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well not a great thing to return to after 32 hours.
1 hour later…
Q: How To Ask Someone To Be College Apartment Roommate

user26658So, I'm a freshman and looking to move into an apartment for next year because it's cheaper to do so. I met this girl who is pretty funny and likes to save money whenever she can. We met 2ish weeks ago and talk on and off every day. I think she could be a good apartment roommate but I don't want ...

4 hours later…
13 messages moved to Trash
Morning everyone
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
Hello people :)
@Ælis Hi! left an edit in the queue for one tag.
ignore the dual ping
@ankii I have already review it ;) (but not on the queue, I saw the question with only one tag and then see that you bit me to adding tags on it :p )
Morning o/
@CaldeiraG afternoon!
@AJ Don't you have a Monday joke? I could use some fun and heart warming stuff ^^
Sure, let me check my bag.
> A student visits the principal's office
The principal asks: "What is your name?"
The student replies: "D-d-d-dav-dav-david."
The principal asks: "Do you have a stutter?"
Student answers: "No, my dad has a stutter but the guy who registered my name was stupid."
XD ?
Aug 16 '18 at 15:17, by avazula
chat.stackexchange.com/… <- search results of XD by Ava in this room. xD
I'm a cheerful person. Can't help it :)
2 hours later…
Q: How to make a gift without resulting creepy?

Emiliano S.This month I'm going to visit London, how Pokèmon fans knows for a very limited time in London will open a Pokèmon center and I'll be there in that period. I'm very happy for what was a lucky coincidence (I booked the flight before the announcement) and I want to share my happiness with my Pokèmo...

Q: How to tell a friend that you are not okay with some of her habits without drama?

MonaI have been being so patient for years without saying anything. Now I feel I can't stand it anymore but I don't want to ruin our friendship. I really want to tell her that I'm not okay with some of her habits but I don't want drama. Please give me suggestions. Thank you.

