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Edit out the broadness, close as dupe, get reopened by a disagreeing other gold-badger, start a new war on meta
I feel very rich now that I have three bounties going at one time :P
@Jenayah The existing answers already addressed the non-duplicate part.
That DC one seems like an interesting story
I hate how limited search-within-page is on Firefox (and Chrome [and presumably Safari because it sucks])
Q: I am looking for a book written late 70s early 80s

David MyersThe book or series is based in the future the character was born in a desolate world and grew up with an almost animalistic survivability. It was not by L.E. Modesitt. I want to say it had something to do with a binary sun.

Q: 2 Way Horcrux Chain

DemonLets say you had 3 wizards lets call them A, B and C. If A were to turn B & C into Horcruxs, B were to turn A & C into Horcruxs and C were to turn A & B into Horcruxs. Would killing wizard A destroy the Horcruxs B & C had placed on them or would the Horcruxs remain due to a fragment of A’s soul e...

Q: Symbolism in Frank Herbert's Dune (kundalini anyone?)

John SorflatenHave any reviewers of Frank Herbert's Dune commented that the worms represent kundalini and that the vocal commands given to them represent the power of mantra? If so, what did they say the "spice trade" represents?

2 hours later…
Q: Book about Teenagers who find Ancient Lizard Creature in Stasis, then Accompany him on Adventures to Undersea City

RolandusWhen I was a kid, I used to read a book (likely from the '60s) about a pair of kids who find an ancient lizard/fish man inside a cave. The cave has been recently exposed by an earthquake and the creature is inside a super technologically advanced stasis chamber. I think this creature's name is so...

Q: Valentine the Dark Avenger

WilliamWho owns the rights to Valentine the Dark Avenger? It seems funny to me that it uses the name Avenger but its not made by Disney owned Marvel. I'm not quite certain if this question is either to basic or not in the scope for the site.

I'm starting on DC's Legend of Tomorrow and only 6 episodes in so far. It seems to have a lot of British influence, which I don't think meshes well with the DC superhero genre. Am I reading this right, does it come off like a British show?
Q: Lost novel with telepathy

samYears ago, I read a novel whose title I'd like to rediscover. What I can remember is this: The novel's world has powerful, amoral-or-evil telepaths who are in a dominant social position. They've got large, unusually-shaped heads. They might be aliens? It must have been published before 1996. I'...

What does "suspended for rules violations" cover?
@DavidW how did you get "all flat" from "aolis"?
Wait never mind
That wasn't your edit
@Stormblessed Whew, you scared me for a second. :)
Q: Did Han Solo shoot Darth Vader’s wingman tie fighter from the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon?

HRIATEXPIn Stars Wars IV: A New Hope, did Han Solo shoot Darth Vader’s wingman tie fighter from his chair in the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon or from one of the Falcon’s two swiveling gun turrets? If he was in one of the swiveling gun turrets, then Chewbacca was flying the Falcon at that moment and ...

