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Q: How can I politely ask someone to call me? (As opposed to me calling them)

rintaunI recently contacted a restaurant where I had a bad experience, and a manager got back in contact with me. At the end of the email, they said: I would very much appreciate the opportunity to speak with you personally to address all of your concerns and regain your confidence in our ability to...

@RoryAlsop sometimes thats the case sure. But I can tell you plenty of times I had headphones in for the entertainment, but would have been more than happy for someone who I had seen around to approach and start a conversation with me
@JesseBarnett that is key though, isn't it - what do you mean by seen around? If you mean - are familiar with, and comfortable with, then sure
if a random comes and taps you on the shoulder, especially if you are using headphones as defence, that's not good
I mean someone who I have sat opposite from at the coffee shop the past 4 times, and made semi regular eye contact (all while wearing my headphones)
Also...keep in mind, the intent matters. If you're say, tapping me to be like "hey your shoe is undone you might trip" while I am walking, fine. If you're like "hey baby wanna bang" while I am trying to like...sit and read or whatever at a coffeeshop, less cool
Also, also - I think this is one of those cases where the fact the person being asked is female kinda matters
@Ash sometimes you have to break the rules a bit if you want to achieve something
Like it or not, but there's a difference there in terms of...well, a lot of microaggression and assumptions and so on
I have shown the question to various friends of mine of both sexes - only one said is would be acceptable. And they were in Jesse's camp - needing some familiarity first
rules = social conventions, not legal rules!
if it works OP has achieved something. if not he's still at ground zero (but he might want to change coffee shops)
I just think there are plenty of non-intrusive ways to find out if they are open to small talk
@JonathanReez Sure, but in this case, you're breaking someone's personal boundary.
possibly breaking
@JonathanReez just maybe achieving something at the expense of someone else's safety, security, comfort or even fear is unacceptable.
@JesseBarnett yep
@RoryAlsop Thank you. That's what I've been trying to get across.
if it's polite, open and non-threatening, then little harm is done
@JonathanReez what you think is piolite and non-threatening may be the exact opposite
no need to stalk folks in back alleys :)
that's the problem so many men fail to get
@JonathanReez Except you are deciding that, as the boundary breaker. Which isn't fair to the person whose boundaries are being broken
You're not letting me get a choice, you're going "well I know I don't mean harm, so there's no reason for them to percieve it"
Sorry, but no.
@Ash thats not true
nobody is saying to force the conversation on them
@JesseBarnett you aren't saying that, but some others are
@Ash people asking me for a donation on the street are also annoying but I understand that its possibly an effective way of attracting people to a cause
we are just saying that this is IPS and there are ways to passively check if they are open to having a conversation
@JesseBarnett absolutely with you on this
@JonathanReez that's...not really the same though
however that is not what some others have been saying at all
@JesseBarnett There are, for sure. But a lot of the answers on the question are not doing this
@Ash well, I have boundaries (I don't talk to anyone on the street) and people break them
@JonathanReez does it annoy you a bit?
@JonathanReez Do you have obvious markers that you don't want to be spoken to?
Do you feel irritated that they did that, even for a moment?
Now imagine if you keep being subjected to abuse, physical threats etc - and see how someone invading a boundary can be perceived as an immediate physical threat
@Ash yeah, for example I could be staring at my phone
@Ash of course I do. But as long as no one is touching me, blocking my path, yelling at me, etc, I'm okay with it
same thing with the homeless
You're kinda comparing apples and oranges here
I don't like it, but that's just a part of living in the downtown
Okay, fine, but someone interrupting me in a place where I paid to be where I am very much indicating I don't want to be bothered, so they can ask me out/get my number/whatever is....not really the same
Especially because a large number of the male population is not okay with a no for an answer
@Ash yes and not being okay with no is a huge no-no!
be polite, be curt and be ready to GTFO
potentially never showing up at that coffee shop again
beats never trying and always wondering what would've happened
@JonathanReez For you.
@Ash I cannot take responsibility for every male asshole on this planet
as you seem to be implying that one should
I'm not asking you to do that.
I'm asking you to maybe consider the other side of all of this.
