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01:00 - 08:0008:00 - 23:00

1:56 AM
It's beginning to look like I may need to start another round of hassling the regulars to post questions.
steals pot before it can be stirred
Hope that's legal where you live ;)
This is for the good of the people!
Sounds like I'm not the only post stirrer 'round here.
Post/pot buh dum tiss
@apaul Tu quoque!
@apaul Lolz.
2:02 AM
@El'endiaStarman It was intended as a compliment ;p
So... who's sitting on a good question?
@apaul ....the plot/pot thickens...
Y'all know I'll post something awful if no one steps up to the plate...
Gotta keep the site goin... civic duty, for the good of the people, for the community...
Or y'know, to keep me from doing something worse.
I see you lurking...
@JourneymanGeek Sitting on any interesting questions?
Not IPSish
2:16 AM
currently trying to work out how to troubleshoot a strange issue on a live system without too much distruption ;p
@JourneymanGeek Chat is a terrible place to do that ;p
this chat is ;p
@ElizB I know you've got something.
My IP issues... I'm taking a break
I might need to yell at people to get things moving and the time isn't good for that
@JourneymanGeek Could ask for more tactful approaches for yelling?
2:18 AM
I need maximum effect
tact won't work
Less tactful then.
I know what to say, and the right buttons to push
Need to wait for my aunt to leave though ;p
@apaul who, me? >.> <.<
actually its a little like my current project ;p
Lots of moving parts, all of which need to work perfectly
Nah the other @ElizB
2:20 AM
Gotta keep the site movin without that HNQ nonsense, y'know
@Ash Little help?
For what?
@apaul I quite honestly find asking a question on IPS hard because...
culture X2? ;p
I'm more comfortable on less subjective subjects
@JourneymanGeek Makes it interesting
+++ a lot of my issues are super...
too localised as they'd say
2:24 AM
i'm trying to be better with the comments, since the discussion about the comment templates
@Ash Chewing on any questions?
IPS is one of those sites I really can't do on demand as it were
Not "on demand" just seems that it's common enough to be thinking on something, but be hesitant to post about it.
@apaul lemme give you an example of how twisty this is
At least the last time I went rattling cages a few decent questions shook loose...
@JourneymanGeek Shoot
2:26 AM
I'm basically going to point out $people_they_don't_like has a daughter in my age group (who's cute) and they not making an effort to matchmake me isn't any different from them.
this... will hurt
but hopefully dislodge things.
or I should ask her directly lol. At worst... ;p
@apaul Unless y'all can help me untangle immigration (you can't) there's not a whole lot in my head atm
@Ash Fair enough
@Ash having worked for the local equivilent. ugh
@JourneymanGeek Hmm... sounds like a fun one?
Its easier to try to work out why IPv6 wasn't working last night ;p
@apaul its my life. Possibly my future ;p
short of IDK. Divine intervention or something indistinguishable from it ;p
(things set in motion a while back suddenly causing things to happen)
2:29 AM
Match making seems like giving an awful lot of faith to the matchmakers though.
@apaul actually the old process... would probably better for for me
Imagine tinder, if it was done in the late 90s
and no one checks their emails
or wants to move from india
and my parents are completely not pulling their weight ;)
and after a dozen or so nos. I'm tired.
Could be a blessing in disguise?
assuming its something I didn't want...
which isn't the case
A dozens nos from the wrong sort of person is better than a yes?
I'd like some maybes
Its hard to keep things going on your own with no real support or results
2:32 AM
Just sayin, you may have dodged some seriously rough relationships. Or a horrible marriage...
My brother's marriage was a disaster
that's probably...
Was that arranged?
my parents know its their 'job' but are scared ti commit
took them 4 years
I told them not to take the same approach, but... they took the same approach.
Not sayin that picking your own is any better, I mean my picker has been known to be faulty, but I shudder to think about who my parents would have picked.
@apaul my picker has been faulty
But I would like someone who roughly gets my culture.
Vegetarian (in the same way) is essential.
2:36 AM
Ah, so you have the option to arrange your own marriage? Or date?
and even when I go "Oh she's cute!" - the communication initially is parent to parent.
by which it means I email people using my dad's email
cause he refuses to send emails cause .... apparently he's not my clerk
Oh damn... that's hilarious, but understandably frustrating.
AMusingly, I actually call and handle stuff on his behalf.
And I don't get paid to be his PA
2:38 AM
How old are you, if you don't mind my asking?
That changes things a bit
had a bit of a rough start finding a steady job. Planning on looking at moving out the next year
ya, I don't have 4 years
Ever had a serious-ish relationship?
Never lasted long
at most a year?
2:41 AM
Parent arranged, or you posing as your parent?
when I was younger, well...
