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looks like we lost everyone
we did?
Oh wait, I'm a bit slow
:C Late to the party. As usual.
@Retrosaur took Kubo long enough
Kubo is now master of troll
I love Naruto because it's like Yo Dawg
it feels like he pulled that out of his ass
It's a flashback, within a flash back, within one huge flashback
Because I bet at the end of the manga, we realize Naruto is almost dead, having been Hokage for 117 years, and telling his life story to his young Hinata-Naruto hybrid child.
@Krazer I've been paying attention, but my chat is laggy. I still want to know what 嗨 is. It isn't in Japanese AFAIK, though 海 obviously is.
Isn't that ocena...
wait nevermind, my chinese sucks
@LoganM chinese loanwords use the 口 radical and the closest sounding charater
@Retrosaur In Japanese 海 is ocean. I'd assume it's similar in Chinese.
hi and 海 (hai) are close sounding
I haven't spoken in Chinese in like 3 years
I have no clue how to say hello anymore
What's that in Japanese
been a while since I actually spoke that too
@Retrosaur 哈啰 你好
You and your transliterations...
Okay, it's not that bad.
I was like... that's not how you say "hi" in either Cantonese or Mandarin.
@Krazer Wouldn't have gotten that. Onyomi reading for 海 is kai, not hai, for some reason.
The last phrase is "How are you"
and the first phrase is "adios, amigo"
哈啰 is just transliteration of "hello"
Totally didn't recognize it.
@Mysticial And not really Hello at all.
@Retrosaur It's almost an exact match of how Cantonese people say "hello" as an integrated loan word from English.
Not sure about Mandarin though.
@Retrosaur これ
@Mysticial same on the mainland
@Krazer lol
wait, you mixed them up
It should be あれ
@Mysticial meant それ あれ
@Retrosaur ですね
watashi no nihongo ha warui desu :C
ippppppppppppai kanashi
@Krazer He asked, "What's that in Japanese"
Yup, my Japanese is bad.
So the answer is あれ.
I can't do strikeout in chat?
You ---fail--- are awesome at markdown.
@Retrosaur watashi no nihongo ha in the hood desu.
You fail are awesome at markdown.
@LoganM eru no eru desu
@Mysticial ありがとうございました、ミスチキアル先生
You know there's no way I can read that without a translator right?
I can't read the katakana because I hate katakan
Misu chikiare sensei
that's what I think it says
wth is Misuchikiaru?
I'm reading this as Mi-Su-Chi-Ki-A-Re
Although I could be very, very very wrong.
@Retrosaur ru that re
@Retrosaur ル is ru.
レ is re.
writing ガソリン is so much fun
@Mysticial It means Miss Chekeel. There is absolutely no way it could mean anything else.
I told you I"m bad with katakan
@LoganM Shaq O Neal's cousin?
@Retrosaur lol. Actually Chekeel is a real surname, though an uncommon one.
@LoganM How would you prnounce it? Chey kay, el?
@Retrosaur バス ガス 爆発(ばくはつ)
I don't understand what?
Bus Gas?
And then bakuhatsu
@Retrosaur explosion
No clue what that means, although it must be the meaning...
Why not use
@Retrosaur It's a tongue-twister. You're supposed to say it as quickly as you can over and over.
Sounds like "pass gas"
@Retrosaur because explosions are cooler.
@Krazer why the... wut
Saw that on /b/ a while ago
I still don't know what happened
@Retrosaur Can't say I've ever heard that one before.
Now with 420% more Russian Roulette!
Also "sumomo mo momo mo momo no uchi" (李も桃も桃のうち)
~both plums and peaches are members of the peach family
now guess the anime!
@Krazer I learned it as Sumomo mo momo, momo mo momo, sumomo mo momo mo momo no uchi
Anyway presumably you're talking about すもももももも, which I regrettably haven't seen.
@LoganM isn't that one just a repetition of plums and peaches
@Krazer Pretty much.
Here's a non-repeating one:
You can imagine the fansubbers getting a bit pissed off by that episode.
What's the anime from?
Sorry, what anime is that?
@Retrosaur The one that I linked?
episode 14 was it?
lemme check
@Krazer I'm getting "My mother's laugh is 'haha' but my mother's mother's laugh is 'hahahaha'." Is that right?
@Krazer Yes, ep14 12:59
OP included
Ah I guess I miscounted them.
@Mysticial I was quite impressed
@Krazer by what?
Black Hanekawa's skill
Yui Horie is one of the Seiyus that I follow show-wise.
I believe all the subbers were late that week for that episode.
