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12:00 AM
Oh god damnit
@CJRosenbaum Update: Avenatti’s wife says via her attorneys she *did not* make domestic violence claim against Michael and says the TMZ report is false. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/claudiarosenbaum/michael-avenatti-arrested
I swear if this ends up "they tried to frame me because they're afraid of me" I will throw a whole ass dining room table
Not that I want some other woman to be hurt but him being imprisoned on false charges would just be, so, so annoying
We can confirm that today LAPD Detectives arrested Michael Avenatti on suspicion of domestic violence. This is an ongoing investigation and we will provide more details as they become available.
@Unionhawk this group has been dubbed #FiveWhiteGuys on my TL
Here are the 17 Democrats currently signed on to the letter to oppose Pelosi. There are a bunch more Democrats who say they won't support her, but have not signed the letter — at least not yet. (Conor Lamb, Abigail Spanberger, Jason Crow, Andy Kim, etc.) https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/nancy-pelosi-democratic-foes-letter-names-congress-speaker_us_5bec9b94e4b03af89266428d?9jj
lol of course (sorry @GodEmperorDune for the steal)
Noted progressive voice Jeff Van Drew, who rallied against marriage equality and raising the minimum wage
12:15 AM
@TimStone yeah i dunno which of these are the 5 white guys
Yeah I'm wary of this absent an actual alternative speaker candidate whomst is good
for all my complaining about dem leadership and centrists, nancy pelosi extremely has her shit together and gets things passed
not perfect things, but decent things
i would love to drag her left with overton window and whatnot
but to quote the kids these days "this aint it, chief"
@GodEmperorDune Ryan, Perlmutter, Schrader, Foster, amd Moulton
@TimStone thanks
@GodEmperorDune eh, idk if I'd say extremely, but, certainly more than minority leader deals
12:28 AM
Yeaaaah kind of feel like the guy who just kinda let all that Facebook shit slide for personal reasons should perhaps not be Senate Minority Leader idk
@Unionhawk certainly more than newt, john"420 is good now" boehner, and paul "kegstands to wreck the poors" ryan" as well
@TimStone same, i wonder if they would want to revote after this
but then again, neolibs
@GodEmperorDune probably more so than anyone this group of winners would go for too
Farm workers in California continue working while fires blaze. Photo by Irvin Camacho. #CaliforniaWildfires #farmworkers
Absolutely not
I refuse this news
'Teslaquila' is turning into a headache for Elon Musk, because, well, you can't just go ahead and start making tequila—there are rules about that: https://trib.al/YjZ9qYN
12:40 AM
@TimStone how does he not learn this after hitting the same issues in every field he branches into?
@TimStone lmao "rich lather dba helldude"
@GodEmperorDune When you're rich you don't have to learn taps head
@TimStone "and i would've gotten away with it too if not for that meddling SEC"
No one in the White House has been able to say where Mira Ricardel is going. https://twitter.com/kaitlancollins/status/1062848714853752833
Uh oh they're sending her to a farm upstate
Melania is ice cold
@TimStone NK embassy duty
12:47 AM
Expendable Deputy Ambassador to Saudi Arabia
@TimStone Mira Bone Saw
According to law enforcement the claims against Avenatti include visible bruising on the woman in question, so indeed pretty serious
@TimStone just some other person than his wife
the facts here are insane but like either way,
the esteemed member of the new york bar is,
1:06 AM
@TimStone "him being imprisoned on false charges would just be, so, so " fascist?
1:43 AM
I mean it would depend on the source of said charges, from the currently available information he should have been arrested, we'll see how things go
watch out folks things are going to get a lot stupider
But you know, please not like this
lol rumours May might get no confidenced which just chef's kiss
@TimStone congratulations to the next PM, boris johnson
@TimStone everyone's favorite banned trader RTed this on main
Of course
(the surefire intelligence twete, not the many QTs with commentary)
You'll be happy to know Weird Mike also has a take which is odd coming from someone with a sexual battery charge
UPDATE FROM PALM BEACH: Nothing. We’re now 18 hrs from a deadline they’re supposedly rushing to meet and there are *zero* machines running, *zero* employees visible working on the floor, and no new info in hours. I just asked supervisor for update, she waved hand, walked away.
