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@0celo7 Remind me where English originates, again? :P
testing $x^2$
Berkeley: denied
What about upen @BernardMeurer?
@Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ March 31st at 5 PM EST
Still have Cornell and Waterloo to go to
Still great institutions.
Yeah, it's just that not getting into UCB put's more weight on those decisions
and I'm already on the verge of having a heart attack everytime I get an email :p
@BernardMeurer sorry about that bud
what places have you gotten positives from so far?
@FenderLesPaul UCSD and VA Tech; Denied UCB, UCD, UIUC; Wait: GA Tech
And thanks man :)
you can always transfer from one to any of the others once you "get your foot in the door."
@BernardMeurer weren't you also applying to UCSB at some point?
@FenderLesPaul I thought I was, but since I applied before my time at the h-bar I didn't go for UCSB (Don't ask me why, I didn't think through the UCs I applied to very well :p)
Ah ok
well I don't know anything about VA Tech but UCSD is very good
John McGreevy is there
Yeah I was very glad I got accepted there, and to Warren even
I'm just waiting for UPenn and Cornell mostly, they're my dream schools
are you doing physics?
I can't recall
hey can someone please help me on this
i got this wrong
i don't get why
i changed my answer to stays the same
and balancing forces in the vertical direction
@FenderLesPaul Engineering, I'm not good enough at physics to do physics :p
in that case John McGreevy being at UCSD probably won't matter to you haha
I don't know anything about Cornell Engineering
even after having been here for 4 years
out of the schools you mentioned I only know about Berkeley's engineering program
but that's mainly because it's Berkeley and I don't know shit about engineering haha
@FenderLesPaul I already told you to print my picture and storm into the admissions office :p
Penn's engineering and Cornell's are both very damn good; specially computer engineering
A lot of people bitch about Cornell regarding being geographically isolated; how do you feel about that?
Ah ok
I know some CS people here
they're very smart
I don't know any ECE people though
can someone please help me with this? puu.sh/nSTn9/9831437bf4.png
I wouldn't worry about it being isolated there's still lots to do
i really don't know the answer
@FenderLesPaul It's pretty much the same
and you're going to be so busy with work most of the time that you won't really have time to worry about being isolated
@Pallas Someone will help you if they want to :)
it's like first year general physics
the only majors where you will have time to worry about being geographically isolated are business, architecture etc.
im so confused though
@BernardMeurer plus the campus is absolutely beautiful
@FenderLesPaul "Don't worry about isolation, you won't even notice with how hard you'll be working"
Now I feel so much better :p
@BernardMeurer it's true!
Yeah I saw some pictures, the campus is absolutely beautiful
wait lol, are we talking about Cornell engineering?
oh, lol i go to cornell engineering
@BernardMeurer well I don't know
if they're the same
im completely serious
the hardcore CS people I know are awesome
what's your major?
but I sat in on a CS class once
and the engineering kids had no fucking idea what was going on because of basic linear algebra
@FenderLesPaul They aren't the same but they are very close; as in it's a slight focus change between CS and ECE
@BernardMeurer oh I mean in terms of the students
@Pallas I applied for ECE
or was it CS now
ok, my major is CS
engineering sucks for CS
Jesus christ, this application thing is killing me
there's so many requirements that are uselss
you're better of doing arts in CS
@BernardMeurer if you get into Cornell
just do physics
this school is so actually stressful
noo, don't do physics
you'll have so much more fun
not in engineering
yeah, you can only do applied physics in engineering which is just really not worth it
@FenderLesPaul You'll need to work pretty hard to convert me; Computers are the one thing I found I was good at in my life so far :p
I don't know anything about Cornell engineering unfortunately haha
I've only ever gone into Duffield to study when I'm bored
someone help me do this
FenderLesP: lol, do you go to conrell?
@Pallas yep!
lol same
wait, what year?
