@DavidZ well, IMHO it'll always be inconclusive until you actually make a change. Folks liking a proposal doesn't mean it'll actually be effective; this is one of those areas where meta voting is a useful guide, but only that. Hence /tools/question-close-stats - try stuff & see if it works (for whatever definition of "works" you established first).
There are some things Chembot does that I would not want the signature bot of this room to do, but I guess I don't get to make those decisions if I'm not the one managing the bot
I once answered a question that asked how Stack Overflow makes money, but that was before the time of VC.
Now, Stack Overflow has cash, and they have an ever-growing list of employees, but where's the business model?
The Experts-Exchange team took the time to answer its own Q&A about its site (...
@loltospoon I always find that angle a little amusing: the idea of folks at SO gleefully rubbing their hands together while mods sweat it out at their computers, whacking spammers and sweeping up dirt (not that you're picturing that, but some do). On the one hand, yes, even activity on Physics indirectly helps make SO a bit of money. On the other hand, anyone can use the network entirely for free. No payment necessary. And I think that gets overlooked an unfortunately large fraction of the time.
@DavidZ FWIW, in software, the wisdom is often to make small, easy to understand changes, and to not shy away from making a series of such changes.
I realize that site policy isn't the same thing as source code, but one of the reasons for that mantra in software is to avoid the paralysis that comes from attempting to make one giant perfect change.
There is an associated phrase: Don't let perfect be the enemy of good.
@Danu A connected Riemannian homogeneous manifold of dimension $n$ and and constant curvature $K>0$ is determined up to isometry by its fundamental group.
I have an 8-line bus chselect[7..0].
I also have a 4x repeated subsheet, each of which has two inputs CSAb and CSBb.
Denote these inputs as CSAb_0, CSBb_0, CSAb_1, CSBb_1,...,CSBb_3 where the number after the underscore indicates which instance the instance of the repeated subsheet.
I want to co...
"The third view is presentism. The presentist thinks that only temporally present objects are real. Whatever is, exists now. The past was, but exists no longer; the future will be, but ... Presently existing things are the only actuality and only what is now is real. Each “now” is unique: “You cannot step twice into the same river; for fresh waters are ever flowing in upon you.” The life of an object according to presentism might be shown as:"
I suspect JD is a presentist, given how he quote that river phrase when he use motion to explain time and how the past does not exists under his model
I take both philosophy and real things seriously. The philosophy helps to gauge where we are in the landscape of the problem in question and the scope, and the proofs and evidence elaborates the details and what to be done
[to be check] can we subject ourselves into a rotating frame so that the universe will seemed rotating relative to us, or is Godel universe an absolute thing thus cannot be reached via poncaire transformations
[to be checked] can a horseshoe conformation cosmic string reproduce the same ctc as the counterpropagating infinitely long two cosmic strings
If you ever rode a roller coaster fitted with a VR goggles but the image is inverted, you get an extremely surreal experience of moving simultaneously to the front and back at the same time (this is because, the actual physical motion is intended to be aligned with the motion in the vr, but because of wrong calibration, the image is flipped front to rear)
Is pinch off voltage same for all frequencies of light (greater than threshold) when intensity is kept constant? (In photoelectric effect) Why? @YashasSamaga
[To be checked] Time travel: if a person communicate with their past selves, do the memories of each person change simultaneously, if so, who is the one who initiate the change. Is that key moment relative to a person's frame
Consider white light whose wavelength spread is from 400nm to 700nm. Its energy is uniformly distributed in this spectrum. The light is incident on metal A of work function 1.55eV. Saturation photocurrent is 6mA. Now the same light is incident on metal B, work function 2.48eV. Calculate the total...
Suppose the memories do change simultaneously, is it global in that the information contained in that causal loop update all at once regardless of which frame of reference, and the only difference is that the time when the change took place as measured in the time coordinates is frame dependent
@DanielSank I'd be fine with implementing the changes outlined in your post immediately, except for the tag name. However, people might have voted on the general idea in the answer and not the specific wording therein. How about a new meta post about the specific wording of the new close reason, which we'll feature, and set a deadline by which the highest voted new wording will be implemented, barring unforeseen serious objections?
I get that you're frustrated, but I did not "keep ignoring you", I made a rather specific proposal for how to move forward. I'm not sure what @DavidZ thinks our next step should be, but I stand by what I wrote above.
@heather I'd remind you that the moderators are not a faceless entity lording over the site, but individuals. If you think I am being uncooperative, I'd much prefer you tell me directly instead of ascribing that quality to "the moderators". I'm pretty sure e.g. Qmechanic or rob have given you little reason to characterize them as uncoorperative.
