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But they all are related to physics
Use your iPad @0celo7
@Mostafa By that logic everyone should create their own chat room for individual topics. 0celot7 should create another chat room for himself if he has a problem here. I am not going to. I am fine here.
All the rooms here are about physics.
@0celo7 You haven't bought this room.
No one has a monopoly on this room but when multiple people ask if you not perhaps want to take your conversations about a specific topic to another room I'd kindly ask you to consider that.
@anonymous I think if the ratio of the number of people interested to the number of the posts generated is too low, then logic, ethics and civility say you should create another room.
@ACuriousMind What is the problem in using the "Ignore" button?
Can't ignore on mobile, can you read?
@0celo7 Ignore when you are on a pc.
It's even way more efficient for yourself. I wonder why you haven't already done that.
I don't have a PC
Change it into desktop version
@0celo7 It is your problem. Not mine.
@anonymous The ignore function is to ignore users with whom, for whatever reason, you do not see yourself having productive or civil conversations
You cannot ignore a topic, you can only ignore users. Note that 0celo7 and Mostafa are not saying you should not visit this room anymore, but that the JEE exercise conversation should take place somewhere else.
Hmm...mods are here.
@ACuriousMind Yeah. If someone feels that our conversation is not relevant why not ignore it when we are talking about that topic?
It is a reversible action
Exactly! I do want to see your other messages but not messages on JEE questions!
@anonymous ...because you might have something interesting to say about another topic?
The JEE conversation is constant. You talk about nothing else
@ACuriousMind I doubt they will. All they care about is their little test
@0celo7 Even your conversation about Maths and Physics is constant
How it all disturbs you
@ACuriousMind @0celo7 @Mostafa I am not going to create a new room. Feel free to ignore me. Or create a room for yourself.
@0celo7 Yeah, now starts the personal level attacks.
@anonymous I'll personally attack you all day
@0celo7 I am putting you on ignore.
Good riddance.
I wouldn't want you to learn something from me.
I'm so disgusted it's hard to not get banned.
@0celo7 Please stop it right there, insulting each other gets us nowhere
@anonymous can we back to our discussion :-)
@Koolman Sure :)
So how can we solve it without truth table
@Koolman A and B are connected by an OR gate
A and C are also connected by an OR gate
@anonymous Let me phrase it like this: If you do not respond to friendly suggestion I will kick you from this room if you continue to discuss things when other regulars have expressed a preference for you to take it somewhere else. I would much prefer not to but this room is not yours to hijack against the express wishes of others.
@ACuriousMind Ok.
Feel free to kick mute me.
You will be misusing your power.
@ACuriousMind I'm not insulting anyone. I find his actions disgusting.
But he's ignored me, and I'm not insane. No use talking to myself.
at least now we know where all these stars come from :)
@0celo7 What's JEE?
@0celo7 Describing another's actions as "disgusting" is not constructive or nice. Please don't do that.
@anonymous in the options are they multiplying
@Koolman That multiplication symbol means AND operation.
An admissions test @DanielSank
@skullpetrol Ah.
Why does that have to go in another chat?
I am confuse.
@anonymous now where that come from
@Koolman There is an AND gate in the circuit.
On the right end
@DanielSank They are flooding the chat.
If it is OR gate in place of AND gate then @anonymous
They are talking right now.
@0celo7 So?
@DanielSank Because 3-4 people find it distracting/disgusting. They feel we are flooding the chat. But so are they.
Should I ask you to leave when you flood the chat with differential geometry?
And I will.
@DanielSank Homework policy ;)
Interesting, so essentially what you're saying is that any time an intense discussion forms, it should leave.
But I don't know when I have flooded the chat with differential geometry lately.
@Koolman Then use + instead of .
Creating rooms is easy.
In a sense, we're saying that we want to optimize for low traffic in the chat.
That's interesting.
@DanielSank when it's completely disjoint from physics and takes days and days, yes
@anonymous where it is written
@Koolman yeah
@0celo7 A JEE test is not more removed from physics than is the math stuff y'all talk about.
Dat theorist bias tho.
@anonymous page
@Koolman Don't know...
It should be
@DanielSank the math is not constantly flooding the chat
Search the net
I am bit busy
@0celo7 Oh, yes it is.
No, it isn't.
From my point of view it sure is.
I come here often, see a wall of math, and just leave.
And this shit isn't?