Nobody had a clue on how to sub that part.
What about Megumi Nakajima?
@Mysticial You reminded me that Miki did a cover of Sugar Sweet Nightmare. I'm gonna go listen to that.
Speaking of Ranka: Is there a formal term for that "spin" that girls do when around the guy they have a crush on?
Maybe I should ask that on the main site.
But I need to find exactly where it is along with another example.
@Mysticial ef a tale of memories episode 1
@Krazer They walk around the guy and spin their bodies - possibly in an attempt to look cute
@LoganM I haven't seen that show. Any idea where it is in the episode? beginning, middle, end?
I think I'm gonna need to make an animated gif to ask this question.
A screencap isn't gonna work.
@Mysticial I don't remember where, but Miyako does it.
lemme see if I can find a vid of it
I'll also look for the one Ranka does.
Okay, it's not quite the same. She's spinning around because of the snow, apparently.
But you know what I'm talking about I assume.
Krazer's probably still confused?
Like a waltz/tango spin?
not quite
I saw it in Bungaku Shoujo as well
I guess I try to find it again.
like a ballet spin?
not even that
it's really weird.
It's more of a twirl than a spin.
arms drawn out?
don't remember.
I need to find it.
It's definitely a recurring trope.
Just not a common one.
I'll look forward to it
Moving back on topic,
Kaeru pyoko-pyoko, mi pyoko-pyoko, awasete pyoko-pyoko, mu pyoko-pyoko.
Tokyo toukyo, kyokyakyoku. I forget how the longer version goes
Dammit, I found the flashback to the scene. But not the scene itself...
At least I know it's before ep 19...
I was reminded of Loituma Girl for a second
Dammit, it was all the way in ep3...
I started searching from ep 7
@Krazer lol I remember when that was a big deal
Macross Frontier ep3, 19:15 with OP is when Ranka does her twirl.
spin like tis?
@Krazer Kind of, but around the guy she likes.
Now I'll see if I can find the example in Bungaku Shoujo.
@Krazer no, not that. lol
Where's the one with Kuroko slamming her head against the table...
FWIW I found the Miyako scene finally. Watch through 0:15 in this video:
yeah, that's not what I had in mind.
that's a spin?
If you have Macross Frontier, I already gave the episode and time.
I'd have to go home to get it.
I always have time for MF
Ranka walks around Alto sideways always facing him. Then she does a 360 twirl.
It's something that I've seen at least 5 times in the past. But I just can't remember where.
It's obviously an attempt to look cute.
like that scene on the roof?
@Mysticial Does it look like this?
the one where she has her hand together on her back as she spins?
@LoganM that one is just stupid
Like beyond full-retard...
@Krazer yes. but her hands come up a bit during the spin itself.
More serious:
that's one example
it's a bit different since she's obviously trying to show off her maid suit
but I think it's close enough
In any case, if I don't think I've defined this "twirl" well enough to make an actual question.
What about this one?
If I can't find the example in Bungaku Shoujo in the next 15 min. I'll see how I can make a gif from the one in Macross.
Found some fanart ones as well. e.g. this one:
That second scene is the one
first one actually
the one with the city in the background
is exactly the twirl I had in mind.
Pretty sure she just tripped in a really awkward way there.
Nah, it's just less clear in that video.
@Krazer The twirl is probably an extension of that.
dammit, can't find it
I think fast forward is too fast to catch it
Since these are usually 2-3 second acts.
@Mysticial try episode 23
I can't find any twirls in Macross Frontier ep 23. I'll go through again with fast forward instead of skips.
yea I don't thin it's there either
lol, cya
We should make a chatroom just for spins.
and gifs
What should we call it? Thrills and Spills?
I have no idea... lol
This is a pretty good archive of spins and twirls. lol
But yeah, I like "Thrills and Spills".
Are we even allowed to have chat rooms for non-chatting purposes?
Should we just make it. And if anyone objects, we delete it?
I don't see why not as long as we make sure the content is acceptable.
sure, I guess I'll make it