@Stormblessed Now just imagine it as a fanfiction.
@YetAnotherRandomUser well Rip was a Brit I think?
@Jenayah Given that you've basically asked for me to challenge your reviews, was your point that the question was unclear because it doesn't specify where it occurred? Because where do you draw the line? If it says it happened in the book, is it unclear because it doesn't tell us which chapter? If it tells us which chapter, is it unclear because it doesn't give us a page number? At some point we have to grant that some people will get the reference and some people won't.
(Obviously, this is not meant antagonistically.)
Unrelated: I wonder if a question I closed as a duplicate which then got reopened gets closed again as a duplicate of a different question, will I have the power to edit the duplicate list to the one I originally closed it based on, even though I no longer have the ability to actually close the question?
Alternatively, as it seems that the Primarily Opinion-Based votes will be the majority, I will be in the strange position of having to vote to reopen a question that I closed as a duplicate.
Alternatively alternatively, what happens if the majority vote is Primarily Opinion-Based, but the fifth vote is a gold badge user or moderator with a duplicate vote? Which reason will be displayed?
@Alex well I think it's the responsibility of the question to make sure most people will understand what it's about. I do remember some dust in the movie, not sure about the book, and in both cases I don't remember possession. So, unclear for me
No need to provide chapters, pages etc, but context is important, yeah
@Alex LOL brain knots for you :D
@Jenayah Sure, but where do you draw the line? Every Game of Thrones question is unclear to me because I haven't the slightest idea what any of that stuff is about.
@Alex dupe
@Jenayah Are you sure?
Happened yesterday
I haven't yet found a post on Meta.
That went on the queue for being too broad scifi.stackexchange.com/review/close/145240
I think the behavior would be the same
@Alex if I can reasonably understand the thing without knowing the work, it's not that unclear. If I'm just completely baffled with zero idea what's going on, there's a Skip button
@Jenayah But that case never received five votes, so it can't be closed as Too Broad.
Mmmmh possibly
I still think dupe overrides
Because expertise in the thing etc etc
@Jenayah But how is a reviewer to know if it's unclear to them because it's inherently unclear, or because they just don't know the work. For example, experts in the movie would presumably have understood the question immediately.
Anyway, the fifth vote was from a regular citizen, so it won't apply in this case.
@Alex Gut feeling? If they're sure enoigh to take close action, experts still have reopen votes. Reviews aren't supposed to always be without disagreements
@Jenayah And I've used mine...
Though I'd expect there to be more to it, otherwise I might try to close every question on Stack Overflow.
Though actually, your vote wasn't a close vote, it was a leave closed vote in response to my reopen vote.
@Alex yep
@Alex if you get too much declined flags you won't be able to send them to queue anymore
And you can't vote yet, you lack some 2899 rep
@Jenayah Technically more since I don't have an account. Though as soon as I sign up I'll get 101
@Jenayah Ah, so you're trying to tell me I'm not an expert.
@NapoleonWilson I pinned both. Floof Lord @Gallifreyan said that in the event of a floof dispute there should be no losers.
A: How does the site pick the reason for closure?

Rand al'ThorFrom main meta: the rule is as follows. If the last close vote was cast by a hammer (moderator, or gold tag badger closing as duplicate), their close reason is displayed. If one close reason outweighs the others in number of votes cast, that one is displayed. If there's a tie in votes between t...

@Randal'Thor Ha, I was just about to ask you if you know the answer.
Q: Why didn't The Mountain enforce Cersie's order?

KharoBangdoIn S07E07 "The Dragon and the Wolf" of Game of Thrones, while Jaime is preparing his troops to march to Winterfell, Cersie pulls him aside & tells him she means to double cross the rest. She has no intention of helping Dany & Jon. Jaime says he made a promise to fight for the living & he inte...

Though the Main Meta sources don't seem particularly definitive.
I may have improved the answer using my own experience as well as just quoting from main meta.
@Randal'Thor Ah. Well does your experience tell you anything about my first option?
50 mins ago, by Alex
Unrelated: I wonder if a question I closed as a duplicate which then got reopened gets closed again as a duplicate of a different question, will I have the power to edit the duplicate list to the one I originally closed it based on, even though I no longer have the ability to actually close the question?
@Alex Dunno.
I'm fuzzy on the dupehammer differences between mods and gold badgers.
Back to the unclear question, it may be worth noting that the question originally mentioned that it occurred in Order of the Phoenix. A subsequent edit sacrificed that bit of clarity in order to make the title provide a better idea of what the question was actually about.
I'd guess yes, but I'd be leery of actually doing it because it seems like something you kinda shouldn't do.
@Alex in programming? Thought you said you weren't, no
@Jenayah In Harry Potter.
@Alex dang, now that would have been useful. I mean I'd still have left closed. But at least that clarifies it's not about, say, finale of Battle of Hogwarts or stuff
@Randal'Thor Well then we'd end up with a case where a question about Horcrux chains is not a duplicate of another question about Horcrux chains but is a duplicate of a question about what makes Horcrux containers hard to desroy.
@Jenayah And I'd still have challenged your vote, so it looks like it didn't cause much harm in that regard.
Though perhaps it would have swayed other voters.
Perhaps. Then it's the responsibility of the editor not to edit out context info.
True. Or the responsibility of the edit approvers (which in this case included the author).
Though as a new user you can't really expect proper understandig of the edit approval system.
Well someone with much more experience edited it afterwards.
But that person wouldn't necessarily know that a different edit had changed it.
And now you've edited it.
@Alex true but if they know what it's about, clarifying the question still is the edits responsibility
Not maybe, it deffo is
Depends. If the editor didn't think it was unclear, perhaps not.
There were pending close votes so better to edit it for clarity
Q: Giant alien robots controlled by dinosaures