Senior, I'm graduating soon
I applied to ECE yeah
papa bless
oh nice. im a frosh
ECE is so hard
fun stuff
no, not really. it's just been really stressful and shit grades
expect to not get an internship Bernard if you come here
most ECE people seem to get bad grades because they don't know how to study properly
they just study the way they did in high school
Okay, you two
because you get a B+ for trying, and dumbasses at liek Dartmouth get an A- for turning on their computer
Tomorrow you'll both meet, go to the admissions office and make them accept me :)
lol it's not that bad
yes it is
cornell engineering is bad
@BernardMeurer there's different admissions for the different interior schools
you have to take 1910. i died in 1910. fucking farbod.
since I'm in physics my admissions was through arts and sciences
@FenderLesPaul ;-;
engineering has a different admissions :(
then you have to do this shity physics quiz that im doing right now
you do NOT want to do engineering here. it is shit. it sucks. then you have to take 2090 which is like the worst thing
What class?
chemistry 2090
so fucking bad
I mean for physics
Yikes, chemistry
oh 1112
Fender, you wanna help a bro?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't transferring ECE->CS supposedly easy(as in, not the hardest)
@Pallas Honestly dude, don't ask people to solve your homework
it's not that bad. like digital logic is is transferable to 3410 and i think you still need to take 2110, 2800, etc
I'm pretty bad at physics in all honesty
arent you a physics major? this is dumbshit freshman physics
@FenderLesPaul Got where he is just because of his shoulder
He's a shoulder model
are you waitlisted on ga tech?
i got into ga tech, idk. it was safety for me. that's weird that you're waitlisted
did you get into CU? or no
so roughly a 20% chance of getting in, not focusing on it
Still waiting :)
Which is why I'm telling you to raid the admissions office :p
it suucckkks. I actually really dislike it.
You see, I'm Brazilian, mostly anything looks really awesome to me
Ah the stress of being a freshman
good times
like cornell sucks. i wish i went to caltech or berkeley.
gooood times
lol if you think cornell is stressful
@Pallas You got into both of those?
the weather is so much better and you dont deal with these frat guys
you would have a ball at Caltech
Cornell is lightweight compared to Caltech
yeah, but i was like, CU is ivy and caltech has like 900 people
consiering my shittiness at this physics, i would have died there. i would have died at ga tech too.
I'll be totally honest, I prefer UPenn to Cornell by bit
just because I applied to the double major in CS and Economy there
lmfao guesisng correctly like a fucking boss
u penn is a shit school if you're not in wharton
which I'm really pumped about
@Pallas M&T is a pretty nice program dude
unless you do economics in wharton. you not getting a job on wall street.
That's what I just said
@BernardMeurer given his prose and his general attitude I would say just ignore his comments :)
and like, wall street jobs aren't even worth it.
lol, i make this school look bad
@FenderLesPaul I'm smarter than to take ill based criticism :)
i swear, im actually a lot more intelligent than this
Meh, I dunno what I want to do with my life, maybe try and go to research in computing
@BernardMeurer are you into topological computing?
or quantum computing
oh, you want to go to grad school? yeah, don't go to cornell. your GPA will drop so hard....
@FenderLesPaul Dunno what that is yet, maybe I'll like it :)
@FenderLesPaul I'm in love with quantum computing
quantum computing is not worth it. the current technology...it's just not worth it right now. you won't do any meaningful research. it's not advanced enough
like really trust me on this. im actually in CS. the current time frame for quantum computing is not now.
@Pallas Now you're just talking garbage and I suggest you don't comment on what you don't know about
Really? I was on google's QC research lab last month, they are doing some pretty cool stuff
lmao ok. whatever. believe what you want or whatever your echo chamber tells you and then you can find me in like 4 years when you realize now is not the time for qc
go figure
and yeah, they are, but what im saying is that qc won't hit the market for another like 25 years
Did you go to Microsoft Station Q?
and that's with luck.
they have some cool research going on there
no, i didnt need to. do you know how many physics cs majors i know that wanted to do qc and switched because the current tech is stagnant
it's not that there's not enough research or that it's not funded enough, it's that they're running into problems that they haven't been able to solve for decades and still can't solve.
@BernardMeurer but quantum computing is really very much in a theoretical phase right now
the technology is stagnant.
and I think has more research potential in the physics side than CS side atm
@FenderLesPaul I'm aware, but that's also cool
lol, no, trust me it won't be when you try to look for a research thesis and it's the exact same as your 200 other colleagues
@Pallas If the technology is stagnant isn't it perhaps my duty to put work towards changing that? Considering I find the subject interesting
Even if that doesn't amount to anything
@BernardMeurer I don't think you should encourage him/her
just learn to ignore
@FenderLesPaul A skill I'm yet to master, good advice
Fender: lol, are you really going to tell him that it's not?