I also resent the allegation that any of us "acted beyond their powers". We may, occasionally, exercise them in unwise fashion, but you sound as if you feel there's a pattern of this, which I really cannot see.
@ACuriousMind When they discuss that it's asymptotically a cone over $Y^6$, they mention that everything except the radial term (denoted by $\mathrm d \Omega$) parametrizes $Y^6$, suggesting it's only 6-dimensional.
@DanielSank Hmmm, I see Shog saying "This is why I've learned to just propose a very specific wording.", that's not specifically telling you not to do it, looks like the opposite to me. I am confused what DZ intends to do next.
@DanielSank Also @DanielSank I do feel like your tone with regards to this topic is sometimes a bit... provocative? I don't think it gives off a good vibe. Something like the message I'm replying to, for example. Anyways, don't take what I say too seriously, I haven't been into these meta discussions for a while now.
A meta question should ask a question. Upvotes on questions mean "Yeah, we should talk about this". Meta answers should give proposed answers. Upvotes on those mean "Yeah, I agree with that answer".
@Danu Perhaps. Please note that this is a result of feeling kind of jerked around by another user as regards this issue.
@Danu ..and in this specific case, I don't think characterizing the indicated behavior as "cagey" is provocative, and I do think it's rather accurate.
All that said, thanks for the criticism. It is valuable.
@DanielSank Uh...I think whether you post the wording as a single question, or as a question with the wording as the answer is a rather minor issue, and I think you slightly misunderstood what Shog was saying. His main problem was not that you proposed the change in an answer, but that it was 10 paragraphs in together with a lot of other stuff, which is what I also said and therefore proposed a new post about the specific wording.
@ACuriousMind As I pointed out to shog, the large number of upvotes (for a meta post) would indicate that, despite the ten paragraphs, the post was well crafted and appealing enough that people read and agreed with it.
I fail to understand how the ten paragraphs criticism holds any weight given the voting history.
(Although in general I agree that concise is good and not concise is bad)
@ACuriousMind Good point.
Ok, are these all the things that need rewriting:
Tag, tag wiki, tag wiki excerpt, close reason, meta post (FAQ)
(I'm not 100% convinced the tag actually needs updating. I'd see removing the "homework" tag and not replacing it with anything as a completely valid solution, but whatever)
I think this should do : Let $P$ be the power of each wavelength of in the given spectrum. $$N=\frac{P\lambda}{hc}$$ $$\implies dN=\frac{P d\lambda}{hc} $$ $$\implies \int_{0}^{I/e} dN=\int_{400 \space nm}^{700 \space nm}\frac{P d\lambda}{hc}$$
Find $P$. Using this $P$ solve the next part of the problem which asks for total power of spectrum which can cause photo electric effect $$P_{T}= \int_{400 nm}^{\lambda_o nm} P d{\lambda}$$ $\lambda_o$ is threshold wavelength. And for finding saturation photocurrent use the above method (used for the first part) to find number of photons incident pe…
@ACuriousMind I was talking about derping before we got into the facebook stuff, i derped for an hour while i was talking with someone about 11am being before 12am
we werent talking alot but i kinda sat there for 30 seconds at the end and realized how stupid i was being
@Skyler As someone who usually uses the full 24 hours, I am continually confused about whether 12 am is midnight or midday anyway, so I don't consider that derping :P
Dear everyone, I plan to post this in meta soon. I'd like to make sure we ask the right question though, so please offer comments on how to make the question itself better.
@dhmo It is, however the fact one can talk about corotating frames might suggest if we rotate relative the the whole universe, we might be able to perceive the surrounding spacetime such that it is rotating. But again my gr still suck thus I am not sure if I am making sense here
Ok, google finally give me more trace of this suspected crank known as David Lewis Anderson. It appears his background is christian history, I.e. Highly religious. All those links from the google scholar with publisher Cambridge university press contain his books seemed to have all rotted
@Slereah I read a few of his books in middle school like Emperor's New Mind and Road to Reality. They were interesting books but I had a tough time understanding some parts. It was sometimes too mathematical. However, I learnt a lot from it unlike most pop science books. On the other hand I find SH's books more approachable but they mostly fall in the pop science category. BTW I don't think it is a good idea to compare two such great scientists.
@Kenshin He has a whole website containing the info. All background info about time (except his schemes, which I just reached in my reading) are so far accurate as far cross checking showed. There is a very detailed documentary on the history and discussion of time in physics , theology, culture and philosophy. The writing were done in 1991 thus some of the ideas are actually now outdated
Kenshin: However because I cannot find any journal article of this guy, and combined with the google scholar finding, I strongly suspect he might be a crank who is math literate
But again I have not proofread all the stuff yet, so far the stuff is mentioned are generic things tha can be found in most books and articles in philosophy and physics