Good morning chat room! ^.^ How is everyone?
8 messages moved to Trash
@TheTinyMan Very tired, and yourself?
@Rainbacon Allllso very tired, as it happens. My NP asked me to make my homemade soup right at my bedtime last night because she weas feeling sick.
Hope you don't catch what she has, and that she starts feeling better!
Thanks, I appreciate that! :-)
How's the new job treating you?
Holy hell, what happened to SE over the weekend?? :(
@scohe001 Some very bad things it would seem
Though EmC did ask that we refrain from discussing it here
Yea I just saw that starred message. I'll drop it
Suffice to say that my mood matches our weather out here--it's been thunder storming like crazy all weekend
I wish we'd get some storms, it might cool off here. Supposed to be 90 on Wed
Oh yikes
I thought summer was over
Or at least that's what all the pumpkin paraphernalia is telling me
I mean, we went apple picking on saturday. That's definitely a fall activity, but nobody told the weather
Ooh apple picking sounds awesome. You guys making some pies?
Yep, had my first slice after dinner last night :) and there are enough apples in the freezer to make 3 more
Daaaang. I'm jealous. Apples are one of my favorites (and Finley's too)
The only problem with apple picking is how long it takes to get there. We were gone from home for 8 hours, but only spent 1-1.5 at the orchard
Oh wow. It's that far away??
Yeah. All of the orchards are upstate. So it's about an hour and a half out of the city on the train. Plus it takes 45 minutes to get to the train station where the trains going upstate leave from. Then you have to get a cab to the orchard, once you've done your picking you have to reverse the process, but also have to wait for the next train, which only runs once an hour
Holy moly and you guys took public transport to get there?! No wonder it took forever. I'm sure people were looking at you funny on the train while you were loaded up with apples lol
It wouldn't be nearly as bad if we drove, but we don't have a car (and I don't want one)
Not really, most of the people who take that train on the weekend do it to go apple picking
That's kinda funny then. I guess there were a lot of apples on that train
On an unrelated note, I got some basic functionality (theoretically) working for the comment explorer. When you load it, it should retrieve all of the comments and then display a graph of number of comments per day (It's not actually doing this due to some weird CORS errors)
Ooh do you have it deployed somewhere atm?
No, just running locally
Which is why I'm confused by the cors errors
Ahh gotcha. Well if you throw it up on Github pages, lmk ;)
You would think that localhost and localhost match, but apparently not
Yea wait...
I think it's because the api and web server are running on different ports
@Rainbacon Not too badly. I still feel a little behind in terms of what I feel like I should have learned by now, but eh, that happens. How's your job situation these days again?
Still looking for a new position. With each passing day I feel more and more open to compromising on some of what I'm looking for (most likely the tech stack).
Sounds like that's pretty crappy. :-( I hope you find what you're looking for.
Honestly, at this point all I'm really looking for is to be challenged in the right ways. I get challenged every day at work, which is good, but the challenges are all about managing people and frankly I don't want to do that
I want to be the best engineer that I can be, and my current position will never allow me to do that
Yeah, definitely sounds like you're on the wrong path.
On the bright side, I have an initial phone call with another company this afternoon
And I'm going to the hiring event mentioned in the latest SO blog post
2 hours later…
Nice! Fingers crossed for ya! :-)
I hope everyone's day is going okay. :)
Seems quieter than usual in here today
@Rainbacon You think? Monday always seems quiet to me (in fact, I find Friday to be usually more active)
Hmm, I was thinking it was the opposite, but when I went and looked at the room's typical activity, it appears that mondays are slower
Maybe Monday are slower from an European point of view and Friday from a USA one?
Also, my IPS answer seems to be doing very well. I like that ^^ (I'm too use to ask question, I don't know how it feels to answer anymore :p )
I'm noting I'm not as chatty because of many issues happening. Also crunch time with data entry, i have to enter a bunch of notes into the software here called NetCil it's made for independent living centers... very tedious.
due today at 5pm. I'm here to take a few minutes breather for my brain
@Ælis Ooh, I haven't answered in a while either
@ElizB Good luck with your data entry
@Rainbacon Thanks :) I'm trying to keep spirits up while doing data entry but it's not easy
@Rainbacon Darn! Now Kate Gregory is ahead of us for the rep gain this year!
Yeah, I noticed that. I need to fix that
this Monday has been especially busy for me so far - spent the morning building a demo for a meeting, then lunch, then the meeting.. and now it's just about time for another meeting :P
@EmC I wish I was that busy. My entire team had 12 points assigned for the entirety of our 2 week sprint. We finished 9 of those points on Friday, and the other 3 are blocked by another team
Our sprint ends next Tuedsay
@Rainbacon Ouch, that sound boring :/
Super boring
Especially since I keep hearing the narrative that there is far more work to be done than people to do it
I did have a job interview that went (I think) well. They want to move forward
If they want to move forward, what makes you feel it didn't go well?
@Rainbacon Yay! party
I don't know yet if I want to move forward. I'm going to talk it over with Mrs. Bacon tonight
It would be a very different experience for me
They currently have 1 engineer (she's the person I interviewed with) and she is planning to leave at the end of the year
So I would go in, learn the ropes, and then be the only engineer (they are a very young startup)
Would you also be the only one who knows about computers? (so, will you be the "computer guy"?)
I don't know
There are certain things about it that appeal to me, like getting to have more say in what I'm working on, but at the same time, being the only engineer is a scary prospect
I don't know how it is in the USA but, in France, "engineer" is mostly a title that doesn't say much. I know I would be more afraid of being the only "computer person" than the only engineer. But I guess things are different oversea, right?
Well, if I'm the only engineer then it means I am on call for any and all issues with the site. Like, if someone's computer froze they wouldn't call me, but if the site started returning 404's at 3am they would definitely wake me up
@ankii "Could you add details of how you used this in the past, or some other references? I believe you're aware of the citation policies?"
might be better
It's sound a bit rude/abrupt right now
@Ælis I was not sitting/standing and typing with my left hand.. xd. Will update it
5 minutes passed by
@ankii "lying" :p
You could still delete and post again :)
Also, they have ~8 posts, some accepted answers. They would have known by now.
I am always confused by this word... lying
and 2 minutes passed by \o/
interpersonal.stackexchange.com/posts/23047/revisions The response to your comment on Roommate question.
@ankii Probably but still. Also, I wouldn't want people from the outside think that we are unwelcoming and your comment might have them think that
@ankii Yeah, I saw. It's not enough IMO but I don't feel like commenting more on this one
yeah I agree.. If OP doesn't care or simply agrees, the question will anyway be closed.
by a final vote
Q: Let's team up, work together, moderate together!

