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So, I was reading through this article on hackaday... about nearly unbreakable east german glasses...
and one of the comments is...
"No one in Germany buys glassware, we use empty mustard glasses for drinking."
which seems... 0_0
So cool!
@JourneymanGeek haha, yes, it's true.
@JourneymanGeek Very true though.
I don't, but I don't buy mustard
I mean, reusing glasses, sure, but... MUSTARD?
how much do y'all go through?
Same for Belgium, Netherlands, even France I think? The glasses are decorated and sometimes collectors items. See e.g. etsy.com/nl/listing/1703440592/…
@JourneymanGeek Depending on dietary patterns... a lot :P A diet in the 60s/70s Netherlands would mostly be 'potato, vegetable, meat'. My parents ate a lot of their veggies with mustard.
Carrots, string beans, leek, beetroot > all with mustard.
These are the glasses in question. Not ordinary canning glasses with a screwtop.
Mom used to mix mustard into mayo and eat that with 'new harvest' potatoes.
@rumtscho that would be the USian/redneck/hipster option
After the few first jars of mustard, you have enough for the whle household.
I guess they are nice mustard jars? :D
@JourneymanGeek Yep. A bit like those printed flour sacks (for making poor people clothes) :P
@JourneymanGeek yes, exactly. They look very nice. If you didn't know where they come from, you'd think they were bought as water glasses at a department store.
@Tinkeringbell Oh I get bottle recycling lol
I haven't seen novelty mustard glasses with cartoons though.
like ALL of my bottles are mason jars from pasta sauce >_>
or ghee bottles
(back in the day, apparently it was horlicks bottles, but they stopped making glass bottles years ago)
@rumtscho My parents used to have some with flowers. I think we also had some with bears, but those were from the cholate spread.
(The brand of spread was called 'berenpasta')
I use tubes of mustard these days: I don't eat it a lot, and it's easier (takes less space) in the fridge XD
Just don't confuse it with your toothpaste ._.
Apparently the cult-glass is no more!
@JourneymanGeek I don't actually reuse bottles. What would I use them for?
@rumtscho oh storage?
I have a thermos bottle, if I need to carry water around. At home, I don't put stuff in bottles.
like dry goods
Ah. I have different containers for that.
I used to use glass jars (not bottles) from storebought yogurt and such, but at some point, I bought some posher stuff.
@rumtscho Nooooooo. To be fair, I also can't find any current packaging of the 'marne' brand that can be used as drinking glasses, so I suspect they stopped this too.
ya, I recycle quite heavily for smaller containers
@JourneymanGeek it may be not so bad!
The point of toothpaste is to gently scrub the teeth
@JourneymanGeek I started that too, but I slowly switched to buying stuff... standardized sizes that fit neatly into a drawer are easier to use than recycled bottles/jars here :)
and a mid-crunchy mustard might do that very well!
Although, the vinegar will probably be counterproductive.
@rumtscho A sweet chocolate paste on the other hand... .XD
@Tinkeringbell oh these are semi standardised. I might swap em in future
I don't keep my toothpaste in the fridge though, I do keep the mustard there. And the chocalate paste is in a drawer. I should be fine (or veeeery drunk, if I do get this wrong XD)
@JourneymanGeek I don't know if it's an international thing, but right now, Tilda has a really cool sale where you buy rice with a permanent container
I usually prefer non-branded containers, but I got this one.
To be honest... that looked like a package of female hygiëne products to me at first glance XD
@Tinkeringbell ha! Maybe a bad photo?
I've never seen them come in a tin, with very few exceptions.
@rumtscho It's the colors. They remind me of Libresse products XD
(And the shape of the tin/logo placement...)
-wrong file-
Heh, those are the 'night' version :P
@Tinkeringbell I guess there is no color combination left in the world that hasn't been claimed by some brand or the other.
@rumtscho Yeah, very true :)
But if this is your first association, I can understand if you don't run to get one of these boxes for your dry food pantry :)
In another chat, my dad is complaining how the weather forecast was -13 for the night tomorrow
then they corrected it to -20°C
and then he says "and I have to go visit your grandma in her village, but I already put the summer tyres on my car"
Hahaha. The thing more likely to stop me is that my set of storage containers is rather complete (mepal modula), and this one isn't likely to fit in. Also, I don't 'display' the storage containers so paying extra for a fancy-looking one isn't a very Dutch thing to do :P
who switches to summer tyres in February?
in a continental climate?