Our messages are being interrupted right now!!
@0celo7 So?
@Koolman @anonymous May I ask why you created this room when you now say that you won't switch rooms?
That's how online chat is, duder.
@ACuriousMind I didn't create it.
@DanielSank Honestly, if that actually turns you away I'd much prefer you say that clearly
@ACuriousMind Why? You guys are obviously having a nice chat. I have zero reason to ask it to stop.
@DanielSank Asking people to switch to another room is not asking them to stop having a chat
Sure, maybe y'all can hang out in another room, but would you come back here to chat when you're done with math? Likely not.
@ACuriousMind I didn't create it
@DanielSank I regularly hang out in more than one chat room and have more than one conversation, I see no problem with that
@ACuriousMind Sure but it's annoying af. You have to either identify where the conversation started and move relevant messages to a new room, or you have to live with conversations crossing room boundaries.
@ACuriousMind k
Then I hereby point out that sometimes when you guys talk about math, I choose not to chat here.
I decline to present that as a request that you move the conversation.
Trying to separate math from physics is futile.
I never tried to separate them.
I made a statement about when I do and do not join the conversation here.
I feel some people here don't understand what a group chat room is. If you are having a problem then you should move out rather than telling others to move out.
@anonymous It's a balance, dude.
@DanielSank Wait - do you just not participate and lurk or do you find our math chats annoying? Because there's a difference, and I would move them voluntarily out of this room if it is the latter
@ACuriousMind I cannot answer this question because it is not the case that one situation always occurs while the other never occurs.
@DanielSank Obviously it is. But I find their request hilarious. We weren't talking about topics unrelated to science/physics anyway. When JR and K talk about cooking or storybooks or movies for hours then no one asks them to move out!
I agree about the cooking thing, but that's actually irrelevant.
In one way of thinking about it, the only thing that matters is whether or not users do or do not want a particular topic in the chat.
In other words, rather than measuring ok-ness of a topic by some imaginary objective Platonic metric, you can measure it by asking "are any users asking us to leave".
@anonymous A group should usually try to find solutions to problems together. In this case some people voiced their problems you refused to compromise in any way.
You need to respect that this is a valid metric.
@DanielSank I don't want to see messages related to cooking or storybooks here. But I don't tell them to move out. That's plain rude.
@anonymous No one ever voiced any problems with that! I'm sure that if people voiced significant annoyance at JR's and K's conversation you could've talked about it
@anonymous Similarly, I don't ask the math people to move to another room.
@ACuriousMind That is not true. I recall some complaints about it.
They were not particularly persistent, buy they were there, I think.
@DanielSank Okay, I'm not here 24 hours, it is possible I've missed them
Anyway, your point remains: there hasn't been much complaining, so of course the food discussions continue.
This is reasonable.
Ok I will start complaining next time when I see a cooking related message.
@anonymous Why?
You don't like it?
@DanielSank Because I don't like it here.
@anonymous ah. Ok, that's reasonable!
@ACuriousMind what did you cook?
I just need to gather 2-3 more complainers and say that "The people in this room want you to move to another room" @DanielSank
@anonymous I promise you that if you appear to be doing this out of spite you will only shoot yourself in the foot.
@anonymous You might want to omit the bold.
It's distracting.
@ACuriousMind I think you should not have said that. Just let it happen and deal with it as appropriate.
He already said he finds the food discussions annoying.
Don't go in assuming anyone is acting out of spite.
@ACuriousMind I promise you that it is not out of spite.
Let's all chill out.
@skullpetrol How? Music?
Someone wanna mix drinks?
food is relaxing
@skullpetrol Ok hang on...
we could talk about food
@anonymous I am here
@AccidentalFourierTransform Please move your food posts to another room :P I don't like them here!
Fantastic chill music:
@anonymous oh ok :-(
@AccidentalFourierTransform :'D
I also don't like it when Bernardo, Balarka and JR discuss about music bands
I will ask them to move out too
And if they all do the even I will move my JEE conversation to another room
I think this JEE discussion is very different from that cooking, music or even topology one. This one is like a serious test practice and problem-solving session that really needs a dedicated room.
Here is general chat for PhysicsSE.
@Mostafa I don't consider it to be serious. It is as fun as music or cooking is.
Solving multiple choice problems one after another is a serious test practice session, no matter what you say.
