@imbAF Skim Section 1 and Section 61 as quick background, then Section 64 for the Bosonic case. The relativistic Klein-Gordon case sort of just modifies things by making your Fock states have creation operators for both particles and anti-particles (with an equal number) so if you understand the non-relativistic case in 64 you can make sense of KG 2nd quantization pretty quick.
KG is then basically just the Schrodinger equation for your single particle state basis, once you know this basis you almost forget about KG, now its all about using those single particle states to construct multi-particle wave function for a system of identical bosons, and (as 64 explains, because of what 61 says) it is more natural to change our variables from coordinates to occupation numbers.
Once we do that we want to define operators which change the occuption numbers, and we're basically immediately led to creation/annihilation operators and quantum field operators, and 64 makes their definitions become obvious including the square root factors, it's basically showing that usual Harmonic oscillator thing is a general feature
Chapter 1 of Walecka's Many Particle Systems book (with Fetter) is very good too, sort of fills in some of the details L&L skip when it comes to actually working out the matrix elements that suggest how we should define creation operators etc