@rumtscho Your dad.
Do you have any more difficult questions? :P
But yeah that's rather early for the switch XD I think I won't even get the e-mails to make an appointment before April.
@Tinkeringbell difficult questions is what I fill my life with!
@rumtscho I'd totally consider buying one of those XD, and no Rice typically comes in bags or big plastic canisters
@JourneymanGeek I've seen these in Asian shops around here. We buy our rice in plastic ("cellophane") packs in 1 kg or 500 g sizes.
a kg of rice lasts me at least a month :)
Do you eat rice almost daily?
My mom tends to buy 5kg bags - it lasts a while but we also tend to eat a lot of rice
(should I have put a warning before saying that? Did you fall off your chair @JourneymanGeek?)
Naw, I probably would be buying 1kg bags if it was just me
a kg is 20 servings! I eat rice maybe twice a week if I eat it a lot, so a kg would easily last 3 months XD
I had once planned to start eating more rice. To just keep a box of cooked rice in the fridge for snacks or an unplanned starch component, as opposed to eating expensive, additive-ridden gluten-free bread all the time.
But somehow I forget to eat it before it goes bad.
@Tinkeringbell yes, I guess it lasts much more than that. the "month" was the lowest border of my estimate.
@rumtscho Ohhh.
That makes more sense XD
also, maybe I buy half-kg packs more frequently than 1-kg.
I buy whatever is cheaper XD Either a large 'value-pack', or the smaller ones when on sale. It's not like it eats bread, it can stay in the pantry :P
also we tend to have different types of rice :D
@JourneymanGeek I thought you moved to your new flat?
@rumtscho I'm there once or twice a week - also I'm just grabbing a ziplock of rice from here as needed rather than buying it :D
I would have been doing that too, if I had a mom closeby cooking every day :)
Do you have siblings? Is she cooking for a large crowd, or just she, you and your dad?
One elder brother, lives nearer to them that I do, but he eats here regularly
Oh, parents need a lot of help, so its more I'm needed here, and I go to my place to decompress :D
@JourneymanGeek ufff, that sounds like a difficult arrangement.
It is what it is
at least you have the space to decompress now!
(my place is little over an hour away for now, though transport should improve over time)
Pretty much :D
and I like the apartment in general, just need to spend more time there :D
@JourneymanGeek Having your own place is definitely a blessing :)
That's fun
Or a curse, depends on how you look at it. Mine has been quite a bit of work lately...
Oh I mean the chat maintenance
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, I got that. I just wasn't finished :P
@Tinkeringbell Well its an apartment so I don't need to worry about the ourdoor bits
@JourneymanGeek True, for me it's the indoor bits. The heat pump has been malfunctioning (too hot), I need to call that company again tomorrow because I should've been called back but haven't heard anything for a week. It's been almost 3,5 years and I still don't have a properly functioning front door.
Also, some of the tiles in the bathroom and toilet room are breaking (all at the top, where they meet the ceiling) and I don't know if that's normal (due to a newly built thing 'settling') or something I should complain about...
The bathtub needs a new layer of caulking, as the current one is letting loose.
Should complain anyway
There was the taxes thing...
things shouldn't randomly break
And then there's the whole 'spring cleaning'XD
I don't pay property taxes :D
Mr Grumpy!
@JourneymanGeek That's true...
@JourneymanGeek I have to. I got them down, but not as much as I wanted, so I'm looking up legal stuff but so far it seems they can like ... just do this.
actually I did have a minor mould problem with the toilet seat (chemical warfare!) and I feel like the windows need a good clean
LOL... @the chat banner over on MSE chat XD
@JourneymanGeek Ugh. I have a soot stain on the ceiling above the fridge. And some of the wallpaper above it as well. Apparently there's some airflow going on, and when I burn a candle for cozy vibes, it stains :(
I've spent half a day scrubbing last Saturday and it still isn't all gone.
@Tinkeringbell tiles shouldn't break, especially if relatively recently installed, and not broken by physical damage (e.g. dropping a heavy pot on the floor tiles).
Sometimes they do break, but officially, they are supposed to be replaced when that happens
It's not like they're all the way broken.. more like little chipped off bits.