@anonymous That's people socializing. There is a sliding scale here - there's a difference between you not liking a conversation, and you feeling it detracts from the atmosphere of the chat room.
@ACuriousMind There is no fixed atmosphere of the chat room.
@anonymous There does not need to be a fixed atmosphere for me to feel that a particular conversation makes it worse.
@ACuriousMind Why should I care for what you feel if you don't reciprocate the same? I feel cooking and music makes the atmosphere worse.
If those are not moving out then even I am not.
anyone here like designing?
@Koolman We talk about food more than they do
This conversation will only go downhill from here. I am stopping here. You (collectively) can go on.
Hence, the h bar(becue)
@SirCumference I used to love graphical design. I was not bad at Illustrator :-D

 The Frying Pan

Sometimes hot, always heavy. (cooking.stackexchange.com)
@ACuriousMind The type of answers that I see is exactly what calls for moderator intervention.
and a bit of photoshop
@Koolman Stop spamming chatrooms.
@anonymous Why? The JEE discussions tend to be long and about very specific problems no one except for the people taking the test has any reason to care about. It's hard to follow them. Music and cooking are perfectly normal small talk topics. Why do you think they detract from the atmosphere?
@AccidentalFourierTransform Awesome. What do you think of obe's design here?
@AccidentalFourierTransform What do you mean "used to"?
@ACuriousMind I don't like Western music (the ones which most people here talk about) . Cooking ( I am not interested in what you are having for lunch).
It's for Astro SE
@ACuriousMind I am not spamming
@Koolman You were, these contributed nothing to the conversation. Either participate constructively or not at all.
@SirCumference Ah, I like it! I don't love the font though. Maybe you guys could try a different one
@ACuriousMind I am just saying there are others rooms for cooking and music
@AccidentalFourierTransform Is it just me, or is it a bit too bluey.
@ACuriousMind you know, before physics I used to have hobbies
@anonymous As I said I think personal dislike of a topic is really not enough reason to ask others to not talk about it.
@AccidentalFourierTransform Ah, so you just mean you don't have enough time anymore to do much graphic design?
@SirCumference well that's the point, right? you know obe ;-)
The "used to love" sounded as if something destroyed your love for the subject
@AccidentalFourierTransform Yeah, but still :P
Also, it doesn't look to good as a favicon
@ACuriousMind lol no, it's about the time.
If I had time, I'd love to learn how to make video animations
like, artistic shit
I used to devour fiction books. Now that I read technical stuff all the time I somehow do not find reading fiction as relaxing as it used to be :/
@ACuriousMind Asking JEE topics to move out is also a personal dislike of 3-4 here. However other 4-5 people including me, Yashas, Kaumudi, Koolman and Ramnujan are interested in JEE. So if you use your mod powers to stop 4-5 people from carrying out a science conversation then you will be abusing it. Period.
@SirCumference agree. maybe you could include a solid circle behind the galaxy
@AccidentalFourierTransform After Effects is a pain in the ass
a kind of solid background
@AccidentalFourierTransform I like that idea :)
@anonymous there are few other users also
@anonymous So you're basically saying that cooking and music are similar to JEE test in popularity among people.
@Mostafa Yes it is.
@ACuriousMind ugh, tell me about it. I've been on the same book for months now, and Im still halfway through. I dont find reading as exciting/relaxing as I used to.
physics killed the kid in me
now its all derivatives and equations
I want fun :-(
When is the test day? @anonymous
@AccidentalFourierTransform Ah, I still do fun stuff that's not physics. Just much less reading for fun
@SirCumference but I've been told that it is the best product out there
@AccidentalFourierTransform It is. I've made some pretty cool class projects with it :)
@ACuriousMind you do? tell me your secret!
@AccidentalFourierTransform Lots of drugs. :P
@SirCumference cool! mind sharing something? is it on youtube?
@AccidentalFourierTransform I thought it's just me that always feel reading has become my job!
But seriously, no idea, I just never was the type to focus solely on one thing - like physics - and not do anything else.
@AccidentalFourierTransform I'm not sure if my friends would be okay with me sharing it
It's got our names in the credits and their voices
@Mostafa I suddenly realize that that feeling is much more universal than I thought
@ACuriousMind well me neither. But my adviser wants results. Hopefully my master thesis will be over soon and I'll be able to have fun again :-)
@AccidentalFourierTransform Hmm...