@Ash yes, I perfectly understand it might go unpleasant for one of the parties
only question is for whom
or it might go well for both, depending on OPs looks and conversational skills
that's the real goal
sigh Okay, sure.
on the other hand Manhattan is probably the best place for a single guy in the whole western world. I'm sure he could spare the coffee shop girl and do something else
@JonathanReez even in Manhattan, it's hard, if one makes a decision to not go bar hopping / nightclubbing, for various reasons - saving money being one of them ...
soon, from working on IPS for awhile with others, e.g. here on SE, I start to wonder if there is any place for me to appropriately meet someone ... given that I am not going out to the bars ...
Yes, which returns us to the original question of where @Ash suggests OP can meet a large quantity of women without violating any social norms or offending anyone :)
.........why do I have to suddenly solve that for you?
@D.Hutchinson There are plenty of ways to find people who have shared interests and such in social contexts that don't involve random boundary breaking (however slight you perceive it to be)
@JonathanReez that is not the goal of the question
@Ash I don't need it solved. That's just a follow up question to your position
@ash I see ...
Like there are Meetup groups and other sorts of social things you can use
true ...
heck my local library has a whole group for 20-30s to meet up and socialize and such
There's lots of options that don't predicate "interrupting someone who looks like they're sending reasonably clear signals that they don't want to be bothered"
I see ...
If you think your only options are clubs or interrupting people's lives when they're displaying signs of not wanting to be bothered, there's a problem.
The goal was just to start a conversation. But I have looked at chat and think it is definitely worth mentioning that @Ash 's and the vast majority view is quite extreme. Headphones can be a signal to leave someone alone, but its not a strong one and certainly not always the case. Instead of repeating over and over why we should never interact with people, I think chat could benefit instead from talking about how we can check if the person wants to be left alone or not
In as passive a way as possible
@Ash how many folks in this group are single women? :)
@JonathanReez How should I know? But it's an option. How do you know the random girl at the coffee shop is single?
Like...see, that's the problem - it's not about "just having a conversation", then
@JonathanReez There's no guarantee that a woman at a coffee shop is single either.
@Ash you ask, then you ask the next one, then the next one... and in 1000 attempts you get married
@JonathanReez Good luck with that.
Like...do you not know what it feels like to have men assume they can at any point interrupt your life to ask you out, regardless of time or space or what have you?
You don't see it, you think you're harmless, but that stuff adds up
And see some people in this are like "but I just want to talk", but then they turn around and specifically want to know about how many ladies are single, which makes me doubt their motive of just wanting to talk
@JonathanReez How would you like it if a bunch of burly men were constantly asking if you wanted coffee? Sure most of them are nice and just want to talk but a few of them make you feel really uncomfortable.
@sphennings I'm not the burly guy, nor am I ever not nice (at least not to strangers)
Yes but I don't know that.
I don't know you're nice. I don't know you're going to ask me out and then take my no and leave me alone.
@Ash that is ridiculous
also I do know the female perspective. You see it if you date anyone or if you have a sister
@JonathanReez Remember it's not just you. You're not guy #1, or even guy #100
you know what? I can't do this.
I can't sit here and keep having a bunch of men tell me my perspective and that of so many others is invalid.
I know your perspective, I'm just trying to explain the conundrum on OPs side
personally I have my own solutions to his problems, which don't involve coffee shops
@JesseBarnett That's a common sentiment that lots of women share. You wanted to know the problems with hitting on women at a coffeeshop and when a woman answers with their perspective of it you call it ridiculous.
@sphennings she implied that it is never okay to ask someone out
@JesseBarnett No!
I did not imply any such thing
(also my pronouns are they/them, thank you)
I am speaking specifically about interrupting some girl with headphones on at a coffeeshop
Like the question states.
xkcd.com/642 - relevant XKCD
Yeah, but while you ask us to consider your case where you don't want someone to approach you. I am trying to get you to realise my case, and that it is possible for someone to want to be approached
@JonathanReez The odds of that situation happening are really slim.
@JesseBarnett Yes with headphones in they should be left alone.
@JesseBarnett also to blow Ash's mind - sometimes people do get married after meeting in a coffee shop while wearing headphones :)
@sphennings Not always
My boss has the common courtesy of trying to leave me alone when my headphones are in.
I know a couple that met in a strip club (none of them were employed there)
@JonathanReez you are not helping
life uh... finds a way
@JonathanReez Sure, in the infinite expanse of humanity, it might have happened.
Just because it could or did once doesn't negate my point.
@JesseBarnett Given enough people over enough time you can find a counterexample to any rule of thumb. As a rule though don't ask out strangers, don't bother people with headphones in at coffee shops.