Ahh Florida
1:59 AM
@TimStone uhhhh where are the ballots
2 days ago, by Tim Stone
Look, we just…we need to reconsider Florida
They're in those boxes in the back I assume, but what they're actually doing idk 🤷🏼‍♂️
Can I ask a dumb question? California is still counting ballots and nobody is really sweating it. We're waiting for the results and report them as they dribble in. Why is Florida in a situation that feels much more like a crisis? https://twitter.com/aseitzwald/status/1062885252627136517
The inestimable @mjgault wrote a piece on the work I've been doing for First Vigil, and I'd be honored if you gave it a read. https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/mbyvjn/the-data-scientist-tracking-americas-white-supremacists-emily-gorcenski-first-vigil
2:57 AM
sounds like the EU's going to be fucked
from what Phillip DeFranco has said it seems that Youtube will just block the EU rather than implement the systems to work with Article 13 (which just sound stupid because everything i hear is that it doesn't have a difference between piracy and fair use)
3:11 AM
there's also a story on the Swatting thing. really fuck the 2 CoD Gamers and double fuck the Swatter, have him rot in prison. and there a report he was paid by another gamer $30 to swat someone else in the past so fuck that gamer to. if you encourage someone to swat regardless how connected you are to it, any death from that swatting is on you as well. you are going to be judged for the murder either here in life or in whatever afterlife
sorry, just every time i hear how it all started from 2 gamers fighting over a stupid bet it just pisses me off that someone totally unrelated had to pay the ultimate price because people are so stupid
3:32 AM
Bunnings appears to have offended not just Australians but New Zealanders too with its new sausage sizzle decree http://bit.ly/2K4LDag
3 hours later…
6:05 AM
This Nationals MP has declared himself a woman so he can oppose abortion #auspol http://bit.ly/2K5XxRg
> "I'm going to declare my gender today - as I can - to be a woman, and then you'll no longer be able to attack me," he said.
ummm, no, that's not how it works
@Memor-X Well, if Youtube is going to just block the EU, then it's unlikely that Twitch and Netflix are going to do it any different
@Nzall Netflix would be different because they don't have users uploading stuff would they?
@Memor-X oh right
6:59 AM
@Memor-X I give him a B for effort.
2 hours later…
8:52 AM
@Memor-X goddammit ><
9:07 AM
@TimStone might just be trying to take credit without having anything to do with this. But if he's actually involved, this would be such a giant mess
3 hours later…
11:40 AM
> don't miss out on owning a piece of American history
i love the line a journalist on ABC (Australia) said about this
> now you can sleep with the US President without needing to be a porn star
still bet you there's a "Made in China" tag on it
Man everything here is so fukt
@Memor-X There is
New: Jamal Khashoggi was killed following “a fight and a quarrel” at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. He was tied up and injected with an overdose of a sedative that killed him, then his body was chopped up and given to a local collaborator, says Saudi public prosecutor.
I'm not sure if they're still trying to frame it as unplanned or what because I'm still extremely unclear why the dismemberment was supposed to have been necessary if we were to believe that
12:02 PM
@TimStone oh no they were trying to find something to revive him but kept tripping and dropping really big and sharp knives that cut him up, and when they tried to get his body out they tripped and it fall into a vat of acid
12:26 PM
The inner workings of the Mueller investigation are a total mess. They have found no collusion and have gone absolutely nuts. They are screaming and shouting at people, horribly threatening them to come up with the answers they want. They are a disgrace to our Nation and don’t...
So uhh, is somebody new getting indicted soon?
rolls magic 8ball Signs point to yes
New: federal judge in Florida has ruled that the state must give voters whose mistmatched signatures disqualified their ballots until Saturday at 5 p.m. to correct those signature problems.
@Kevin lol
@TimStone i think i read that Mueller was preparing like 8 more i think. and something about someone called Gates
@TimStone hmm, Mr President, you're watching a video of the White House
@TimStone Oh snap, they're requesting the death penalty for 5 of the 11 defendants
Imagine executing a dissident only to be executed by your government for doing it so badly
Continuing our series of 1 step programs: Don't execute dissidents
@TimStone i got the ABC (Australia) 24 hour news channel on now and they just said that one of them was the lead negotiator to talk to Khashoggi
and he's one of the people getting the death penalty
> ok we need you to go talk wink to Khashoggi so that he will keep quite wink wink
though saying wink does not mean the same as actual winking
12:36 PM
....care how many lives the ruin. These are Angry People, including the highly conflicted Bob Mueller, who worked for Obama for 8 years. They won’t even look at all of the bad acts and crimes on the other side. A TOTAL WITCH HUNT LIKE NO OTHER IN AMERICAN HISTORY!