I experimented a bit ;)
So like dating?
@JourneymanGeek oh? Spill it?
like dating.
actually dating
Just cause I want to do things old school dosen't make me a concervative dinosaur lol
2:43 AM
"Experimented" usually carries a different connotation over here lol
Kinda begs the question... why?
LETS JUST SAY I AM MORE OPEN MINDED THAN I LET ON OK? (though vaguely straight for most part. But I'm chill with my alphabetsoup friends. Other than that one guy I'd probably punch if we met again, but not for alphabetsoupyness)
if you get my drift
@apaul ooh...
@JourneymanGeek giggles Alphabet soup, I like it
cause dating dosen't work out for me. I'm terrible at it. I'd like to give old ways a try. I'm probably feeling the biological clock tick down....
2:45 AM
goddamn it freund.
Alrighty I'll let that one go lol
@apaul kinda ironically, in a sense, if things worked out, it feels like the best set of circumstances for everyone.
I want to have kids, and my parents completely missed my nephew's babyness cause of drama.
I would have an easier time with cultural quirks, especially with my parents (in theory)
2:47 AM
Ah... that makes a huge difference
The nice thing with oldschool matchmaking is people do due dilligence.
or should
I mean, if I met someone who went me go OOOOH. and she was IDK, not one of us, and everything worked out
I'd give it a shot
But it sounds like it's more about family, or perhaps even children, than romance, love or sex
but right now...
@apaul things kinda work the other way?
you make contact based on very pragmatic things.
See if it could work
then figure out romance and love later.
Sex, IDK - it'll happen, but I have no idea what the approach is there.
But well
generations of people have figured it out, and I exist so...
it happens? ;p
I was saying that it sounds like you may be more interested in being a father/family man than a husband, if that makes sense?
@apaul maybe lol
but I suspect being a good SO or the elements of it depend on the other person too
and I don't know, or may not have met her yet
and I certainly haven't asked anyone the important questions like
"What makes you happy?"
or "Who are you, and what are you doing in my bathroom with a small ox?"
well not the latter. Its an important question but....
2:53 AM
Seems like the basic introductory stuff?
Cause I suspect what a good husband is, depends on the wife
and vice versa
and that's an advantage with the western way of doing things?
you (in theory) have a frame of reference before things get serious
Right now, I'm still focused on the process and the people over the outcome.
I mean, I kinda have an ideal, but realistically, its implausible
and there's a good enough
It may be heresy, but the "what makes you happy" is often easier common footing to start on than religion or financial background.
and there's "eh, I can deal with that"
@apaul sadly the latter and geography seems very important to people
@JourneymanGeek Sounds like marriage lol
I'm not super religious
@apaul Hypothetical Future Mrs Geek will have to deal with me being a geek.
2:57 AM
There are an abundance of Ms. Geeks
My culture is... apparently really good at making boring people
that's why the brits loved us
Hell, some are probably reading this right now
@apaul well, needs to be the right one ;p
I dunno about that boring thing
(I just spent my last month or so building a router from scratch cause I was depressed)
@apaul well
pardon If I misuse phrases
2:59 AM
You said liberal hindu iirc?
but we're very focused on "what you've achieved" acedemically or in terms of money rather than who you are
@apaul well, actually...
complicatedly, I'm a liberal, fairly orthodox hindu bramin
Oh... Sounds somewhat oxymoronic?
Would you get offended/bored by an explaination of how batshit the caste system is in terms of things?
@apaul on the contrary
a lot of the "conservativeness" is probably from our period of being lapdog of victorian england
3:01 AM
@JourneymanGeek I'm actually very curious
My conservativeness and traditionalism is personal
I'm vegetarian - but do not expect other people to be
Our faith actually respects that folks may be different. So if someone is trans or gay or some other flavour of something else I don't understand...
Its how "god" or in a sense, the universe meant them to be.
its not for me to judge.
Other religions are simply the path they found for themselves. They may be as right as we are, or as wrong.
so, we follow many (though admittedly not all! I'm terrible at doing morning prayers) but not all of the traditions, but we're orthodox about the important ones.
but if someone else feels the path is not for them
its not for me to judge.
So my liberalism, in a sense of people, actually goes back to the proper fundamentals of who we are as a religion
makes sense? ;p
Seems to
So I want to do things oldschool
My cousin fell in love and married a guy outside the community
... we like him more than we like her ;p
so we arn't judgey or anything
but say if my parents tried to matchmake me and we found she's an egg eating tarian or likes wine? Its a no go. On the other hand, if someone's veggie, we hit it off and she's not a tamil bramin? meh I'd go for it
Similar things could be said about the faith tradition I grew up with... when you look at the actual teachings they tell you to love folks. On the other hand, the orthodoxy/dogma makes things less clear?