@FenderLesPaul Is the microsoft station Q at Cornell? I've been dying to see one of DWave's machines
there's seriously no real future in qc. it's just cool. it's like everything else that is trendy and cool. it's like rocketships and virtual reality. it's trendy
It's at UCSB @BernardMeurer
it's part of KITP
people don't even bother trying to develop post quantum encryption schemes because they don't care because they know there's not going to be a functional qc any time soon
Stop ditching other people's interests. @Pallas
im just saying...
it's the truth
@FenderLesPaul Oh I was at a QC lab at UCSB, but when I did go there it was some grad people working and I didn't see any microsoft labels
and they used linux :p
doesn't surprise me haha
I'd find it hard to imagine grad students doing actual research use microsoft
Bernard, also, how do you know this already? it's like one article in scientific american will tell you so
@BernardMeurer if you got UCSD we can visit each other!
although Berkeley is still far away from UCSD
@FenderLesPaul Windows is rather unusable for development purposes, which is a shame really
@FenderLesPaul You're picking Berkeley after all?
lol why do you say that?
@FenderLesPaul I love driving :D
windows is functional...
i worked on it
@BernardMeurer I think so yeah (regarding Berkeley)
(I drove LA-SF and back when I was in Cali)
plus driving along highway 1 is awesome
Nice choice, both were great schools :)
It really is! It was a super cool trip to make
I had to turn down UChicago
which was heartbreaking
The visit right?
Yeah but mainly because not even 2 years ago I would've accepted UChicago on the spot
but my interests have changed quite a bit since then
so I guess the heart breaking part is holding on to past interests that you loved a lot but knowing that you're going to be doing something different
and turning down something that would've actually been perfect a couple of years ago
@FenderLesPaul I can see how that's tough to deal with, like "3 years ago me would love this" feeling
especially given that when I was a freshman I wanted to work for Bob Wald more than anything haha
yeah exactly that feeling
but as consolation, UChicago kids are pretty weird
they gave me a dope ass scarf for free though
I got free chinese candy when I was at UCSB
and Daniel felt guilty for taking candy from strangers
I wonder what I'll get from Berkeley, UCSB, and MIT
more free scarves!
Perhaps a hat ;P
I have too many beanies already :(
I already have a Berkeley beanie from years ago
You got into MIT?
so that won't get me excited!
yeah I got into MIT a while ago
I don't like beanies :p
not going there though
they don't really have anyone working on more contemporary aspects quantum gravity
just hardcore string theory people
and I hate string theory research
@FenderLesPaul I'm adding you to my list of promises for new messiah brb
Isn't string theory supposed to be sorcery?
Was it here that someone was saying gravity is a myth?
@BernardMeurer All myths have a grain of truth in them ;)
@ACuriousMind Are you telling me the Loch Ness moster exists?!
I wish I was in the 70s
so I could do classical GR research and still have a future
world's smallest violin starts playing
@BernardMeurer The "grain of truth" there is probably that someone ate grain tainted with ergot and then went to the lake.
@ACuriousMind :D
@FenderLesPaul I wish I was 8 days into the future
sleep a lot
Get drunk
@FenderLesPaul Ha, hahahahahaha, sleep! Silly you, like I could do such thing
@ACuriousMind I've been working on that daily, but my wallet is disagreeing with my wishes
Ah, I keep forgetting not everyone can afford drugging themselves :P
I just want spring break to be over
so fucking boring
also doing research when not at school is impossible
I get distracted every 3 seconds because of the abundance of food
Research cocktails?
Enjoy this period of life where you still have extended periods of downtime
I really don't like downtime
@ACuriousMind Will you pay for my drinks if I go to zoidberg Heidelberg?
One of the reasons I'm not in a hurry to complete my masters
it makes me feel like I haven't accomplished anything and the boredom is excruciating
@BernardMeurer Yes, but you have to drink what I order
@ACuriousMind You don't strike me as a Jäger guy; what do you drink?
and will make me drink as well
@BernardMeurer Ew, my Jäger days are past.
@ACuriousMind How old are you again?
Depends what bar we go to, but I generally prefer dark beers, and whisky and absinthe.
@BernardMeurer 23
Jäger was what we drank in school, both my flatmate and I can't stand the stuff anymore
wtf you're 23?
@FenderLesPaul Why is that astonishing?
I thought you were some kind of wise sage
you sound like one
but now I find out you're only 2 years older than me
How are you guys so young, you're a grad student right @FenderLesPaul?
I've always been "old for my age" :P
@BernardMeurer not yet
@ACuriousMind never had absinthe, don't like whisky, Love dark beers with all my heart
I will be entering grad school in late August!
I only turned 23 this month, actually
@FenderLesPaul That makes it better, got worried for a second there :p
lol y'all are still here

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