@AccidentalFourierTransform lol, I'm kinda glad no one depends on what results I may or may not obtain.
@SirCumference hmm yes, it still looks weird. Perhaps the galaxy should fade out more gradually. Right now it is too sharp maybe? idk
@ACuriousMind when do you plan to defend your thesis?
@ACuriousMind what do you mean? you are studying a master too, right? I thought you were on your second year?
you must have an adviser, right?
like, at least officially
@skullpetrol In half a year
@AccidentalFourierTransform I meant that no one relies on the results I'm supposed to obtain, so there's little pressure
My advisor is more like "Would be cool if you could show X" not "You must do X and Y until next month"
the thing is, mine wants to publish no matter what
and soon if possible
so Im rushing up results that I dont find interesting, and that might even be wrong to some level
Or perish?
@AccidentalFourierTransform :(
@ACuriousMind my undergrad thesis was more or less like that. And I had so much fun. I could do more or less whatever I wanted to. I only met my adviser twice or thrice
three 10 min meetings that thats it
I learnt a lot
and I got a very good grade
but now Im not enjoying it
whatever, thank you guys for listening :-)
Almost the same for me but for a funny reason.
I chose my Master's thesis topic in a way that *I* control it all the way to the end!
My advisor has almost no idea what I'm doing!
(at least not yet!)
Well, I wouldn't say that I currently have a good idea what I'm doing :D
@SirCumference or maybe remove the background and make the galaxy in a grayscale instead of blue?
@AccidentalFourierTransform Wouldn't that be better for a meta site?
@ACuriousMind same for me! (but don't tell this to my advisor)
@SirCumference ah yes, youre right
@Mostafa Heh, don't worry :P
It's interesting how many of us here are 2nd year Master's students!
@ACuriousMind One dimension: let $x\in M$. If $x\in M^\circ$, take $U$ a neighborhood of $x$ s.t. $U\approx \Bbb R$. If $x\in\partial M$, take $V$ a neighborhood of $x$ s.t. $V\approx\Bbb R_+$. Now $V\cap U=W$ is a neighborhood of $x$. The connected component of $W$ in $U$ is of the form $(c,d)$, and in $V$ it is $[0,a)$. These are not homeomorphic, contradiction.
@Mostafa Well...you, me and AFT. Anyone else?
@ACuriousMind Aren't you third?
Manishearth (if didn't quite academia) ;)
@ACuriousMind I have a proof in 2 dimensions but need a lemma...if $U\subset\Bbb R^2$ is open, then $\pi_1(U-\{x\})\ne 0$, $x\in U$.
@0celo7 Nope, fourth semester of my master's
Don't make me add up the formal count again, it's boring :P
I was exactly that type, which resulted in a 4-years long depression for me, and hence this rep diagram (very similar to my life as a whole in the past 2~3 years)
These standardized tests train people like that.
I'm not making you do anything
I'd rather talk about topology than arithemetic
@Mostafa That sucks :|
@0celo7 Hmmm...seems true enough to me, but doesn't generalize to higher dimensions because removing a point in higher dimensions does nothing to the fundamental group
@ACuriousMind Agreed. I'm at a loss for a proof. I know the fundamental group of $\Bbb R^2$ with a point removed.
@0celo7 Well, if you know that of R you know that of all open disks, right? Is that not enough?
@ACuriousMind You already told me that inclusion means nothing...
Remove a point from a sphere, that does not alter the fundamental group.
What I meant is to ask if you really need it for all open sets.
@ACuriousMind it's an exercise :P
@Mostafa ouch. Are you ok now?
Lee has really hard exercises
@AccidentalFourierTransform Recovering fast during the past few months.....Now much better than 6 months ago and before.
@ACuriousMind So you don't know how to prove the general open set thing?
@0celo7 Not right now, no
@ACuriousMind Does a simply connected open set in $\Bbb R^2$ retract to a point?
Ah, wait, open
Starting serious study of Physics again!!
One difficulty that I'm facing now is how to study topics that I used to know very good but now almost forgot (like Classical Mechanics)
@ACuriousMind lol
Then it might be true but I don't know for sure either.
@0celo7 It appears that every simply connected open subset of the plane is homeomorphic to the plane.
Ah, well...it should be doable without Cech
@Mostafa I think that happens to everyone, I often feel I've forgot almost everything about classical electrodynamics, for instance
It's also before SvK in Lee

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