Trump's persecution complex is strong.
@MadScientist Gonna be real weird for anyone to argue about the scope of the investigation when the President apparently wants it to cover all possible corruption ever in the entirety of government
Nobody was burned at the stake yet, so "like no other witch hunt" doesn't seem entirely accurate
Yeah the qualifier "in American history" when we've literally had hunts for witches is a classic Trump choice
NEW: Sources say Trump’s close relationship—on air and off—with Sean Hannity hasn’t stopped the president from mocking the Fox News star behind his back for being such a suck-up: “It’s like he’s not even trying". The latest from D.C. with @swin24 https://www.thedailybeast.com/even-trump-cant-stop-mocking-sean-hannitys-dumb-softball-questions
Just fantastic
12:53 PM
Inevitably... https://t.co/nHCDoOHoyW
Good luck in your no confidence vote lmao
1:15 PM
Bonkers twist in a bonkers story. After a couple raised $400,000 for a homeless man, then was accused of withholding it, *all three of them* are being charged with conspiracy to present a false story to sucker people out of their money. Wow. Go Philly. https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/national-international/NJ-Couple-and-Homeless-Man-Accused-of-Making-Up-GoFundMe-Story-Source-Says-500550782.html
The couple stealing money from the homeless man's gofundme has somehow turned into all three of them being in on it together?
NEW: Within three days of the 104th Engineer Construction Company putting up razor wire in Nogales, their hard work was put to the test. A man got entangled after jumping the fence from Mexico. https://ti.me/2B7Zx8X?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=social-share-article
1. I misread this at first and thought that one of the soldiers got entangled
2. He got entangled fleeing back to Mexico after Border Patrol tried to intercept him
Zombie television shows are among the root causes of mass shootings, Republican governor says https://wapo.st/2DEcpGc
/cc @Unionhawk, because I'll give you 1 guess who the governor is
The fragile house of cards that has been sustaining everything for the past year is finally crashing down
Mass Effect voice but also The Queen: Assuming Direct Control
@TimStone i heard about this and heard about the couple getting into trouble. this is just making it worse
1:31 PM
> Alistair Burt, a junior Foreign Office minister, is urging Conservative colleagues not to submit letters calling for a confidence vote in Theresa May.

Speaking outside the ERG meeting, Mr Burt was asked what he would say to those considering putting letters in.

He replied: "Please don't. We have a leader, she's worked incredibly hard on the most difficult deal."
A man stood up and shouted, “Heil Hitler! Heil Trump!” during a Baltimore performance of “Fiddler on the Roof” last night. Audience members started running. “I’ll be honest, I was waiting to hear a gunshot. I thought, ‘Here we go,’” one said. https://www.baltimoresun.com/entertainment/bs-md-ci-hippodrome-20181114-story.html
@TimStone I mean he might be on to something but won't ever consider why these kinds of shooters dehumanize people
Golly gee I'm just a simple governor and former presidential primary candidate
Which covers my bases for at least 6 governors just in case it isn't kasich
lol no it's Bevin
> “We’ve had things that are fueled by both people that are insane, people that are hateful and people that are just bent on wreaking havoc and perpetuating evil,” he said.
But enough about you
The only governor who didn't run for president
Yeah, I don't think Kasich would specifically call out zombie shows because that's just an oddly specific thing to bring up
He did generalize afterward, but
1:42 PM
Counterpoint: it's an oddly specific thing to bring up
it sounds like she's getting no confidenced
congrats to PM Boris Johnson
2:30 PM
@Unionhawk 10/10 tweet
The chief law enforcement officer of the United States was a board member for a company that "wanted to create an entire community around Bigfoot believers called Squatch World, including hosting a celebrity event called 'You Have Been Squatched!'" This is real life. https://twitter.com/NYMag/status/1062900674445434880
@Unionhawk Wonderful
2:47 PM
@TimStone BoJo Walrusman?