I'm not sure if I want replacements though, that's a hassle, getting the bathroom/toilet partially (or maybe even entirely?) retiled XD
might be extra faff, depending
also, the person who installed the tiles should have left a sufficiently wide distance between the uppermost tile and the ceiling. And if you tell them "I want tiles like from a magazine, with 1 mm grout" they should stop you and tell you that's not functional. They don't do it though :(
Our toilets are not to be retiled for 5 years
yes, it would be quite a hassle
(has a waterproof membrange)
I also have broken tiles in the bathroom, I complained to my landlady, but the tileman didn't return her calls for a few months, then came, saw it and said "I'm not taking on such a small task, I'm too busy and it's too low margin for me, you have to retile the whole bathroom" and we decided to leave it as-is
@JourneymanGeek the waterproof stuff is prescribed by code in the West
the tiles are considered a cosmetic thing, not a barrier to moisture
that's why in Germany, you can't tile below/behind a shower cabin or a bathtub.
@rumtscho ah, ours has a 5 year warranty from the developer... who happens to be the government >_>
The code requires you to have an unbroken barrier between the membrane on the wall and the bathtub itself, so you have to install the bathtub before the wall is tiled (fully), and add the super duper sealing tape
@rumtscho kinda makes sense
and only afterwards, you add tiles between the bathtub and the remaining wall tiles, while leaving the part behind the bathtub with a naked membrane
I think my parents ... 20+ year old kitchen floor has a few places where the tile chipped and its just filled in with some concrete
small chips on tiles are actually cosmetic
@Tinkeringbell if you have a problem with the tiles, make sure to knock on them
@rumtscho for... reasons - in my parents place, we had to redo the membrane, so you can roughly see where the membrane is until, cause the tiles are different
if they sound hollow, they have detached themselves from the wall (or the mortar) and that's something that exposes you to further risk. If water gets between the tiles and the wall, that can get ugly. Even if you have said membrane everywhere.
@rumtscho Oh, I didn't do anything that fancy... just 'gimme standard tiles up to the ceiling'.
There's also a good chance that you don't have it everywhere, especially if the bathroom isn't super tiny
The German code requires a certain width of membrane on the walls outside of certain "wet" zones (the inside of a shower cabin, the plumbing of a washing basin). It's maybe 50 cm.
also, the height specifies a certain height above floor (or maybe above showerhead?) but it doesn't have to go up to the ceiling
although, if they were using Bahnen rather than liquid rubber, it may have been easiest for them to do it floor-to-ceiling, which is more than the code requires.
Im making a call now :P
Someone will be coming by tomorrow. No promises on fixing anything yet though XD
It's just the 'glazing', so I'm almost betting a big fat chance they'll say 'meh, fixing it is too much hassle' and I'll agree XD
If it's only chips off the glazing, it's not too difficult to fix cosmetically. You can fill it with cement grout or epoxy grout, color-matched to the tile.
@Tinkeringbell I have a weird question. Background: I am going to lead a yoga class today. It's an informal situation, I'm doing it for people from my watersports club. We have a different activity every week in winter, and this week, I'm offering yoga.
I'm not a yoga instructor, but I have practiced a lot and I'm confident I can do it well. Also I already have created the sequence and tested it out alone. So that's going to be OK.
The people will be a motley crew, probably all possible levels from "never tried yoga" to "I go to the studio twice a week" and everything in between. They won't have ever trained together.
The active time of actually doing positions will be around an hour.
My brain is coming up with all sorts of information I want to "preach" upfront
can you imagine yourself in such a situation and tell me what would you like to hear from your layteacher in such a situation? What points would be important to you? And how long a speech will be too long?
hey @Cerberus!
same question for you, I only addressed Tink because I thought she's the only one in the room!
@rumtscho Yeah, I just don't want to spend the rest of my bathroom's life filling in chips each year either though XD
@rumtscho Ow uhmmm... That really stretches my imagination XD. Assuming everyone signed up for this entirely voluntarily, and the "studio twice a week" people are not going to complain about getting a sermon on novice level... I'd say talk a bit about each move, about what muscles it is good for, what wrong things to watch out for, then do the move?
@JourneymanGeek very true.
@rumtscho and the ones with cartoon characters for the kids!
@JourneymanGeek and for other uses - looking at my toothbrush containers right now.

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