OldPadawanAs some (many?) of you have read it, there's a lot going on about SE network, staff, users and moderators. Let me be really clear on this one: I'm not pointing fingers or taking any side. This is NOT about discussing and arguing about who's right or wrong. But, as the *** might hit the fan, and ...

@Rainbacon Is chat query-able by SEDE?
@ankii Nope. At least, not SE's...
@IntrovertedMetaMan I really like this. We're a tight knit community and sticking together and helping each other is really what we need right now.
@ankii For what it's worth, I made TNBDE specifically to have something like SEDE, but for The Nineteenth Byte (another chat room on this network).
@scohe001 Not sure it will change anything in people behavior (I know I won't moderate more), but the idea behind it is still nice though ^^
@El'endiaStarman I thought we could have a weekly activity graph.. I Like graphs. Active users, no of messages/ length of messages etc.
@ankii closest we have is this
@Ælis I know there's been a lot of "Boycott moderation! Go on strike!" going around, and I don't agree or disagree with it, but at the end of the day, I'm here because of you guys. This place is only fun because of the community, and I hope we don't lose sight of that with everything happening. It's that sentiment that I appreciate in the post :)
@Ælis I have vacations coming.. can't help the boredom. I am simple guy, I am bored, I visit SE.
@Rainbacon so we're at peak hours of a day.
@scohe001 <3
Also, with @EmC nice answer, this will surely hit HNQ. So yay for the rep I'm going to have! :p Also, since it's not really controversial, I expect it to be (almost) pleasing to moderate ^^
Just quickly appreciating the really cool tool by @El'endiaStarman
@Ælis haha thanks! I hope so although I can't moderate too much now that I've answered ;P
I am not sure if it'll apply to the OP's situation, but I felt like I couldn't really comment without it being an AIC, so .. if it doesn't help them maybe it'll work for someone else
For what it's worth, I found your answer really interesting and almost like a ""frame-challenge"" (in the: "here is a way around your problem")
could we frame challenge the questions with without being creepy?
italics is the new bold.
@ankii what are you thinking?
@ankii like..? "frame challenge: it's almost halloween, you should totally go for extra spoopy"
asking why do you think it is creepy?
it can give hints about how to solve the problem itself maybe
ohh, yeah if you think that what the OP is worried about is not actually something they should be worried about, that's fine (as long as you explain your reasoning, of course)
we have 146 questions with the word. how many questions do we have in total?
let me check on SE.com
@EmC x'D
@ankii 3,324 according to /questions tab
@ankii That sound more like a question for comment than an actual answer
ah 3.3k on se.com/sites and clicking on the popup.
@Ælis yeah in comments, such an answer will cause a lot of harm..
I'm glad you said this. I'm not a huge fan of answer asking "metaphysical" questions :/ I find them to often be unintentionally rude to the OP (like "what you believe is valueless/totally wrong/utterly stupid")
@EmC will keep an eye out.. (Halloween) on future questions. let me check the question you answered once again
oh okay.. this one passes the test. ;)
country still required.
@Ælis oh that's a good point. I was imagining an answer with more of a "reassuring" tone earlier and wasn't thinking of this possibility
IMO, saying "I was afraid of the same thing once, but bla bla bla" is fine. But otherwise, there is a lot of room for things to be nasty :/
@scohe001 that's an interesting take on providing backup :)
I figured I'd try bending the rules a little and seeing how the community responded ;)
But "I did this and it sucked. Don't be like me. Here's what you should do to avoid those mistakes" should be kosher. I think.
I think that it is ok in the context of the other answers that are there, though I think it could reasonably also just be a comment under Ælis answer saying "Yeah, this is good because I didn't do it and it sucked"
Overall though, I think it's fine as an answer
@scohe001 I definitively believe saying "I did this and it sucked" is a valuable answer. I even believe that it's written somewhere in your help center/faq that this is valid
@Rainbacon I think if I left that comment, it'd be wiped from the face of the earth in a few seconds :p but I really only left an answer because I felt it was different enough from Ælis'
Apparently it worked out for the OP
they accepted your answer
Yea I'm about to drop a comment to tell them to wait to accept for another 24hrs
@scohe001 Oh, your answer just got accepted! I must say I'm a bit jealous but your suggest way of doing things definitively sound better than mine ^^
@Ælis if you want I can flag scohe's answer as needing more backup so the OP will accept yours instead ;)
@Ælis yeah, that sounds familiar ..
^^ in before rainbacon gets a flag ban
@Rainbacon Ahah x) Nah, that would be mean :p
@Rainbacon Lol get out of here :p
That's ok, scohe has a pig to comfort him
That's true. And since we built him a couch ramp, we've been getting aaaaaaaall the snuggles
Stop bragging @scohe :'(
our cat's been kind of snuggly recently, but then yesterday she bit me so who knows what's going on with her
@Ælis hehe come on out to Texas and you can get some piggy snuggles too ;)
Better idea, don't go to Texas, it's really hot there
@Rainbacon I was going to left this room crying because everyone was so mean to me, but then I read the second half of your comment. I'm better now, thank you :p
@Rainbacon hey it's mid-70's out here all week during these storms. Speak for yourself :p
@Ælis I'm glad you could find comfort in my pain ;)
Random question about the bots. How do they get around the chat rep restriction?
@Rainbacon I believe mods can invite someone in chats, even if they don't have enough rep?
@Rainbacon I believe it's as simple as this: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/info/63296/the-closet?tab=access
@Rainbacon I think they explicitly have write access
.. what scohe said
.. what Em said
no u
no ur face
.. is "ltac" another bot?
Oh that's a nice face. I take it back
hmm re: the latest meta I'm sure been a main meta post on this, if not on IPS..
Looking at their history of posted messages it looks like a user account that's sometimes used as a charcoal test bot
Q: Is it alright to delete a answer and post a different one?