@TimStone Kids these days!!! shakes fist
A federal judge, in a surprise ruling, rejects a $2 billion plan to overhaul Nycha, saying it is not "consistent with the public interest." https://nyti.ms/2QDWYk9
3:11 PM
> A Japanese minister in charge of cyber security has provoked astonishment by admitting he has never used a computer in his professional life, and appearing confused by the concept of a USB drive.
But he's an expert on the cyber.
3:27 PM
@Yuuki When seniority trumps expertise
cc @fredley
3:39 PM
@TimStone super yikes.... since this is in philly maybe gritty will fix it
@Yuuki The perfect cyber security posture
@TimStone jfc
@Yuuki I mean maybe he’s an expert on the social engineering part of cyber?
For what it's worth, I can't find a Tory MP who thinks the 48 no-confidence letters aren't already with the 1922's Brady. And surprising people are telling me they will vote against her, if (when?) it comes to it
Oh boy here we go
@fredley what happens if the no-confidence vote succeeds? Is a no-deal Brexit the only choice then?
> The 1922 Committee, formally known as the Conservative Private Members' Committee
3:48 PM
@MadScientist No confidence in the Prime Minister
Essentially it would mean a leadership election within the Tory party, now, after which we'd have a new PM
Basically complete and utter fucking chaos, when we need to be our strongest, and most stable
which would be unlikely to follow the agreement that lead to the removal of the previous PM
@Unionhawk 💫 The Conservative Party 💫
> European Council president Donald Tusk has appeared to express the hope that Brexit could still be averted.

"The EU is prepared for a final deal with the United Kingdom in November," he told a news conference in Brussels.

"We are also prepared for a no-deal scenario but of course we are best prepared for a no-Brexit scenario."
@Yuuki What we want is simple, a border with the EU so that we can trade on our own terms, but also definitely not a border in Ireland because that will start a war
(what we really want is no brexit, even if that's not what we think we want)
@fredley I'm pretty sure there's a not-insignificant number of people who know they really want no Brexit.
@Yuuki Probably at least 48.1%
So, this is probably a really stupid question, but why doesn't the UK just say "the Brexit election was rigged, it was only advisory anyway, many people regret their vote, and actually exiting the EU is a really bad idea, so we just won't do it" ?
4:03 PM
@BradC Political capital
@fredley meaning... nobody with power is willing to risk their political skin to take that stand? Or... something else?
Regardless of whether or not it's the 'right' or 'best' thing to do, unfortunately the idea of Brexit has been sold to a lot of people who, at last count, have a large majority in some areas. In a future election, to go against what the majority of people in your constituency voted for is a ticket to getting unseated. At worst, someone even more fanatically Brexit could get the seat.
Unfortunately, democracy is rooted in representation.
@fredley But I got the impression (from afar, admittedly) that enough people regretted their vote that it isnt' any longer a majority opinion?
@BradC We wouldn't know unless we have another referendum
And most recent modelling suggests we'd be worse off reversing our decision than going into a soft Brexit at this point
Hmm, what a f...ing mess.
(no less of a mess than the US is in, admittedly)
4:09 PM
@fredley Hey, at least you'll have a ton of money in EU fees that you can not give to NHS now.
@fredley lmao
Another referendum is a possibility, but current polling does not suggest that remain would easily win
Secretary of State Karen Bradley denies what is unfolding in Westminster is a “car crash”.
Imagine going on the record to say that it's not a car crash. Definitely not. No car crashes here.
@fredley Good to know. And I would imagine that a confirmation of exit would be worse than not holding a new vote
@fredley thesis: technically correct is actually the worst kind of correct. In this essay,
@BradC Any certainty about anything would be much appreciated, particularly by Mr GBP
4:31 PM
@fredley We pause from this dumpster fire to bring you this:
First Mueller and now me. When we are fully exonerated I am coming for you Jacob Wohl aka Surefire.
rubs temples
Comin' for u Jeff Bezos aka Amazon
@TimStone Lot of weirdness there, not sure what is going on. The wife confirms it wasn't her; so it must have been another woman?