talexI'm looking for the movie I watched in early 2000-th, but I'm not sure when it was filmed. Maybe in 80-th. It was about aliens invaded earth using giant robots. Rebels build their own robot from parts found in car dump. Main twist was that aliens was in fact dinosaur like creatures. I think it ...

Q: Why didn't Eitri join the fight?

Dhon JoeIn Avengers: Infinity War, after the passage of Thor, Groot and Rocket to Nidavellir, Eitri has nothing left to lose, his planet is dead and he can no longer forge weapons by himself. Given that he is huge and that he can defend himself or at least help, why did not Eitri join the Battle of Wakan...

Q: What does ".8" mean?

Zhang IronyIn Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018), as Han controls the plane, he contacts Beckett: Beckett, we're .8 from the bridge! Val's still on the track! What does ".8" mean?

@Alex I guess in that case you could flag for a mod to fix the dupe map (just as you would if you didn't have a gold badge).
@Randal'Thor As a Bassett owner I approve this message
Cool so does that mean there are 3 CaT-Rex owners here? :p
Oy. I just scrolled through scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/…, looking to see if there was something that I could answer. But... most of them are fanfic IDs. >.<
3 of the top 5 aren't
@Randal'Thor But would you, given that a different gold badge user rejected that duplicate? Moderators tend to shy away from using their powers to support a side in a dispute.
@Alex Well, that's a part you didn't mention before. I guess it would depend on the individual case.
And I guess sometimes we have to resolve a dispute by supporting a side, if one of them is clearly/objectively more right than the other.
Well it looks like the reopen vote worked.
So maybe I should flag it now.
@TheLethalCarrot see pinned floof
Ah the other floof
2 hours later…
Q: Short story by Isaac Asimov about a mental chef

JoostI'm looking for a short story by Isaac Asmimov about someone who creates dishes not in the kitchen but by combining ingredients in his head.

Q: Significance of Cersei's obsession with elephants?

Ankit SharmaIn Game of Thrones S08E01, Cersei was so disappointed for not getting elephants and it's being part of so many memes and joke now, like: But why does elephant matter? Her competition/rivalry is with Daenerys/Starks etc. And they have dragons. So what purpose elephants can fulfill? What is the ...

Q: What's the meaning of "fortified infraction restraint"?

Zhang IronyIn Solo A Star Wars Story (2018), Lando shows his Millennium Falcon to his new friends: Han: Looks like you had a little work done. Lando: Indeed I have, Han. Installed an escape pod in the mandible notch, alluvial dampers, a wet bar. BECKETT: And a fortified infraction restrai...

I kind of want to change my Meta to be about Harry Potter fan-fiction, as those are the ones that are consistently completely terribly written
And all asking for the same uncreative stories
Terribly written != off toopic just DV and move on or ignore the tag
And there are well written HP fan fic IDs, it's just the subject matter is usually meh
@TheLethalCarrot I ignore it but there are so many it just makes the homescreen mostly white
There really aren't that many and you can opt to hide posts instead of fading them
@TheLethalCarrot I saw a post about that and tried it but the thing it said to do didn't work
@TheLethalCarrot Where's that?
I don't have any ignored tags to try it but selecting the first option and adding the tag should work
Home page right hand side
@TheLethalCarrot Thanks!
Nice circle
Writing a Meta answer on M&TV correcting a post linked in Help right now
@Stormblessed we've talked about that already, you can't forbid one without forbidding all others
Hey what are some bad movies I should put in my screenshot as hiding?
I have The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones
(This is on M&TV, not here)
Discussion starting here:
Jan 3 at 14:28, by Stormblessed
I’ve been looking through these Harry Potter fan fiction ids
@Stormblessed Now you see me
Never seen it but it's funny if that tag is hidden because... Y'know... Pun :P
@Jenayah lol
A: You can select tags to ignore