@sphennings I just think you should consider the possibility that it might be possible to find out if they want to be left alone in a way that is not bothersome. This is IPS afterall
I think the answer that was like "gesture lifting off invisible headphones with accompanying interested face" was decent enough, as long as the "and if they don't, leave them be" is followed
@JesseBarnett so far the QR code advice was gold
I hope OP does that :)
@JonathanReez If I recieved that, I'd assume it was like advertising or something and likely throw it out, to be honest
@JesseBarnett Sure, if you want to ask a question about "How can I determine if someone wearing headphones is open to me talking to them?" go right ahead.
hopefully lighthearted pseudo-PSA: shouldihookupwithmybarista.com
(Mostly because you only really see QR codes used in random ads and even then that's used less)
@ArtOfCode bits of this get cut off on my phone screen
(especially in the "what's this" page)
@sphennings that is relevant to the current question. and should be determined first before answering with dont
@Ash yeah, 20 minutes' work didn't extend to making it mobile-friendly
that's the next job :)
Ah, I wasn't sure if it was me or it :)
@JesseBarnett I'd argue that the default assumption of someone wearing headphones is that they don't want to be bothered.
@Ash Definitely it... I made it work for me (tm) and then pushed it live :P
@ArtOfCode That would do it :P
@sphennings But OP is asking a question with the goal of talking to them, and since there is a possibility that they are happy to talk, and there is a way to find that out without bothering them... why are you answering with "Never do that"
@JesseBarnett OP is asking how to ask out a particular person. There are no indicators that that person is interested.
The OP isn't asking how to figure out if they are up for strangers approaching them.
Thats besides the point
but he is
or he should be
Should be, but isn't
@JesseBarnett You're right. They jumped the gun.
I answered the question as it was written.
You are allowed to suggest that OP check first. and then on multiple conditions, and after some precautionary words.. finally address his original question
@ArtOfCode That's impressive. How long did it take you to get that set up?
@sphennings about 20 minutes to write the code, plus about another 20 minutes to deploy and set up HTTPS
(was actually a bit longer because I was waiting for things to compile, but 40ish minutes of actual work)
@JesseBarnett In theory I wouldn't downvote that answer if I came across it.
@ArtOfCode What did you use to get it set up?
@sphennings Node+Express, EC2, nginx, Cloudflare
I had a similarish Node/Express app that I was already working on for something else, so I ripped the guts of that out and made it work for this instead
@ArtOfCode I once asked out a cashier by leaving her my business card. She called back :)
14 mins ago, by sphennings
@JesseBarnett Given enough people over enough time you can find a counterexample to any rule of thumb. As a rule though don't ask out strangers, don't bother people with headphones in at coffee shops.
the site is the rule of thumb :P
my point is that there are no rules of thumb beyond being nice and unobtrusive :)
Respect is a good one.
indeed it is
@JonathanReez If you can tell me a reliable way of determining which cashier's will call when handed a business card I'd be impressed.
I tend to feel that if you really must ask someone out at work, then leaving a card - not speaking - and on your way out is probably the best way to do it.
I think you're mistaking your one time luck as a thing that should be done every time.
but generally... don't
Why are you asking a stranger out in the first place.
@sphennings This is also a good question.
taking chances ...
life is short ...
It's a very different story if you're asking out a cashier you've been casually talking with for months and are on a first name basis with.
@sphennings picking out someone you've seen at least a couple of times is a good start
being prepared to never go back to that shop is step two
the date with the cashier didn't pan out so I avoided that store for about 6 months
luckily there were 4 others nearby
One important theme in both of these questions is that the person is a stranger, and has done nothing to indicate that there is any interest at all.
hence wanting to learn how to ask ... respectfully ... so to find out ... @sphennings
if it's "no", then I move on ...
I don't see how respectfully asking once is boundary breaking or disrespectful ...
repeated attempts, sure ... that's creepy ...
@D.Hutchinson Because it's not one person asking once and being perfectly respectful about it.
Imagine if every guy in the politest of fashions asked out everyone they were interested in.
Imagine how distracting this would be throughout your life.
I don't ask out girls all that much ... once or twice a year, I'll take a chance ... I mostly overthink and land up doing nothing about girls that I might be interested ...
so really, my question on the main page is about taking a chance, once in a blue moon ...
not daily or weekly ...
I'm not attracted to everyone ...