@TimStone I believe the technical term here is "car crash"
@TimStone In this timeline, it really wouldn't be much of a surprise if Jacob Wohl was involved. He seemed to be pretty good at making terrible decisions
Doesn't change my opinion that Avenatti would be a horrible choice for dems in 2020
@BradC Yeah, it seems the original report was wrong, it's possible that someone just assumed it was his wife
She obviously said it wasn't her but some other source said it was another woman too
@MadScientist Yeah but then we'd have to believe he was actually able to get the police to arrest someone on false charges which on the one hand the police but on the other hand Jacob Wohl
4:35 PM
> Asked by BBC News whether the Leave campaign told lies, former UKIP leader Nigel Farage said there had been "50 years of lies" from the EU.
So, he didn't say they didn't lie
A lie for a lie makes the whole world Brexit
@TimStone also apparently a pod save america guy was a part of this firm which lmao
@TimStone You're Fake News
@Unionhawk Yes, lol
@TimStone so young banned trader has now filed fake police reports?
@TimStone Narrator: He actually didn't
@TimStone sad that we won't get to hear the interesting contributions of a Jeb! 2016 guy
@fredley good thing farage has never lied before
@GodEmperorDune Yeah fucking great innit
4:37 PM
for values of we meaning absolutely not me
today I learned that alt-right pizzagater Jack Posobiec wrote Game of Thrones fan fiction about Donald Trump and a teen aged Sansa Stark falling in love
I will only listen to that godforsaken podcast if someone recommends a particular segment wherein jon, jon, or dan get owned
I have also now learned this for the first time, today
And thus you must all learn it now too
The. Lady. And. The. Trump.
@Unionhawk CNN person going off about how they almost hired Benny J but then found out he was a plagiarist so the deal was off but somehow it wasn't off by virtue of him being Benny
4:39 PM
@TimStone you monster
@TimStone chuckles nervously what the fuck
@TimStone listen they needed to find someone for the job
say what you will about Tim or anyone else's entire value system, this is all kind of just a game
the new sports
Imagine employing Cillizza and then thinking "Ah but can we do worse?"
@Unionhawk counterpoint tho: no
4:54 PM
> World Patent Marketing also said "time travel" could be "possible, perhaps within the next decade" to raise money for a "theoretical time travel commodity tied directly to price of Bitcoin." Time Travel X was branded as "an investment vehicle" that could help users "relive moments from your past" or "visit your future."
That's the company the current acting attorney general was involved in
5:09 PM
I am told PM isnt calling the 5pm press conference because of a confidence vote has been triggered - she will be arguing for her deal
5:21 PM
Has someone photoshopped her onto corn yet?
Golden has just won ME-2 via ranked choice
Collins is now the sole Republican Congressperson from New England
@TimStone The GOP haven't actually gotten a single additional seat since election night, have they?
All the undecided on election note regions have gone to the democrats so far I think
Uhh I guess it depends on exactly what you mean but at least not really, no
@Wipqozn No, there have been some. Its just the blue flips that have been mentioned.
Still holding out hope for Nunes to lose, but I don't think that's likely at this point
@BradC I'm not talking about flips
I mean that all the areas that were still undecided on election night have only gone to the dems
So at election night I think the GOP had 198 house seats, and 51 senate, and that hasn't changed
5:37 PM
538's "undecided races" article is being updated as races are finalized, and yes, some have resolved toward repubs. But I guess it depends on what your "baseline" is.
538, for one, already had most of those races "leaning" in the direction they ultimately resolved.
Daily Beast scoops: Navy SEALS and Marine Raiders charged with murder of Green Beret in Mali; victim allegedly discovered SEALs were stealing $ from informant fund and soliciting prostitutes https://www.thedailybeast.com/seals-marines-charged-with-green-beret-logan-melgars-murder
Oh yeah, I had forgotten about this
> Trump Just Blurted Out, Unprompted, That He Installed His Pet Attorney General Over the Russia Probe
I no longer have temples.
They have been worn away due to friction.
he just tweeted it out
dumbest timeline
NEW Why did the caravan go all the way to Tijuana to reach the US border? One reason has to do with the legacy and lore of "El Chapo," whose Sinaloa cartel makes its money moving drugs, not kidnapping & extorting Central American migrants https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2018/10/24/migrant-caravan-updates/?tid=ss_tw&utm_term=.44259311cca4
@TimStone Incidentally, Trump (and Cruz, IIRC) have not mentioned the caravan at all since the mid-terms.