StormblessedThis changed at some point and is not in preferences; now the way to hide tags rather than just gray them out is a box on the right side of the homepage: If you click the Hide questions in your ignored tags button, they will be hidden now:

I used Inspect Element to change the second screenshot
Q: Combination spy novel and horror regarding "mind vampires"

user25505I am trying to track down a novel I read in December 1990 on my way to Saudi Arabia. Lost the book. It melded some Navy "moles" in the Pentagon funneling secrets (about a new plane) to the Russians along with a young Israeli counterintelligence officer and his family being murdered by a strange o...

@Stormblessed I think mine was well written.
@Alex But many are terrible
I haven't seen yours
Q: Fanfiction in which Ginny goes to school in America

AlexI read a fanfiction a while ago (probably at least five years ago) that I can't seem to find. Note, that I don't actually want to read it; I'm only asking about it because I find it mysterious that I can't find it. So if you can answer the question without providing a place to read it, that is fi...

Now you’ve seen it.
Q: Is the earth round or flat?

CornyCornI have found source that says the earth is flat but when I google earth i see that it is round. So what is it? Earth flatt? :https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flat_Earth_Society_(organisatie) Earth google: https://www.google.com/search?q=earth&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjJ84W-q9fhAhUBU1AK...

Q: What did Thanos do to Eitri's hands?

PamWhat did Thanos do to Eitri's hands? Are they: encased in metal? cut off and replaced (by Eitri or Thanos) with metal? turned to metal? something else? In Avengers: Infinity War, Eitri reports on Thanos' visit: Eitri: I thought if I did what he asked, they'd be safe. I made what he wanted...

Q: What are the out-of-universe reasons for the references to Toby Maguire-era Spider-Man in ITSV

ThePopMachineWe see numerous iconic scenes directly lifted from the Tobey Maguire-era Spider-Man films in Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse, such as: etc. What are in out-of-universe reasons (rights, story-telling, fan-service etc.) for the inclusion of this era and not the eras of Andrew Garfield or Tom H...

Q: What is the appropriate reading order for Sword Art Online?

NicholasFrom Googling around a bit I've gotten the impression that: The Light Novels (LNs) are the source material The "Progressive" novels (PNs) expand upon the source material The Manga was adapted from the source and contains no new content The Anime was adapted from the source and contains no new c...

Q: SciFi series, one book about some criminal with his extra day cells in suitcases

lsdDidn't know how to reduce subject to one sentence. It was a series, something like Spaceways Patrol or something. Kind of pulpy, maybe, around the 80s. Small books, maybe around 150 pages. One of the books had some guy who was storing his fat outside of his body in cases maybe, and when they ...

Q: Anime in which aliens invade Earth which a robot scientist makes a toy to robot

AzzaultzI don't remember the plot but in the anime a scientist makes a boy's toy into a robot to fight the alien robot. The anime was very new and had very good animation. The boy controlled the robot in white colour maybe to fight the alien robot.

2 hours later…
Q: Half Blood Prince and the Death Eaters at Diagon Alley

Jordan CarreiraIn the beginning of the Half Blood Prince, you can see death eaters blowing up the wall to diagon alley. So, wouldn’t the muggles be able to see and walk straight into the wizard world?

Q: Which Star Trek series had which of these characteristics?

Ben CrowellStar Trek ToS was risky and different for the studio to produce, because it was unusual to do a science fiction series with recurring characters. (Doctor Who was earlier, though.) Along with the continuing plot line came a pretty consistent tone. In fact, early episodes of ToS had a certain set o...

No, it is just a joke. Currently, there is a "war" on YouTube between its 5 year #1 Content creator, Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg, AKA "Pewdiepie" and an Indian corporate giant named T-Series. A meme has sprung up, "subscribe to Pewdiepie" and that was what this is about. Tserissubribtion = T-Series Subscribtion and Pedipiesubribtion = Pewdiepie Subcrition. I will edit this comment to make it legit, I do really love this series. — BossCoreLuxin 1 min ago
Start flagging these as spam, or just let VLQ deal with them?
Q: Could Michael Gambon possibly be in the Fantastic Beasts series?