@sphennings no matter what action, someone can find anything annoying if it happens enough. But just because you are sick and tired of hearing your family say please and thankyou in every sentence does not mean we should advise in IPS against ever saying please
@JesseBarnett There seems to be more than a single someone who finds this behavior annoying.
but its not everyone
@JesseBarnett We have no way of doing a demographic analysis of the people who voted on the answers.
its subjective how many times you are asked out. So we should not be advising people against it just incase the person is asked out a little too often
But if you look at the coffee shop question the most upvotes irrespective of downvotes an answer has received that advocates for asking out a stranger at a coffee shop, is 8.
So there seems to be quite the difference in response rate of answers that say advocate for asking out a stranger at a coffee shop and those that don't.
@D.Hutchinson just do it, man :)
There may be exceptions but in my personal experience most women don't like being asked out by complete strangers.
upvotes do not necessarily = valid points. They are just an indicator, and if we can find a glaring hole that the answer failed to consider then it is still worth addressing. No matter how many upvotes
@JesseBarnett This is me putting words into your mouth but I'm guessing you don't like these answers or the fact that they are well received and you are looking for justification to disagree with them.
If you don't want to follow those answers, go ahead. I wouldn't recommend it but there is nothing I can do to stop you.
Close. I think a large amount of the answers are jumping on a popular idea and ignoring other possibilities
They are actual answers.
@D.Hutchinson have you considered the QR code idea?
nobody seems offended by it
@sphennings scary answers ...
though I am listening
with an open mind ...
but honestly, it's gotten me frightened ...
Of what?
@JonathanReez I actually don't really get that answer -- since I'm not much of a coder ...
I'll read it again, though, to see if I can find the humor in it :)
brb coffee shop is closing ... be back in 20 minutes or so ...
Hmm... Having trouble with that whole "assume good faith" thing...
in what context @apaul ?
I have found for IPS is is generally very beneficial to assume in good faith. Just take precautions incase you are wrong
so it kinda looks like I'm actually going to get a gold badge for that answer
and I'm already +80 on rep for the day and we're not even two hours in
@ArtOfCode Nice!
@D.Hutchinson it doesn't have to be a QR code. You can also print a short link (e.g. create one through tiny.cc) with a small message about "hey, check out this link about the coffee shop situation"
Hey, @Art, how hard would it be to add a chat.SO link to SO profiles in github.com/ArtOfCode-/Userscripts/raw/master/stackexchange/… ? And possibly chat.Meta on Meta.SE?
@Mithrandir does that thing even work?
appears to work on SE and MSE, but not SO
Anyway, it's done
@ArtOfCode Thanks... but it still doesn't appear to work on SO?
@Mithrandir indeed
SO profiles are different, didn't look at what was necessary to make it work there
Probably just stick a chat. in the URL, no?
no, creating the link is easy enough, it's inserting it into the page where it's breaking
Is there a point where it's just dishonest to continue to pretend to assume good faith? What am I really supposed to do when it just becomes painfully obvious that someone is playing the community. The going advice seems to be to "take a break" but that seems disingenuous at best, sort of a "walk away and let someone else deal with it."
@rintaun: Maybe you should look for answers how you get over your anxiety. That seems to be the real issue here. — Edgar 41 secs ago
#11122 Edgar (610 rep) | Q: How can I politely ask someone to call me? (As opposed to me calling them) (score: 1) | posted 3 hours ago by rintaun (106 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["you\\W(really)?(need\\Wto|should)"]
@apaul Flag a post of said user for mod attention, and say so
Wouldn't be so irritating if it didn't look so much like people were just taking turns in a near endless cycle of playing the game with someone...
@GypsySpellweaver Been there, done that. Just makes it the mods' turn to play.
I don't pay enough attention to interactions, and often miss clues, so I don't know to what game you are referring. If the mods aren't handling it, however, and it needs to be dealt with, I suppose the contact us link is an option.
Only used it once myself, but it does work
If it's hurting the community, then it should be handled by someone
Eh, the CMs have taken their turns too.
Kinda looks like everyone kid gloves the situation, so it continues with occasional minor scoldings.
Lacking specifics, which I'm probably happier not to know, I really don't know what to do then.
That's where I've found myself.
Is it making an unhealthy situation for the community? Or, is it just an annoyance that's pestering some users without causing real harm to the community? In other words, how serious is the results of the chaos monkey?
Well, did you see meta today?
Have you seen any of today's chat transcripts?
Generally, it's just an irritation, but once in a while it becomes a band wagon and gets destructive.