MykazukiI just realized I answered a question wrong, because I totally misread what the OP said and also I interpreted wrong one of the other answers. So my current answer it is actually totally wrong. So I just deleted it. However I would like to post another answer, this time correct, in the sense tha...

I feel like I've been super unproductive today
@scohe001 ahh okay. those Charcoal folks are alright ;)
@Rainbacon Well, talking with you (and scohe and EmC) in here brighten my day. So at least your TAS chatty was productive :p
I get the feeling that my manager wouldn't be too happy if my only productivity was on IPS
Ahah, true that :p
I just finished ALL my data entry. wow. what a sprint. My eyes are falling out
Good job!
@ElizB :O That sounds scary!
@Rainbacon we could help you communicate that to him/her in a frictionless way tho :)
haha i think when @El'endiaStarman sees me he'll see my facial expression like this 👀🤪
"I think you should write up an answer with that" -> Then delete it and write a new one? (sorry for this terrible joke, I couldn't resist :p )
@ElizB hahah, I'm imagining something like those joke glasses: media.giphy.com/media/l41Yjsfd9LYklUTaE/giphy.gif
Lol the better question is: Should I follow the rules around deleting my old meta answer and writing a new one from my old answer? Or the new one?
@EmC hahaha
@scohe001 You lost me, I'm now looking like ElizB with the eyes thing :p
Lol I went too meta
:o My IPS rep is 8889! Quick, I need to downvote someone! :p (cc @Rainbacon )
Damn, an upvote in 30 seconds. Either y'all are fast readers or someone trusts me too much :p

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