@apaul quite honestly, there's so few of us. We can afford to be snooty, we can't afford to pick a fight ;p
3:09 AM
Brahmins are sorta top of the heap caste wise?
@apaul hmm
kinda ya
but also that traditonally each caste had an obligation and castes were mobile
actually there's subcastes and divisions within bramins.
I'm saivite bramin (in tamil Iyer), there's a seperate Vaishnavite tradition (delightful folks)
there's also subcastes - traditionally you'd marry within the same subcaste.
(the hell with that, the pool is too small.)
Honestly know very little about this stuff apart from reading Siddhartha when I was a kid...
dude was a kshatryia
I have no idea how their culture works
also, since india has different languages
I need to find a bramin who is tamil (though there's kerala ones who are tamil speaking and might work out)
In the story he starts off as a wealthy brahmin? Tangent sorry
they also need to be a different gotra or lineage
gautama was a warrior/prince
he went to the ways of peace cause he murdered the shit out of his half brothers.
he actually was anti bramin
felt we were too dogmatic
3:14 AM
Herman Hess version may have been heavily watered down for the western audience? Dunno
(also a few other things, matching stars and horoscopes (ugh), different lineages (important!))....
I apparently have a warrior princess (MUDBLOOOOOD!!!!!) in my ancestory
and the brother of one of my ancestors was a axe murderer....
Doesn't sound boring at least ;)
Also apparently we're hot tempered.
I can be. I keep it in check lol
So... open minded, but needs to speak the language, understand the culture, definitely veg, and preferably within the appropriate caste
Caste not a deal breaker though
The lineage thing is just a matter of having enough branches in the family tree, seems obvious enough.
What's wrong with wine?
@JourneymanGeek Did I misunderstand all of that?
we don't drink
its cultural and someone who drinks isn't observant enough
3:30 AM
Just your particular sect, or across the board?
bramins in general
Hindus in general?
there's actually an associated folktale
Vegetarianism is actually a relatively recent thing - folklorewise
In our mythic age, they would sacrifice animals, eat the offerings and bring it back to life
and there were two opposing sides. Asuras and Devas.
before Devas were immortal, another folk tale for another time, Asuras were winning the war cause they had a spell that could bring the dead back to life.
The Deva "Prajapathi" - kind of their teacher in chief sent his son to the Asura "Prajapathi" to try to learn this spell...
The son's a good student, the Asura Prajapathi likes him... as does his daughter.
The Asuras on the other hand figure that - well, this kid is up to no good. So they kill him and mix his ashes with his teacher's food... His teacher dosen't notice cause he's drunk and eats it.
(they might have cooked him and fed him to his teacher, I forget)
when he realises what happens, he basically goes "ugh, I did this cause I was intoxicated. Bramins shouldn't drink"
3:35 AM
then through magic, teaches his dead student the spell, and casts it on him... bringing him back to life ... out of his stomach...
student brings his teacher back to life, but can't marry his love cause they're now siblings.
So booze is bad. it causes retroactive incest.
or something
More practically, a lot of alcohol is refined through islinglass...
(fish maw)
Booze does tend to cause regrettable situations.
so it isn't really vegitarian
I actually also take it as a cautionary tale against intoxication in general
but that's one of those "eh, its rules for me"
if you're my friend and puking your guts out, I will certainly give you a hand, rather than being preachy ;)
@apaul I think caste is a prerequisite for many of the other things. Its hard to understand our culture from outside. Sometimes even from the inside ;p
lol makes sense. Just seemed strange because I'm fairly sure I'd bought a lot of booze from a lot of hindu families over the years
@apaul oh. also... erm...
We're apparently pretty bad at holding it. Yet drink a lot
Actually my grand uncle drank
and he was a fun drunk
brain like a scapel
But ya, I think teetotalling is a pretty critical prerequisite for an arranged marriage.
3:41 AM
@JourneymanGeek Only saw that with the one coworker... he'd get loaded and bring the party back to the restaurant where we worked
@apaul eh, was in the army for a bit (not by choice)
you see/hear things ;)
I'm sure
So why's your situation too localized again?
all those variables!
Parents + brother with an failed arranged marriage + motivation + culture ;p
quite literally if you can answer the question, you might actually go "Hey geek! I have an uncle's sister's brother in law's dog's former owner's nephew's grandmother's grandaughter your age!"
Guys with your background struggling with arranging a marriage is certainly one of the largest demographics in the world? @JourneymanGeek
3:45 AM
Sorry, broad strokes
The fact that most folks don't want to move from india is a sticking point
Certainly a larger target audience than when I talk about my relationship stuff?
but I have a rough idea on how to deal with it
Might help someone else deal with something similar though... and we could use some different backgrounds and perspectives represented around here
I don't even know what to ask lol
and if someone else had similar issues I suspect I'd have an easier time helping them ask a question than doing it for me lol
Or answering
that's to say, if I felt I could ask IPS questions I might ._.