Jordan CarreiraI am asking this because in the Half Blood Prince we see a younger version of Dumbledore (that is still played by Michael Gambon) And Voldemort was born 1926 (I think) so when it shows Voldemort as a kid, the time would’ve been atleast 1930s. So when Fantastic Beasts 3,4 or 5 come out, wouldn’t t...

@DavidW nah, it's been edited into a sorta answer now :)
In any case, the joke would just have been VLQ, I think
Q: What is the visual aesthetic of Brave New World

MrXIn Brave New World does Huxley ever describe the look of the World State? The buildings, clothing, technology, or anything like that?

@Jenayah When I asked that the user had already posted a second very similar "answer" on another question, and the comment made me fear it was just the start.
@DavidW ah, yes. Saw that afterwards in VLQ queue. I still don't think those are actually spam, just someone who's following whatever war there is, but now that the off-topic chatter has been edited out and commented on I think the message should've gone through
This feels like a drive-by user IMHO
@Jenayah The initial message, at the point I saw it, was just garbage; it got improved shortly after. Still, sorry for over-reacting.
No, not at all. It was indeed VVLQ and furthermore if that went on in another post.
very hard eyeroll
@DavidW If you haven't heard about this yet, I envy whatever bubble you live in ;)
I've literally run into kids who shouted "subscribe to PewDiePie" at me in the street.
Probably the same bubble as me.
@Mithrandir ?
@Alex count me in.
@Mithrandir people are weird
Apr 14 at 16:04, by Alex
Jenayah = Alex?
@Mithrandir oh I though you were eyerolling me
@Jenayah I was subscribed before this whole thing started. I'm about ready to unsubscribe because I've gotten uncomfortable with the whole thing.
@Alex it's the other way around. Alex = Jenayah
@Jenayah Depends who's older.
@Mithrandir I've watched like two or three videos of the guy. He screams too much.
That can be said of just about any professional YouTube creator ;)
@Jenayah "=" is transitive.
@Mithrandir You must live somewhere far more interesting than I do. I think I've heard of PewDiePie before, but not in at least 2 years.
@DavidW Not when you're talking about accounts... depending on the order, it changes which one is the master account :P
@DavidW so Alex = Alex. That's a good thing.
@Mithrandir Oh, well then you're either talking about "==" or ":="
@DavidW The Golan can be considered "interesting" in a few different ways, I guess, but I didn’t think it was that special in knowing about internet drama ;) More that they're probably more likely to yell that at a teen than an adult, I'd suppose.
Woah, wait. We're talking about math = or logical =?
@Jenayah True. Can you imagine if Alex != Alex?
@Jenayah I started out talking about math. Math background. It's still the One True Way to process the universe. :)
@Jenayah How is that a good thing?
@DavidW Oh, what a world that would be.
@DavidW well...
@DavidW you're confusing math and coffee.
@Jenayah This confirms this:
Mar 8 at 17:05, by Alex
Jan 31 at 19:33, by Alex
Dec 30 '18 at 22:11, by Alex
Dec 3 at 19:52, by Alex
Nov 28 at 20:33, by Jenayah
Nov 2 at 18:22, by Jenayah
@Alex you're an unsufferable twisted, bully boy turning into an evil snakelike creature after splitting his own soul?
@Alex you're yourself. Isn't that great?
@Alex do you have some kind of quota? Like, have to quote this once a month at least? Lol
@Jenayah Math is how you look at the world. Coffee is how you cope. :)
@Jenayah No. It's just a reference to: "Firstly, I hope you noticed Riddle's reaction when I mentioned that another shared his first name, 'Tom'?" Harry nodded. "There he showed his contempt for anything that tied him to other people, anything that made him ordinary. Even then, he wished to be different, separate, notorious.
@Jenayah That depends on whether myself is great.
@Alex oh you're different separate and notorious alright
@Alex how so?
@DavidW one for the ages ahah
22 hours ago, by Alex
@Jenayah In a good way?
Hey, @Alex, in the future, could you do me a favor please? Source your quotes to the chapter in posts. It makes answering easier when I can directly look up context.
@Jenayah Well if myself is not great then being myself probably wouldn't be great.
...I'm now rifling through GoF looking for context.
@Mithrandir Which post?
These messages will remain conspicuously devoid of context without a link to the post.
I usually do include chapters, or at least something like "the end of Goblet of Fire".
"At the start-of-term-feast" was in lieu of a chapter number.
But that would make it Chapter Twelve.
The quote from Ron is Chapter Fifteen.
Yep, just found it. Thanks.
Now I'm expecting an answer.
@Alex no, how does (you being great) means​ (you being yourself) is great?
@Jenayah You wrote: you're yourself. Isn't that great?
Ah nevermind missed the arrow
That implies that it is great to be myself. So my response is only if myself is great.
Mobile chat sux
Like if you said it would be great to be Dumbledore, I would say only if Dumbledore is in fact great.
I never said it'd be great to be you
This is practically a spectator sport.
You should consider taking it on the road. :)
Alex seems as confident in what they're saying than I am completely and utterly lost
@Alex Fine.
I just have to edit in a couple more things.
6 mins ago, by Alex
@Jenayah You wrote: you're yourself. Isn't that great?
A: X-Men: Origin of the pronunciation of "Xavier"

