I recently came into contact with some close relatives (my paternal grandparents) that I've never met and we've been talking on the phone and over email for a month or so. I sent them pictures of my daughter's birthday party.
My husband and I are Catholic. We are not religious zealots and not 10...
Don't feel I contribute enough to warrant a moderator position. Plus, the amount of drama going around on MSE is a bit too much for my liking, so I'd rather not get more invested in SE for the time being.
My coworker is very distracting and keeps sending me cat memes. He doesn't separate work from fun. He's an alright guy and I do find them funny and want to let him down gently. Anyone have any solid advice?
Ok people, quick announcement! As of today, there is only one room owner remaining for managing The Awkward Silence apart from IPS mods. We thank sphennings, Magisch and Kaspar for everything they've done for TAS while they were ROs. Since they don't have enough time to pursue with this activity, we're looking for two new room owners.
The mission basically consists of moving chatty bot messages to Trash and defuse potentially heated discussions. A room owner needs to be patient and remain polite, and most importantly they must be willing to take a bit more responsability regarding their activity in TAS. We'd like to know by Friday evening if there are people that'd like to "have the job" so, ping me if you're interested :)
Now I need to reassure you, it's very rare to have to mute or ban people, and things go pretty well most of the time :)
But it's nice to have a bunch of people ready to clean a bit the room when @IPSCommentBot gets too chatty
Most of us are one holidays currently. So handling a lot of @TheTinyMan could be difficult (but yeah, I guess I would just need to create more "not-on-holidays" Ælis :p )
@avazula I'd love to help out, if you'll have me. I can't promise I'll be anymore active than I already am though (basically in chat 1p-ish to 10p-ish GMT on weekdays)
There is a running joke in the office that I am a sophisticated humanoid-like robot, who has undergone thorough AI-learning to reach the state that I am now at.
This originated when a co-worker perceived my walk to be extremely consistent when approaching my workstation.
From then on it escalate...
@scohe001 no need to, don't worry :) It's best to have people who are often in here but there's not much more work to do. Think of it as a guardian role! o/
qq: if a coworker uses another coworker's old name in chat.. how do you say "hey, you should probably edit that message" without making it a big deal :/
@Ælis basically, yeah - they switched to "they" pronouns and chose a new first name (it's pronounced the same as their old name, but different spelling, so less egregious I guess? but still..)
You don't bother changing the way you spell your name if you don't care about it. So telling this coworker to use the new spelling is definitively the right thing to do. Thank you for caring about that :)
Hello @JAD long time no see. I would like to ask you if you could recommend me a statistics textbook for studying basic undergraduate level statistics. It should be mathematically rigorous and cover all the main topics.
Seems so, yeah. I'll probably drop out soon too, the internet (data) here is very spotty. Sometimes it works for hours, at other times I'm glad I have two minutes of online time XD
And now I'm not out of internet but going to sleep anyways, as tomorrow there'll be another hill ( up with a train, some sightseeing on top and down a 5 km walk)
@scohe001 Actually, there aren't that many flags (and the ones that are, mostly are very easy). The thing with modding MSE is that people aren't really used to having mods around yet it seems (Back when it was just CMs flag handling could take a long time and some people got into a habit of only flagging the really egregious stuff).