3:49 AM
It's really not so hard
hah. I'm happier answering than asking ._.
Just gotta follow some guidance and ignore a lot of guidance
So if someone else needed help and I got something going, I would ;)
I'd strongly recommend asking those "what makes you happy" sorta questions in your pursuit
I would
but I need to find someone to ask it to first ;p
3:51 AM
Ever heard of Bo Burnham?
Possibly a little nsfw
zat the moment
I think the minimum viable product so to speak is "Hey! I think we can talk"
Haven't gotten there yet ;)
3:53 AM
Don't have a place to meet women who live in your community?
Its a very small community
and most of the eligible girls are in the old country
Can't move?
which is now a wonderful place and no one wants to leave
Won't move
Won't even consider moving
which narrows the pool
Hence wanting to go even more old school
Moving to the city improved my game quite a bit... just sayin...
maybe if SE hires me I'll move to india and try to find a village with good internet ;p
(not likely... but hey, maybe)
But I also need to get my parents to help widen the net
3:57 AM
They hired @Catija the standards can't be that high ;)
She's what they need at the moment
Just jokes
(I applied too, and I think she was a great choice)
Could move here, huge expat community.
Also jokes
would need a job first ;p
3:59 AM
Hey, if I can find work here anyone can lol
finding work is hard
I primarily got my job cause the hours are long and they can only hire locals
I primarily got my job because they're one of the few orgs in my area that would hire ex cons at a livable wage.
4:01 AM
(I have a strange degree and dropped out twice)
I have no degree and was kicked out of 3 times.
(I don't really think the degree made me any smarter, and it didn't help as much as everyone seemed to)
Be back in about 30. Gotta drive
4:57 AM
@JourneymanGeek Meh, degrees help. Well, depending on the degree.
5:30 AM
I have no idea how it matched that regex.
I even checked the urls in case there was a + replacing a space in front of a 1, but I didn't see any such url.
5:41 AM
Yeah thats weird
Ah, I think this is the offending URL: https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/214173/why-do-i-need-50-reputation-to-‌​comment-what-can-i-do-instead
Specifically, the d-5 in the middle matches the regex.
6:16 AM
This is gonna be a boring day for me... for the work of my team we need a tool which had been forbidden to use a few days before I joined the company. I pointed out multiple times that I will need that tool aswell and I dont like just downloading a tool thats not allowed within my first days.
I got told multiple times "Well but you don't need it yet" last friday I came to the point where it became mandatory for me to continue work. This monday after I said "Hey guys, I can't do my job without a tool doing that now" it got escelated, so now the manager finally is looking for another tool we can use.... And on top of all that everyone except me is in homeoffice today....
Feels bad just having to sit here at my desk and genuinely not being able to work without breaking company polices >.<
1 hour later…
7:27 AM
Q: Is it rude to try out a product you do not intend to buy?

kevinAn organization I'm in offered a "test drive" event of a car manufacturer to its members. Since I have an interest in cars, I opted to go. The purpose of this event is obviously to promote the cars. However this is a high-end car manufacturer, and I do not foresee I would be able to afford their...

7:45 AM
I've been trying to look it up but is anyone around to try explain US student debt to me? In Aus, 99% of uni students have tons of student debt, but there is no significant interest or reason it would impact you in a big way financially. US seems different given the recent question. Is student debt more rare? Are you expected to pay it back quickly? I don't really get the culture difference. Trying to look up how much interest you get but it seems very varied
related to recent question
The Question says person in relationship is worried about revealing they have student debt and the negative reaction it might cause.
Doesn't really make sense to me since every one of my peers that went to uni have that same amount of debt. Isn't it expected? How would this be a surprise?
2. Over here we dont pay interest. just like 0.3% as money value increases. You pay it back with slightly larger than normal tax automatically. If you don't earn enough to exceed the bracket you might never have to pay it off, or if you move countries the debt doesn't (or at least didn't) follow you. It is not such a deal breaker as this is making out
@Jesse For what I know (I'm not from the US, I'm French) US student debts are very common and can be hard to repay (needing ten years to pay them back is common enough). The amount of debt varies depending on the school you choose to go and you are definitively expected to pay them back.
@Jesse In the US student loans are variable (there's a cap on how much you can take out per year but otherwise you get to choose how much) and depending on the living situation someone who lives on campus because their parents are far away will have more loans then someone who doesn't. Also different majors / classes cost different amounts
01:00 - 08:0008:00 - 23:00

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