 Thrills and Spills

Enough twirling to make your head spin! Enough gifs to make yo...
I should migrate all our gifs in there
or just permalink them
post-finding-the-rooftop scene
Now we can bump them off here and they won't be buried
Oh, feel free to just delete my permalinks then.
I'll leave the pre-scene find gifs up there incase ppl get confuse on what we were talking about
then go ahead and delete all the dupes in the other room
since I permalinked all of them
k removed the dupes
your turn to twirl
Thought I'd add that one in there.
I saw
and I raised
@Mysticial That parfait thing on the table defies the laws of physics
which thing?
@Mysticial your next avatar icon? :D
hell no
hotlink block'd!
delete it for me
I need to restart ff
I think all these gifs are killing it
maybe we should change the to text links
it was just a temporary thing
I hadn't rebooted FF in days
and I went through hundreds of gifs already
so the memory leaks and such
@Mysticial dem addons!
It wouldn't be as fun if the gifs weren't glaring at you like that.
sleep time for me! I tag @LoganM in!
I think I'm done too.
6 hours later…
Hi everyone
Are you awake already?
@Washu Still asleep
@MadaraUchiha Hey
Wake up already!
@MadaraUchiha Do you know MySQL?
@Washu as in T-SQL?
@Krazer I want to ask regarding how MySQL stores boolean data
Is it with true or false or with a TINYINT?
@Washu yes. those datatypes are synonyms AFAIK
@Krazer I was looking for that in the documentation, thanks a lot :)
@Washu you're very welcome
@Krazer fixed it thanks :)
and the gifs are draining my memory...
Optimizing code is terrible.
Today's fun fact brought to you by Kellogg's!
Welcome to my world. :)
I literally make a living off of it.
Indeed you do. But don't you enjoy it?
well yeah
I don't.
btw, if you haven't noticed already. I made a bin and added all current (active) Anime.SE room owners to the access list.
So if you need to delete anything. It's there.
Cool. Thanks. :)
It's also useful for mods that want to get rid of something without actually deleting it.
At least that's how we do it on SO.
That applies only in rooms we own, though, I assume.
Or yeah, for moderators.
@Eric yes
More reasons to bug @Krazer
So did you go WTF when saw the gif room?
None of them loaded for me. :(
Only the youtube link.
Try a hard refresh?
At times, I had to complete restart FF.
Ahh, this will probably crash my poor word processing laptop.
Or do an about:memory -> GC
Whoa, some NSFW stuff.
Yeah, I added that warning to the room description.
Yeah, I was ignorant.
Hey, I haven't crashed! Even though I'm also running my WikiSim.
I'm not sure why. Projected runtime is 174 hours.
Is that Ali now trolling Christianity?
Yes he is...
He was trolling Mi Yodeya a few days ago.
And got booted and the entire chatroom frozen.
And now he's in Christianity.SE trolling...
... Can't we just get him kicked off SE permanently?
lol I don't think I need to get involved. There are plenty of mods on chat.SE
Well, better question: Why hasn't he been kicked off SE permanently?
I dunno. lol
Probably for entertainment value.
He got booted off the Mi Yodeya chat for trying to push his views on the guys there and just outright trolling.
Oh, look. SO sent me an invite to Careers 2.0.
Guess I'll flip a coin: Heads = Apathy, Tails = ... Pathy.
Oh wow...

 The Upper Room

General discussion for Christianity.SE, pseudo-meta support, a...
He is trolling big time...
And all the mods are descending on him again... lol
Good. This ought to be a fun show. :D
I optimized my code from 174h runtime to 1h 20m
This was the first incident:
That entire room is a mess.
@Mysticial I'll read through that in my next class, lol. It looks lengthy.
Basically, I saw a flag pop up.
I noted here.
Madara asked me where it was from.
I linked it. And he jumped right in.
End result the entire room got frozen. lol
.. lol, wow. The troll won. :(
no he didn't
That entire room was originally unmoderated.
Oh. And I'll be back in ~10m.
I believe created specifically for him.
But when the mods stepped in, it was like... WTF is this?

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