Same with Fox.
Scare tactics work, people, because my co-workers were talking about the caravan right before Election Day.
5:54 PM
NEW: DC federal judge has postponed today's 3pm announcement of a decision in CNN's challenge to the revocation of Jim Acosta's White House hard pass until tomorrow at 10am. From yesterday: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/zoetillman/trump-cnn-jim-acosta-lawsuit-white-house-reporters
"Ehhh it's a snow day go home and also a reminder CNN is actually the most boring acronym ever"
@TimStone Unfortunate counterpoint
Inside WhatsApp groups and Facebook pages, the racist backlash to the migrant caravan is growing in Mexico Online, Tijuana residents are venting, sharing rumors — and planning attacks on migrants A great, scary story from @karlazabs https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/karlazabludovsky/the-racist-backlash-to-the-migrant-caravan-is-building-in
@TimStone goddammit
NEW: Exclusive: Trump admin. officials asked federal law enforcement agencies to examine legal ways of removing exiled Turkish cleric Fethullah Gulen from US in attempt to persuade Turkish Pres. Erdogan to ease pressure on Saudi gov't, four sources say. https://nbcnews.to/2QIZHsD
I'm sorry what
We're Mike Flynning it up because we don't want the Saudis to take heat for needlessly murdering and dismembering a critic trying to get married
@TimStone uhhhh didn't mike flynn get in trouble with the FBI for this kinda thing?
@GodEmperorDune man good thing facebook shuts this kind of thing down
an aide brings me a piece of paper we are being informed that actually what they shut down is antifascist action
@Unionhawk how much did soros pay you to criticize facebook?
6:03 PM
@GodEmperorDune Yeah but only because he wasn't allowed to kidnap people for foreign powers
@TimStone yay the power of the state
I just don't even understand this whole train of thought though
@TimStone mister bone saw told jared it was a great idea
Who is going to do something about the Saudis if not us? And if we're just going to say "We don't give a shit", who cares what Erdogan does?
@GodEmperorDune God probably
Why do they keep trying to play 4D chess with checkers instead of just yelling YAHTZEE?
Hmm Grassley seems to be putting his weight behind bringing the Mueller bill to the floor
I still haven't read it to know what it actually does, but it seems likely we'll eventually get a vote on it unless McConnell can wear down Flake
6:20 PM
it forces people to thank jeff flake for his service
and erect a billboard in his honor like "JEFF FLAKE PUT COUNTRY OVER PARTY WILL YOU"
along my driving route to DSA stuff, next to the john mccain one
7:01 PM
7:15 PM
@TimStone I assume this is the same Turkish dude in exile that Flynn was reportedly strategizing about ways to kidnap before inauguration?
@BradC yeah
Some days I'm still flabbergasted that none of these scandals, many of which are astounding in their corruption and brazenness, seem to really have a lasting impact.
Just goes to show that if you don't have any shame, then you can get away with a whole crap-load of stuff before someone comes along with the power and will to stop you
Single-issue voters only care about single issues.
7:43 PM
My copy of Seth Abramson's "Proof of Collusion - How Trump Betrayed America" just arrived. Haven't had much chance to get into it to far, but it looks like it will be good on a number of levels:
1. Good reminder of the consequential reporting that we've long forgotten about
2. Nice chronological summary of events; so much of the mainstream reporting was out-of order
3. Ties it all together in a cohesive narrative
As Seth says in the intro, we're just so programmed to think "it can't really be that bad, can it?"
The President of the United States didn't really knowingly cooperate with a hostile foreign power for money, and to win an election?
Yes, yes he actually did.