The whole thing. But I haven't been here much for a while, so connecting todays "chaos monkey" with an ongoing trend hasn't happened in my brain.
Give it time...
I'm bad at conflict resolution, so I hope it doesn't get me too involved.
I wonder if the "kid gloves" isn't because the mods don't want to appear biased in favor of a few users, or biased against a few users. Or, as mentioned earlier, clique-ish?
I guess the best way to put it is that someone likes to stir the crap for entertainment value. Usually it gets ignored and things move on, but occasionally they stir the wrong kind of crap and it causes larger scale problems.
Has there been any chat suspensions imposed yet when the crap hits the fan?
The clique-ish thing is crap. We've all fought and lost battles amongst the core users of the site. No one backs someone just because of who they are or the rep they've earned. It's just a button to push to continue the drama...
Occasionally, but not often.
Can the issue be raised in meta without naming the user?
Clarification: "core users" being the people who show up and participate in an obvious way on a regular basis.
@GypsySpellweaver Probably, but I have a feeling that it'll end badly.
I'm only semi-core, and I am relatively new to SE (abt 12 mo), so I'm not sure of the normal etiquette for dealing with chaos monkeys, and that sounds like what's happening here.
@GypsySpellweaver The only benefit of that is that you can claim that you aren't singling them out but anyone who has been around will be able to figure it out, especially whomever is being not named.
@GypsySpellweaver Just be more of the "disengage, don't feed the troll" sort of thing.
@sphennings Pretty much.
To be blunt, the problem I'm having with "assume good intentions" is that it leads people to assume that a troll isn't a troll and allows the nonsense to carry on.
I thought that SE staff took a dim view of such users, and removed them eventually.
@GypsySpellweaver Key word being "eventually"
6-8 weeks, months, years...
Well, how long has it been a problem, and how long have the CMs been informed of it?
Can't say.
"A while" and "slightly less than a while"
"While" is a very relative term.
@apaul I sympathise. But while the improvement in the user you're talking about has been limited, there has been some, which is probably why the CMs are reluctant to nuke.
My inclination would be to make a bookmarked transcript, or two, and send a note through the contact us link. Or, if there's a CM you prefer to deal with, most have their SE email in their profiles.
@ArtOfCode Mhmm...
@GypsySpellweaver it's not that they aren't aware.
There may be some reluctance , as well, because the behavior so neatly fits into the topic of the site. :)
@GypsySpellweaver That also tends to be a bit of a problem. Little too easy to say "I didn't know better"
Once you've been told "one time" you now do know better. One-time offenses that's a possible excuse. After that, there is no excuse.
oh if only moderation were so clear cut
I know that for some their deity is said to "forgive and forget." Well, I am not a deity, and while I may choose to forgive, I seldom choose to forget.
To be completely fair, I know I'm really rough around the edges. I pick fights, I cause trouble, I'm not very concerned with being well liked. But I try to pick fights for the greater good, I know when I'm crossing the line and I occasionally lose site of what is "good" in a general ethical sense, and what is "good" for the site.
I am no saint, just look at the "chat" I had the other day about computer languages. Still, I do hope that even when I'm having "fun" I'm not causing problems for the site, which includes its users.
There's a difference between a user who's a pain in the ass and a user who's actively destructive. I should know, I'm admittedly a pain in the ass.
A minority opinion is not the same as a pita
You and I have "met" on topics before. It wasn't pita (on my end anyway)
@GypsySpellweaver Pretty sure that was all in good fun. Some people enjoy that sort of sparring and everyone involved seemed to be playing nice.
Oh... Nevermind
Oh, I believe(d) what I said, and accepted that you believe your statements. Neither means we cannot work together.
@GypsySpellweaver It was frustrating as all hell but I don't have any hard feelings from it.
@sphennings Same goes for that discussion.
Although our language discussion wasn't site related.
I can disagree with someone and still respect them.
@sphennings Ahh, you know you enjoyed the chance to show your stuff at least a little bit ;)
@GypsySpellweaver I can in most situations. Well... Some situations.
There are lines, I suppose.
I probably don't have much respect for T'ban suicide bombers.
does asking a "should I do this..." question fit within the scope of IPS SE?
I have lots of issues with the expressed views, about the site and about its subject matter, with one of the mods. I still respect what they've gone through and support their moderation, and respect their opinions.
@D.Hutchinson Maybe.
I see ...