Paul aka HarryNo one says X-zerox for Xerox No one says X-zylophone for Xylophone No one says X-zenophobe for Xenophone No one says X-zylograph for Xylograph Why do people so many ignorant people insist on saying "X" before they say Xavier????

I don't get it?
@Jenayah Alex probably seems confident even when totally wrong.
Feb 25 at 21:52, by Jenayah
You don't watch much live sports, do you? :P
@Jenayah The question was about why the name is pronounced "egg-savier". The answer is saying that it actually makes no sense to pronounce it as "egg-savier".
@Jenayah Complaining about the pronunciation (in English) of "Xavier" as "Eksavier" with an initial schwa instead of starting with a consonant.
(FWIW, I tend to pronounce it more as 'zavier with an initial glottal. But I'm weird; nobody copy me.)
Too late.
Gzavier Gzavier Gzavier.
@Alex that may have inspired me to ask another question
@Mithrandir If you're going on an "answer Alex's questions" spree, go for this one next:
Q: How many times did the library fail Hermione?

AlexGoblet of Fire Chapter 26 “There’s a way of doing it!” Hermione said crossly. “There just has to be!” She seemed to be taking the library’s lack of useful information on the subject as a personal insult; it had never failed her before. Half Blood Prince Chapter 18 Meanwhile...

The current answer doesn't really address the contradiction.
I can't explain that any more than "JKR".
@Jenayah How very civilized sounding. Like a proper name a real person would have.
Mar 6 at 20:59, by Jenayah
sounds more classy in French though
@DavidW what you and Alex said :D
@Alex this question is dedicated to you and your dedication to nitpicking
Q: Why does Hermione say "how often do I have to tell you" when telling Ron that you can't (Dis)apparate inside the Hogwarts grounds?

MithrandirWhile writing an answer to Was there any reason to think that there might be students younger than 17 coming for the Triwizard Tournament?, I came across this line: “A Portkey?” Ron suggested. “Or they could Apparate — maybe you’re allowed to do it under seventeen wherever they come from?” ...

I always thought it was pronounced Dave.
@Mithrandir Excellent.
Q: Fantasy story; one type of magic grows in power with use, but the more powerful they are, they more they are drawn to travel to their source

Michael RichardsonWorld is a non-Earth and mostly steriotypical sword and sorcery. I think there were only humans. I believe it was a stand alone novel, but it could have been in a series. I think it was written in the 70's or 80's. The main character is recruiting magic users to go with an army to land far to...

Q: Looking for name of book, dragons in human form

Mike GraneyRead this book several years ago for free on my kindle. It began with a girls attempted suicide interrupted by a man, I believe he heals her? we later find out he is a dragon. He lives with several others also dragons he eventually tells her about them. There is contention between the dragon peop...

