up
What a trash program
Yeah it's pretty buggy
@JohnRennie Now YHM :-)
My computer froze
I hate my life
Can I kill myself
Something like this?
@Secret :O yes
Then I guess orthocresol and ron have explained it. The delcalisation stablisation of the pi system outweight the combined stablility that can be obtained bby separately forming 2 pi systems
None of us in the JEE prep room read the whole answer :D
Resonance stablisation and aromaticity often provide large overall contribution to the stability of the molecule, thus breaking those is in general difficult
Even for the complexes in my research, aromaticity alone can reverse isomer preferences
There are two very rough rule of thumb for organic molecules:
1. Nature loves rings, if there is a possibility to form 5-6 member rings, then it is very easy to form (e.g. lactams, lactones)
2. Conjugated systems tend to be more stablised when the electrons are most delocalised
@JohnR: I've replied. I dunno if u stop checking in the middle or what, which is why I'm pinging you here as well, sorry...
@Kaumudi.H the mail seems to take a little while to work its way in and out of India.
Strange :-/
Huh, BibLaTeX is giving me a hard time with references
There's probably a lazy mail router somewhere along the way.
Q: Mathematica stuck in "running" for every calculation I attempt, kernel error

0celouvskyopoulo7I downloaded Mathematica this morning to do an implicit polar plot. I attempt to run the code Manipulate[ ContourPlot[ Evaluate@With[{r = Sqrt[x^2 + y^2], \[Theta] = ArcTan[x, y]}, {r Cos[Pi \[Theta]/(Pi - 2 chi)] - Exp[1/(r^2 Sin[Pi \[Theta]/(Pi - 2 chi)]^2- 1)] == 0, r^2 == 1}], {x, -2, 2}...

please upvote
Would u prefer it if, in the future, we used gchat instead?
I suspect I have to send u an invitation or whatever...
@Kaumudi.H no, mail is good. I prefer to work on my PC rather than the phone.
Huh? Ur gmail usually has a side-bar with gchat on it on PC...
On the PC? I'll have a look ...
@JohnRennie Yeah, on the PC!
^ on the left.
Oh, man, do you guys really like this annoying feed?
Hmm, I get:
This thing ain't working
Right right, that's the one. Hang on...
@Sid Chill, the feed annoys us all but there is no way to turn it off.
I've sent u an invitation.
@JaimeGallego What software is that?
i only discovered a few days ago that gchat was the older name for hangouts
@BalarkaSen You're a summer child
@BernardoMeurer That's TeXstudio for Windows
@JaimeGallego WINDOWS?
I am away from my computer
@Bernard "Winter kept us warm"
No excuses
I carry a live USB of GNU/Linux everywhere
So I can avoid proprietary malware
on the go
Command line won't do though, I need PDF previews
framebuffer terminal
Or get a Mint live USB
or Antergos
@JaimeGallego: don't listen to the fanatics. Windows is the one true OS. Of course there might be the occasional cryptlocker infection ... :-)
@Bernardo Throw holy water at this man
@JohnRennie "Windows is the one true OS" ... which one?
@rob I finally, and somewhat reluctantly, switched to Windows 10 and I find I really like it.
My cat is being a mean bitch
@JohnRennie The fact that we're friends is proof I am a man of peace
@JaimeGallego isn't that a contradiction in terms :-)
how can a cat be a dog
@JohnR: I'm usually signed out of Hangouts so you may still have to alert me the next time there is a need to chat.
@Kaumudi.H Noted!
a baboon on the other hand...
I didn't know Hangouts still existed. Google seem to change their chat app every five minutes. Isn't it Allo these days?
@JohnRennie Dunno what Allo is, I do use Hangouts daily though
@JohnRennie Allo is similar but has some extra features, I think.
Mostly because DS only uses that
Hangouts doesn't update itself that often...
I should ask my niece - she knows these things.
Oh snap!
That's a worried looking budgie :-)
That cat has intents
That cat has a plan
splice them
@JohnRennie What's your favorite tea?
That's my sister's cat, she is volunteering for an animal protection association
@BernardoMeurer I'm not a tea connoisseur. I generally only drink coffee, but then I'm not a coffee connoisseur eithr - I just drink instant.
I'm a big fan of water.
@JaimeGallego The cat is volunteering for an animal protection association???
In charge of birds? :-)
@JaimeGallego How old is your sister
@JohnRennie You make dad jokes all the time even though you're not a dad yourself -_- You're an uncle though so I guess that counts as well.
What kind of question is that
@BernardoMeurer Shark attack!!
A suspicious question
She's the same age as Yvonne
Not a single upvote
Water is the best, yes. It trumps all
careful with the words
^My sister
@JaimeGallego I feel like you're hiding something
Don't make me stalk you

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