I'm hoping that the book gets some traction, but "these 300 pages paint a plausible narrative" isn't quite as headline-grabbing as individual stories that uncover some small single new piece
1 hour later…
8:51 PM
BREAKING: A former Alabama state trooper has been shot dead after he shot 17th Judicial Circuit DA Greg Griggers in the face earlier this afternoon. Griggers is in the hospital and is expected to recover from his injuries https://www.al.com/news/2018/11/former-state-trooper-killed-after-shooting-alabama-da-in-face.html
My understanding is that Jonathan Franzen has regrettably done something, again, but I do not currently know what that is and whew is that a relief
9:19 PM
Manhattan DA indicts Olivet University, Olivet trustee Andrew Lin and Christian Media CEO William Anderson for $25 million fraud in probe "arising out of Newsweek investigation." https://www.manhattanda.org/da-vance-announces-indictment-of-olivet-university-officials-and-christian-media-ceo-in-25-million-fraud-probe-arising-out-of-newsweek-investigation/
why is the district attorney a dot org
and not like, a dot ny dot gov
The internet is a bad place, okay
If you'll recall Newsweek management was originally under investigation for ad fraud
This is apparently a separate other type of fraud which related people also did, as one does
I asked Shelby whether Trump threatened a shutdown over the border wall: “The president didn’t threaten anything.”
Extremely skeptical
I mean are they going with "not a threat; a promise" here?
Possibly. But I refuse to believe he didn't threaten anything, even if it was completely unrelated
"I'm gonna nuke a country if I don't get a coke" or something asinine like that
9:34 PM
Ontario PCs slash spending and oversight, unveil tax cut and new LCBO hours in 1st economic plan: cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/…
Of course they are
The bad news, is that we are dissolving every government function
> Exempting new rental units from rent control, which the government says will encourage developers to build more affordable housing
I know they just don't care but how is that supposed to make sense?
YIMBY mindset
the free market will just build affordable housing,
It will be interesting when Quebec invades over these anti-French actions though
9:36 PM
because there is incentive to build units
which is why there are no empty units in say, cincinnati, or seattle
bc they reduce rent rather than let them sit empty waiting for someone willing to pay high rent
(this is, as it turns out, not what happens in the real world!)
> The government intends to extend hours of LCBO stores, allowing them to sell alcohol between 9 a.m. and 11 p.m. every day of the week. It also committed to developing a plan to bring beer and wine sales to convenience and big box stores.
Yes! We are allowing developers to build rent uncontrolled units, but did we mention BEER???
what do you think the next move here is
allowing developers to rebuild currently controlled units?
There is, 100% honest, a "fire can't melt steel beams" take on Twitter dot com re the California fires
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) -- Federal prosecutor announces hate-crime indictment in Kentucky grocery shooting deaths of two African-Americans.
@TimStone What, that they don't exist?
Someone set them on purpose?
@TimStone how'd they get around KY's bizarre "murder can't be a hate crime" thing, by charging him with battery with a firearm too?
9:43 PM
Because the latter is entirely likely. One of the biggest fires of last year was started intentionally.
@Yuuki Would you buy space lasers?
@Unionhawk I assume because it's a federal charge they can just not care that Kentucky is dumb as hell?
Oh I missed federal and am stupid
In that order
I mean it's an important point here that Kentucky is dumb as hell in that regard
Remembering battery with a firearm as a charge reminds me of the van dyke verdict read
“It is not news or surprising to me that critics and the media have chosen to ridicule me for speaking out on this issue (of cyber bullying) and that’s OK,” says @FLOTUS. “I remain committed to tackling this topic because it will provide a better world for our children.”
Yeah that's not it
(but also she's doing this again)
9:47 PM
That was a good day
There is a Ratio in progress
1k / 30 in 15 minutes, my god
Stunning new stat out of Ohio: We already knew that Republicans got 12 of OH's 16 US House seats despite winning only 52% of total congressional vote. But get this: Republicans also managed to hold supermajorities in the Ohio legislature despite LOSING the total state leg vote.
@Yuuki current thinking is that it was downed power lines
thats democracy baby
(wolf howl)
@Unionhawk not just a majority, a supermajority? holyshit
9:53 PM
the system works
@GodEmperorDune For this year's wildfires?
totally legitimate
@Yuuki the two big ones in california right now, yes
sparks + high winds + low humidity
damage magnified by building housing in fire prone areas
and fire intensity magnified by prolonged drought from climate change and water policies
to be fair, the definition of fire prone areas is expanding
sure, there is some difference in what we thought was fire prone before and now new research and such
9:58 PM
no I mean in that eventually goddamn everywhere is going to be fire prone
and that we have 12 years for that to not be the case
Counterpoint some of it will be underwater and thus not
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