Arg! Okay, I'm not going to edit posts in review anymore. I'm just going to pass them and fix them after. :-P
Try editing posts in review, from mobile, when someone else already did and the system randomly lets you push the edit or not... :P
Quick fix is cancelling the edit, then loading the new version, and if stuff still has to be improved, edit again and still from review
Quick fix is destroying your mobile device.
Q: How did Kyle Reese know what to buy to make pipe bombs?

SeamusthedogAfter fleeing the police station and checking into the motel, Kyle goes shopping for supplies returning with moth balls, corn syrup etc but how did he know what to buy? I think that in the original timeline Kyle was born after Judgment Day so wouldn't be used to shops or products so how did he ma...

True enough
Wait, no
I thought you meant my workflow wasn't optimal​on mobile which is true
But I'm not destroying my phone
@Jenayah Why not? You seem happy to destroy mine:
Jan 13 at 22:14, by Jenayah
meh. Surely I broke your phone some other time
> (If it were me I'd probably do it deliberately just to annoy Hermione.)
Two things
You totally would
And I think that's like the first time I read this kind of "chatty" comment in a post of yours
@Jenayah I think I might be getting confused between you and Hermione.
@Jenayah Could be. (I’ll try to find others.) Does this count as revealing a personal secret?
@Alex sorry, I'm no witch :P
@Alex nope, just that it's unusual Ina post of yours :) not that it's bad or anything. Just unusual
@Jenayah I didn’t mean “bad” either. Just that in the past you have been quick to point out when the normally secretive Alex gave away personal information.
@Alex nah I'd have been anvil-subtle if it had been that :P
@Alex I'm still not a witch :P
Q: Why didn't Gimli know the password to enter Moria?

ZapSince Gimli was very proud of the dwarves hospitality, how come he didn't know the password to enter the mines? Additionally, what awakened Balrog? Was it the greedy dwarves mining too deep? Was it the Ring?

Q: How Would You Feel/React If Your Significant Other Was An Assassin?

SouthsidePyperI know this question is so weird and probably as random as they can get, but it’s always been a genuine interest of mine to find out how people would react if they were to find something like this out after reading an article of a man who was put in this exact situation. And if games where you pl...

Q: Why didn’t dementors fight with Voldemort in the last battle of Hogwarts?

ZachWhy didn’t the dementors fight with Voldemort in the last battle of Hogwarts?

Q: In Deathly Hallows Part 2, when Harry, Ron, and Hermione were with Aberforth and it showed Ariana, what was she holding in her hands?

Jordan CarreiraIn Deathly Hallows Part 2, Ariana is shown holding a book in her hands, I believe it had some writing printed at the top. So I had been wondering what book was it? And if it meant something to her or if it was something important.

@Stormblessed while you're at it this shouldn't read Stars Wars scifi.stackexchange.com/posts/209215/revisions
+alt text on there answers etc etc... Cleaning up threads and all :P
Now waiting for Napoleon to make a joke about people browsing the web in consoles ;)
@Marvin Now that’s actually a question that asks for opinions.
If even you say it... :P
Though it’s also off-topic.
That reminds me...
There was another case where I objected to a Too Broad closure.
Though I don’t think I left a comment.
Q: Which science fiction universe holds the title of furthest distance travelled in one voyage?

TonksMI'm curious as to which work of science fiction can lay claim to furthest distance travelled in one trip by non-Wormhole, non-space shortening, non-teleportation means. So stuff like Q or the Traveller zapping the Enterprise somewhere; or the TARDIS' ability travel to any point in the Universe do...

Ah, it actually has a couple of close votes.
Q: Palpatine's flesh in Episode 9. Damaged or undamaged?

Frank RodriguezIn Star Wars EU, Palpatine's clones lacked the Sith lightning damage that the original Palpatine had sustained from fighting Mace Windu. Assuming that the Palpatine in Episode 9 is a clone, would his skin show damage?

We should have a specific close reason for future works
So it’s clearer why questions are closed to the askers so they might know not to ask future works questions
@Stormblessed Suggest one.
Q: Should we add an off-topic close reason for "future works"?

NullCurrent status: we do not have consensus to pursue this under the present system (which only allows custom off-topic close reasons). We may re-visit this if the system is changed to allow a custom close reason for a different type (e.g. "primarily opinion-based"). We have a policy that questio...

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