Try asking about the question on meta, and see what the responses are
o/ @AJ
I had thought perhaps that would get responses such as, "we can't make a decision for you ... you have to know what you want to communicate first ... " @GypsySpellweaver
@GypsySpellweaver I've gone rounds with the mods more than a few times, they've earned my respect.
true, perhaps I'll post a question on Meta about it, thanks ...
If what you're asking, or what the goal is remains unclear, then that is a likely response.
@D.Hutchinson What are you considering asking?
So, anyway...
My thoughts exactly.
I'm disappointed in the small response to the frame challenge meta :(
It's ground that's been beaten to death, nothing new really worth saying, is there?
I have my, probably off base, views about such. I support them, and probably am too lenient with them for SE/IPS
ooh link me gypsy
Q: What is the difference between not answering a question and posting a frame challenge?

JADWhat is a frame challenge? We require answers to adress the question. However, some questions may warrant answers questioning whether what the OP wants, really is the best choice. These answers are generally of the form: Don't do [x], do [y] instead. This is generally referred to as a fram...

i previously looked up a ton of stuff about frame challenges, theres a good link in the roleplaying meta that describes it
We're pretty lenient about them on here.
I think they even referenced that @JesseBarnett
And kinda have been since the beginning, iirc
Shog9's thoughts on the matter are interesting though.
I don't see too a problem with this.
Interesting, though more computer binary related than personal interaction related
The nature of IPS makes it easy to ask the wrong questions or miss important considerations.
Though IPS does have some legitimate "cannot be done" areas. How do I politely be impolite? fits in that area.
@GypsySpellweaver That's generally when they come up.
Framed as how can I be impolite in the least offensive manner is answerable.
The correct answer is some variation of don't even try to do it.
@GypsySpellweaver It can be, but often better answered with a "don't"
Correct to the first, yes. Not always to the second
@GypsySpellweaver If you're being pedantic yes.
@GypsySpellweaver what now?
What;s the least offensive way to tell my boss he has spinach in his teeth when he's with a client?
It cannot be done without interrupting the meeting (impolite), but it can be done and "don't is not a very helpful answer"
@GypsySpellweaver Least offensive and non-offensive aren't the same thing.
True that
@GypsySpellweaver It's probably best to wait until there is a channel not available to the client to communicate this to him. So don't tell your boss during the meeting, unless an opportunity presents itself.
Like we had questions early on asking for not-polite or less polite ways to do things.
Being a bit abrasive can be an interpersonal skill. Frame challenges arise most often when people really want to do abrasive things and get away with it.
Many such questions still probably deserve a frame challenge, but can be answered without. Some IPS questions just cannot be answered in a legitimate, or responsible, fashion without a frame challenge
There's the rub.
Yet, contrary to Shog9's comment they can still be quite appropriate for the site.
Definitions of "legitimate, or responsible, fashion" will vary.
Again, true that
@GypsySpellweaver If we're finding ourselves answering every variation of how do I ask out a strange women, who is doing something unrelated to me, it's going to get old quick.
I do wonder how long such questions will be floating in.
Or every variation of "How do I ask out women working in job x?"
Im going to write an answer for that meta
I dont think the question quite understood frame challenges
Hopefully we can make one or two canonical questions with what we have, and dupe close the rest
@GypsySpellweaver Exactly.
@JesseBarnett I'd be glad to read it
Cashier and headphones are two well hashed possible targets.
@GypsySpellweaver that's a good idea
For misogynistic people there's no line being crossed... So they'll get pissy about these things.
That's one of the benefits to having the old canonical question
The biggest issue is that "Don't" answers usually do/should not challenge the frame of the question. Answering with don't is great, but its very different to frame challenges since you are answering in the questions original frame
The discussion, and flames, have already been had
@GypsySpellweaver That's the problem with a new site.
@apaul true ... but likely the misogynistic people are not reflecting and asking these questions, and they aren't considering the many answers from women ... so they're not listening anyway ... they have zero desire to confront truths and learn some IPS regarding communicating with women ...
It won't be new forever.
@GypsySpellweaver Hopefully.
Either it will get aged or it will get closed. Either way it won't be new.
Or learn from discussions already had in chat, apparently.
@GypsySpellweaver Yeap - it's like playing with data first in a lab. That's how I like to think of it.
Considering how much has happened in chat, main room or answer side room, we probably need a secretary to take minutes.
@GypsySpellweaver "Forever young" is a poetic way of saying "dead"

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